1 borrowing cost
фин., обычно мн. расходы [затраты\] по кредиту [займу\], стоимость заимствования (проценты и другие затраты заемщика; включают следующие расходы: проценты по кредиту, амортизацию по премиям и дисконтам по кредиту, дополнительные затраты по кредиту)Syn:See:borrower, credit 1. 3), loan 1. 1), annual percentage rate, interest 1. 8) б), amortization 1. 2) б), exchange difference, financial expense 1. 1) б)* * * -
2 borrowing cost
1) Экономика: проценты по займам (выплачиваемые займополучателем), расходы по займам, стоимость займа2) Бухгалтерия: ссудный процент, стоимость кредита -
3 borrowing cost
расходы по займам, проценты по займам (выплачиваемые займополучателем)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > borrowing cost
4 borrowing cost
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > borrowing cost
5 borrowing cost
6 capitalization of borrowing cost
фин., учет капитализация расходов по кредиту [займу\] (включение затрат по обслуживанию кредитов в стоимость основных средств, приобретенных с помощью данных заемных средств)See:capitalization 1) в), borrowing costАнгло-русский экономический словарь > capitalization of borrowing cost
7 net borrowing cost
фин., обычно мн. чистые расходы по кредиту [займу\]*, чистая стоимость заимствования* (процентные платежи и другие затраты, связанные с привлечением заемных средств, минус доходы от приносящих проценты активов организации)See: -
8 short-term borrowing cost
Деловая лексика: ссудный процент по краткосрочным ссудамУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > short-term borrowing cost
9 short-term borrowing cost
Англо-русский экономический словарь > short-term borrowing cost
10 double-weighted borrowing cost [IBRD]
фр. coût des emprunts doublement pondéré
исп. costo de los empréstitos con doble ponderación
дважды взвешенные расходы по заимствованию (МБРР)
При расчете объемов заимствованных средств МБРР умножают всю сумму займа на ставку процента и получают таким образом общую сумму процентных выплат. Затем отдельно суммируются все займы и все процентные выплаты. После деления первого результата на второй получают средневзвешенный процент. Он отражает единожды взвешенные расходы по заимствованию. Сравнительно недавно МБРР стал рассчитывать общую сумму процентных выплат, умножая сумму займа на ставку процента и число лет, в течение которых он выплачивается. Это дало возможность учитывать различные сроки погашения займов. Средневзвешенный процент, полученный в ходе таких вычислений, отражает дважды взвешенные расходы по заимствованию.
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > double-weighted borrowing cost [IBRD]
11 double-weighted borrowing cost
расходы, дважды взвешенные по заимствованиюEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > double-weighted borrowing cost
12 cost
1. n1) цена; стоимость; себестоимость2) обыкн. pl расходы, издержки, затраты3) pl судебные издержки, судебные расходы
- absorbed costs
- accident costs
- acquisition cost
- actual cost
- actual costs
- actual manufacturing cost
- added cost
- additional cost
- adjusted historical cost
- administration costs
- administrative costs
- administrative and management costs
- administrative and operational services costs
- advertising costs
- after costs
- after-shipment costs
- aggregate costs
- agreed cost
- airfreight cost
- allocable costs
- allowable costs
- alternative costs
- amortization costs
- amortized cost
- ancillary costs
- annual costs
- anticipated costs
- applied cost
- arbitration costs
- assembly costs
- assessed cost
- average cost
- average costs
- average cost per unit
- average variable costs
- avoidable costs
- back-order costs
- basic cost
- billed cost
- book cost
- borrowing cost
- breakage cost
- break-even costs
- budget costs
- budgeted cost
- budgeted costs
- budgeted operating costs
- building costs
- burden costs
- calculated costs
- capacity costs
- capital costs
- capital floatation costs
- carriage costs
- carrying cost
- carrying costs
- centrally-managed costs
- changeover costs
- cleaning costs
- clerical costs
- closing costs
- collection costs
- combined cost
- commercial cost
- commercial costs
- committed costs
- common staff costs
- comparative costs
- competitive costs
- competitive marginal costs
- complaint costs
- conditional cost
- consequential costs
- considerable costs
- constant cost
- constant costs
- construction costs
- contract cost
- contractual costs
- controllable costs
- court costs
- crane costs
- credit costs
- cumulative costs
- current cost
- current costs
- current outlay costs
- current standard cost
- cycle inventory costs
- debt-servicing costs
- declining costs
- decorating costs
- decreasing costs
- defect costs
- defence costs
- deferred costs
- deficiency costs
- degressive costs
- delivery costs
- departmental costs
- depleted cost
- depreciable cost
- depreciated cost
- depreciated replacement cost
- depreciation costs
- designing costs
- deterioration costs
- development costs
- differential costs
- direct costs
- direct labour costs
- direct operating costs
- direct payroll costs
- discretionary fixed costs
- dismantling costs
- distribution costs
- distribution marketing cost
- domestic resource costs
- double-weighted borrowing cost
- downtime costs
- economic costs
- eligible costs
- engineering costs
- entry cost
- environmental costs
- equipment capital costs
- erection costs
- escalating costs
- escapable costs
- estimated cost
- estimated costs
- evaluation cost
- excess cost
- excess costs
- excessive costs
- exhibition costs
- exploration costs
- extra costs
- extra and extraordinary costs
- extraordinary costs
- fabrication cost
- factor cost
- factor costs
- factory cost
- factory costs
- factory overhead costs
- failure costs
- farm production costs
- farmer's cost
- farming costs
- feed costs
- fertilizing costs
- final cost
- financial costs
- financing costs
- first cost
- fixed costs
- fixed capital replacement costs
- flat cost
- floatation costs
- food costs
- foreign housing costs
- formation costs
- freight costs
- fuel costs
- full cost
- full costs
- funding cost
- general costs
- general running costs
- government-controlled production costs
- guarantee costs
- harvesting costs
- haul costs
- haulage costs
- heavy costs
- hedging cost
- hidden costs
- high cost
- hiring costs
- historical cost
- hospitality costs
- hotel costs
- hourly costs
- idle capacity costs
- idle time costs
- implicit costs
- implied interest costs
- imputed costs
- incidental costs
- increasing costs
- incremental costs
- incremental cost of capital
- incremental costs of circulation
- incremental costs of service
- incurred costs
- indirect costs
- indirect labour costs
- indirect manufacturing costs
- indirect payroll costs
- indirect production costs
- individual costs
- industrial costs
- industry-average costs
- initial cost
- inland freight cost
- inspection costs
- installation costs
- insurance costs
- insured cost
- intangible costs
- integrated cost
- interest costs
- inventoriable costs
- inventory cost
- inventory costs
- inventory acquisition costs
- inventory possession costs
- investigation costs
- investment costs
- invoiced cost
- issuing cost
- joint cost
- labour costs
- landed cost
- launching cost
- launching costs
- layoff costs
- legal costs
- legitimate costs
- life cycle costs
- life repair cost
- liquidation cost
- litigation costs
- living costs
- loading costs
- loan cost
- long-run average costs
- long-run marginal costs
- low costs
- low operating costs
- lump-sum costs
- machining cost
- maintenance costs
- maintenance-and-repair costs
- management costs
- man-power cost
- man-power costs
- manufacturing cost
- manufacturing costs
- manufacturing overhead costs
- marginal costs
- marginal-factor costs
- maritime costs
- marketing costs
- material costs
- material handling costs
- merchandising costs
- miscellaneous costs
- mixed cost
- mounting costs
- net cost
- nominal cost
- nonmanufacturing costs
- obsolescence costs
- offering cost
- one-off costs
- one-off costs of acquiring land, buildings and equipment
- one-shot costs
- operating costs
- operation costs
- operational costs
- opportunity costs
- order cost
- ordering cost
- order initiation cost
- ordinary costs
- organization costs
- organizational costs
- original cost
- original cost of the assets
- original cost of capital
- out-of-pocket costs
- overall cost
- overall costs
- overhead costs
- overtime costs
- own costs
- owning costs
- packaging cost
- packing cost
- past costs
- past sunk costs
- payroll cost
- payroll costs
- penalty cost
- penalty costs
- period costs
- permissible costs
- personnel costs
- piece costs
- planned costs
- postponable costs
- predetermined costs
- prepaid costs
- preproduction costs
- prime cost
- processing costs
- procurement costs
- product cost
- production cost
- production costs
- product unit cost
- progress-generating costs
- progressive costs
- prohibitive costs
- project costs
- project development cost
- projected costs
- promotional costs
- protected costs
- publicity costs
- purchase costs
- purchasing costs
- pure costs of circulation
- quality costs
- quality-inspection costs
- real cost
- real costs
- recall costs
- reconstruction cost
- recoverable cost
- recurring costs
- reduction costs
- reimbursable cost
- relative cost
- relevant costs
- removal costs
- renewal cost
- reoperating costs
- reoperation costs
- reorder cost
- repair cost
- repair costs
- replacement cost
- replacement costs
- replacement cost at market rates
- replacement cost of borrowing
- replacement cost of capital assets
- replacement cost of equipment
- replacement depreciation cost
- replenishment cost
- reproduction cost
- reproduction costs
- research costs
- research and development costs
- reservation costs
- rework costs
- rising costs
- road maintenance costs
- running costs
- run-on costs
- salvage cost
- salvage costs
- scheduled costs
- scrap cost
- selling costs
- semi-variable costs
- service costs
- servicing costs
- setting-up costs
- set-up costs
- shadow costs
- shelter costs
- shipping costs
- shortage costs
- single cost
- social costs
- social marginal costs
- social overhead costs
- sorting costs
- special costs
- specification costs
- spoilage costs
- staff costs
- stand costs
- standard cost
- standard costs
- standard direct labour costs
- standard direct materials cost
- standard factory overhead cost
- standing costs
- start-up costs
- stepped costs
- stocking cost
- stockout costs
- storage costs
- sunk costs
- supervision costs
- supplementary costs
- supplementary costs of circulation
- tangible costs
- target cost
- target costs
- taxable cost of shares
- tentative cost
- time-related cost
- total cost
- training cost
- training costs
- transaction costs
- transfer costs
- transhipment costs
- transport costs
- transportation costs
- travel costs
- travelling costs
- trim costs
- true cost
- true costs
- trust cost
- unamortized cost
- unavoidable costs
- underwriting cost
- unexpired costs
- unit cost
- unit costs
- unloading costs
- unrecovered cost
- unscheduled costs
- upkeep costs
- upward costs
- utility's costs
- variable costs
- variable capital costs
- wage costs
- war costs
- warehouse costs
- warehousing costs
- weighted average cost
- welfare costs
- wintering costs
- working cost
- working costs
- costs for bunker
- costs for storing
- costs of administration
- cost of appraisal
- cost of arbitration
- cost of borrowing
- cost of boxing
- cost of bunker
- cost of capital
- cost of capital deeping
- cost of carriage
- cost of carry
- cost of carrying inventory
- costs of circulation
- cost of civil engineering work
- cost of construction
- cost of a contract
- cost of credit
- cost of delivery
- cost of demonstration
- cost of discounting
- cost of disposal
- cost of education
- cost of equipment
- cost of equity capital
- cost of filing
- cost of financing
- cost of fixed capital
- cost of funds
- cost of goods
- cost of haulage
- cost of hotel accommodation
- costs of housing
- costs of idleness
- cost of installation
- cost of insurance
- costs of inventory
- cost of issue
- cost of labour
- cost of a licence
- cost of living
- cost of manpower
- cost of manufacture
- cost of manufactured goods
- cost of manufacturing
- costs of material
- costs of material inputs
- cost of money
- cost of obtaining funds
- costs of operations
- cost of an order
- cost of packaging
- cost of packing
- cost of postage
- costs of production
- cost of product sold
- cost of a project
- cost of publication
- cost of putting goods into a saleable condition
- cost of reclamation
- cost of reinsurance
- costs of reliability
- cost of renting
- cost of renting a trading post
- cost of repairs
- costs of routine maintenance
- cost of sales
- costs of sales
- cost of scrap
- cost of service
- cost of servicing
- costs of shipping
- cost of storage
- cost of a suit
- costs of supervision
- cost of tare
- costs of trackage
- costs of transportation
- cost of work
- cost per inquiry
- costs per unit
- above cost
- at cost
- at the cost of
- at extra cost
- below cost
- less costs
- minus costs
- next to cost
- under cost
- with costs
- without regard to cost
- exclusive of costs
- free of cost
- cost of market, whichever is lower
- cost plus percentage of cost
- absorb costs
- allocate costs
- assess the cost
- assess costs
- assume costs
- award costs against smb.
- bear costs
- calculate costs
- charge cost
- compute the cost
- cover the cost
- cover costs
- curb costs
- curtail costs
- cut down on costs
- cut production costs
- decrease the cost
- defray the costs
- determine the cost
- disregard costs
- distort the cost
- distribute costs
- entail costs
- estimate costs
- exceed the cost
- impose costs
- increase cost
- incur costs
- inflict economic and social costs
- involve costs
- itemize costs
- keep down costs
- meet the cost
- meet costs
- offset the cost
- offset the costs
- offset high interest costs
- overestimate production costs
- pay costs
- prune away costs
- push up costs
- recompense the cost
- recoup the cost
- recover costs
- reduce costs
- refund the cost
- revise the cost
- save costs
- sell at a cost
- share the cost
- slash costs
- split up the cost
- trim costs
- write off costs
- write off costs against revenues
- write off capital costs2. v1) стоить -
13 cost
14 cost
15 cost
1. сущ.1) эк. стоимость, затраты, издержки редк. цена (величина затрат, которые необходимо совершить, чтобы получить что-л.; характеристика предмета или действия; как правило, выражается в денежном выражении, но в некоторых случаях может быть в натуральном выражении; как правило, во всех случаях можно использовать перевод "цена", но это изменяет риторику текста, подчеркивая важность этих затрат)cost of [smth\] — стоимость чего-л., цена чего-л.
at a high cost — по высокой цене, с высокими затратами
His need for self-expression can be satisfied, but at a high cost.
As it now stands, nursing homes deliver a low perceived value at a high cost.
It is good practice to charge costs as direct where possible. — Хорошим правилом является начисление максимально большого числа затрат как прямых затрат.
A mortgage helps you buy your home, but there are many additional costs that you need to consider. — Ипотека помогает вам купить дом, но вы должны понимать, что в этом случае имеют место некоторые дополнительные расходы.
See:CHILD [object\]: abandonment cost, above-the-line cost, administrative cost, advertising cost, agency cost, amortized cost, bankruptcy cost, bond issue cost, borrowing cost, budgeted cost, collection cost, cost of insurance charge, credit subsidy cost, debt service cost, acquisition cost, cost of production, cost of capital, cost of living, cost of sales, flotation cost, interest cost, imputed cost, inventory carrying cost, inventory ordering cost, opportunity cost, out-of-pocket costs, past service cost, pension cost, replacement cost, reproduction cost, salary cost CHILD [type\]: absolute cost, accounting cost, alternative cost, annual equivalent cost, depreciated cost, economic cost, explicit cost, fixed cost, hidden cost, implicit cost, mixed cost, normal cost, overhead cost, true interest cost, variable cost CHILD [agent\]: cost appraiser, cost estimator, cost to consumer, cost function, cost price, below cost, cost and freight, cost and insurance, cost, insurance, freight, cost, insurance, freight, cost, insurance, freight2)а) мн., эк. издержки, затраты (величина затрат, которые несет какое-л. лицо в своей деятельности; как правило, идет речь о компании; может употребляться без уточнения типа затрат)If the company's costs increase 4 percent, it can raise prices 6 percent. — Если затраты компании увеличатся на 4 процента, это может привести к повышению цен на 6 процентов.
However, company's costs also rose and, in the early 1980s, the company was forced to downsize and concentrate its stores on paint and wallpaper.
to cut [reduce\] costs — снижать затраты
The company reduces its costs by eliminating some of its obligations to its employees. — Компания снижает свои затраты, отказываясь от части обязательств перед своими работниками.
These measures taken together are expected to cut costs by 30–50%. — Можно ожидать, что все эти меры вместе приведут к снижению затрат на 30–50%
Syn:See:cost accountant, costs accountant, cost advantage, cost analyst, cost budgeting, cost centre, cost sharing, benefit-cost ratio, cost-benefit analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, factors of productionб) мн., юр. судебные издержки [расходы\]2. гл.with costs — с возложением судебных издержек на сторону, проигравшую дело
1) эк. стоить (о цене, выраженной в денежном эквиваленте); обходитьсяThis car costs only $24 000. — Эта машина стоит всего лишь 24 тыс. долл.
2) общ. требовать (усилий, страданий и т. д.); обходитьсяThe city whose conquest had cost him so dear. — Город, завоевание которого обошлось ему так дорого.
* * *
затраты, стоимость, цена: первоначальные или долгосрочные затраты (прямые, косвенные, денежные и неденежные), которые имеют место при приобретении, производстве, предоставлении товаров или услуг; см. acquisition cost;* * *издержки; затраты; расходы; себестоимость; стоимость;, себестоимость. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *издержки, расходызатрата, как правило, денег на покупку товаров и услуг; расходы, обычно денежные, понесенные для достижения цели (расходы на производство определенных товаров, возведение фабрики или закрытие отделения)см. opportunity cost -
16 cost
17 cost of borrowing
фин. = borrowing cost* * ** * *стоимость заимствования; проценты и сборы за кредит. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валютастоимость кредита, ссудный процентплата, вносимая заемщиком кредитору за пользование кредитом -
18 cost of debt
фин. стоимость [цена\] заемного капитала* (средняя процентная ставка, уплачиваемая компанией по кредитам, займам и долговым ценным бумагам; при расчете средневзвешенной стоимости капитала данная процентная ставка обычно корректируется для отражения эффекта налогового щита (т. е. умножается на (1 — ставка налога на прибыль)))Syn:See:* * * -
19 cost of credit
фин., банк. стоимость [цена\] кредита (процентные платежи и другие затраты заемщика, связанные с получением и использованием кредита)Syn:See: -
20 cost of borrowing
1. стоимость кредита2. норма процента
См. также в других словарях:
borrowing cost — noun the cost of borrowing something • Hypernyms: ↑cost … Useful english dictionary
cost of borrowing — UK US noun [S] ► ECONOMICS, FINANCE interest and other charges that have to be paid when you borrow money: raise/increase/drive up the cost of borrowing »In November last year, the central bank raised the cost of borrowing to 3.75%.… … Financial and business terms
cost of funds — United Kingdom The cost of borrowing money. In the context of lending, it means: • The cost to the lender (typically a bank) of borrowing in an interbank market to enable it to fund the loan it has agreed to provide to the borrower. For example,… … Law dictionary
Cost of conflict — is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social,… … Wikipedia
cost — /kɒst/ noun 1. the amount of money which has to be paid for something ● What is the cost of a first class ticket to New York? ● Computer costs are falling each year. ● We cannot afford the cost of two cars. ♦ to cover costs to produce enough… … Dictionary of banking and finance
borrowing */ — UK [ˈbɒrəʊɪŋ] / US [ˈbɔroʊɪŋ] noun Word forms borrowing : singular borrowing plural borrowings 1) a) [uncountable] the practice of borrowing money The cost of borrowing has risen again. b) borrowings [plural] money owed by a business, country, or … English dictionary
cost — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 money needed to buy sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, high ▪ The high cost of energy was a problem for consumers. ▪ enormous, exorbitant, huge, prohibitive … Collocations dictionary
cost — cost1 [ kɔst ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, pay for, or do something: cost of: A rise in interest rates will increase the cost of borrowing. cover the cost of something (=be enough to pay for… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cost */*/*/ — I UK [kɒst] / US [kɔst] noun Word forms cost : singular cost plural costs 1) [countable/uncountable] the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, pay for, or do something cost of: A rise in interest rates will increase the cost of… … English dictionary
borrowing costs — Costs that are incurred when an organization borrows money. Interest payments are an example of borrowing costs. Borrowing costs may be recognized as an expense when incurred or capitalized as part of the cost of an asset. For listed companies in … Accounting dictionary
borrowing costs — Costs that are incurred when an organization borrows money. Interest payments are an example of borrowing costs. In accounting, borrowing costs may be recognized as an expense when incurred or capitalized as part of the cost of an asset. For… … Big dictionary of business and management