1 beehive coke
2 beehive coke
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > beehive coke
3 beehive coke
проф. ульевой коксБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > beehive coke
4 beehive coke
проф. ульевой кокс -
5 beehive coke
6 beehive coke
1) Профессиональный термин: ульевой кокс3) Металлургия: ульевый кокс4) Нефть: полученный в ульевых печах -
7 beehive coke
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > beehive coke
8 beehive coke
• кокс, полученный в ульевых печах -
9 beehive coke oven
Техника: ульевая коксовая печь -
10 coke
1) кокс; коксовый остаток || коксовать(ся)2) коксовое число; содержание кокса ( в маслах)5) мн. ч. стандартные марки горячелужёной жести•-
acid coke
bed coke
beehive coke
blast-furnace coke
bone-dry coke
breeze coke
briquette coke
brown-coal coke
bulk coke
by-product-oven coke
carbonized coke
cauliflower coke
charge coke
coal coke
coarse coke
conventional coke
debreezed coke
domestic coke
dry-quenched coke
ferrous coke
filter coke
fissured coke
fissure-free coke
formed coke
glowing coke
green coke
hard-coal coke
high-reactivity coke
high-temperature coke
iron coke
low-reactivity coke
low-temperature coke
lump coke
metallurgical coke
nut coke
ore sintering coke
oven coke
oversize coke
petroleum coke
pitch coke
quenched coke
refinery coke
regular-sized coke
run-of-oven coke
sized coke
solid coke
still coke
underquenched coke
undersized coke
wharf coke -
11 coke oven
beehive oven — круглая, ульевая печь периодического действия
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > coke oven
12 beehive oven
тех. круглая, ульевая печь периодического действия -
13 beehive oven
14 beehive oven
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > beehive oven
15 horizontal-flue coke oven
beehive oven — круглая, ульевая печь периодического действия
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > horizontal-flue coke oven
16 silica coke oven
beehive oven — круглая, ульевая печь периодического действия
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > silica coke oven
17 slot coke oven
beehive oven — круглая, ульевая печь периодического действия
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > slot coke oven
18 ульевой кокс
проф. beehive cokeБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ульевой кокс
19 oven
1) печь4) термостат•-
air bath oven
air oven
annealing oven
bake oven
bake-out oven
baking oven
band oven
beehive oven
cabinet oven
calcining oven
chain conveyor oven
channel oven
chromatographic oven
circulation oven
coke oven
combination oven
convection oven
conveyor baking oven
conveyor drying oven
conveyor oven
core-baking oven
core oven
crucible oven
crystal oven
curing oven
detector oven
dielectric heating oven
diffusion oven
direct gas flame impingement oven
direct-fired box oven
direct-fired oven
double-deck oven
drawplate bakery oven
drawplate oven
drying oven
electric cabinet oven
electric oven
electronic oven
externally heated oven
festooning oven
fixed sole oven
forced-ventilation oven
gas-fired oven
gas oven
gas-gun oven
gravity-convection oven
hearth oven
high-frequency oven
horizontal-flue oven
hot cure oven
hot-air oven
indirect-fired oven
internally heated oven
magnetron oven
multizone oven
one-deck oven
oxidization oven
oxidation oven
postcuring oven
rack oven
radiant heating oven
radiant heat oven
recuperative oven
reel oven
regenerative oven
retort oven
reversible sole oven
ring oven
roasting oven
shelf oven
shrink oven
side-heated oven
silica oven
single-divided oven
smoke oven
solar oven
source oven
split oven
steam pipe oven
steam-heated oven
steam-oil oven
stopper rod drying oven
stopper rod oven
sulfur oven
thermostatic oven
top-crossover oven
traveling hearth oven
traveling plate oven
traveling tray oven
tray oven
tunnel drying oven
tunnel oven
twin-flue oven
two-deck oven
underjet-fired oven
vacuum oven
vulcanizing oven
waste heat oven
wire-mesh belt oven -
20 kiln
1) обжиговая печь; камера для сушки; сушильная печь2) обжигать (напр. кирпич, известь)•- brick kiln - brick beehive kiln - burning kiln - calcining kiln - car-type tunnel kiln - cement kiln - cylindrical rotary kiln - double-stack kiln - drum-type kiln - drying kiln - dry process rotary kiln - dutch kiln - electric kiln - gas-fired calcining kiln - hot-water kiln - intermittent kiln - lime kiln - lime-burning kiln - monnier kiln - multichamber kiln - multipassage kiln - natural draft kiln - plaster kiln - shaft kiln - side loading kiln - steam-operated kiln - top-fired kiln - tunnel kiln* * *печь ( обжиговая); сушильная камера (напр. для древесины); сушильная печь- balanced rotary kiln
- brick kiln
- calcinating kiln
- calcining kiln
- cement kiln
- coke kiln
- drying kiln
- lime kiln
- plaster kiln
- ring kiln
- rotary kiln
- shaft kiln
- tunnel kiln
См. также в других словарях:
beehive coke — n coke manufactured in beehive, rectangular, or similar forms of ovens in a horizontal bed, where heat for the coking process is secured by combustion within the oven chamber … Coke&Coal Terminology
beehive coke — noun : coke that is made in a beehive oven and is usually of large size and hard stringy structure … Useful english dictionary
Beehive oven — A beehive oven was used to turn coal into coke. References* [http://patheoldminer.rootsweb.com/coke2.html The Manufacture of Coke in a Beehive Coke Oven] The History of Beehive Ovens in West Blocton, AL [http://www.wbbm.org/history west… … Wikipedia
coke — a carbonaceous solid produced from coal, petroleum, or other materials by thermal decomposition with passage through a plastic state. • beehive coke by product coke coke breeze dry coke … Coke&Coal Terminology
Coke Oven — A chamber of brick or other heat resistant material in which coal is heated to separate the coal gas, coal water, and tar. The coal gas and coal water fuse together with carbon and the remaining ash, forming a hard residue commonly referred to… … Energy terms
coke oven — noun : an oven made usually of refractory brick and blocks and used for carbonization (as of coal) for the production of coke see beehive oven, by product oven * * * an oven for the conversion of coal into coke by heating the coal in the absence… … Useful english dictionary
beehive — /bee huyv /, n. 1. a habitation or dwelling place constructed for bees, usually either dome shaped or box shaped. 2. a natural habitation of bees, as a hollowed out tree. 3. a crowded, busy place. 4. something resembling an artificial beehive in… … Universalium
Coke plants — Plants where coal is carbonized for the manufacture of coke in slot or beehive ovens. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
beehive oven — noun : a now little used arched coke oven in which heat is supplied by partial combustion of the coal within the oven chamber and no by products are recovered … Useful english dictionary
Dunlap Coke Ovens — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Elkins Coal and Coke Company Historic District — Infobox nrhp | name =Elkins Coal and Coke Company Historic District nrhp type =nhld caption = Pulling and Charging the Ovens location= Bretz, West Virginia locmapin = West Virginia area = built =1906 architect= Elkins Coal Coke Co. architecture=… … Wikipedia