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См. также в других словарях:

  • boskage — os kage, n. Same as {Boscage}. [1913 Webster] Thridding the somber boskage of the wood. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • boskage — noun see boscage * * * /bos kij/, n. boscage. * * * boskage variant of boscage …   Useful english dictionary

  • boskage — noun see boscage …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • boskage — /bos kij/, n. boscage. * * * …   Universalium

  • boskage — n. grove, thicket …   English contemporary dictionary

  • boskage — n. See boscage …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • boskage — bos·kage …   English syllables

  • boskage —   n. thicket of trees or shrubs …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • boscage — also boskage noun Etymology: Middle English boskage, from Anglo French boscage, from bois forest, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German busk forest, bush Date: 14th century a growth of trees or shrubs ; thicket …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • boscage — /bos kij/, n. a mass of trees or shrubs; wood, grove, or thicket. Also, boskage. [1350 1400; ME boskage < MF boscage. See BOSK, AGE] * * * …   Universalium

  • boscage — [ bɒskɪdʒ] (also boskage) noun a mass of trees or shrubs. Origin ME: from OFr., ult. of Gmc origin …   English new terms dictionary

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