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  • 21 pick

    I 1. [pik] verb
    1) (to choose or select: Pick the one you like best.) a alege
    2) (to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand: The little girl sat on the grass and picked flowers.) a culege
    3) (to lift (someone or something): He picked up the child.) a ridica; a lua
    4) (to unlock (a lock) with a tool other than a key: When she found that she had lost her key, she picked the lock with a hair-pin.) a deschide/a sparge (o broască)
    2. noun
    1) (whatever or whichever a person wants or chooses: Take your pick of these prizes.) ale­gere
    2) (the best one(s) from or the best part of something: These grapes are the pick of the bunch.) cel mai bun
    - pick-up
    - pick and choose
    - pick at
    - pick someone's brains
    - pick holes in
    - pick off
    - pick on
    - pick out
    - pick someone's pocket
    - pick a quarrel/fight with someone
    - pick a quarrel/fight with
    - pick up
    - pick up speed
    - pick one's way
    II [pik] noun
    ((also (British) pickaxe, (American) pickax - plural pickaxes) a tool with a heavy metal head pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking hard surfaces eg walls, roads, rocks etc.) târnăcop

    English-Romanian dictionary > pick

  • 22 biggest

    (the one immediately after the best, biggest, oldest etc: I can't go to Paris so London is the next best place.) cel mai (...) după

    English-Romanian dictionary > biggest

  • 23 first-class

    1) (of the best quality: a first-class hotel.) (de) clasa întâi
    2) (very good: This food is first-class!) (de) cali­tatea întâi
    3) ((for) travelling in the best and most expensive part of the train, plane, ship etc: a first-class passenger ticket; ( also adverb) She always travels first-class.) (de) la clasa întâi

    English-Romanian dictionary > first-class

  • 24 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) a judeca
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) a arbitra
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) a aprecia, a evalua
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) a critica, a dezaproba
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) judecător
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.)
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) cunos­cător
    - judgement
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement

    English-Romanian dictionary > judge

  • 25 oldest etc

    (the one immediately after the best, biggest, oldest etc: I can't go to Paris so London is the next best place.) cel mai (...) după

    English-Romanian dictionary > oldest etc

  • 26 prime

    I 1. adjective
    1) (first or most important: the prime minister; a matter of prime importance.) prim
    2) (best: in prime condition.) perfect
    2. noun
    (the best part (of a person's etc life, usually early middle age): He is in his prime; the prime of life.) floarea vârstei
    - primarily
    - primary colours
    - prime minister
    - prime number
    - prime time
    3. adjective
    prime-time advertising.)
    II verb
    (to prepare (something) by putting something into or on it: He primed (=put gunpowder into) his gun; You must prime (=treat with primer) the wood before you paint it.) a încărca; a grundui

    English-Romanian dictionary > prime

  • 27 second

    I 1. ['sekənd] adjective
    1) (next after, or following, the first in time, place etc: February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.) al doilea, secund
    2) (additional or extra: a second house in the country.) al doilea, a doua
    3) (lesser in importance, quality etc: She's a member of the school's second swimming team.) se­cundar
    2. adverb
    (next after the first: He came second in the race.) al doilea
    3. noun
    1) (a second person, thing etc: You're the second to arrive.) al doilea
    2) (a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.) sus­ţi­nător
    4. verb
    (to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally: He proposed the motion and I seconded it.) a spri­jini
    5. noun
    (a secondary school.) şcoală secundară
    - secondly
    - secondary colours
    - secondary school
    - second-best
    - second-class
    - second-hand
    - second lieutenant
    - second-rate
    - second sight
    - second thoughts
    - at second hand
    - come off second best
    - every second week
    - month
    - second to none
    II ['sekənd] noun
    1) (the sixtieth part of a minute: He ran the race in three minutes and forty-two seconds.) secundă
    2) (a short time: I'll be there in a second.) clipă

    English-Romanian dictionary > second

  • 28 wish

    [wiʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to have and/or express a desire: There's no point in wishing for a miracle; Touch the magic stone and wish; He wished that she would go away; I wish that I had never met him.) a dori (ceva)
    2) (to require (to do or have something): Do you wish to sit down, sir?; We wish to book some seats for the theatre; I'll cancel the arrangement if you wish.) a vrea
    3) (to say that one hopes for (something for someone): I wish you the very best of luck.) a dori (cuiva ceva)
    2. noun
    1) (a desire or longing, or the thing desired: It's always been my wish to go to South America some day.) dorinţă
    2) (an expression of desire: The fairy granted him three wishes; Did you make a wish?) dorinţă
    3) ((usually in plural) an expression of hope for success etc for someone: He sends you his best wishes.) urare
    - wishing-well

    English-Romanian dictionary > wish

  • 29 ability

    plural - abilities; noun
    1) (the power, knowledge etc to do something: I shall do the job to the best of my ability.) posi­bi­litate, putinţă
    2) (a skill: a man of many abilities.) aptitudine

    English-Romanian dictionary > ability

  • 30 accommodate

    1) (to find or be a place for: The house could accommodate two families.) a adăposti
    2) (to oblige: They did their best to accommodate him by carrying out his wishes.) a oferi aju­tor
    - accommodation

    English-Romanian dictionary > accommodate

  • 31 art

    1) (painting and sculpture: I'm studying art at school; Do you like modern art?; ( also adjective) an art gallery, an art college.) (de) artă (plastică)
    2) (any of various creative forms of expression: painting, music, dancing, writing and the other arts.) artă
    3) (an ability or skill; the (best) way of doing something: the art of conversation/war.) artă
    - artfully
    - artfulness
    - arts

    English-Romanian dictionary > art

  • 32 be up to

    1) (to be busy or occupied with (an activity etc): What is he up to now?)
    2) (to be capable of: He isn't quite up to the job.)
    3) (to reach the standard of: This work isn't up to your best.)
    4) (to be the duty or privilege of: It's up to you to decide; The final choice is up to him.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > be up to

  • 33 bestseller

    noun (something (usually a book) which sells very many copies: Ernest Hemingway wrote several bestsellers.) best-seller

    English-Romanian dictionary > bestseller

  • 34 brain

    1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) (pe/la) creier
    2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) inteligenţă
    3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) minte, persoană inteligentă
    - brainy
    - brainchild
    - brain drain
    - brainwash
    - brainwashing
    - brainwave

    English-Romanian dictionary > brain

  • 35 catty

    adjective (spiteful, malicious: She's catty even about her best friend; catty remarks.) rău(tăcios)

    English-Romanian dictionary > catty

  • 36 claim

    [kleim] 1. verb
    1) (to say that something is a fact: He claims to be the best runner in the class.) a pretinde
    2) (to demand as a right: You must claim your money back if the goods are damaged.) a cere
    3) (to state that one is the owner of: Does anyone claim this book?) a revendica
    2. noun
    1) (a statement (that something is a fact): Her claim that she was the millionaire's daughter was disproved.) afirmaţie
    2) ((a demand for) a payment of compensation etc: a claim for damages against her employer.) revendicare, pretenţie
    3) (a demand for something which (one says) one owns or has a right to: a rightful claim to the money.) revendicaţie

    English-Romanian dictionary > claim

  • 37 classic

    1) (standard or best: the classic example.) clasic
    2) ((of literature, art etc) of the highest quality.) clasic
    3) ((of dress etc) simple, elegant and traditional.) clasic

    English-Romanian dictionary > classic

  • 38 climb

    1. verb
    1) ((of a person etc) to go up or towards the top of (a mountain, wall, ladder etc): He climbed to the top of the hill; He climbed up the ladder; The child climbed the tree.) a (se) urca (pe), a se căţăra (pe)
    2) (to rise or ascend.) a (se) urca
    2. noun
    1) (an act of going up: a rapid climb to the top of his profession.) urcare, ascensiune
    2) (a route or place to be climbed: The guide showed us the best climb.) urcuş

    English-Romanian dictionary > climb

  • 39 coax

    (to persuade by flattery, by patient and gentle treatment etc: He coaxed her into going to the dance by saying she was the best dancer he knew; He coaxed some money out of his mother.) a convinge (prin linguşiri)

    English-Romanian dictionary > coax

  • 40 course

    1) (a series (of lectures, medicines etc): I'm taking a course (of lectures) in sociology; He's having a course of treatment for his leg.) cursă; cură
    2) (a division or part of a meal: Now we've had the soup, what's (for) the next course?) fel (de mâncare)
    3) (the ground over which a race is run or a game (especially golf) is played: a racecourse; a golf-course.) teren
    4) (the path or direction in which something moves: the course of the Nile.) curs (de apă)
    5) (the progress or development of events: Things will run their normal course despite the strike.) curs
    6) (a way (of action): What's the best course of action in the circumstances?) mod (de a ac­ţiona)
    - in due course
    - of course
    - off
    - on course

    English-Romanian dictionary > course

См. также в других словарях:

  • BEST — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adolfo Best Maugard (1891–1964), mexikanischer Künstler Ben Best, US amerikanischer Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler Charles Best (1899–1978), US amerikanischer Physiologe und Biochemiker Clyde Best (* 1951) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Best — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adolfo Best Maugard (1891–1964), mexikanischer Künstler Ahmed Best (* 1973), US amerikanischer Synchronsprecher, Schauspieler und Musiker Ben Best, US amerikanischer Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler Benjamin …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • best — /best/, adj., superl. of good with better as compar. 1. of the highest quality, excellence, or standing: the best work; the best students. 2. most advantageous, suitable, or desirable: the best way. 3. largest; most: the best part of a day. adv …   Universalium

  • best*/*/*/ — [best] grammar word summary: Best can be: ■ an adjective: Which apples are best for cooking? ♦ It was the best party I ve ever been to. ■ an adverb: We ll choose the system that works best. ■ a noun: I ll do my best. 1) the superlative form of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • best — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of the most excellent or desirable type or quality. 2) most suitable, appropriate, or sensible. ► ADVERB 1) to the highest degree; most. 2) to the highest standard. 3) most suitably, appropriately, or sensibly. ► …   English terms dictionary

  • Best — may refer to: *the superlative of good (as in best of ... for example) *the superlative of well ;Places *Best, Netherlands municipality in the Netherlands *Best, North Carolina *Best, Texas;Music *Best of... tag used in published music records… …   Wikipedia

  • best — [best] adj. [ME best, betst < OE betst (akin to Goth batists) < ? IE base * bhad , good > Sans bhadrá ḥ, fortunate, good] 1. superl. of GOOD 2. of the most excellent sort; surpassing all others 3. most suitable, most desirable, most… …   English World dictionary

  • Best — (b[e^]st), a.; superl. of Good. [AS. besta, best, contr. from betest, betst, betsta; akin to Goth. batists, OHG. pezzisto, G. best, beste, D. best, Icel. beztr, Dan. best, Sw. b[ a]st. This word has no connection in origin with good. See {Better} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Best FM — Мультимедиа Холдинг Страна …   Википедия

  • best — I adjective above the average, beyond compare, brought to perfection, chief, choice, crowning, distinguished, exceptional, exemplary, extraordinary, faultless, favorite, first class, first rate, flawless, foremost, greater, highest, impeccable,… …   Law dictionary

  • Best — Best, n. Utmost; highest endeavor or state; most nearly perfect thing, or being, or action; as, to do one s best; to the best of our ability. [1913 Webster] {At best}, in the utmost degree or extent applicable to the case; under the most… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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