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  • 1 наибольший диаметр растачивания

    Русско-английский исловарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства > наибольший диаметр растачивания

  • 2 größter Bohrdurchmesser

    m <wz.masch> (beim Vollbohren) ■ boring capacity
    m <wz.masch> (beim Aufbohren) ■ drilling capacity

    German-english technical dictionary > größter Bohrdurchmesser

  • 3 наибольший диаметр растачивания

    Automation: boring capacity

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > наибольший диаметр растачивания

  • 4 Aufbohrleistung

    f < prod> ■ boring capacity

    German-english technical dictionary > Aufbohrleistung

  • 5 пробивен

    1. boring, drilling, perforating
    2. piercing
    пробивна сила на куршум piercing capacity of a bullet
    пробивно напрежение ел. breakthrough voltage
    * * *
    прил., -на, -но, -ни 1. boring, drilling, perforating; \пробивенен чук drill-press;
    2. piercing; \пробивенна сила на куршум piercing capacity of a bullet; \пробивенно напрежение ел. breakthrough voltage; breakdown voltage; disruptive;
    3. (за човек) pushy, thrusting; • \пробивенен човек go-getter.
    * * *
    1. boring, drilling, perforating 2. piercing 3. пробивна сила на куршум piercing capacity of a bullet 4. пробивно напрежение ел. breakthrough voltage

    Български-английски речник > пробивен

  • 6 Bullard, Edward Payson

    b. 18 April 1841 Uxbridge, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 22 December 1906 Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
    American mechanical engineer and machine-tool manufacturer who designed machines for boring.
    Edward Payson Bullard served his apprenticeship at the Whitin Machine Works, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, and worked at the Colt Armory in Hartford, Connecticut, until 1863; he then entered the employ of Pratt \& Whitney, also in Hartford. He later formed a partnership with J.H.Prest and William Parsons manufacturing millwork and tools, the firm being known as Bullard \& Prest. In 1866 Bullard organized the Norwalk Iron Works Company of Norwalk, Connecticut, but afterwards withdrew and continued the business in Hartford. In 1868 the firm of Bullard \& Prest was dissolved and Bullard became Superintendent of a large machine shop in Athens, Georgia. He later organized the machine tool department of Post \& Co. at Cincinnati, and in 1872 he was made General Superintendent of the Gill Car Works at Columbus, Ohio. In 1875 he established a machinery business in Beekman Street, New York, under the name of Allis, Bullard \& Co. Mr Allis withdrew in 1877, and the Bullard Machine Company was organized.
    In 1880 Bullard secured entire control of the business and also became owner of the Bridgeport Machine Tool Works, Bridgeport, Connecticut. In 1883 he designed his first vertical boring and turning mill with a single head and belt feed and a 37 in. (94 cm) capacity; this was the first small boring machine designed to do the accurate work previously done on the face plate of a lathe. In 1889 Bullard gave up his New York interests and concentrated his entire attention on manufacturing at Bridgeport, the business being incorporated in 1894 as the Bullard Machine Tool Company. The company specialized in the construction of boring machines, the design being developed so that it became essentially a vertical turret lathe. After Bullard's death, his son Edward Payson Bullard II (b. 10 July 1872 Columbus, Ohio, USA; d. 26 June 1953 Fairfield, Connecticut, USA) continued as head of the company and further developed the boring machine into a vertical multi-spindle automatic lathe which he called the "Mult-au-matic" lathe. Both father and son were members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven: Yale University Press; repub. 1926, New York and 1987, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay Publications Inc. (describes Bullard's machines).

    Biographical history of technology > Bullard, Edward Payson

  • 7 libro

    1 book.
    libro de bolsillo (pocket-sized) paperback
    libro de cabecera bedside book
    libro de cocina cookery book
    libro de consulta reference book
    libro de cuentos storybook
    libro de ejercicios exercise book
    libro electrónico electronic book
    libro de familia = document containing personal details of the members of a family
    libro de reclamaciones complaints book
    libro verde green paper
    2 omasum.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: librar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) book
    2 ZOOLOGÍA third stomach
    1 accounts
    llevar los libros to do the bookkeeping
    libro blanco PLÍTICA white paper
    libro de cabecera (favorito) favourite book 2 (guía) bible
    libro de caja cash-book
    libro de cocina cookery book, recipe book, US cookbook
    libro de consulta reference book
    libro de coro hymn book
    libro de familia book recording details of births, marriages, etc. in a family
    libro de horas book of hours
    libro de reclamaciones complaints book
    libro de texto textbook
    libro de visitas visitors' book
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=obra impresa) book

    libro de cocina — cookery book, cookbook (EEUU)

    libro encuadernado, libro en pasta — hardback (book)

    libro escolar(=informe) school report; [de texto] schoolbook

    libro mágico, libro móvil — pop-up book

    2) (=registro) book

    llevar los libros — (Com) to keep the books o accounts

    libro de caja — cash book, petty cash book

    libro de familiabooklet containing family details (marriage, births) used for official purposes

    libro de vuelos — (Aer) logbook

    libro genealógico — (Agr) herd-book

    3) (Pol)
    * * *
    1) (Impr) book

    colgar los libroto quit (AmE) o (BrE) give up studying

    ser (como) un libro abierto: eres un libro abierto — I can read you like a book

    2) libros masculino plural (Fin)
    3) (Lit) ( parte) book
    * * *
    = book, text.
    Ex. A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, periodical articles or reports).
    Ex. The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.
    * actitud ante los libros = set about books.
    * acto relacionado con el libro = book event.
    * adicto a los libros = bookaholic.
    * adquisición de libros = book supply, book purchasing.
    * almacén de libros = book-warehouse.
    * amante del libro = book lover [booklover].
    * amor por el libro = book-fancying.
    * anuncio publicitario de un libro = advertising blurb.
    * arte del libro = bookmanship.
    * audiolibro = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) = Book Aid International (BAI).
    * bibliotecario encargado de libros raros = rare book libarian.
    * biblioteconomía relacionada con los libros raros = rare book librarianship.
    * cadena del libro, la = book chain, the.
    * caja para transportar libros = book bin.
    * capacidad para libros = book capacity.
    * carrito de los libros = book truck, book trolley.
    * catálogo de libros = booklist [book list].
    * catálogo de libros en venta = publication(s) list.
    * catálogo en forma de libro = bookform catalogue, book catalogue.
    * catálogo en forma de libro encuadernado = bound book form catalogue.
    * catálogo impreso en forma de libro = printed book catalogue.
    * ciencia del libro = bookmanship.
    * cinta adhesiva ancha para libros = book tape.
    * colección de libros = book collection.
    * colección de libros de derecho en una prisión = prison law library.
    * colección de libros de jardinería = gardening collection.
    * colección de libros donados = gift collection.
    * colección de libros raros = rare book collection, rare collection.
    * coleccionista de libros = book-collector.
    * colocador de libros = book shelver, shelver.
    * comercialización del libro = bookselling [book selling].
    * comercio del libro = bookselling [book selling], book trade [booktrade].
    * comercio del libro, el = book business, the.
    * compra de libros = book buying [book-buying], book supply, book purchasing.
    * comprador de libros = book buyer.
    * conciencia del libro = book-consciousness.
    * confección de libros = bookmaking [book making].
    * con la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * con una extensión similar a la de un libro = book-length.
    * creación de los índices de un libro = back-of-the-book indexing, back-of-book indexing.
    * crisis de la industria del libro = book crisis.
    * crisis del libro = book crisis.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * depósito de libros = book depot.
    * deshojar un libro = tear + book.
    * devorador de libros = book-eating.
    * distribuidor de libros = book dealer.
    * donación de libros = gift collection, book endowment, book donation, book gift.
    * edición de libros = book publishing.
    * encuadernación de libros = bookbinding [book-binding].
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * especialista en conservación de libros = book conservation specialist.
    * estantería para libros = book racks.
    * etiqueta identificadora del libro = label.
    * exposición de libros = book display.
    * expositor de libros = book display stand.
    * fabricación de libros = bookmaking [book making].
    * feria del libro = book fair.
    * ficha de préstamo del libro = book card [bookcard].
    * formato libro = book form [bookform].
    * Fundación de Libros Panafricanos = Pan-African Book Foundation.
    * gastos de libros = book expenditure.
    * historia del libro = book history.
    * ilustración de libros = book illustration.
    * ilustrador de libros = book illustrator.
    * impresión de libros = book-printing.
    * impresor de libros = bookmaker.
    * índice de libro = book index.
    * industria de la edición de libros = book publishing industry.
    * industria del libro = book industry.
    * industria del libro, la = bookmaking industry, the.
    * interesado por los libros = book-conscious.
    * interés por los libros = awareness of books.
    * ISBN (Número Internacional Normalizado para Libros) = ISBN (International Standard Book Number).
    * ladrillos y libros = brick and book.
    * lector de libros = book reader.
    * libro antiguo = old book, antiquarian book, rare book.
    * libro azul = Blue book.
    * Libro Blanco = White Paper.
    * libro científico = scientific book, scholarly book.
    * libro comercial = trade book.
    * libro como objeto = book-object.
    * libro con estructura plegable = pop-up book.
    * libro con ilustraciones = picture book.
    * libro conmemorativo = keepsake.
    * libro con precio de venta fijado = net book.
    * libro con precio de venta no fijado = non-net book.
    * libro de arte = art book.
    * libro de artista = livre d'artiste, artist's book.
    * libro de casos prácticos = case book.
    * libro de citas = citator.
    * libro de cocina = book on cookery, cookbook.
    * libro de codificación = codebook.
    * libro de consulta en sala = reserve room book.
    * libro de contabilidad = ledger.
    * libro de cuentas = account book.
    * libro de derecho = law book.
    * libro de divulgación científica = popular science book.
    * libro de ejercicios = workbook [work-book].
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * libro de estudio = study book.
    * libro de firmas = guest book [guestbook].
    * libro de historia = history book.
    * libro de hojas de palmera = palm leaf book.
    * libro de honor = guest book [guestbook].
    * libro de jardinería = gardening book.
    * libro de la biblioteca = library book.
    * libro de literatura no ficticia = non-fiction book.
    * libro de lujo = gift book.
    * libro de mayor venta = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * libro de melodías = tunebook.
    * libro de navegación = book of navigation.
    * libro de notas = mark book.
    * libro de orígenes = studbook.
    * libro de pastas amarillas = yellow-back.
    * libro de prácticas = resource book.
    * libro de préstamo vencido = overdue book.
    * libro de recuerdo = keepsake.
    * libro de regalo = gift book.
    * libro de registro = accessions register, accessions book, accessions ledger.
    * libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas = letterbook [letter book].
    * libro de reglas de un juego = rulebook.
    * libro de sermones = lectionary.
    * libro de sobremesa = coffee-table book.
    * libro de texto = school book, text, textbook [text book].
    * libro de texto de una asignatura = set course book.
    * libro de texto escolar = school text.
    * libro de viajes = travel book, travelogue [travelog, -USA].
    * libro educativo = educational book.
    * libro electrónico = electronic book (e-book/ebook).
    * libro encuadernado en tapa = hard book cover, hardback cover, hardback book.
    * libro en rústica = paperback, paperback book, paperbound book, trade paperback, pocketbook.
    * libro esencial = bedside book.
    * libro fantasma = dummy book.
    * libro ficticio = dummy book.
    * libro físico = physical book.
    * libro fotolitografiado = photolitho book.
    * libro frágil = brittle book.
    * libro genealógico = studbook.
    * libro grabado en audio = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro hablado = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro homenaje = Festschrift [Festschriften, -pl.], commemorative volume, memorial volume.
    * libro ilustrado = livre d'artiste, illustrated book.
    * libro impreso = press book, printed book.
    * libro impreso en pastas duras = board book.
    * libro infantil = children's book.
    * libro juvenil = young people's book, juvenile book.
    * libro litográfico = lithographed book.
    * libro litúrgico = liturgical work.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller], blockbuster.
    * libro miniatura = miniature book.
    * libro narrativo = fictional book.
    * libro para empollar = crammer.
    * libro parlante = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro prohibido = banned book.
    * libro raro = rare book.
    * libro reservado = reserved book.
    * libros = book material.
    * libro sagrado = sacred book, sacred scripture.
    * Libros Americanos en Rústica en Venta = Paperbound Books in Print.
    * Libros Británicos en Rústica en Venta = Paperbacks in Print.
    * Libros Británicos en Venta = British Books in Print.
    * Libros de Texto para Africa (TAP) = Textbooks for Africa (TAP).
    * libros en venta = books in print.
    * libro sonoro = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libros sobre curiosidades = curiosa.
    * libro táctil = tactile book.
    * libro táctil de dibujos = tactile picture book.
    * libro tipográfico = letterpress book.
    * libro trofeo de guerra = trophy book.
    * libro verde = green paper.
    * lista de libros = booklist [book list].
    * lista de libros enviados a encuadernar = bindery list.
    * lomo del libro = book spine.
    * máquina de coser libros = book-sewing machine.
    * maquina de grapar libros = book-stapling machine.
    * mercado del libro, el = book market, the.
    * movimiento de libros = bookshift.
    * mundo del comercio del libro = book-trade life.
    * mundo del libro, el = book world, the.
    * mutilación de libros = book mutilation.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * novelas o libros que se compran en el supermercado = self-help.
    * obsesionado con los libros = bookaholic.
    * obseso con los libros = bookaholic.
    * parásito del libro = book insect.
    * piojo de los libros = booklouse [booklice, -pl.].
    * posesión de libros propios = book ownership.
    * presentación de libros = book talk [booktalk/book-talk].
    * prestamista de libros = book lender.
    * préstamo de libros = book lending, checking out books.
    * prestar un libro = check out + book.
    * presupuesto para la compra de libros = book funds [bookfunds].
    * presupuesto para libros = book budget.
    * proceso técnico del libro = book preparation, book processing.
    * producción de libros = book production, book publishing.
    * promoción de libros = book promotion.
    * quema de libros = book burning.
    * que no es libro de texto = non-textbook.
    * recensión de libros = reviewing.
    * relacionado con la promoción de libros = book-promotional.
    * relacionado con los libros = book-related.
    * reproducción ilegal de libros = book piracy.
    * reserva de libro = book reservation.
    * reserva de libros = reserve book room.
    * reservar libros = reserve + books.
    * retirar un libro en préstamo = check out + book.
    * rincón del libro = book corner.
    * robo de libros = book stealing, book theft.
    * sacar libro en préstamo = borrow + book.
    * sala de libros raros = rare book room.
    * saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.
    * sección de libros en rústica = paperback rack.
    * seleccionador de libros = book selector.
    * selección de libros = book selection.
    * sello para libros = book stamp.
    * ser como un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * ser un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * servicio de libros a domicilio = homebound service.
    * servicio relacionado con los libros = book service.
    * sistema antirrobo de libros = book security system, library security system.
    * sistema de detección de libros = book detection system.
    * sociedad sin libros = bookless society.
    * soporte de libro = book support.
    * suministro de libros = book supply.
    * traslado de libros = bookmove.
    * vale canjeable por un libro = book token.
    * venta de libros = bookselling [book selling].
    * * *
    1) (Impr) book

    colgar los libroto quit (AmE) o (BrE) give up studying

    ser (como) un libro abierto: eres un libro abierto — I can read you like a book

    2) libros masculino plural (Fin)
    3) (Lit) ( parte) book
    * * *
    = book, text.

    Ex: A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, periodical articles or reports).

    Ex: The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.
    * actitud ante los libros = set about books.
    * acto relacionado con el libro = book event.
    * adicto a los libros = bookaholic.
    * adquisición de libros = book supply, book purchasing.
    * almacén de libros = book-warehouse.
    * amante del libro = book lover [booklover].
    * amor por el libro = book-fancying.
    * anuncio publicitario de un libro = advertising blurb.
    * arte del libro = bookmanship.
    * audiolibro = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) = Book Aid International (BAI).
    * bibliotecario encargado de libros raros = rare book libarian.
    * biblioteconomía relacionada con los libros raros = rare book librarianship.
    * cadena del libro, la = book chain, the.
    * caja para transportar libros = book bin.
    * capacidad para libros = book capacity.
    * carrito de los libros = book truck, book trolley.
    * catálogo de libros = booklist [book list].
    * catálogo de libros en venta = publication(s) list.
    * catálogo en forma de libro = bookform catalogue, book catalogue.
    * catálogo en forma de libro encuadernado = bound book form catalogue.
    * catálogo impreso en forma de libro = printed book catalogue.
    * ciencia del libro = bookmanship.
    * cinta adhesiva ancha para libros = book tape.
    * colección de libros = book collection.
    * colección de libros de derecho en una prisión = prison law library.
    * colección de libros de jardinería = gardening collection.
    * colección de libros donados = gift collection.
    * colección de libros raros = rare book collection, rare collection.
    * coleccionista de libros = book-collector.
    * colocador de libros = book shelver, shelver.
    * comercialización del libro = bookselling [book selling].
    * comercio del libro = bookselling [book selling], book trade [booktrade].
    * comercio del libro, el = book business, the.
    * compra de libros = book buying [book-buying], book supply, book purchasing.
    * comprador de libros = book buyer.
    * conciencia del libro = book-consciousness.
    * confección de libros = bookmaking [book making].
    * con la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * con una extensión similar a la de un libro = book-length.
    * creación de los índices de un libro = back-of-the-book indexing, back-of-book indexing.
    * crisis de la industria del libro = book crisis.
    * crisis del libro = book crisis.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * depósito de libros = book depot.
    * deshojar un libro = tear + book.
    * devorador de libros = book-eating.
    * distribuidor de libros = book dealer.
    * donación de libros = gift collection, book endowment, book donation, book gift.
    * edición de libros = book publishing.
    * encuadernación de libros = bookbinding [book-binding].
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * especialista en conservación de libros = book conservation specialist.
    * estantería para libros = book racks.
    * etiqueta identificadora del libro = label.
    * exposición de libros = book display.
    * expositor de libros = book display stand.
    * fabricación de libros = bookmaking [book making].
    * feria del libro = book fair.
    * ficha de préstamo del libro = book card [bookcard].
    * formato libro = book form [bookform].
    * Fundación de Libros Panafricanos = Pan-African Book Foundation.
    * gastos de libros = book expenditure.
    * historia del libro = book history.
    * ilustración de libros = book illustration.
    * ilustrador de libros = book illustrator.
    * impresión de libros = book-printing.
    * impresor de libros = bookmaker.
    * índice de libro = book index.
    * industria de la edición de libros = book publishing industry.
    * industria del libro = book industry.
    * industria del libro, la = bookmaking industry, the.
    * interesado por los libros = book-conscious.
    * interés por los libros = awareness of books.
    * ISBN (Número Internacional Normalizado para Libros) = ISBN (International Standard Book Number).
    * ladrillos y libros = brick and book.
    * lector de libros = book reader.
    * libro antiguo = old book, antiquarian book, rare book.
    * libro azul = Blue book.
    * Libro Blanco = White Paper.
    * libro científico = scientific book, scholarly book.
    * libro comercial = trade book.
    * libro como objeto = book-object.
    * libro con estructura plegable = pop-up book.
    * libro con ilustraciones = picture book.
    * libro conmemorativo = keepsake.
    * libro con precio de venta fijado = net book.
    * libro con precio de venta no fijado = non-net book.
    * libro de arte = art book.
    * libro de artista = livre d'artiste, artist's book.
    * libro de casos prácticos = case book.
    * libro de citas = citator.
    * libro de cocina = book on cookery, cookbook.
    * libro de codificación = codebook.
    * libro de consulta en sala = reserve room book.
    * libro de contabilidad = ledger.
    * libro de cuentas = account book.
    * libro de derecho = law book.
    * libro de divulgación científica = popular science book.
    * libro de ejercicios = workbook [work-book].
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * libro de estudio = study book.
    * libro de firmas = guest book [guestbook].
    * libro de historia = history book.
    * libro de hojas de palmera = palm leaf book.
    * libro de honor = guest book [guestbook].
    * libro de jardinería = gardening book.
    * libro de la biblioteca = library book.
    * libro de literatura no ficticia = non-fiction book.
    * libro de lujo = gift book.
    * libro de mayor venta = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * libro de melodías = tunebook.
    * libro de navegación = book of navigation.
    * libro de notas = mark book.
    * libro de orígenes = studbook.
    * libro de pastas amarillas = yellow-back.
    * libro de prácticas = resource book.
    * libro de préstamo vencido = overdue book.
    * libro de recuerdo = keepsake.
    * libro de regalo = gift book.
    * libro de registro = accessions register, accessions book, accessions ledger.
    * libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas = letterbook [letter book].
    * libro de reglas de un juego = rulebook.
    * libro de sermones = lectionary.
    * libro de sobremesa = coffee-table book.
    * libro de texto = school book, text, textbook [text book].
    * libro de texto de una asignatura = set course book.
    * libro de texto escolar = school text.
    * libro de viajes = travel book, travelogue [travelog, -USA].
    * libro educativo = educational book.
    * libro electrónico = electronic book (e-book/ebook).
    * libro encuadernado en tapa = hard book cover, hardback cover, hardback book.
    * libro en rústica = paperback, paperback book, paperbound book, trade paperback, pocketbook.
    * libro esencial = bedside book.
    * libro fantasma = dummy book.
    * libro ficticio = dummy book.
    * libro físico = physical book.
    * libro fotolitografiado = photolitho book.
    * libro frágil = brittle book.
    * libro genealógico = studbook.
    * libro grabado en audio = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro hablado = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro homenaje = Festschrift [Festschriften, -pl.], commemorative volume, memorial volume.
    * libro ilustrado = livre d'artiste, illustrated book.
    * libro impreso = press book, printed book.
    * libro impreso en pastas duras = board book.
    * libro infantil = children's book.
    * libro juvenil = young people's book, juvenile book.
    * libro litográfico = lithographed book.
    * libro litúrgico = liturgical work.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller], blockbuster.
    * libro miniatura = miniature book.
    * libro narrativo = fictional book.
    * libro para empollar = crammer.
    * libro parlante = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libro prohibido = banned book.
    * libro raro = rare book.
    * libro reservado = reserved book.
    * libros = book material.
    * libro sagrado = sacred book, sacred scripture.
    * Libros Americanos en Rústica en Venta = Paperbound Books in Print.
    * Libros Británicos en Rústica en Venta = Paperbacks in Print.
    * Libros Británicos en Venta = British Books in Print.
    * Libros de Texto para Africa (TAP) = Textbooks for Africa (TAP).
    * libros en venta = books in print.
    * libro sonoro = talking book, audiobook [audio book].
    * libros sobre curiosidades = curiosa.
    * libro táctil = tactile book.
    * libro táctil de dibujos = tactile picture book.
    * libro tipográfico = letterpress book.
    * libro trofeo de guerra = trophy book.
    * libro verde = green paper.
    * lista de libros = booklist [book list].
    * lista de libros enviados a encuadernar = bindery list.
    * lomo del libro = book spine.
    * máquina de coser libros = book-sewing machine.
    * maquina de grapar libros = book-stapling machine.
    * mercado del libro, el = book market, the.
    * movimiento de libros = bookshift.
    * mundo del comercio del libro = book-trade life.
    * mundo del libro, el = book world, the.
    * mutilación de libros = book mutilation.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * novelas o libros que se compran en el supermercado = self-help.
    * obsesionado con los libros = bookaholic.
    * obseso con los libros = bookaholic.
    * parásito del libro = book insect.
    * piojo de los libros = booklouse [booklice, -pl.].
    * posesión de libros propios = book ownership.
    * presentación de libros = book talk [booktalk/book-talk].
    * prestamista de libros = book lender.
    * préstamo de libros = book lending, checking out books.
    * prestar un libro = check out + book.
    * presupuesto para la compra de libros = book funds [bookfunds].
    * presupuesto para libros = book budget.
    * proceso técnico del libro = book preparation, book processing.
    * producción de libros = book production, book publishing.
    * promoción de libros = book promotion.
    * quema de libros = book burning.
    * que no es libro de texto = non-textbook.
    * recensión de libros = reviewing.
    * relacionado con la promoción de libros = book-promotional.
    * relacionado con los libros = book-related.
    * reproducción ilegal de libros = book piracy.
    * reserva de libro = book reservation.
    * reserva de libros = reserve book room.
    * reservar libros = reserve + books.
    * retirar un libro en préstamo = check out + book.
    * rincón del libro = book corner.
    * robo de libros = book stealing, book theft.
    * sacar libro en préstamo = borrow + book.
    * sala de libros raros = rare book room.
    * saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.
    * sección de libros en rústica = paperback rack.
    * seleccionador de libros = book selector.
    * selección de libros = book selection.
    * sello para libros = book stamp.
    * ser como un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * ser un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * servicio de libros a domicilio = homebound service.
    * servicio relacionado con los libros = book service.
    * sistema antirrobo de libros = book security system, library security system.
    * sistema de detección de libros = book detection system.
    * sociedad sin libros = bookless society.
    * soporte de libro = book support.
    * suministro de libros = book supply.
    * traslado de libros = bookmove.
    * vale canjeable por un libro = book token.
    * venta de libros = bookselling [book selling].

    * * *
    A ( Impr) book
    un libro de arquitectura/sobre el imperio romano a book on architecture/on the Roman Empire
    un libro de cocina a cookbook, a cookery book ( BrE)
    hablar como un libro (abierto) (con afectación) to use high-flown o highfalutin language; (con sensatez) to talk sense, know what one is talking about
    perder los libros to lose one's touch, lose the knack ( colloq)
    sabérselas por libro ( Chi); to know every trick in the book, know what one is talking about/doing
    ser (como) un libro abierto to be an open book
    no intentes negarlo, eres un libro abierto don't try to deny it, I can read you like a book o you're an open book
    1 ( Fin):
    llevaba los libro de la empresa I was keeping the books o doing the bookkeeping for the company
    (lectura): no le gustan los libros he doesn't like reading
    colgar los libro to quit ( AmE) o ( BrE) give up studying
    C ( Lit) (parte) book
    pop-up book
    (preparadopor el gobierno) consultation document, white paper ( BrE); (— por una organización independiente) report, consultation document
    minute book
    reference book
    libro de contabilidad or cuentas
    book of short stories
    school record
    style guide
    booklet recording details of one's marriage, children's birthdates, etc
    instruction manual
    teacher's book
    prayer book
    order book
    poetry book, book of poems
    new title
    complaints book
    travel guide
    visitors' book; guest book
    stock book
    libro mágico or mecánico or móvil
    pop-up book
    general ledger
    * * *


    Del verbo librar: ( conjugate librar)

    libro es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    libró es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    librar ( conjugate librar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( liberar) libro a algn de algo ‹ de peligro› to save sb from sth;
    de obligación/responsabilidad› to free sb from sth;
    ¡Dios nos libre! God forbid!

    2batalla/combate to fight
    librarse verbo pronominal:

    librose de algo ‹de tarea/obligación to get out of sth;
    librose de un castigo to escape punishment;
    se libró de tener que ayudarlo she got out of having to help him;
    se libroon de morir asfixiados they escaped being suffocated;
    librose de algn to get rid of sb
    libro sustantivo masculino (Impr) book;
    un libro de cocina a cookbook;
    llevar los libros (Fin) to do the bookkeeping;
    libro de bolsillo paperback;
    libro de consulta reference book;
    libro de escolaridad school record;
    libro de familia booklet recording details of one's marriage, children's birthdates, etc;
    libro de texto textbook
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to free: me libró de un castigo, she let me off from a punishment
    2 (una orden de pago) to draw
    II vi (tener el día libre) libra los fines de semana, he has weekends off
    libro sustantivo masculino book
    Fin libro de cuentas, account book
    Educ libro de texto, textbook

    ' libro' also found in these entries:
    - abarquillarse
    - agotada
    - agotado
    - analogía
    - apaisada
    - apaisado
    - apéndice
    - atravesarse
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bastante
    - bien
    - bolsillo
    - cabecera
    - capítulo
    - censurar
    - cepillarse
    - cita
    - congratularse
    - cualquiera
    - cuerpo
    - curiosidad
    - datar
    - de
    - decir
    - deformación
    - desastre
    - desgraciada
    - desgraciado
    - devolver
    - diente
    - divertida
    - divertido
    - divulgación
    - edición
    - ejemplar
    - empalagosa
    - empalagoso
    - encuadernación
    - entender
    - feria
    - ficha
    - grabada
    - grabado
    - guía
    - hincar
    - hoja
    - homenaje
    - ilustrar
    - above
    - abridged
    - acknowledgement
    - annual
    - appearance
    - audio
    - autograph
    - back
    - base
    - bash out
    - be
    - bed
    - bind
    - blockbuster
    - body
    - book
    - bookmark
    - bookrack
    - bore
    - boring
    - bound
    - bring out
    - browse
    - capture
    - chapter
    - coda
    - come out
    - content
    - cookbook
    - cookery book
    - copy
    - cover
    - crease
    - deadly
    - deal with
    - dedication
    - derivative
    - diary
    - dip into
    - dull
    - early
    - edit
    - editor
    - entitle
    - escape
    - exemplify
    - exploit
    - extract
    - fall
    * * *
    libro nm
    1. [impreso] book;
    un libro de aventuras a book of adventure stories;
    hablar como un libro to express oneself very clearly;
    ser (como) un libro abierto to be an open book
    libro de bolsillo (pocket-sized) paperback;
    libro de cabecera bedside book;
    libro de canciones song book;
    libro de cocina cookbook, Br cookery book;
    libro de consulta reference book;
    libro de cuentos storybook;
    libro electrónico electronic book;
    libro de estilo style guide;
    libro de himnos hymn book;
    libro de instrucciones instruction book o manual;
    Rel libro sagrado Book [in Bible];
    libro de texto textbook;
    libro de viajes travel book
    2. Pol paper
    libro blanco white paper;
    libro verde green paper
    3. [registro] book;
    llevar los libros to keep the books
    Com libro de caja cashbook; Com libro de contabilidad accounts book; Educ libro de escolaridad = book containing a complete record of a pupil's academic results throughout his or her time at school;
    libro de familia = document containing personal details of the members of a family;
    libro de oro visitors' book [for important guests];
    libro de pedidos order book;
    libro de reclamaciones complaints book;
    libro de visitas visitors' book
    4. Fin libro diario [para transacciones] journal, day book
    * * *
    m book;
    colgar los libros quit studying;
    hablar como un libro talk like a book, use highfalutin language
    * * *
    libro nm
    1) : book
    libro de texto: textbook
    2) libros nmpl
    : books (in bookkeeping), accounts
    llevar los libros: to keep the books
    * * *
    libro n book

    Spanish-English dictionary > libro

  • 8 Root, Elisha King

    b. 10 May 1808 Ludlow, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 31 August 1865 Hartford, Connecticut, USA
    American mechanical engineer and inventor.
    After an elementary education, Elisha K.Root was apprenticed as a machinist and worked in that occupation at Ware and Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. In 1832 he went to Collinsville, Connecticut, to join the Collins Company, manufacturers of axes. He started as a lathe hand but soon became Foreman and, in 1845, Superintendent. While with the company, he devised and patented special-purpose machinery for forming axes which transformed the establishment from a primitive workshop to a modern factory.
    In 1849 Root was offered positions by four different manufacturers and accepted the post of Superintendent of the armoury then being planned at Hartford, Connecticut, by Samuel Colt for the manufacture of his revolver pistol, which he had invented in 1835. Initial acceptance of the revolver was slow, but by the mid1840s Colt had received sufficient orders to justify the establishment of a new factory and Root was engaged to design and install the machinery. The principle of interchangeable manufacture was adopted, and Root devised special machines for boring, rifling, making cartridges, etc., and a system of jigs, fixtures, tools and gauges. One of these special machines was a drop hammer that he invented and patented in 1853 and which established the art of die-forging on a modern basis. He was also associated with F.A. Pratt in the design of the "Lincoln" milling machine in 1855.
    When Colt died in 1862, Root became President of the company and continued in that capacity until his own death. It was said that he was one of the ablest and most highly paid mechanics from New England and that he was largely responsible for the success of both the Collins and the Colt companies.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven; reprinted 1926, New York, and 1987, Bradley, Ill. (describes Root's work at the Colt Armory).
    Paul Uselding, 1974, "Elisha K.Root, Forging, and the “American System”", "Elisha K.Root, forging, and the “American System”", Technology and Culture 15:543–68 (provides further biographical details, his work with the Collins Company and a list of his patents).

    Biographical history of technology > Root, Elisha King

  • 9 Mind

       It becomes, therefore, no inconsiderable part of science... to know the different operations of the mind, to separate them from each other, to class them under their proper heads, and to correct all that seeming disorder in which they lie involved when made the object of reflection and inquiry.... It cannot be doubted that the mind is endowed with several powers and faculties, that these powers are distinct from one another, and that what is really distinct to the immediate perception may be distinguished by reflection and, consequently, that there is a truth and falsehood which lie not beyond the compass of human understanding. (Hume, 1955, p. 22)
       Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white Paper, void of all Characters, without any Ideas: How comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store, which the busy and boundless Fancy of Man has painted on it, with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of Reason and Knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from Experience. (Locke, quoted in Herrnstein & Boring, 1965, p. 584)
       The kind of logic in mythical thought is as rigorous as that of modern science, and... the difference lies, not in the quality of the intellectual process, but in the nature of things to which it is applied.... Man has always been thinking equally well; the improvement lies, not in an alleged progress of man's mind, but in the discovery of new areas to which it may apply its unchanged and unchanging powers. (Leґvi-Strauss, 1963, p. 230)
       MIND. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. (Bierce, quoted in Minsky, 1986, p. 55)
       [Philosophy] understands the foundations of knowledge and it finds these foundations in a study of man-as-knower, of the "mental processes" or the "activity of representation" which make knowledge possible. To know is to represent accurately what is outside the mind, so to understand the possibility and nature of knowledge is to understand the way in which the mind is able to construct such representation.... We owe the notion of a "theory of knowledge" based on an understanding of "mental processes" to the seventeenth century, and especially to Locke. We owe the notion of "the mind" as a separate entity in which "processes" occur to the same period, and especially to Descartes. We owe the notion of philosophy as a tribunal of pure reason, upholding or denying the claims of the rest of culture, to the eighteenth century and especially to Kant, but this Kantian notion presupposed general assent to Lockean notions of mental processes and Cartesian notions of mental substance. (Rorty, 1979, pp. 3-4)
       Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation. It is becoming for us what sex was to Victorians-threat, obsession, taboo, and fascination. (Turkle, 1984, p. 313)
       7) Understanding the Mind Remains as Resistant to Neurological as to Cognitive Analyses
       Recent years have been exciting for researchers in the brain and cognitive sciences. Both fields have flourished, each spurred on by methodological and conceptual developments, and although understanding the mechanisms of mind is an objective shared by many workers in these areas, their theories and approaches to the problem are vastly different....
       Early experimental psychologists, such as Wundt and James, were as interested in and knowledgeable about the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as about the young science of the mind. However, the experimental study of mental processes was short-lived, being eclipsed by the rise of behaviorism early in this century. It was not until the late 1950s that the signs of a new mentalism first appeared in scattered writings of linguists, philosophers, computer enthusiasts, and psychologists.
       In this new incarnation, the science of mind had a specific mission: to challenge and replace behaviorism. In the meantime, brain science had in many ways become allied with a behaviorist approach.... While behaviorism sought to reduce the mind to statements about bodily action, brain science seeks to explain the mind in terms of physiochemical events occurring in the nervous system. These approaches contrast with contemporary cognitive science, which tries to understand the mind as it is, without any reduction, a view sometimes described as functionalism.
       The cognitive revolution is now in place. Cognition is the subject of contemporary psychology. This was achieved with little or no talk of neurons, action potentials, and neurotransmitters. Similarly, neuroscience has risen to an esteemed position among the biological sciences without much talk of cognitive processes. Do the fields need each other?... [Y]es because the problem of understanding the mind, unlike the wouldbe problem solvers, respects no disciplinary boundaries. It remains as resistant to neurological as to cognitive analyses. (LeDoux & Hirst, 1986, pp. 1-2)
       Since the Second World War scientists from different disciplines have turned to the study of the human mind. Computer scientists have tried to emulate its capacity for visual perception. Linguists have struggled with the puzzle of how children acquire language. Ethologists have sought the innate roots of social behaviour. Neurophysiologists have begun to relate the function of nerve cells to complex perceptual and motor processes. Neurologists and neuropsychologists have used the pattern of competence and incompetence of their brain-damaged patients to elucidate the normal workings of the brain. Anthropologists have examined the conceptual structure of cultural practices to advance hypotheses about the basic principles of the mind. These days one meets engineers who work on speech perception, biologists who investigate the mental representation of spatial relations, and physicists who want to understand consciousness. And, of course, psychologists continue to study perception, memory, thought and action.
    ... [W]orkers in many disciplines have converged on a number of central problems and explanatory ideas. They have realized that no single approach is likely to unravel the workings of the mind: it will not give up its secrets to psychology alone; nor is any other isolated discipline-artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, neurophysiology, philosophy-going to have any greater success. (Johnson-Laird, 1988, p. 7)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Mind

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