1 cable
['keibl] 1. noun1) ((a) strong rope or chain for hauling or tying anything, especially a ship.) žična vrv2) ((a set of) wires for carrying electric current or signals: They are laying (a) new cable.) kabel3) ((a rope made of) strands of metal wound together for supporting a bridge etc.) žična vrv4) ((also cablegram) a telegram sent by cable.) kabelska brzojavka5) (cable television.) kabelska televizija2. verb(to telegraph by cable: I cabled news of my mother's death to our relations in Canada.) brzojaviti- cable television
- cable TV* * *I [kéibl]nounvrv, kabel; sidrenjak, vrv za sidro; globinska mera 231 m; kablogramcable's length — dolžinska mera (American 720 feet, British English 606 feet [1/4 milje])cable way ( —ali car) — žičnica, vzpenjačaII [kéibl]transitive verb & intransitive verbs kablom vezati; telegrafirati, brzojaviti po kablu -
2 cord
[ko:d]1) ((a piece of) thin rope or thick string: The burglars tied up the nightwatchman with thick cord.) vrv2) (a string-like part of the body: the spinal cord; the vocal cords.) hrbtenjača; glasilke3) (a length of electric cable or flex attached to an electrical appliance: the cord of his electric razor.) žica4) (a kind of velvet fabric with a ribbed appearance; (in plural) trousers made of this: a pair of cords.) rebrasti žamet; žametaste hlače* * *I [kɔ:d]nounvrv; rebrasta tkanina, rebrasti žamet; vez; seženj, votla mera 128 kub. čevljevplural colloquially hlače iz rebraste tkanine; anatomy vocal cords — glasilkeII [kɔ:d]transitive verbz vrvjo zvezati, privezati
См. также в других словарях:
cable length — n. a unit of length used to measure nautical distances or depths, in the U.S. equal to 120 fathoms or 720 ft (219.456 m): in Britain equal to 101.26 fathoms or 607.56 ft (185.184 m) or about one tenth of a nautical mile * * * … Universalium
cable length — n. a unit of length used to measure nautical distances or depths, in the U.S. equal to 120 fathoms or 720 ft (219.456 m): in Britain equal to 101.26 fathoms or 607.56 ft (185.184 m) or about one tenth of a nautical mile … English World dictionary
cable length — noun a nautical unit of depth • Syn: ↑cable, ↑cable s length • Hypernyms: ↑linear unit, ↑linear measure * * * noun : a maritime unit of length based on the length of a ship s cable and variously reckoned as equal to 100 fathoms, 1/10 of the n … Useful english dictionary
Cable length — A cable length or cable s length is a nautical unit of measure equal to one tenth of a nautical mile or 100 fathoms, or sometimes 120 fathoms. The unit is named after the length of a ship s anchor cable in the age of sail. The definition varies:* … Wikipedia
cable length — /ˈkeɪbəl lɛŋθ/ (say kaybuhl length) noun a unit of length, one tenth of a nautical mile. Also, cable, cable s length …
cable-length — caˈble length or caˈble s length noun A tenth of a nautical mile, approx 183 metres (200 yards) or 100 fathoms (in USA, approx 219 metres (720 feet) or 120 fathoms) • • • Main Entry: ↑cable … Useful english dictionary
cable length. — See cable s length. * * * … Universalium
cable length. — See cable s length … Useful english dictionary
cable length — noun Date: 1555 a maritime unit of length variously reckoned as 100 fathoms, 120 fathoms, or 608 feet … New Collegiate Dictionary
cable length — noun One tenth (1/10) of a nautical mile … Wiktionary
Cable (unidad de longitud) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un cable es una unidad de longitud náutica utilizada a veces para medir distancias cortas o la profundidad de un cuerpo en el agua. Actualmente es considerada arcaica e imprecisa y cayó prácticamente en desuso. Por… … Wikipedia Español