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См. также в других словарях:

  • breech|cloth — «BREECH KLTH, KLOTH», noun. = loincloth. (Cf. ↑loincloth) …   Useful english dictionary

  • breechcloth — /breech klawth , kloth /, n., pl. breechcloths / klawdhz , klodhz , klawths , kloths /. a cloth worn about the breech and loins; loincloth. Also, breechclout /breech klowt /. [1785 95, Amer.; BREECH + CLOTH] * * * …   Universalium

  • breechcloth — breech•cloth [[t]ˈbritʃˌklɔθ, ˌklɒθ[/t]] also breech•clout [[t] ˌklaʊt[/t]] n. pl. cloths [[t] ˌklɔðz, ˌklɒðz, ˌklɔθs, ˌklɒθs[/t]] also clouts. clo loincloth • Etymology: 1785–95, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Breeches — (pronounced IPA| [ˈbritʃɪz] ) are an item of male clothing covering the body from the waist down, with separate coverings for each leg, usually stopping just below the knee, though in some cases reaching to the ankles. The breeching of a young… …   Wikipedia

  • breechcloth — noun a garment that provides covering for the loins • Syn: ↑breechclout, ↑loincloth • Hypernyms: ↑garment • Hyponyms: ↑dhoti * * * noun see breechclout …   Useful english dictionary

  • Breechcloth — Breech cloth (br[=e]ch kl[o^]th or br[i^]ch kl[o^]th ; 115), n. A cloth worn around the breech. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mohawk nation — Infobox Ethnic group group = Mohawk population = 78,000+ region1 = flagcountry|Canada (Quebec, Ontario) pop1 = 30,000 ref1 = region2 = flagcountry|United States (New York) pop2 = 20,000 ref2 = religions = Kai hwi io, Kanoh hon io, Kahni kwi io,… …   Wikipedia

  • Mohawk people — This article is about the people known as Mohawk. For other uses, see Mohawk (disambiguation). Mohawk Thayendanegea or Joseph Brant, painted by Gilbert Stuart, 1786 Total population …   Wikipedia

  • Oklahoma Sooners football — Current season …   Wikipedia

  • Conservation refugee — Conservation Refugees are people, usually indigenous, who are displaced from their native lands when conservation areas are created, such as parks and other protected areas.[1] Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Role of ENGOS 1.2 Preserving habitats or …   Wikipedia

  • Maipure Indians — • A former important group of tribes on the Upper Orinoco River, from above the Meta to the entrance of the Cassiquiare, in Venezuela and Columbia, speaking dialects of the Arawakan stock Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Maipure Indians …   Catholic encyclopedia

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