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  • 1 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) []lauzt; sasist
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) nolauzt; atlauzt
    3) (to make or become unusable.) saplīst; sabrukt; saplēst; sagraut
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) lauzt (solījumu); pārkāpt (likumu)
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) pārspēt (rekordu)
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) pārtraukt (ceļojumu)
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) pārtraukt (klusumu u.tml.)
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) paziņot; pavēstīt
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) (par balsi) aizlūzt
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) mazināt; mazināties
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) (par vētru) sākties
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pārtraukums; starpbrīdis
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) []maiņa
    3) (an opening.) sprauga; plaisa
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) gadījums; iespēja
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) viegli plīstošas lietas
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it
    * * *
    lūzums; robs, sprauga, plaisa, caurums; izlikšanās; starpbrīdis, pārtraukums; salūzt, saplīst, sasist; lauzt; salauzt; lauzt, pārkāpt; pārtraukt; atplēst, atkorķēt, attaisīt; pavēstīt, paziņot; izputēt, bankrotēt; degradēt, atlaist; izmainīt; aust; izklīst; aizlūzt; izlauzties; iedragāt, salauzt; pārspēt; kulstīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > break

  • 2 to break one's head over something

    lauzīt galvu par kaut ko

    English-Latvian dictionary > to break one's head over something

  • 3 to break the back of something

    pievārēt kaut ko; paveikt pašu grūtāko

    English-Latvian dictionary > to break the back of something

  • 4 fail

    [feil] 1. verb
    1) (to be unsuccessful (in); not to manage (to do something): They failed in their attempt; I failed my exam; I failed to post the letter.) ciest neveiksmi; izkrist (eksāmenā); neizdoties [] izdarīt
    2) (to break down or cease to work: The brakes failed.) bremzes nenostrādāja
    3) (to be insufficient or not enough: His courage failed (him).) trūkt; nepietikt
    4) ((in a test, examination etc) to reject (a candidate): The examiner failed half the class.) izgāzt (eksāmenā)
    5) (to disappoint: They did not fail him in their support.) pievilt
    2. preposition
    (if (something) fails or is lacking: Failing his help, we shall have to try something else.) neizdošanās gadījumā; iztrūkstot; ja...
    - without fail
    * * *
    ciest neveiksmi; izkrist; izgāzt; neizdoties, nepadoties; nepietikt, trūkt; pasliktināties; pievilt; bankrotēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > fail

  • 5 dash

    [dæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to move with speed and violence: A man dashed into a shop.) mesties; drāz-ties
    2) (to knock, throw etc violently, especially so as to break: He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall.) mest; sviest
    3) (to bring down suddenly and violently or to make very depressed: Our hopes were dashed.) sagraut (cerības, plānus u.tml.)
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden rush or movement: The child made a dash for the door.) mešanās; drāšanās
    2) (a small amount of something, especially liquid: whisky with a dash of soda.) (neliels) piejaukums
    3) ((in writing) a short line (-) to show a break in a sentence etc.) domuzīme; svītra
    4) (energy and enthusiasm: All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.) spars
    - dash off
    * * *
    mešanās, drāšanās; rāviens; izrāviens; šļaksti; spars; triepiens, vilciens; piejaukums, nokrāsa; domuzīme, svītra; neizdošanās; sviest, mest; mesties, drāzties; sagraut; apšļākt; piejaukt, sajaukt; uzskicēt, uzmest; pasvītrot; apmulsināt; lādēt; nolādēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > dash

  • 6 hammer

    ['hæmə] 1. noun
    1) (a tool with a heavy usually metal head, used for driving nails into wood, breaking hard substances etc: a joiner's hammer.) āmurs
    2) (the part of a bell, piano, clock etc that hits against some other part, so making a noise.) (mehānisma daļa) āmuriņš
    3) (in sport, a metal ball on a long steel handle for throwing.) (sportā) veseris
    2. verb
    1) (to hit, beat, break etc (something) with a hammer: He hammered the nail into the wood.) sist; dauzīt (ar āmuru)
    2) (to teach a person (something) with difficulty, by repetition: Grammar was hammered into us at school.) iedzīt galvā
    - give someone a hammering
    - give a hammering
    - hammer home
    - hammer out
    * * *
    āmurs; gailis; āmuriņš; veseris; dauzīt, sist; kaldināt, kalt; noņemties, nopūlēties; sakaut, uzvarēt; pasludināt par maksātnespējīgu

    English-Latvian dictionary > hammer

  • 7 interrupt

    1) (to stop a person while he is saying or doing something, especially by saying etc something oneself: He interrupted her while she was speaking; He interrupted her speech; Listen to me and don't interrupt!) pārtraukt; iejaukties
    2) (to stop or make a break in (an activity etc): He interrupted his work to eat his lunch; You interrupted my thoughts.) pārtraukt
    3) (to cut off (a view etc): A block of flats interrupted their view of the sea.) traucēt
    * * *
    pārtraukums; robs, plaisa; pārtrauce; pārtraukt; iejaukties; traucēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > interrupt

  • 8 come

    1. past tense - came; verb
    1) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) nākt; ierasties
    2) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) pienākt; pietuvoties
    3) (to happen or be situated: The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.) nākt; būt
    4) ((often with to) to happen (by accident): How did you come to break your leg?) iznākt; izdoties; gadīties
    5) (to arrive at (a certain state etc): What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.) nonākt
    6) ((with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to): The total comes to 51.) sniegties; līdzināties
    2. interjection
    (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) nu, nu!
    - coming
    - comeback
    - comedown
    - come about
    - come across
    - come along
    - come by
    - come down
    - come into one's own
    - come off
    - come on
    - come out
    - come round
    - come to
    - come to light
    - come upon
    - come up with
    - come what may
    - to come
    * * *
    nākt, pienākt; atbraukt, ierasties; gadīties, notikt; mesties; kļūt; izdoties, ja, iznākt; sākt; celties; izcelties

    English-Latvian dictionary > come

  • 9 continuation

    1) (the act of continuing, often after a break or pause: the continuation of his studies.) turpināšana
    2) (something which carries on, especially a further part of a story etc: This is a continuation of what he said last week.) turpinājums
    * * *
    turpinājums; turpināšanās, ilgums; bikses; virsbikses

    English-Latvian dictionary > continuation

  • 10 fragment

    1. ['fræɡmənt] noun
    1) (a piece broken off: The floor was covered with fragments of glass.) drumsla; lauska
    2) (something which is not complete: a fragment of poetry.) fragments; daļa
    2. verb
    (to break into pieces: The glass is very strong but will fragment if dropped on the floor.) saplīst []
    * * *
    drumsla, lauska; fragments, daļa; saplīst drumslās; sasist drumslās; sadrumstalot

    English-Latvian dictionary > fragment

  • 11 half

    1. plural - halves; noun
    1) (one of two equal parts of anything: He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.) puse
    2) (one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them: The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.) puslaiks
    2. adjective
    1) (being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something): a half bottle of wine.) pus-
    2) (being made up of two things in equal parts: A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.) pus-
    3) (not full or complete: a half smile.) daļējs; nepilns
    3. adverb
    1) (to the extent of one half: This cup is only half full; It's half empty.) pus-
    2) (almost; partly: I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.) daļēji; gandrīz
    - halve
    - half-and-half
    - half-back
    - half-brother
    - half-sister
    - half-caste
    - half-hearted
    - half-heartedly
    - half-heartedness
    - half-holiday
    - half-hourly
    - half-term
    - half-time
    - half-way
    - half-wit
    - half-witted
    - half-yearly
    - at half mast
    - by half
    - do things by halves
    - go halves with
    - half past three
    - four
    - seven
    - in half
    - not half
    * * *
    daļa; pusgads, semestris; bērnu biļete par puscenu; puslaiks; puse; pus; nepilns, daļējs; pa pusei, pus

    English-Latvian dictionary > half

  • 12 hatch

    I [hæ ] noun
    ((the door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc: There are two hatches between the kitchen and dining-room for serving food.) lūka
    II [hæ ] verb
    1) (to produce (young birds etc) from eggs: My hens have hatched ten chicks.) perēt
    2) (to break out of the egg: These chicks hatched this morning.) izšķilties
    3) (to become young birds: Four of the eggs have hatched.) izšķilties
    4) (to plan (something, usually bad) in secret: to hatch a plot.) perināt (nodomu u.tml.)
    * * *
    lūka; iegravēta līnija, svītrinājums; perēšana; perējums; iegravēt paralēlas līnijas, svītrināt; perēt; izšķilties; perināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > hatch

  • 13 pause

    [po:z] 1. noun
    1) (a short stop, break or interval (while doing something): There was a pause in the conversation.) pauze, pārtraukums
    2) (the act of making a musical note or rest slightly longer than normal, or a mark showing that this is to be done.) fermāta
    2. verb
    (to stop talking, working etc for a short time: They paused for a cup of tea.) pārtraukt uz brīdi; taisīt pauzi
    * * *
    pauze, pārtraukums; cezūra; fermāta, pauzes zīme; apstāties, taisīt pauzi; pauzēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > pause

  • 14 slot

    [slot] 1. noun
    1) (a small narrow opening, especially one to receive coins: I put the correct money in the slot, but the machine didn't start.) sprauga
    2) (a (usually regular) position (in eg the schedule of television/radio programmes): The early-evening comedy slot.) (pārraidei) atvēlētais laiks
    2. verb
    ((with in or into) to fit (something) into a small space: He slotted the last piece of the puzzle into place; I managed to slot in my tea-break between two jobs.) iespiest; iespraust
    * * *
    pēda; sprauga; grope, rieva; gremdētava; noteikta vieta, paredzētais laiks

    English-Latvian dictionary > slot

  • 15 spare

    [speə] 1. verb
    1) (to manage without: No-one can be spared from this office.) iztikt bez
    2) (to afford or set aside for a purpose: I can't spare the time for a holiday.) atļauties; atlicināt
    3) (to treat with mercy; to avoid injuring etc: `Spare us!' they begged.) []žēlot; apžēlot
    4) (to avoid causing grief, trouble etc to (a person): Break the news gently in order to spare her as much as possible.) []žēlot; pasargāt (no raizēm u.tml.)
    5) (to avoid using, spending etc: He spared no expense in his desire to help us.) taupīt
    6) (to avoid troubling (a person with something); to save (a person trouble etc): I answered the letter myself in order to spare you the bother.) aiztaupīt (pūles u.tml.)
    2. adjective
    1) (extra; not actually being used: We haven't a spare (bed) room for guests in our house.) rezerves-; lieks; papildu-
    2) ((of time etc) free for leisure etc: What do you do in your spare time?) brīvs (laiks)
    3. noun
    1) (a spare part (for a car etc): They sell spares at that garage.) rezerves daļas
    2) (an extra wheel etc, kept for emergencies.) rezerves ritenis
    - sparingly
    - spare part
    - spare rib
    - and to spare
    - to spare
    * * *
    rezerves daļa; rezerves riepa; rezerves spēlētājs; taupīt; atlicināt; aiztaupīt, pasargāt; atturēties; rezerves, lieks; nabadzīgs, trūcīgs; kalsns, vājš

    English-Latvian dictionary > spare

  • 16 decomposer

    noun (something that causes a substance to rot or break up into simpler parts.) viela, kas veicina sairšanu/trūdēšanu

    English-Latvian dictionary > decomposer

  • 17 get a word in edgeways

    (to break into a conversation etc and say something.) iestarpināt [] vārdu

    English-Latvian dictionary > get a word in edgeways

См. также в других словарях:

  • break something to pieces — smash/break/tear etc/something to pieces phrase to break something into so many pieces that it is completely destroyed The furniture had been smashed to pieces. Thesaurus: to destroy or severely damage somethingsynonym to breaksynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • break something up — 1 police tried to break up the crowd: DISPERSE, scatter, disband. 2 I m not going to let you break up my marriage: WRECK, ruin, destroy. → break …   Useful english dictionary

  • break something up — 1) police tried to break up the crowd Syn: disperse, scatter, disband 2) I m not going to let you break up my marriage Syn: wreck, ruin, destroy …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • break something up — 1) police tried to break up the crowd Syn: disperse, scatter, disband 2) I m not going to let you break up my marriage Syn: wreck, ruin, destroy …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • break something in — 1》 accustom a horse to being ridden. 2》 wear shoes until they become supple and comfortable. → break …   English new terms dictionary

  • break something to — make bad news known to. → break …   English new terms dictionary

  • break something in — wear something, typically a pair of new shoes, until it becomes supple and comfortable …   Useful english dictionary

  • break (something) loose from something — break/cut/tear (sb/sth) ˈloose from sb/sth idiom to separate yourself or sb/sth from a group of people or their influence, etc • The organization broke loose from its sponsors. • He cut himself loose from his family. Main entry: ↑looseidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • break (something) loose from somebody — break/cut/tear (sb/sth) ˈloose from sb/sth idiom to separate yourself or sb/sth from a group of people or their influence, etc • The organization broke loose from its sponsors. • He cut himself loose from his family. Main entry: ↑looseidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • break something off — abruptly end or discontinue something. → break …   English new terms dictionary

  • break something out — informal open and start using something. → break …   English new terms dictionary

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