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  • 1 bug

    1. noun
    1) (an insect that lives in dirty houses and beds: a bedbug.)
    2) (an insect: There's a bug crawling up your arm.)
    3) (a germ or infection: a stomach bug.)
    4) (a small hidden microphone.)
    2. verb
    1) (to place small hidden microphones in (a room etc): The spy's bedroom was bugged.)
    2) (to annoy: What's bugging him?)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bug

  • 2 bend

    [bend] 1. past tense, past participle - bent; verb
    1) (to make, become, or be, angled or curved: Bend your arm; She bent down to pick up the coin; The road bends to the right; He could bend an iron bar.)
    2) (to force (someone) to do what one wants: He bent me to his will.)
    2. noun
    (a curve or angle: a bend in the road.) beygja, bugða
    - bent on

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bend

  • 3 loop

    [lu:p] 1. noun
    1) (a doubled-over part of a piece of rope, chain etc: She made a loop in the string.) lykkja
    2) (a U-shaped bend in a river etc.) bugða
    3) (IUD; a contraceptive device used by women.)
    2. verb
    (to fasten with, or form into, a loop or loops: He looped the rope round a post.) festa með lykkju

    English-Icelandic dictionary > loop

  • 4 repulse

    1. verb
    1) (to repel (an enemy).) hrekja aftur
    2) (to refuse to accept eg help from, or be friendly to.) vísa á bug
    2. noun
    ((an) act of repulsing.) höfnun
    - repulsive
    - repulsively
    - repulsiveness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > repulse

  • 5 twist

    [twist] 1. verb
    1) (to turn round (and round): He twisted the knob; The road twisted through the mountains.) snúa(st); vinda(st); bugðast
    2) (to wind around or together: He twisted the piece of string (together) to make a rope.) flétta
    3) (to force out of the correct shape or position: The heat of the fire twisted the metal; He twisted her arm painfully.) snúa upp á; aflaga
    2. noun
    1) (the act of twisting.) snúningur, vindingur
    2) (a twisted piece of something: He added a twist of lemon to her drink.) uppásnúin (sítrónu)sneið
    3) (a turn, coil etc: There's a twist in the rope.) snúningur, vafningur
    4) (a change in direction (of a story etc): The story had a strange twist at the end.) snögg umskipti, hvörf
    - twister

    English-Icelandic dictionary > twist

См. также в других словарях:

  • bug — ► NOUN 1) an insect of an order including aphids and many other insects. 2) informal any small insect. 3) informal a harmful micro organism or an illness caused by a micro organism. 4) informal an enthusiasm for something: the sailing bug. 5) a… …   English terms dictionary

  • bug — /bʌg / (say bug) noun 1. any insect, especially one of the suborder Heteroptera (order Hemiptera), characterised by having the forewings thickened at base and membranous at tip, and the hind wings membranous. Sucking mouth parts enable the… …  

  • bug — [bʌg] noun [countable] COMPUTING a fault in the system of instructions that operates a computer: • Custom made software is often more reliable and has fewer bugs or faults. Milˌlennium ˈbug [singular] COMPUTING a problem with the way many… …   Financial and business terms

  • bug — noun 1》 informal a harmful microorganism.     ↘an illness caused by a microorganism. 2》 Entomology an insect of a large order having piercing and sucking mouthparts, including aphids, leafhoppers, cicadas, and many other insects. [Order Hemiptera …   English new terms dictionary

  • bug-hunter — noun a zoologist who studies insects • Syn: ↑entomologist, ↑bugologist • Derivationally related forms: ↑entomology (for: ↑entomologist) • Hypernyms: ↑zool …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bug — noun a) the Bug River, flowing northwest 450 mi. between Belarus and Poland. b) the Bug River in the Ukraine, flowing 530 mi. to the Dnieper estuary. Syn: Buh …   Wiktionary

  • bug boy — noun Etymology: bug (I) (weight allowance) slang : an apprentice jockey * * * bug boy, U.S. Slang. an apprentice jockey …   Useful english dictionary

  • bug word — noun also bug s word Etymology: bug (I) 1. obsolete : a word to terrify 2. obsolete : threatening language usually used in plural …   Useful english dictionary

  • bug-out — bugˈ out noun 1. Desertion 2. A deserter • • • Main Entry: ↑bug …   Useful english dictionary

  • bug-word — bugˈ word noun (obsolete) A terrifying or threatening word • • • Main Entry: ↑bug …   Useful english dictionary

  • bug|gy — bug|gy1 «BUHG ee», noun, plural gies. 1. (in the U.S.) a light carriage, with or without a top, pulled by one horse and having a single large seat. 2. = baby buggy. (Cf. ↑baby buggy) 3. (in England) a light, two wheeled vehicle without a folding… …   Useful english dictionary

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