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  • 1 pedigree

    ['pediɡri:] 1. noun
    1) (a list of the ancestors from whom a person or animal is descended: a dog's pedigree.) ģenealoģija, raduraksti
    2) (distinguished descent or ancestry: a man of pedigree.) augsta izcelšanās
    2. adjective
    ((of an animal) pure-bred; from a long line of ancestors of the same breed: a herd of pedigree cattle.) šķirnes-; sugas-
    * * *
    ģenealoģija, raduraksti; sugas, šķirnes; izcelšanās

    English-Latvian dictionary > pedigree

См. также в других словарях:

  • descent — de·scent n: transmission or devolution of the estate of a person who has died without a valid will compare distribution Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. descent …   Law dictionary

  • Descent from antiquity — (DFA) is the project of establishing a well researched, generation by generation descent of living persons from people living in antiquity. It is an ultimate challenge in prosopography and genealogy. The idea is by no means new. Hellenistic… …   Wikipedia

  • descent — Hereditary succession. Succession to the ownership of an estate by inheritance, or by any act of law, as distinguished from purchase. Title by descent is the title by which one person, upon the death of another, acquires the real estate of the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • descent — Hereditary succession. Succession to the ownership of an estate by inheritance, or by any act of law, as distinguished from purchase. Title by descent is the title by which one person, upon the death of another, acquires the real estate of the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • descent — Hereditary succession. Freeman v Allen, 17 Ohio St 527. Technically, the transmission of real estate, or, some interest in real estate, on the death of its owner intestate; to be distinguished from the transmission of personal property, the title …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Puerto Rican recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross — Puerto Ricans have served as members of the United States Armed Forces and have fought in every major conflict in which the United States has been involved from World War I onward. Many Puerto Ricans, including those of Puerto Rican descent, have …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites — The theory that the Pashtun people originate from the exiled Lost Tribes of Israel was widely held as recently as the 19th century. They are the largest ethnic group of Afghanistan, virtually all Muslims.It is based on a variety of ancient… …   Wikipedia

  • Mexicans of European descent — Mexicans of European descent …   Wikipedia

  • Ashraf — For the name, see Ashraf (name). For the city, see Camp Ashraf. Ashrâf (Arabic: اشرف ) is an Arabic term referring to someone claiming descent from Muhammad by way of his daughter Fatimah. The word comes from the Arabic sharif ( noble ), from… …   Wikipedia

  • TALMID ḤAKHAM — (Heb. תַּלְמִיד חָכָם; pl. talmidei ḥakhamim; lit. a disciple of the wise rather than a wise student ), the appellation given to a rabbinical scholar. The Talmud expresses the preference of the aristocracy of learning over that of distinguished… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ASHER BEN JEHIEL — (also known as Asheri and Rosh; c. 1250–1327), talmudist. His first teachers were his father, one of the Ḥasidei Ashkenaz, who was a follower of , and his elder brother. He spent some time in France, apparently in Troyes, and then lived in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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