1 byte-coded
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > byte-coded
2 byte-coded
Вычислительная техника: с байтовым представлением -
3 byte-coded
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > byte-coded
4 byte-coded
5 с байтовым представлением
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > с байтовым представлением
6 code
1) кода) совокупность символов или сигналов и система правил для представления информации в виде последовательности элементов такой совокупностиб) вчт программа; текст программы2) кодироватьа) представлять информацию в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт программировать3) pl вчт скрытые коды (напр. в текстовых редакторах)4) бион генетический код5) модулировать (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)7) кодекс•- absolute code
- access code
- adaptive code
- additional code
- address code
- air-to-ground liaison code
- A-law code
- Alfa code
- alphanumeric code
- alternate mark inversion code
- AMI code
- answerback code
- area code
- assembly code
- authentication code
- authorization code
- automatic code
- auxiliary code
- balanced code
- bank code
- bar code
- Barker code
- base station identity code
- Baudot code
- BCD code
- BCH code
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biorthogonal code
- bipolar code
- bipolar with N-zero substitution code
- biquinary code
- block code
- BNZS code
- boot code
- bootstrap code
- Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
- break code
- brevity code
- BT code
- burst-correcting code
- burst-detecting code
- burst-trapping code- C/A code- cable code
- cable Morse code
- call directing code
- call-station code
- capacitor color code
- card code
- carrier identification code
- chain code
- channel code
- character code
- circulant code
- close-packed code
- coarse acquisition code
- color code
- color bar code
- command code
- complementary code
- complementary Golay code
- completion code
- computer code
- computer numerical code
- concatenated code
- condensation code
- condition code
- constant-weight code
- Continental code
- control code
- convolution code
- convolutional code
- country code- cue code- cyclic code
- cyclic binary code
- decimal code
- decomposable Golay code
- dense binary code
- destination code
- device code
- diffuse code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-adjacent error-correcting code
- drawing code
- DVD regional code
- EFM code
- EIA color code
- eight-level code
- eight-to-fourteen modulation code
- elaborated code
- electrical code
- electrical safety code
- entropy code
- equal-length code
- equidistant code
- equipment manufacturer code
- error code
- error-control code - escape code
- excess-three code
- executable machine code
- extended binary-coded decimal interchange-code
- extremal code
- feedback balanced code
- fieldata code
- firewall code
- five-level code
- fixed-length code
- fixed-weight code
- format code
- four-of-eight code
- four-out-of-eight code
- fractal code
- framing code
- full frame time code
- function code
- GBT code
- generalized burst-trapping code
- genetic code - group code
- Hamming code
- hidden codes - HSF code
- Huffman-Shannon-Fano code
- ID code
- identification code
- identity code
- inheritance code
- in-line code
- instruction code
- interchange code
- interlace code
- interleaved code
- International cable code
- international Morse code - interrupt code
- inverted code
- iterative code
- jargon code
- Java code
- key code
- lead color code
- legacy code
- line code
- linear code
- lock code
- longitudinal time code
- loop code
- machine code
- macro code
- magnetic tape code
- majority-decodable code
- make code
- Manchester code
- Manchester II code
- manipulation detection code
- manufacturer code
- maximally compressed pattern recognition code
- message authentication code
- Miller code
- minimum redundance code
- mnemonic code
- mobile country code
- mobile network code
- modular code
- Moore code
- Morse code
- Morse cable code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-burst code
- mutual code
- N-address code
- N-ary code
- native code
- nonprint code
- nonreturn-to-zero code
- nonreturn-to-zero inverted code
- NRZ code
- NRZI code
- object code
- offset binary code
- on-drop frame time code
- one-level code
- open source code - P-code
- p-code
- parity code
- parity-checking code
- partial-response code
- path-invariant code
- perfect code
- permutation code
- permutation-modulation code
- pilot code
- PN code
- polynomial code
- position code
- postal code
- precision code
- predictive code
- prefix code
- primary address code
- printer-telegraph code
- printing-telegraph code
- PRN code
- progressive code
- progressive/sequential code
- pseudonoise code
- pseudorandom noise code
- pseudo-ternary code
- public code
- pulse code
- punched-card code
- punched-tape code
- punctured code
- quasi-cyclic code
- quasi-perfect code
- quaternary code
- quinbinary code
- radar code
- radar-type code
- radio paging code N 1
- randomized code
- Read-Solomon code - redundancy-reducing code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflective code
- regional code
- relocatable code
- reserved code
- residue code
- resistor color code
- restricted code
- RETMA color code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- RL code
- RMA color code
- robust code
- routing code
- run-length code
- RZ code
- salami code
- scan code
- search code
- secret code
- self-checking code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-documenting code
- self-dual code
- self-modifying code
- self-validating code
- sequential code
- servo code
- servo Gray code
- seven-unit teleprinter code
- SF code
- Shannon-Fano code
- shift codes
- short code
- signature code
- simplex code
- single-burst code
- SMPTE control code
- SMPTE time code
- source code
- spaghetti code
- specific code
- station-identification code
- stochastic code
- stop code
- straight-line code
- substitution error-correcting code
- synchronization error-correcting code
- systematic code
- systematic error-checking code
- tape code
- telegraph code
- teletype code
- teletypewriter code
- threaded code
- time code
- time address code
- time-invariant code
- transaction code - transparent code
- tree code
- trellis code
- twinned-binary code
- two-of-five code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-part code
- unbreakable code
- unipolar code
- unit disparity code
- unit-memory code - variable-length code
- variable-rate code
- Walsh code
- weighted code
- word code
- Wyner-Ash code
- zero-disparity code
- ZIP code
- zip code -
7 set
2) телевизионный приёмник, телевизор3) станция; установка; аппарат; устройство4) набор; комплект; группа; партия; серия5) множество; совокупность6) установка; регулирование; настройка || устанавливать; регулировать; настраивать7) вчт установка в состояние "1" || устанавливать в состояние "1"8) задание; назначение || задавать; назначать10) (психологическая) установка, предрасположенность к определённым действиям в определённой ситуации•- set of generating elements
- set of order statistics
- set of restrictions
- airborne radiometry set
- answer relay set
- antisidetone telephone set
- ASCII character set
- AT command set
- automatic telephone set
- automatic transistor test set
- automatic zero set
- balancer set
- beacon portable set
- bifurcation set
- bridging set
- built-in set
- cache set
- call-back telephone set
- carried set
- carrier set
- catastrophe set
- character set
- checkpoint data set
- chip set
- ciphering mode set
- coded character set
- coin-box set
- color TV set
- common-battery set
- compatible sets
- complete instruction set
- complex instruction set
- concatenated data set
- core set
- core set of modulation protocols
- core-logic chip set
- cradle set
- crystal set
- customer set
- cylinder set
- data set
- dial telephone set
- disjoint sets
- disjunctive set
- ECH set
- eddy-current heating set
- empty set
- extension set
- fault set
- four-wire terminating set
- fractal set
- fuzzy set
- handset telephone set
- Hayes command set
- Horn-convex set
- hybrid set
- independent set of lines
- independent set of points
- information set
- infrared-communications set
- instruction set
- interval-valued fuzzy sets
- invariant set
- Julia set
- key set
- lexicographically ordered set
- line data set
- local-battery telephone set
- loran set
- machine-instruction set
- magneto telephone set
- Mandelbrot set
- manual telephone set
- mask set
- master mask set
- membership set
- microprocessor set
- microprogram set
- model set
- modulized integrated-circuit TV set
- motor-generator set
- noise-measuring set
- normal set
- null set
- operator's head set
- paging telephone set
- Pareto set
- partitioned data set
- pointed-valued fuzzy sets
- push-button set
- radio set
- receiving set
- recurrent set
- reduced instruction set
- resolvent set
- ringing set
- satellite communication set
- self-affine fractal set
- sequential data set
- sferics set
- sidetone telephone set
- single-byte character set
- singleton set
- sound-powered telephone set
- spring set
- staff set
- stripe set
- structured set
- subaudio telegraph set
- subnormal set
- subscriber set
- tail warning radar set
- telegraph set
- telephone set
- telephone data set
- television set
- term set
- terminal set
- terminating set
- test set
- training set
- transistor TV set
- transmission distortion measuring set
- transmission measuring set
- TV set
- uncountable set
- unimodal set
- unitized TV set
- universal character set
- universal multiple-octet coded character set
- users set
- validation set
- vertex set
- volume set
- Zermelo set
- zero set -
8 set
2) телевизионный приёмник, телевизор3) станция; установка; аппарат; устройство4) набор; комплект; группа; партия; серия5) множество; совокупность6) установка; регулирование; настройка || устанавливать; регулировать; настраивать7) вчт. установка в состояние "1" || устанавливать в состояние "1"8) задание; назначение || задавать; назначать10) (психологическая) установка, предрасположенность к определённым действиям в определённой ситуации•- answer relay set
- antisidetone telephone set
- ASCII character set
- AT command set
- automatic telephone set
- automatic transistor test set
- automatic zero set
- balancer set
- beacon portable set
- bifurcation set
- bridging set
- built-in set
- cache set
- call-back telephone set
- carried set
- carrier set
- catastrophe set
- character set
- checkpoint data set
- chip set
- ciphering mode set
- coded character set
- coin-box set
- color TV set
- common-battery set
- compatible sets
- complete instruction set
- complex instruction set
- concatenated data set
- core set of modulation protocols
- core set
- core-logic chip set
- cradle set
- crystal set
- customer set
- cylinder set
- data set
- dial telephone set
- disjoint sets
- disjunctive set
- ECH set
- eddy-current heating set
- empty set
- extension set
- fault set
- four-wire terminating set
- fractal set
- fuzzy set
- handset telephone set
- Hayes command set
- Horn-convex set
- hybrid set
- independent set of lines
- independent set of points
- information set
- infrared-communications set
- instruction set
- interval-valued fuzzy sets
- invariant set
- Julia set
- key set
- lexicographically ordered set
- line data set
- local-battery telephone set
- loran set
- machine-instruction set
- magneto telephone set
- Mandelbrot set
- manual telephone set
- mask set
- master mask set
- membership set
- microprocessor set
- microprogram set
- model set
- modulized integrated-circuit TV set
- motor-generator set
- noise-measuring set
- normal set
- null set
- operator's head set
- paging telephone set
- Pareto set
- partitioned data set
- pointed-valued fuzzy sets
- push-button set
- radio set
- receiving set
- recurrent set
- reduced instruction set
- resolvent set
- ringing set
- satellite communication set
- self-affine fractal set
- sequential data set
- set of equations
- set of generating elements
- set of order statistics
- set of restrictions
- sferics set
- sidetone telephone set
- single-byte character set
- singleton set
- sound-powered telephone set
- spring set
- staff set
- stripe set
- structured set
- subaudio telegraph set
- subnormal set
- subscriber set
- tail warning radar set
- telegraph set
- telephone data set
- telephone set
- television set
- term set
- terminal set
- terminating set
- test set
- training set
- transistor TV set
- transmission distortion measuring set
- transmission measuring set
- TV set
- uncountable set
- unimodal set
- unitized TV set
- universal character set
- universal multiple-octet coded character set
- users set
- validation set
- vertex set
- volume set
- Zermelo set
- zero setThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > set
9 memory
- use up almost all of memory- acoustic memory
- active memory
- activity memory
- add-in memory
- add-on memory
- addressable memory
- addressed memory
- address-map memory
- adequate memory
- analog memory
- annex memory
- artificial memory
- associative memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- backing memory
- beam-addressable memory
- bipolar memory
- bit-organized memory
- block-oriented memory
- bootstrap memory
- braid memory
- braided-wire memory
- bubble memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory
- byte-organized memory
- byte-wide memory
- cache memory
- capacitor memory
- card memory
- carousel memory
- carrousel memory
- cassette memory
- catalog memory
- cathode-ray tube memory
- cathode-ray memory
- central memory
- character format memory
- character-organized memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-storage memory
- chemical memory
- circulating memory
- C-MOS memory
- color-coded memory
- common memory
- computer memory
- content addressed memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuous sheet memory
- control memory
- conventional memory
- core memory
- cryoelectric memory
- cryogenic continuous film memory
- cryogenic memory
- cryosar memory
- cryotron memory
- current-access memory
- cyclic memory
- cylindrical magnetic film memory
- cylindrical film memory
- cylindrical domain memory
- data addressed memory
- data memory
- dedicated memory
- delay-line memory
- delay memory
- demand-paged memory
- destructive read-out memory
- destructive memory
- destructive readout memory
- dicap memory
- direct access memory
- direct addressable memory
- disk memory
- display-list memory
- distributed logic memory
- distributed memory
- domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- DOS memory
- DOT memory
- DRO memory
- dual port memory
- dual-ported memory
- duplex memory
- dynamic memory
- eddy-card memory
- electrically alterable read-only memory
- electrostatic memory
- energy-conscious memory
- expanded memory
- external cache memory
- external memory
- fast memory
- fast-access memory
- ferrite core memory
- ferrite memory
- ferrite plate memory
- ferrite sheet memory
- ferroelectric memory
- fiber-optic memory
- field-access memory
- FIFO memory
- file memory
- film memory
- finite memory
- first-in first-out memory
- fixed memory
- fixed-head disk memory
- fixed-tag associative memory
- flip-flop memory
- floating-head disk memory
- floppy disk memory
- frame memory
- frame-buffer memory
- frequency memory
- fully associative memory
- fully interrogable associative memory
- general-purpose memory
- ghostable memory
- glitch memory
- global memory
- graphics memory
- head-per-track disk memory
- heap-allocated memory
- hierarchical memory
- high memory
- high-capacity memory
- high-density memory
- high-performance memory
- high-speed memory
- holographic memory
- honeycomb memory
- hybrid associative memory
- image memory
- immediate-access memory
- immediate memory
- inernal cache memory
- instantaneous memory
- insufficient memory
- integrated circuit memory
- intelligent memory
- interleaved memory
- intermediate memory
- intermediate storage memory
- internal memory
- keystroke memory
- large-capacity memory
- large memory
- laser memory
- laser-addressed memory
- least frequently used memory
- least recently used memory
- LFU memory
- linkage memory
- local memory
- logic-in memory
- long-access memory
- long-term memory
- long-time memory
- low memory
- low-capacity memory
- LRU memory
- magnetic bubble domain memory
- magnetic card memory
- magnetic core memory
- magnetic disk memory
- magnetic drum memory
- magnetic film memory
- magnetic memory
- magnetic plate memory
- magnetic rod memory
- magnetic strip memory
- magnetic tape memory
- magnetooptic memory
- mainframe memory
- main memory
- MAS memory
- massive memory
- mass memory
- matrix memory
- medium-capacity memory
- medium-speed access memory
- megabit memory
- memory shortage
- memory stack
- memory upgrade
- memory width
- metal-alumina-semiconductor memory
- metal-oxide-semiconductor memory
- microassociative memory
- microinstruction memory
- microprogram memory
- MNOS memory
- modular memory
- MOS memory
- MOS transistor memory
- movable-head disk memory
- multibank memory
- multibit-per-pixel display memory
- multidrive disk memory
- multiple-coincidence magnetic memory
- multiple-fixed tag associative memory
- multiport memory
- name memory
- n-channel MOS memory
- NDRO memory
- nesting memory
- nonaddressable memory
- nondestructive readout memory
- nondestructive memory
- nonvolatile memory
- no-wait memory
- no-wait-state memory
- N-wire memory
- off-chip memory
- off-screen memory
- on-board memory
- on-chip memory
- one-level memory
- optical memory
- optically accessed memory
- optically read memory
- optoelectronic memory
- orthogonal memory
- out of memory
- overlay memory
- page memory
- paged memory
- parallel memory
- parallel-access memory
- parallel-by-bit parallel-by-word associative memory
- parallel-search memory
- partial tag memory
- patch memory
- peripheral memory
- permanent memory
- persistent current memory
- phantom memory
- phased memory
- photoelectric memory
- photo-optic memory
- piggyback memory
- plant's memory
- plated-wire memory
- primary memory
- private memory
- program memory
- programmable read-only memory
- protected memory
- pseudostatic memory
- push-down memory
- quick-access memory
- R/W memory
- random-access memory
- rapid memory
- rapid-access memory
- rapid-random-access memory
- read/write memory
- read-mostly memory
- read-only memory
- real memory
- redial memory
- refresh memory
- regenerative memory - reprogrammable memory
- rotating memory
- rule memory
- Schottky bipolar memory
- scratch-pad memory
- screen memory
- search memory
- secondary memory
- secure memory
- segmentable memory
- segmented memory
- semiconductor memory
- semipermanent memory
- semirandom-access memory
- sequential access memory
- serial memory
- serial-access memory
- shareable memory
- shared memory
- sheet memory
- short-access memory
- short-term memory
- short-time memory
- slave memory
- slow memory
- small memory
- small-capacity memory
- smart memory
- special-purpose memory
- speech memory
- stable memory
- staged memory
- static memory
- static n-channel MOS memory
- structure memory
- superconducting memory
- switch memory
- symbol memory
- system configuration memory
- system memory
- table memory
- tag memory
- teaching memory
- tertiary memory
- text memory
- thermomagnetic writing memory
- thermooptic memory
- thin-film memory
- three-dimensional memory
- time-varying memory
- token memory
- trace memory
- translation memory
- tunnel-diode memory
- twistor memory
- two-dimensional memory
- two-dimensional word selection memory
- two-level memory
- ultrahigh-access memory
- ultraviolet erasable read-only memory
- unsecure memory
- user memory
- user-available memory
- variable-tag associative memory
- vector memory
- video memory
- virtual memory
- volatile memory
- word memory
- word-organized memory
- word-wide memory
- working memory
- woven plated-wire memory
- woven wire memory
- writable memory
- write-once memory
- write-protected memory
- zero-access memoryEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > memory
10 operation
1) работа; функционирование2) матем. действие3) эксплуатация4) (технологическая) операция; процесс; цикл ( обработки)6) управление7) вчт. операция; команда8) предприятие•-
abnormal operation
acquisition operation
aerial operation
aerial survey operation
aerial work operation
aerobatics operation
aerospace operations
air-bumped-and-rinse operation
aircraft operations
air-lift well operation
airport facilities operation
alignment operation
all-weather operations
AND operation
approach operation
arithmetic operation
artificial-lift well operation
associated fire control operation
asynchronous operation
attached operation
attempted operation
attended operation
authorized operation
automated operation
automatic block operation
averaging operation
background operation
batch operation
bidirectional operation
bilevel operation
binary operation
bistable operation
bitwise operation
bit operation
blanking operation
blasting operation
blocking-off operation
bookkeeping operations
Boolean operation
both-way operation
brake test operation
braking operation
branch operation
breaking operation
bytewise operation
byte operation
cable operation
Carnot operation
carrier-recovery operation
cation-anion operation
caving operations
cavitation-free operation
centralized operation
channel operation
check operation
chipping-and-hauling operation
class A operation
class B operation
class C operation
climb to cruise operation
closing operation
CNC operation
cocurrent operation
coded operation
co-frequency operation
cold end operation
commercial operation
comparison operation
complete operation
concurrent operation
conjunction operation
continual harvesting operations
continuous operation
continuous-wave operation
control operation
counter-current operation
critical operation
cutting operation
cycle operation
declarative operation
decrement operation
demonstration operation
dependent manual operation
dependent power operation
diplex operation
disjunction operation
diversity operation
docked operation
docking operations
domestic operations
double-track operation
dredging operations
dressing operation
drifting operation
drilling and blasting operations
drilling operation
dual operation
dual-point operation
duplex operation
dyadic operation
emergency operation
engine run-up operation
en-route operation
except operation
exclusive OR operation
experimental operation
explosionproof operation
face operations
fail-safe operation
fail-soft operation
failure-free operation
false operation
fault tolerant operation
faulty operation
felling operation
ferry operation
field operation
final felling operations
finite reflux operation
fire control operation
fixed-cycle operation
fixed-point operation
flashing operation
floating-point operation
flowing well operation
foreground operation
forest harvesting operations
free-flier operation
free-flying operation
freight operation
fretting operation
fringe operation
full tree operations
full-duplex operation
gas-lift well operation
gate operation
general aviation operations
generic operation
get-home engine operation
half-duplex operation
hands-off operation
harvesting operations
hauling operation
helicopter logging operation
high-gain operation
high-speed operation
hot end operation
hot-stick operation
housekeeping operation
hydropacker plunger lift well operation
idling engine operation
IF-THEN operation
illegal operation
impeded harmonic operation
implication operation
in-channel operation
increment operation
independent manual operation
individual-point operation
indoor operation
infinite reflux operation
in-phase operation
input/output operation
instruction operation
instrument flight rules operation
integer operation
international operations
iterative operation
jump operation
kernel operation
kiln operation
lagging power factor operation
landing operation
large-scale space operations
large-signal operation
leading power factor operation
leveling operation
level-off operation
linear operation
lock-on operation
logging operations
logical operation
loop operation
low flying operation
low-effort operation
low-gain operation
lumbering operation
machine operation
machining operation
maintenance operation
manual operation
marginal operation
measuring operation
mechanical operation
mechanized logging operations
melting operation
mill operation
minimally-manned operation
minimal operation
model operation
monadic operation
monostable operation
move operation
multicarrier operation
multimode operation
multiple operation
multiple-stream operation
multiple-unit operation
multiplex operation
NAND operation
no operation
no-load operation
noncentralized operation
noncommercial operations
noncondensing operation
nonextraction operation
nonfailure operation
nonresiduum operation
nonscheduled operations
nonslagging operation
NOR operation
normal pump operation
NOT operation
NOT-AND operation
NOT-OR operation
off-design operation
off-line operation
one-shot operation
one-step operation
on-line operation
on-off operation
open-air operation
open-hearth operation
opening operation
OR operation
outdoor operation
overburden operations
packet-mode operation
packet-switching operation
parallel operation
partial reflux operation
passenger operations
peak load operation
pleasure operation
point operation
point-to-point operation
positioning operation
post-drill operation
post-fault operation
power patrol operation
power station operation
power system operation
practice operation
predrill operation
primitive operation
products pipeline operation
pull-in operation
pulse laser operation
pulsed operation
punched tape operation
push-pull operation
push-push operation
quadrature operation
quantizing operation
quarry operation
rafting operation
read operation
real-time operation
refusing operation
remote operation
rendezvous operations
repetitive operation
rescue operations
reservoir operation
retarder operation
rotorcraft operations
rough engine operation
run-of-river operation
scale operation
scheduled operation
search operation
self-contained and self-monitored operation
semifinish operation
sensory operation
settling operation
shift operation
shunting operation
signal operation
simplex operation
simultaneous operation
single-block operation
single-contact operation
single-mode operation
single-pulse operation
single-step operation
sinking operation
slag-free operation
slag-tap operation
slightly manned operation
small-signal operation
solo supervised operation
solo operation
speed range operation
spike operation
stable operation
staggered-parallel operation
standby operation
starting engine operation
start-stop operation
staying operation
steady operation
steaming operation
steelmaking operation
step-and-repeat operation
step-by-step operation
stitch transfer operation
stone-free operation
storage operation
straight gas-lift well operation
string operation
studio operation
stump wood operation
suppressed-carrier operation
switch operation
switching operation
synchronous operation
tap-change operation
taxing operation
terminal operation
test operation
thinning operations
threading operation
throttled engine operation
timber-harvesting operations
total reflux operation
touchdown operation
track-while-scan operation
training operation
transfer operation
transient operation
tree length operations
trial operation
trouble-free operation
turbine operation
two-shift operation
two-vessel operation
typical operation
unary operation
unattended operation
unauthorized operation
underground operation
undocked operation
undocking operations
uninterrupted operation
unmanned operation
unthrottled engine operation
variable-load operation
vertical rotorcraft operation
water-system operation
well operation
whole tree operations
wide-open throttle operation
word operation
working operation
write operation
yard operation
year-round operations -
11 data
pl. от datumданные; информация; сведения- absolute data
- actual data
- adjusted data
- aggregated data
- alphanumeric data
- alphameric data
- alphabetic data
- analog data
- anomalous data
- applied data
- arrayed data
- asynchronous data
- attribute data
- autocorrelated data
- available data
- background data
- bad data
- biased data
- binary data
- binary raster data
- bipolar-valued data
- bipolar data
- bit strring data
- blocked data
- Boolean data
- built-in data
- business data
- byte-width data
- cache data
- cached data
- canned data
- carry-over data
- chain data
- character string data
- classified data
- clean data
- clear data
- coded data
- common data
- compacted data
- compatible data
- comprehensive data
- computer usage data
- computer-generated data
- concatenated data
- confidential data
- constitutional data
- constructed test data
- constructed data
- contiguous data
- continuous data
- continuous tone raster data
- control data
- coordinate data
- correction data
- critical data
- cumulative data
- current data
- data received into the keyboard
- database data
- debugging data
- decimal data
- derived data
- descriptive data
- destination data
- digital data
- digital-voice data
- digitized data
- dirty data
- discrete data
- disembodied data
- dispersed data
- documentary data
- downloaded data
- duplicate data
- dynamic data
- encoded data
- encrypted data
- engineering data
- error data
- evaluation data
- event-level data
- event data
- expect data
- expedited data
- false data
- field data
- field-performance data
- file data
- filed data
- fixed-point data
- flagged data
- floating-point data
- formatted data
- go-no-go data
- GPS data
- graphic data
- hierarchical data
- historical data
- Hollerith data
- host data
- housekeeping data
- image data
- immediate data
- imperfect data
- improper data
- incoming data
- incomplete data
- incremental data
- indexed data
- indicative data
- information data
- initial data
- input data
- integer data
- integrated data
- interactive data
- intermediate control data
- intermediate data
- intersection data
- invisible data
- job data
- key-punched data
- label data
- language data
- latched data
- line data
- list-structured data
- live data - logged data
- long constrained data
- lost data
- low delay data
- low-activity data
- machine-readable data
- major control data
- management data
- mask data
- masked data
- mass data
- master data
- meaningful data
- meaning data
- meaningless data
- mechanized data
- minor control data
- misleading data
- missing data
- model-made data
- multidimensional data
- multiple data
- multiplexed data
- multiuser accessible data
- N-bit data
- nonformatted data
- non-numeric data
- normal data
- null data
- numerical character data
- numeric character data
- numerical data
- numeric data
- observed data
- off-chip data
- on-line data
- operational data
- outgoing data
- outlying data
- output data
- packed data
- parallel data
- pattern data
- photo frame data
- pixel data
- pointer data
- pooled data
- poor data
- preformatted data
- primary data
- private data
- problem data
- public data
- punched data
- random test data
- ranked data
- rating data
- raw data
- real-time data
- recovery data
- reduced data
- referenced data
- refined data
- rejected data
- relative data
- relevant data
- reliability data
- reliable data
- remote data
- replicated data
- representative data
- run data
- sampled data
- schematic data
- scratch data
- secondary data
- sensitive data
- sensory data
- serial data
- shared data
- simulation data
- software problem data
- source data
- specified data
- speech data
- stale data
- stand-alone data
- starting data
- statement label data
- static data
- status data
- stored data
- string data
- structured data
- suspect data
- symptom data
- synthetic data
- system control data
- system output data
- tabular data
- tagged data
- task data
- telecommunications data
- test data
- time-referenced data
- timing data
- token data
- tooling data
- transaction data
- transcriptive data
- transient data
- transparent data
- trouble-shooting data
- true data
- tuple-structured data
- uncompatible data
- unconstrained delay data
- under voice data
- unformatted data
- ungrouped data
- unpacked data
- untagged data
- updatable data
- user data
- valid data
- variable data
- vectorized data
- video data data
- virtual data
- visible data
- warranty data
- wavefront data
- zero dataEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > data
12 field
1) поле; пространство; область; зона2) поле; группа разрядов (напр., числа)3) ЯП поле (один из атрибутов, составляющих объект (object))4) устройство нижнего уровня; цеховое устройство ( на промышленной шине Fieldbus)•- A-field
- alphanumeric field
- alphameric field
- ambient sound field
- analog field
- argument field
- axially symmetric magnetic field
- bias field
- byte index field
- card field
- character field
- command field
- comments field
- common field
- computer field
- control field
- control-data field
- count field
- crystal field
- data field
- decrement field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- digital field
- discrete field
- display field
- display-only field
- E-field
- entry field
- exponent field
- F-field
- field of events
- fill-in-the-blank field
- finite field
- fixed field
- fixed-length field
- fixed-point field
- flag field
- free field
- H-field
- highly coded field
- Hollerith field
- I-field
- image field
- input field
- instruction field
- integer field
- intrinsic field
- jack field
- joining field
- key field
- label field
- longitudinal field
- main control field
- major control field
- minor control field
- motion field
- multiply field
- multiword field
- N-bit field
- near field
- numeric field
- operand field
- operation field
- overlapping fields
- picture field
- pressure wave field
- printable field
- protect key field
- protected field
- pumping field
- pump field
- punched-card field
- restarting cause field
- rights field
- routing information field
- scalar field
- signed field
- sorting field
- source field
- specialist field
- threshold field
- track reference field
- transverse field
- uniform field
- uniform switching field
- unprotected field
- variable-length field
- variable field
- vector field
- writing field
- X-fieldEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > field
13 word
- address word
- associatively located word
- banner word
- binary word
- block descriptor word
- call word
- channel status word
- check word
- coded word
- command word
- comparand word
- computer word
- connected words
- constant word
- control word
- current program status word
- data word
- descriptor word
- device status word
- digital word
- double-length word
- double word
- edit word
- empty word
- error status word
- extended channel status word
- extended-precision word
- fixed-length word
- fixed word
- format-control word
- full word
- function word
- identifier word
- index word
- indirect reference word
- information word
- instruction word
- interrogation word
- interrupt log word
- interrupt status word
- isolated word
- key word
- lock word
- long word
- machine length word
- machine word
- marked word
- mask word
- matching word
- meaning-bearing word
- multifield word
- multilength word
- multiple-matched words
- N-bit-wide word
- N-bit word
- N-byte word
- N-digit word
- nonreserved word
- numerical word
- numeric word
- operational word
- optional word
- packed word
- parameter word
- partial word
- process state word
- processor status word
- program status word
- ready status word
- record descriptor word
- request word
- reserved word
- romanized word
- search word
- selected word
- short word
- shortest word
- source program word
- spoken word
- status word
- symbol word
- test word
- trigger word
- unifield word
- unmarked word
- variable-length word
- variable word
- wide word
- written-in wordEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > word
14 order
1) порядок; последовательность2) заказ3) индекс моды•- coded order
- communication channel order
- control order
- degeneracy order
- emergency-operating order
- interference order
- interlace order
- mode order
- ring order
- running order
- switch order
- zig-zag scanning orderEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > order
15 character
1. n характер; нрав2. n сильный характерa man of character — человек с характером, волевой человек
angularity of character — трудный, неровный характер
3. n честность; моральная устойчивостьcharacter building — воспитательная работа; воспитание характера, формирование морального облика
immoral character — репутация аморальной личности; аморальная личность
4. n характер; качество; природаthe character of the northern plains is different from that of the South — по своему характеру северные равнины отличаются от равнин юга
malign character — злобный нрав, скверный характер
5. n официальное качество; положение; статус, достоинство, ранг, звание, санunder the character of — в качестве; под именем
6. n характерная особенность; отличительный признак; свойствоthe trunk is a character found only in elephants — хобот — это характерная особенность, встречающаяся только у слонов
7. n биол. признак8. n репутацияcharacter assassination — злостная клевета; подрыв репутации
he has an excellent character for honesty — он имеет репутацию безукоризненно честного человека, он славится своей честностью
9. n письменная рекомендация; характеристика; аттестацияcharacter certificate — служебная характеристика; аттестация
character sketch — образ, характер, характеристика
10. n фигура, личность11. n разг. чудак, оригинал, своеобразная личность12. n лит. герой, персонаж; тип; образ, действующее лицоpolice character — лицо, состоящее на учёте в полиции
13. n роль14. n литера; буква; цифра; печатный знакscreened character — «растрированный» знак
15. n иероглиф, идеограммаChinese has no alphabet and is written in characters — китайский язык не имеет алфавита и пользуется иероглифической письменностью
16. n шрифт; графика, письмоa book in Gothic character — книга, напечатанная готическим шрифтом
battered character — корректурное указание < сбитый шрифт>
17. n знак; условное обозначение18. n символswitch character — символ переключения; переключающий символ
coded character — закодированный знак; закодированный символ
admissible character — разрешенный символ; допустимый символ
hand-written character — рукописный знак; рукописный символ
19. n опознавательный знак; клеймо, марка, тавроstamped with the character of sublimity — отмеченный печатью шифр, код; тайнопись
20. n кабалистический знакthat is quite in character with the man — это очень на него похоже; для него это типично
affirmative character — знак подтверждения приема; квитанция
acknowledge character — знак подтверждения приема; квитанция
character coding — кодирование знаков; кодирование символов
21. a театр. характерныйcharacter actor — характерный актёр ; актёр на характерных ролях
22. v характеризовать; давать характеристику, оценку23. v арх. описывать; изображать24. v арх. надписывать; вырезать надпись; гравироватьСинонимический ряд:1. characteristic (noun) characteristic; features; mannerism; property; qualities; traits2. credentials (noun) credentials; recommendation; reference; testimonial3. disposition (noun) bent; cast; complexion; constitution; disposition; humor; individualism; make; makeup; make-up; manner; mien; nature; sort; spirit4. eccentric (noun) case; eccentric; kook; nut; oddball; oddity; original; quiz; weirdo; zombie5. individual (noun) individual; person6. integrity (noun) credit; fame; honor; honour; integrity; name; report; reputation; repute7. notable (noun) big; big boy; big gun; big shot; big-timer; bigwig; chief; dignitary; eminence; great gun; heavyweight; high-muck-a-muck; leader; lion; luminary; muckamuck; mugwump; nabob; nawob; notability; notable; personage; pooh-bah; pot; somebody; VIP8. persona (noun) clothing; persona; role9. personality (noun) identity; idiosyncrasy; individuality; mettle; personality; singularity; style; temper; temperament10. principles (noun) fibre; honesty; principles; probity; rectitude11. quality (noun) affection; attribute; birthmark; feature; peculiarity; point; quality; savor; savour; trait; virtue12. status (noun) capacity; footing; place; position; rank; situation; standing; state; station; status13. symbol (noun) byte; cipher; digit; emblem; figure; letter; mark; sign; symbol14. type (noun) breed; class; cut; description; feather; ilk; kidney; kind; lot; mold; order; persuasion; species; stamp; stripe; type; variety; wayАнтонимический ряд:conformist; dishonor; disrepute -
16 MSB
- сигнальная единица синхронизации группового блока
- наиболее значимый бит или байт
- модель расширенного канала
- главный распределительный щит
- байпасный паропровод свежего пара
байпасный паропровод свежего пара
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
главный распределительный щит (ГРЩ)
Распределительный щит, через который снабжается электроэнергией все здание или его обособленная часть. Роль ГРЩ может выполнять ВРУ или щит низкого напряжения подстанции.
главный распределительный щит
Электрощит в здании, обеспечивающий распределение энергии между подключенными к нему нагрузками и включение аварийных систем при падении напряжения.
[ ГОСТ Р 51321. 3-99 ( МЭК 60439-3-90)]
[ ГОСТ Р 50571.28-2006]EN
main distribution board
board in the building which fulfils all the functions of a main electrical distribution for the supply building area assigned to it and where the voltage drop is measured for operating the safety services
[IEC 60364-7-710, ed. 1.0 (2002-11)]FR
tableau général de distribution
tableau de distribution dans le bâtiment remplissant toutes les fonctions d’un tableau général de distribution pour l’alimentation de la zone qui lui est dédiée et où la chute de tension est mesurée pour le fonctionnement des services de sécurité
[IEC 60364-7-710, ed. 1.0 (2002-11)]
Главный распределительный щит (ГРЩ) на ток 6300 А
[http://www.uzoelectro.ru/catalogue/group-383/product-36465/ ]Тематики
- НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)
- электроснабжение в целом
- электроустановки
- feeder switchboard
- m.s.b.
- main distributing frame
- main distribution board
- main distribution switchboard
- Main Low Voltage Switchboard
- main low-voltage distribution switchboard
- main switchboard
- power center
наиболее значимый бит или байт
Часть числа, адреса или поля, обычно записываемая слева в стандартной нотации. Эта часть числа имеет наибольшее значение.
[ http://www.lexikon.ru/dict/net/index.html]Тематики
сигнальная единица синхронизации группового блока
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
01.05.24 модель расширенного канала [ extended channel model]: Система кодирования и передачи как байтов с данными сообщения, так и управляющей информации о сообщении, в пределах которой декодер работает в режиме расширенного канала.
Примечание - Управляющая информация передается с использованием управляющих последовательностей интерпретации в расширенном канале (ECI).
<2>4 Сокращения1)
1)Следует учитывать, что в соответствии с оригиналом ИСО/МЭК 19762-1 в данном разделе присутствует сокращение CSMA/CD, которое в тексте стандарта не используется.
Кроме того, сокращения отсортированы в алфавитном порядке.
Идентификатор применения [application identifier]
Американский национальный стандарт [American National Standard]
Американский национальный институт стандартов [American National Standards Institute]
Аккредитованный комитет по стандартам [Accredited Standards Committee]
Контрольный знак блока [block check character]
Двоично-десятичный код (ДДК) [binary coded decimal]
Коэффициент ошибок по битам [bit error rate]
Контроль циклическим избыточным кодом [cyclic redundancy check]
Коллективный доступ с контролем несущей и обнаружением конфликтов [carrier sense multiple access with collision detection network]
Контрольная сумма [check sum]
Идентификатор данных [data identifier]
Интерпретация в расширенном канале [extended channel interpretation]
Электронный обмен данными (ЭОД) [electronic data interchange]
Электрически стираемое программируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство [electrically erasable programmable read only memory]
Шестнадцатеричная система счисления [hexadecimal]
Международный комитет по стандартам информационных технологий [International Committee for Information Technology Standards]
Локальная вычислительная сеть [local area network]
Усиление света с помощью вынужденного излучения [light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation]
Светоизлучающий диод [light emitting diode]
Управление логической связью [logical link control]
Младший значащий бит [least significant bit]
Аккредитованный комитет по отраслевым стандартам в сфере обработки грузов [Accredited Standards Committee for the Material Handling Industry]
Старший значащий бит [most significant bit]
Средняя наработка на отказ [mean time between failures]
Среднее время ремонта [mean time to repair]
Без возвращения к нулю [non-return to zero code]
NRZ Space
Кодирование без возвращения к нулю с перепадом на нулях [non-return to zero-space]
Кодирование без возвращения к нулю с перепадом на единицах [non-return to zero invert on ones]
Запись без возвращения к нулю (метка) [non-return to zero (mark) recording]
Возвратное транспортное упаковочное средство [returnable transport item]
Кодирование с возвратом к нулю [return to zero]
Светоизлучающий лазерный диод [visible laser diode]
ИСО/МЭК Руководство 2
Стандартизация и связанная с ней деятельность. Общий словарь
(Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-1
Информационные технологии. Словарь - Часть 1. Основные термины
(ISO/IEC 2382-1)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 1: Fundamental terms)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-4
Информационные технологии. Словарь - Часть 4. Организация данных
(ISO/IEC 2382-4)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 4: Organization of data)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-9
Информационные технологии. Словарь. Часть 9. Передача данных
(ISO/IEC 2382-9)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 9: Data communication)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-16
Информационные технологии. Словарь. Часть 16. Теория информации
(ISO/IEC 2382-16)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 16: Information theory)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-2
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 2. Оптические носители данных (ОНД)
(ISO/IEC 19762-2)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 2: Optically readable media (ORM))
ИСО/МЭК 19762-3
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 3. Радиочастотная идентификация (РЧИ)
(ISO/IEC 19762-3)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 3: Radio frequency identification (RFID)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-4
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 4. Основные термины в области радиосвязи
(ISO/IEC 19762-4)
(Information technology-Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 4: General terms relating to radio communications)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-5
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 5. Системы определения места нахождения
(ISO/IEC 19762-5)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 5: Locating systems)
МЭК 60050-191
Международный Электротехнический Словарь. Глава 191. Надежность и качество услуг
(IEC 60050-191)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 191: Dependability and quality of Service)
МЭК 60050-702
Международный Электротехнический Словарь. Глава 702. Колебания, сигналы и соответствующие устройства
(IEC 60050-702)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 702: Oscillations, signals and related devices)
МЭК 60050-704
Международный Электротехнический словарь. Глава 704. Техника передачи
(IEC 60050-704)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 704: Transmission)
МЭК 60050-845
Международный электротехнический словарь. Глава 845. Освещение
(IEC 60050-845)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 845: Lighting)
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 19762-1-2011: Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 1. Общие термины в области АИСД оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > MSB
17 LSB
- рабочие лопатки последней ступени турбины
- наименее значимый байт (бит)
- модель расширенного канала
- младший двоичный разряд
- младший бит
- лопатки последней ступени турбины
лопатки последней ступени турбины
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
младший бит
Наименьший значащий бит (разряд) (МСЭ-T H.224, МСЭ-Т Н.264).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
младший двоичный разряд
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
наименее значимый байт (бит)
Часть числа, адреса или поля, записываемая справа в стандартной двоичной или шестнадцатеричной нотации.
[ http://www.lexikon.ru/dict/net/index.html]Тематики
рабочие лопатки последней ступени турбины
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
01.05.24 модель расширенного канала [ extended channel model]: Система кодирования и передачи как байтов с данными сообщения, так и управляющей информации о сообщении, в пределах которой декодер работает в режиме расширенного канала.
Примечание - Управляющая информация передается с использованием управляющих последовательностей интерпретации в расширенном канале (ECI).
<2>4 Сокращения1)
1)Следует учитывать, что в соответствии с оригиналом ИСО/МЭК 19762-1 в данном разделе присутствует сокращение CSMA/CD, которое в тексте стандарта не используется.
Кроме того, сокращения отсортированы в алфавитном порядке.
Идентификатор применения [application identifier]
Американский национальный стандарт [American National Standard]
Американский национальный институт стандартов [American National Standards Institute]
Аккредитованный комитет по стандартам [Accredited Standards Committee]
Контрольный знак блока [block check character]
Двоично-десятичный код (ДДК) [binary coded decimal]
Коэффициент ошибок по битам [bit error rate]
Контроль циклическим избыточным кодом [cyclic redundancy check]
Коллективный доступ с контролем несущей и обнаружением конфликтов [carrier sense multiple access with collision detection network]
Контрольная сумма [check sum]
Идентификатор данных [data identifier]
Интерпретация в расширенном канале [extended channel interpretation]
Электронный обмен данными (ЭОД) [electronic data interchange]
Электрически стираемое программируемое постоянное запоминающее устройство [electrically erasable programmable read only memory]
Шестнадцатеричная система счисления [hexadecimal]
Международный комитет по стандартам информационных технологий [International Committee for Information Technology Standards]
Локальная вычислительная сеть [local area network]
Усиление света с помощью вынужденного излучения [light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation]
Светоизлучающий диод [light emitting diode]
Управление логической связью [logical link control]
Младший значащий бит [least significant bit]
Аккредитованный комитет по отраслевым стандартам в сфере обработки грузов [Accredited Standards Committee for the Material Handling Industry]
Старший значащий бит [most significant bit]
Средняя наработка на отказ [mean time between failures]
Среднее время ремонта [mean time to repair]
Без возвращения к нулю [non-return to zero code]
NRZ Space
Кодирование без возвращения к нулю с перепадом на нулях [non-return to zero-space]
Кодирование без возвращения к нулю с перепадом на единицах [non-return to zero invert on ones]
Запись без возвращения к нулю (метка) [non-return to zero (mark) recording]
Возвратное транспортное упаковочное средство [returnable transport item]
Кодирование с возвратом к нулю [return to zero]
Светоизлучающий лазерный диод [visible laser diode]
ИСО/МЭК Руководство 2
Стандартизация и связанная с ней деятельность. Общий словарь
(Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-1
Информационные технологии. Словарь - Часть 1. Основные термины
(ISO/IEC 2382-1)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 1: Fundamental terms)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-4
Информационные технологии. Словарь - Часть 4. Организация данных
(ISO/IEC 2382-4)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 4: Organization of data)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-9
Информационные технологии. Словарь. Часть 9. Передача данных
(ISO/IEC 2382-9)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 9: Data communication)
ИСО/МЭК 2382-16
Информационные технологии. Словарь. Часть 16. Теория информации
(ISO/IEC 2382-16)
(Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 16: Information theory)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-2
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 2. Оптические носители данных (ОНД)
(ISO/IEC 19762-2)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 2: Optically readable media (ORM))
ИСО/МЭК 19762-3
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 3. Радиочастотная идентификация (РЧИ)
(ISO/IEC 19762-3)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 3: Radio frequency identification (RFID)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-4
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 4. Основные термины в области радиосвязи
(ISO/IEC 19762-4)
(Information technology-Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 4: General terms relating to radio communications)
ИСО/МЭК 19762-5
Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 5. Системы определения места нахождения
(ISO/IEC 19762-5)
(Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 5: Locating systems)
МЭК 60050-191
Международный Электротехнический Словарь. Глава 191. Надежность и качество услуг
(IEC 60050-191)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 191: Dependability and quality of Service)
МЭК 60050-702
Международный Электротехнический Словарь. Глава 702. Колебания, сигналы и соответствующие устройства
(IEC 60050-702)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 702: Oscillations, signals and related devices)
МЭК 60050-704
Международный Электротехнический словарь. Глава 704. Техника передачи
(IEC 60050-704)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 704: Transmission)
МЭК 60050-845
Международный электротехнический словарь. Глава 845. Освещение
(IEC 60050-845)
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 845: Lighting)
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 19762-1-2011: Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 1. Общие термины в области АИСД оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > LSB
См. также в других словарях:
Binary-coded decimal — In computing and electronic systems, binary coded decimal (BCD) is a digital encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with each decimal digit represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD, a numeral is usually represented by four bits … Wikipedia
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code — (EBCDIC) is an 8 bit character encoding (code page) used on IBM mainframe operating systems such as z/OS, OS/390, VM and VSE, as well as IBM midrange computer operating systems such as OS/400 and i5/OS (see also Binary Coded Decimal). It is also… … Wikipedia
Group coded recording — (Gruppenkodierte Aufzeichnung, kurz: GCR) bezeichnet ein Aufzeichnungsverfahren für magnetische Datenträger wie Magnetbänder oder Disketten. Bei diesem Verfahren wird ein Daten Byte mit zehn oder mehr Bit so kodiert, dass nie mehr als zwei Null… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binary Coded Decimal — Eigenschaften Stellenzahl 4 Bewertbar ja Gewicht 3 Maximaldistanz 4 Hamming Distanz 1 Stetig nein Redundanz 0,7 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Group Coded Recording — (Gruppenkodierte Aufzeichnung, kurz: GCR) bezeichnet ein Aufzeichnungsverfahren für magnetische Datenträger wie Magnetbänder oder Disketten. Bei diesem Verfahren wird ein Daten Byte mit zehn oder mehr Bit so kodiert, dass nie mehr als zwei Null… … Deutsch Wikipedia
double-byte character set — Abbreviated DBCS. A method that uses two bytes to hold the definition of the character rather than the single byte used by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) or the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code… … Dictionary of networking
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code — Abbreviated EBCDIC; pronounced [eb se dic]. EBCDIC is the character set commonly used on large IBM mainframe computers, most IBM minicomputers, and computers from many other manufacturers. It is an 8 bit code, allowing 256 different… … Dictionary of networking
ISO/IEC 8859 — is a joint ISO and IEC standard for 8 bit character encodings for use by computers. The standard is divided into numbered, separately published parts, such as ISO/IEC 8859 1, ISO/IEC 8859 2, etc., each of which may be informally referred to as a… … Wikipedia
ISO/CEI 8859 — ISO 8859 ISO 8859, également appelée plus formellement ISO/CEI 8859, est une norme commune de l ISO et de la CEI de codage de caractères sur 8 bits pour le traitement informatique du texte. Le standard est divisé en parties numérotées publiées… … Wikipédia en Français
ISO/IEC 8859 — ISO 8859 ISO 8859, également appelée plus formellement ISO/CEI 8859, est une norme commune de l ISO et de la CEI de codage de caractères sur 8 bits pour le traitement informatique du texte. Le standard est divisé en parties numérotées publiées… … Wikipédia en Français
ISO 8859 — ISO 8859, également appelée plus formellement ISO/CEI 8859, est une norme commune de l ISO et de la CEI de codage de caractères sur 8 bits pour le traitement informatique du texte. Le standard est divisé en parties numérotées publiées séparément … Wikipédia en Français