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  • 1 pour

    1) (to (cause to) flow in a stream: She poured the milk into a bowl; Water poured down the wall; People were pouring out of the factory.) χύνω/σερβίρω/ξεχύνομαι
    2) ((only with it as subject) to rain heavily: It was pouring this morning.) βρέχει καταρρακτωδώς

    English-Greek dictionary > pour

  • 2 blood

    1) (the red fluid pumped through the body by the heart: Blood poured from the wound in his side.) αίμα
    2) (descent or ancestors: He is of royal blood.) καταγωγή, συγγένεια
    - bloody
    - bloodcurdling
    - blood donor
    - blood group/type
    - blood-poisoning
    - blood pressure
    - bloodshed
    - bloodshot
    - bloodstained
    - bloodstream
    - blood test
    - bloodthirsty
    - bloodthirstiness
    - blood transfusion
    - blood-vessel
    - in cold blood

    English-Greek dictionary > blood

  • 3 detergent

    (a (soapless) substance used for cleaning: She poured detergent into the washing-machine.) απορρυπαντικό

    English-Greek dictionary > detergent

  • 4 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) κάτω
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) κάτω(στο έδαφος)
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) από γενιά σε γενιά
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) προς τα κάτω
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.)
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) νότια,στο κέντρο
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) (προς τα)κάτω
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) κατά μήκος
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) κατεβάζω
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective
    He is a downright nuisance!) απόλυτος
    - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) πούπουλα
    - downy

    English-Greek dictionary > down

  • 5 funnel

    1) (a tube which is wide-mouthed at one end and narrow-mouthed at the other through which liquid can be poured into a narrow bottle etc: You will need a funnel if you are going to pour petrol into that can.) χωνί
    2) (a chimney on a ship etc through which smoke escapes.) φουγάρο

    English-Greek dictionary > funnel

  • 6 jar

    I noun
    (a kind of bottle made of glass or pottery, with a wide mouth: She poured the jam into large jars; jam-jars.) γυάλινο βάζο
    II past tense, past participle - jarred; verb
    1) ((with on) to have a harsh and startling effect (on): Her sharp voice jarred on my ears.) πειράζω, ερεθίζω
    2) (to give a shock to: The car accident had jarred her nerves.) ταράζω

    English-Greek dictionary > jar

  • 7 mould

    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) σάπια φύλλα/χούμος/μαυρόχωμα
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) μούχλα
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) καλούπι
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) φαγητό βγαλμένο από φόρμα
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) καλουπώνω
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) (δια)πλάθω
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) διαμορφώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > mould

  • 8 sauce

    (a usually thick liquid that is poured over other food in order to add moisture and flavour: tomato sauce; an expert at making sauces.) σάλτσα
    - saucily
    - sauciness
    - saucepan

    English-Greek dictionary > sauce

  • 9 sieve

    [siv] 1. noun
    (a container with a bottom full of very small holes, used to separate liquids from solids or small, fine pieces from larger ones etc: He poured the soup through a sieve to remove all the lumps.) σουρωτήρι,κόσκινο
    2. verb
    (to pass (something) through a sieve.) σουρώνω,κοσκινίζω

    English-Greek dictionary > sieve

  • 10 spout

    1. verb
    1) (to throw out or be thrown out in a jet: Water spouted from the hole in the tank.) αναβλύζω,ξεχύνομαι
    2) (to talk or say (something) loudly and dramatically: He started to spout poetry, of all things!) τσαμπουνώ/απαγγέλω με στόμφο
    2. noun
    1) (the part of a kettle, teapot, jug, water-pipe etc through which the liquid it contains is poured out.) στόμιο,λαιμός
    2) (a jet or strong flow (of water etc).) κρουνός,συντριβάνι

    English-Greek dictionary > spout

  • 11 tea-bag

    (a small bag or sachet of thin paper containing tea, on to which boiling water is poured in a pot or cup.) φακελάκι τσάι

    English-Greek dictionary > tea-bag

  • 12 thick

    [Ɵik] 1. adjective
    1) (having a relatively large distance between opposite sides; not thin: a thick book; thick walls; thick glass.) παχύς, χοντρός
    2) (having a certain distance between opposite sides: It's two inches thick; a two-inch-thick pane of glass.) σε πάχος
    3) ((of liquids, mixtures etc) containing solid matter; not flowing (easily) when poured: thick soup.) πηχτός
    4) (made of many single units placed very close together; dense: a thick forest; thick hair.) πυκνός
    5) (difficult to see through: thick fog.) πυκνός, απροσπέλαστος
    6) (full of, covered with etc: The room was thick with dust; The air was thick with smoke.) πηγμένος
    7) (stupid: Don't be so thick!) χοντροκέφαλος
    2. noun
    (the thickest, most crowded or active part: in the thick of the forest; in the thick of the fight.) κέντρο, καρδιά
    - thickness
    - thicken
    - thick-skinned
    - thick and fast
    - through thick and thin

    English-Greek dictionary > thick

  • 13 Torrent

    P. χείμαρρος, ὁ, ῥύαξ, ὁ, V. ῥεῖθρον χείμαρρον, τό; see Stream.
    This whole plot would have burst like a torrent over the city: P. ὥσπερ χείμαρρος ἂν ἅπαν τοῦτο τὸ πρᾶγμα εἰς τὴν πόλιν εἰσέπεσε (Dem., 278).
    Of a torrent, adj.: V. χείμαρρος.
    Torrent bed: Ar. and P. χαράδρα, ἡ.
    met., of words: Ar. κρουνός, ὁ.
    When Pytho grew bold and poured forth a torrent of invective against you, I did not give way: P. ἐγὼ μὲν τῷ Πύθωνι θρασυνομένῳ καὶ πολλῷ ῥέοντι καθʼ ὑμῶν οὐχ ὑπεχώρησα (Dem. 272).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Torrent

См. также в других словарях:

  • Poured — Pour Pour, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Poured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pouring}.] [OE. pouren, of uncertain origin; cf. W. bwrw to cast, throw, shed, bwrw gwlaw to rain.] 1. To cause to flow in a stream, as a liquid or anything flowing like a liquid, either… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • poured — pÉ”r /pɔː v. let flow, make flow; spill; cast, mold; rain heavily n. heavy rain; heavy continuous flow; act of pouring; cocktail party (Slang) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • poured out his troubles — confessed, told about his problems, expressed his problems …   English contemporary dictionary

  • POURED — …   Useful english dictionary

  • he poured cold water on him — v. he throw cold water on him, he discouraged him …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Shobach —    Poured out, the captain of the host of Hadarezer when he mustered his vassals and tributaries from beyond the river Euphrates (2 Sam. 10:15 18); called also Shophach (1 Chr. 19:16) …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • emptied the bottle — poured out all the bottle s contents …   English contemporary dictionary

  • emptied the cup — poured out all the cup s contents …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Waterboarding — is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on their back with the head inclined downward and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages.cite news | last = Eban | first = Katherine | title = Rorschach and Awe |… …   Wikipedia

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… …   Wikipedia

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