Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки



    1. Общее правило для переводчика: русское существительное, стоящее в начале предложения в косвенном падеже, следует преобразовывать в подлежащее английского предложения, вне зависимости от его исходной синтаксической роли.
    Это наиболее надежный способ построить грамматически правильное и удобопонятное предложение на АЯ.
    a) Конструкция «в + Пр.п» в начале предложения:
    В выступлении президента было подчеркнуто, что никакие ссылки на терроризм не дают американской администрации права выступать в роли международного судьи. – The president’s statement emphasized that no reference to/invoking of terrorism can/give the American Administration the right to act as/ take the role of an international judge.
    В работе пресс-конференции принимали участие рабочие всех отраслей. – The work of the conference involved/included (замена глагола для достижения естественности звучания английского предложения) workers from all industries/fields/areas.
    Во французской ноте выражался решительный протест против этих действий. – The French note strongly/vigorously protested/contained a strong protest against such actions.
    Конструкция «в + Пр.п места» часто используется для ссылок на документ:
    В принятой вчера резолюции… - The resolution adopted/passed yesterday…
    В этом докладе много материалов на данную тему. – This report contains a lot of materials on this subject.
    В этих листках зло писали о порядках на фабрике. – These leaflets harshly criticized the system at the factory.
    - в печати
    б) Конструкция «на + Пр.п.»
    На встрече договорились… - The meeting reached an agreement…
    На рисунке хорошо видны детали. – The picture gives a good view of these details.
    в) Конструкция «о + Пр.п»
    Об этом говорилось уже много раз. – This has been discussed/referred to/addressed/spoken about/spoken to/raised/dealt with many times.
    г) Преобразование косвенного падежа в подлежащее с заменой активного глагола на пассивный:
    О конструктивной роли, которую могли бы сыграть средства массовой информации, следует помнить. – The constructive role which the media could play should be recalled.
    О причинах нынешней напряженности мы уже имели возможность сказать на заседаниях этого комитета. – The reasons for the present tension have already been addressed/are a subject we have already addressed at meetings of this committee.
    д) Перевод предложений, начинающихся со слов в Вин.п.:
    i)используется глагол to be (глагол «широкой семантики» - «бытийный глагол»).
    Крайне опасный характер приобретает теперь терроризм. Extremely dangerous now is terrorism/Of particular danger now is terrorism.
    ii) используются слова that, what или something вместе с «бытийным глаголом»:
    Бесспорными являются тяжелые последствия усилий ЮАР в этой области для безопасности соседних государств. – What is unquestionable/Something which is unquestionable is the serious consequences of South Africa’s steps in this area for the security of neighboring states.
    *** Вполне обоснованным представляется вывод, сделанный Генеральным Секретарем в его недавнем докладе о положении на Ближнем Востоке, о том, что… - What is fully justified is…/Something that would seem fully justified is the conclusion drawn by the Secretary General in his recent report that…
    е) Перевод дополнений в Дат.п.
    Этой тактике «превентивных» ударов должен быть положен конец. – This policy of preventive strikes must be stopped/halted.
    По адресу правления совета высказывалось одобрение. – The board of the council was commended
    Ему было холодно. – He was cold. Ей хотелось спать. – She felt sleepy.
    ж) Перевод местоимений в Вин.п.
    Их беспокоит, что он все еще не приехал. – They are worried that he hasn’t yet arrived.
    з) Конструкции «от + Род.п.»
    От пожара уцелело всего несколько домов. – The fire spared ( замена глагола) only a few houses.
    От понимания того, что является причиной сползания человечества к ядерной бездне, зависит и ответ на вопрос, можно ли остановить этот страшный процесс. – Understanding the reason for the mankind’s drift towards the nuclear abyss/nuclear disaster determines ( замена глагола) the answer to the question (as to) whether it is possible to stop this frightening/horrendous/fatal process.
    *** От того, сумеет ли мир избежать ядерной катастрофы, зависит решение всех насущных проблем и само существование человеческой цивилизации. – The world’s ability to nuclear catastrophe is decisive/is critical for the resolution of all other urgent/critical problems and for the very survival of civilization. Или Whether of not the world can avoid nuclear catastrophe – this will determine/this is what will determine the resolution…
    2. Перевод оборотов, начинающихся с причастий
    а) Начинать с причастия – напрашиваться на неприятности! Перевод можно начинать со слов that, what или something
    Выдвинутая в заявлении Президента от 15 февраля программа освобождения человечества кс 2000 году от ядерного и иного оружия массового уничтожения рассматривает выделение средств на цели социального и экономического развития в качестве важнейшей сопутствующей меры соглашений по ограничению вооружений и разоружению. –
    That/something which was proposed in the president’s statement of February 15, namely/I mean/that is the program for freeing/delivering mankind by the year 2000 from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction provides for the allocation of resources for social and economic development as a most important collateral/additional/accompanying measure for arms limitation and disarmament agreements.
    б) Если вероятностное прогнозирование или здравый смысл подсказывают дальнейшее развитие мысли оратора, переводчик может заменить причастие именной конструкцией:
    Интересы этих народов требуют, чтобы были приняты безотлагательные меры по оздоровлению обстановки в регионе. – The interests of those peoples require the taking of immediate measures/measures that can be taken/to improve the situation in the region.
    *** В полной мере здесь должны быть использованы каналы Всемирной кампании за разоружение. – Full use should be made here of the opportunities provided by the World Disarmament Campaign.
    в) Возможно опустить причастие:
    Нам также представляется правильным принятый Комитетом подход к выработке общих рекомендаций, согласно которому акцент будет делаться на качестве разрабатываемых им рекомендаций. – We also believe that the Committee’s approach to drawing up recommendations is correct, namely that stress will be placed on the quality of the recommendations it produces/draws up/makes/comes up with.
    г) Сведение причастного оборота к прилагательному:
    Такой ориентированный на деловой результат подход даст возможность добиться необходимой активизации роли нашей комиссии. – Such a determined/vigorous/single-minded approach will provide/allow for the required/needed stepping up/intensification of the role of our committee.
    3. Перевод предложений, начинающихся с глаголов со значением необходимости и долженствования:
    there is
    Требует своего совершенствования процедура рассмотрения документов. – There is a need to improve the procedure for consideration of documents.
    Необходимо всемерно повышать… - There is a need to raise in every way/it is essential to raise in every way… Необходимо более тесное международное сотрудничество… - There is a need for closer international cooperation/What is needed is closer international cooperation…
    Особенно эффективно использовать there is, если переводчик не хочет вводить подлежащее или ставить глагол в пассивную форму:
    Надо это сделать. – There is a need to do it/
    C.f. We need to do it. (введено подлежащее) This should be done. (глагол в пассиве)
    4. Перевод безличных предложений.
    It is - в качестве тематического подлежащего
    Проводить тренировку лучше днем или вечером. – It is best to do these exercises in the afternoon or evening.
    Легче попасть в беду, чем выпутаться из нее. – It is easier to get into trouble than out of it.
    5. Если прямое дополнение, обозначающее предмет действия, превращается в английском предложении в подлежащее, то сказуемое выражается при помощи пассивной глагольной конструкции.
    Толкали его. – He was pushed.
    Первые шаги в этой области предприняла ЮНЕСКО. – The first steps in this field were taken by UNESCO.
    6. Неопределенно-личные конструкции переводятся пассивом.
    Говорят, он хороший актер. – He is said to be a good actor.
    Ее считают способной учительницей. – She is considered a good teacher. Нам внушали, что наша система лучше. – We have been led to believe/told that our system is better.
    Иногда глагол можно заменить существительным:
    Готовились праздновать Новый год. – Preparations were under way/begun for celebrating New Year.
    7. Безличная конструкция с инфинитивом переводится при помощи местоимения it или личного местоимения.
    Радоваться нам надо, а не плакать. – We should be happy and not cry/instead of crying.
    Не надо так говорить. – You must not say that/You shouldn’t talk like that. Что делать? – What should we/you do?
    8. Русское прилагательное, помещенное на начальное место в предложении с целью выделения, может потребовать при переводе на английский, помимо изменения порядка слов, использования усилительного слова или конструкции.
    Прекрасный ты испекла торт! – What a fantastic cake you baked!
    Видела я первые его шаги. – I saw him take his very first steps. Голодная я! – Am I starving!/Because I’m hungry, that’s why! Невероятная это была история. – It was an absolutely unbelievable story.
    9. Разделение в русском предложении словосочетания с целью логического выделения одного из слов может обусловить наличие в предложении двух интонационных центров.
    Замечательный у тебя муж! – What a wonderful husband you have!
    Очень сильно девочка ушиблась вчера. – She really got badly bruised yesterday. Триста ты мне должен долларов, дорогой! – That’s tree hundred you owe me, kiddo!
    10. Интонационное выделение слова, стоящего в непривычной для себя начальной позиции, показывает, что именно оно особенно важно для говорящего. Такой инвертированный порядок слов характерен для вопросительных предложений в разговорном стиле.
    Он к вам приходит когда? – When is it he’s coming to see you?
    А говорит он ей что? – So what is he telling her?
    Ваня, мне кажется, не пришел. ( интонационное выделение имени собственного) – I don’t think Vanya came.

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > СИНТАКСИС

  • 22 de tamaño medio

    (adj.) = medium-sized, mid-sized [midsized], middle-sized, medium size [medium-size], medium scale [medium-scale], mid-size [midsize]
    Ex. It was designed as a list of subject headings for use in the dictionary catalogues of medium-sized libraries.
    Ex. To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
    Ex. For people living in what might be called industrial-rural areas the best that could be expected locally would be a moderate provision in the local middle-sized town.
    Ex. The purpose of the project was to examine the costs and benefits of OCLC in small and medium size libraries of all types.
    Ex. The system will be made available to the patrons of a medium-scale branch library (c. 75000 volumes) via network access.
    Ex. Small to midsize companies are more likely to use technological surveillance (i.e., computer spy programs), as they're more readily available than undercover detective agencies, which can get a bit pricey.
    * * *
    (adj.) = medium-sized, mid-sized [midsized], middle-sized, medium size [medium-size], medium scale [medium-scale], mid-size [midsize]

    Ex: It was designed as a list of subject headings for use in the dictionary catalogues of medium-sized libraries.

    Ex: To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
    Ex: For people living in what might be called industrial-rural areas the best that could be expected locally would be a moderate provision in the local middle-sized town.
    Ex: The purpose of the project was to examine the costs and benefits of OCLC in small and medium size libraries of all types.
    Ex: The system will be made available to the patrons of a medium-scale branch library (c. 75000 volumes) via network access.
    Ex: Small to midsize companies are more likely to use technological surveillance (i.e., computer spy programs), as they're more readily available than undercover detective agencies, which can get a bit pricey.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de tamaño medio

  • 23 kritisch

    kri·tisch [ʼkri:tɪʃ] adj
    1) ( kritisierend) critical
    2) ( bedenklich) critical;
    [für jdn] \kritisch werden to become critical [for sb]
    adv critically

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > kritisch

  • 24 salud infantil

    (n.) = child health
    Ex. Nutrition is equally critical for child health and survival.
    * * *

    Ex: Nutrition is equally critical for child health and survival.

    Spanish-English dictionary > salud infantil

  • 25 empresa

    1 company.
    pequeña y mediana empresa small and medium-sized business
    libre empresa free enterprise
    empresa conjunta joint venture
    empresa filial subsidiary
    empresa matriz parent company
    empresa privada private company
    la empresa privada the private sector
    empresa pública public sector firm
    la empresa pública the public sector
    2 enterprise, undertaking.
    se embarcó en una peligrosa empresa he embarked on a risky enterprise o undertaking
    * * *
    1 (compañía) firm, company
    2 (dirección) management
    3 (acción) undertaking, venture
    empresa filial subsidiary company
    empresa matriz parent company
    empresa multinacional multinational company
    empresa naviera shipping company
    libre empresa free enterprise
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) company, corporation, firm, business
    2) undertaking, venture
    * * *
    1) (=tarea) enterprise
    2) (Com, Econ) (=compañía) firm, company

    empresa funeraria — undertaker's, mortician's (EEUU)

    3) (=dirección) management

    la empresa lamenta que... — the management regrets that...

    * * *
    a) ( compañía) company, firm (BrE)
    b) ( dirección) management
    2) (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    * * *
    a) ( compañía) company, firm (BrE)
    b) ( dirección) management
    2) (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    * * *
    1 = business [businesses, -pl.], commercial firm, company, corporation, firm, business enterprise, outfit, business interest, business firm, industrial firm, commercial enterprise, operating company.

    Ex: To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.

    Ex: Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.
    Ex: Among the companies offering 'Mice' are Microsoft, Vision and Apple, but more are anticipated.
    Ex: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
    Ex: The 'Books at work' project in Kalmar in southern Sweden is the result of collaboration between trade unions, business enterprises and the public library.
    Ex: The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    Ex: As an example, the University of Hawaii libraries have installed an online catalogue on which they will hang a special assortment of databases that are needed by Hawaii and Pacific business interests.
    Ex: Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
    Ex: In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.
    Ex: Some commercial enterprises subsidise satellite communications for academic institutions.
    Ex: In the future, these files will be made readily accessible to other Glaxo operating companies through the use of computers.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * administración de empresas = business administration.
    * admnistrador de empresa = firm administrator.
    * archivo de empresa = business archives.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * bibliotecario de empresa = industrial librarian.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * conglomerado de empresas = conglomerate.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * de la propia empresa = company-owned.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * director de empresa = company director.
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = corporate directory database, company directory database.
    * documentación de empresas = business record.
    * empresa afiliada = sister company.
    * empresa comercial = commercial agency, commercial vendor, commercial business, business firm.
    * empresa con solera = established player.
    * empresa consolidada = established player.
    * empresa constructora = property developer.
    * empresa consumada = established player.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * empresa de cobro de deudas = debt collection agency.
    * empresa de contabilidad = accounting firm.
    * empresa dedicada a la venta por correo = mail order company.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * empresa de la limpieza = cleaning firm.
    * empresa de liempza = cleaning business.
    * empresa de limpieza = janitorial business.
    * empresa de medios de comunicación = media company.
    * empresa de mudanzas = mover.
    * empresa de nuestro grupo = sister company, sister organisation.
    * empresa de nueva creación = this sort of thing, startup [start-up].
    * empresa de ordenadores = computer company.
    * empresa de reparto de paquetes = package delivery company.
    * empresa de seguridad = security firm.
    * empresa de servicios = service organisation, service agency, service company.
    * empresa de servicios de información = information broker, broker, information broking.
    * empresa de servicio social = social utility.
    * empresa de servicios públicos = public utility, utility company.
    * empresa de solera = established player.
    * empresa de telecomunicaciones = computer bureau.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * empresa de un grupo = operating company.
    * empresa de viajes = travel company.
    * empresa en la que sólo pueden trabajar empleados que pertenezcan a un sindic = close shop.
    * empresa farmacéutica = drug company.
    * empresa filial = subsidiary company.
    * empresa hipotecaria = mortgage company.
    * empresa industrial = industrial firm.
    * empresa organizadora de congresos = conference organiser.
    * empresa privada = private vendor, private company, private business, private firm.
    * empresa pública = civilian employer, public firm.
    * empresas americanas, las = corporate America.
    * empresa sindicada = union shop.
    * empresa televisiva = television company.
    * empresa transportadora = shipper, shipping agent.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * específico de las empresas = company-specific.
    * fusión de empresas = consolidation.
    * gasto de empresa = business expense.
    * gestión de empresas = business management.
    * grupo de empresas = business group.
    * guardería de la empresa = workplace crêche.
    * información sobre empresas = business intelligence.
    * intranet de empresa = corporate intranet.
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * mercado de la empresa = corporate market.
    * mundo de la empresa = business world.
    * mundo de la empresa, el = corporate world, the.
    * mundo de las empresas = business environment.
    * página web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * partícipe en la empresa = corporate insider.
    * patrocinado por la propia empresa = company-sponsored.
    * pequeña empresa = small business.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * propiedad de la empresa = company-owned.
    * PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) = SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise).
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * sitio web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * trabajador cualificado contratado de otra empresa = lateral hire.
    * ya parte de la empresa = on board.

    2 = enterprise, scheme, venture, quest, operation, undertaking.

    Ex: Only those who have attempted to edit the proceedings of a conference can appreciate the magnitude and scope of such an enterprise.

    Ex: There are forty-six centres in twenty-five countries participating in the scheme.
    Ex: However rudimentary or advanced the system, and no matter what the age of the children involved, certain matters should be considered before setting out on the venture.
    Ex: It is a quest without a satisfactory conclusion - a holy grail of librarianship.
    Ex: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex: Since the file from 1966-1975 contains some 2,500,000 references, a search of the complete data base is a fairly large-scale undertaking.
    * empresa descabellada = fool's errand.
    * empresa próspera = success story.

    * * *
    1 (compañía) company, firm ( BrE)
    empresa filial subsidiary company
    mediano, pequeño1 (↑ pequeño (1))
    2 (dirección) management
    la empresa no se hace responsable de … the management cannot accept liability for …
    libre1 (↑ libre (1))
    public utility company, public utility
    sponsors (pl) ( of an artistic event)
    private sector company
    public sector company
    masculine and feminine (Ur) self-employed person, sole trader ( BrE)
    B (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    nos hemos embarcado en una arriesgada empresa we've undertaken a risky venture
    pereció en la empresa ( liter); she perished in the attempt ( liter)
    * * *


    empresa sustantivo femenino
    1 ( compañía) company, firm (BrE);

    2 (tarea, labor) venture, undertaking
    empresa sustantivo femenino
    1 Com Ind company, firm
    empresa pública, state-owned company
    2 (proyecto, tarea) undertaking, task: es una empresa muy arriesgada, it's a very risky venture
    ' empresa' also found in these entries:
    - ámbito
    - amenaza
    - asegurar
    - bacalao
    - casa
    - CEPYME
    - compañía
    - constructor
    - constructora
    - contabilidad
    - contrata
    - dar
    - decorar
    - deficitaria
    - deficitario
    - definitivamente
    - departamento
    - depurar
    - dirección
    - dirigir
    - diversificarse
    - económica
    - económico
    - ejecutiva
    - ensalzar
    - entablar
    - escala
    - escáner
    - espaldarazo
    - estatal
    - estructuración
    - forjar
    - gestión
    - hipotecar
    - hostelería
    - imagen
    - imposición
    - inspección
    - juez
    - lanzamiento
    - ligarse
    - llevar
    - mecánica
    - nacional
    - negocio
    - negrera
    - negrero
    - patrón
    - patrona
    - amount to
    - association
    - audit
    - backbone
    - bankrupt
    - base
    - be
    - being
    - boss
    - branch out
    - builder
    - business
    - by-law
    - carrier
    - climb down
    - cock-up
    - collapse
    - come in
    - company
    - creativity
    - credit bureau
    - dark horse
    - deal with
    - department
    - developer
    - disorganized
    - division
    - do
    - down-market
    - effective
    - engineer
    - enter
    - enterprise
    - equal
    - established
    - exploit
    - firm
    - fixture
    - float
    - flourish
    - go down
    - go under
    - head
    - house
    - in-house
    - insider
    - intimidate
    - launch
    - launching
    * * *
    1. [sociedad] company;
    pequeña y mediana empresa small and medium-sized business;
    prohibido fijar carteles: responsable la empresa anunciadora [en letrero] post o stick no bills: advertisers will be held liable
    empresa común joint venture;
    empresa conjunta joint venture;
    empresa filial subsidiary;
    empresa funeraria undertaker's;
    empresa júnior junior enterprise, = firm set up and run by business studies students;
    empresa libre, libre empresa free enterprise;
    empresa matriz parent company;
    empresa mixta mixed company;
    empresa privada private company;
    empresa pública public sector firm;
    empresa punto com dot.com (company);
    empresa de seguridad security firm;
    empresa de servicio público public utility, US public service corporation;
    empresa de servicios service company;
    empresa de trabajo temporal Br temping o US temp agency;
    empresa de transportes Br haulage o US trucking firm;
    Urug empresa unipersonal sole trader, one person business
    2. [dirección] management;
    las negociaciones con la empresa the negotiations with management
    3. [acción] enterprise, undertaking;
    se embarcó en una peligrosa empresa he embarked on a risky enterprise o undertaking
    * * *
    1 company;
    gran empresa large company;
    pequeña empresa small business;
    mediana empresa medium-sized business
    2 fig
    venture, undertaking
    * * *
    1) compañía, firma: company, corporation, firm
    2) : undertaking, venture
    * * *
    1. (entidad) company [pl. companies]
    2. (negocio) business [pl. businesses]

    Spanish-English dictionary > empresa

  • 26 empresa1

    1 = business [businesses, -pl.], commercial firm, company, corporation, firm, business enterprise, outfit, business interest, business firm, industrial firm, commercial enterprise, operating company.
    Ex. To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
    Ex. Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.
    Ex. Among the companies offering 'Mice' are Microsoft, Vision and Apple, but more are anticipated.
    Ex. The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.
    Ex. The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
    Ex. The 'Books at work' project in Kalmar in southern Sweden is the result of collaboration between trade unions, business enterprises and the public library.
    Ex. The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    Ex. As an example, the University of Hawaii libraries have installed an online catalogue on which they will hang a special assortment of databases that are needed by Hawaii and Pacific business interests.
    Ex. Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
    Ex. In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.
    Ex. Some commercial enterprises subsidise satellite communications for academic institutions.
    Ex. In the future, these files will be made readily accessible to other Glaxo operating companies through the use of computers.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * administración de empresas = business administration.
    * admnistrador de empresa = firm administrator.
    * archivo de empresa = business archives.
    * biblioteca de empresa = commercial library, industrial library, corporate library, company library, business library.
    * bibliotecario de empresa = industrial librarian.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * como las empresas = business-like.
    * conglomerado de empresas = conglomerate.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich course.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * de la propia empresa = company-owned.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * director de empresa = company director.
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = corporate directory database, company directory database.
    * documentación de empresas = business record.
    * empresa afiliada = sister company.
    * empresa comercial = commercial agency, commercial vendor, commercial business, business firm.
    * empresa con solera = established player.
    * empresa consolidada = established player.
    * empresa constructora = property developer.
    * empresa consumada = established player.
    * empresa de búsqueda personalizada de ejecutivos = headhunter.
    * empresa de cobro de deudas = debt collection agency.
    * empresa de contabilidad = accounting firm.
    * empresa dedicada a la venta por correo = mail order company.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * empresa de la limpieza = cleaning firm.
    * empresa de liempza = cleaning business.
    * empresa de limpieza = janitorial business.
    * empresa de medios de comunicación = media company.
    * empresa de mudanzas = mover.
    * empresa de nuestro grupo = sister company, sister organisation.
    * empresa de nueva creación = this sort of thing, startup [start-up].
    * empresa de ordenadores = computer company.
    * empresa de reparto de paquetes = package delivery company.
    * empresa de seguridad = security firm.
    * empresa de servicios = service organisation, service agency, service company.
    * empresa de servicios de información = information broker, broker, information broking.
    * empresa de servicio social = social utility.
    * empresa de servicios públicos = public utility, utility company.
    * empresa de solera = established player.
    * empresa de telecomunicaciones = computer bureau.
    * empresa de trabajo = industrial affiliation.
    * empresa de un grupo = operating company.
    * empresa de viajes = travel company.
    * empresa en la que sólo pueden trabajar empleados que pertenezcan a un sindic = close shop.
    * empresa farmacéutica = drug company.
    * empresa filial = subsidiary company.
    * empresa hipotecaria = mortgage company.
    * empresa industrial = industrial firm.
    * empresa organizadora de congresos = conference organiser.
    * empresa privada = private vendor, private company, private business, private firm.
    * empresa pública = civilian employer, public firm.
    * empresas americanas, las = corporate America.
    * empresa sindicada = union shop.
    * empresa televisiva = television company.
    * empresa transportadora = shipper, shipping agent.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * específico de las empresas = company-specific.
    * fusión de empresas = consolidation.
    * gasto de empresa = business expense.
    * gestión de empresas = business management.
    * grupo de empresas = business group.
    * guardería de la empresa = workplace crêche.
    * información sobre empresas = business intelligence.
    * intranet de empresa = corporate intranet.
    * libro de empresa = organisation manual.
    * mercado de la empresa = corporate market.
    * mundo de la empresa = business world.
    * mundo de la empresa, el = corporate world, the.
    * mundo de las empresas = business environment.
    * página web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * partícipe en la empresa = corporate insider.
    * patrocinado por la propia empresa = company-sponsored.
    * pequeña empresa = small business.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * programa de prácticas en la empresa = internship program(me), internship.
    * programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa = sandwich programme.
    * propiedad de la empresa = company-owned.
    * PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) = SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise).
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * sitio web de empresa = business site, corporate site.
    * trabajador cualificado contratado de otra empresa = lateral hire.
    * ya parte de la empresa = on board.

    Spanish-English dictionary > empresa1

  • 27 negocio

    1 business (empresa).
    ¿cómo va el negocio? how's business?
    negocio familiar family business
    2 deal, (business) transaction.
    (buen) negocio good deal, bargain
    hacer negocio to do well
    ¡mal negocio! (figurative) that's a nasty business!
    negocio redondo great bargain, excellent deal
    negocio sucio shady deal, dirty business
    3 establishment, concern, business.
    4 gain.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: negociar.
    * * *
    1 (actividad) business
    2 (gestión) deal, transaction
    3 (asunto) affair
    4 (local) shop, US store
    ¡bonito negocio hemos hecho! (con ironía) some deal that was!, some deal that turned out to be!
    hablar de negocios to talk business
    hacer negocio to make a profit
    hacer un buen negocio (comercialmente) to do a good deal 2 (gen) to do well
    * * *
    noun m.
    - mujer de negocios
    * * *
    1) (Com, Econ) (=empresa) business; (=tienda) shop, store (EEUU)

    montar un negocioto set up o start a business

    traspasar un negocio — to transfer a business, sell a business

    2) (=transacción) deal, transaction

    ¡hiciste un buen negocio! — iró that was a fine deal you did!

    un negocio redondo — a real bargain, a really good deal

    negocio sucio, negocio turbio — shady deal

    3) pl negocios (Com, Econ) business sing, trade sing

    hombre/mujer de negocios — businessman/businesswoman

    4) (=asunto) affair

    ¡mal negocio! — it looks bad!

    5) And, Cono Sur (=firma) firm, company; (=casa) place of business
    6) And, Caribe

    el negocio — the fact, the truth

    pero el negocio es que... — but the fact is that...

    7) And (=cuento) tale, piece of gossip
    * * *
    a) ( empresa) business

    montar or poner un negocio — to set up a business

    b) ( transacción) deal
    c) (CS) ( tienda) store (AmE), shop (BrE)
    d) negocios masculino plural ( comercio) business
    e) (fam) ( asunto) business (colloq)
    * * *
    a) ( empresa) business

    montar or poner un negocio — to set up a business

    b) ( transacción) deal
    c) (CS) ( tienda) store (AmE), shop (BrE)
    d) negocios masculino plural ( comercio) business
    e) (fam) ( asunto) business (colloq)
    * * *
    1 = affair, business [businesses, -pl.], line of business, trade, business venture.

    Ex: And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.

    Ex: The treatise arose from Kaiser's work in indexing information relating to business and industry.
    Ex: The computer people are muscling in on our line of business and we can't stop them.
    Ex: Non-bibliographic data bases are particularly used for businesses and industry to extract information in the fields of business, economics, trade and commerce.
    Ex: In considering business ventures libraries should pay attention to the following considerations -- the library's mission, its capability, the financial impact, legal aspects, and professional and ethical issues.
    * asociación benéfica de hombres de negocios = Lions club.
    * dedicarse a un negocio = enter + a business.
    * de negocios = transactional.
    * economía de negocios = managerial economics.
    * emprender un negocio = take on + business venture.
    * escuela de negocios = business school.
    * gente de negocios = business people.
    * hacer negocio = make + business.
    * hacer negocios = do + business.
    * hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.
    * hombre de negocios = businessman [businessmen, -pl.], entrepreneur.
    * hombres de negocios = business people.
    * llevar un negocio = conduct + a business.
    * magnate de los negocios = business leader, business magnate.
    * mundo de los negocios = business world, business environment.
    * negocio del ocio, el = entertainment industry, the.
    * negocio electrónico = online business.
    * negocio en línea = online business.
    * negocio internacional = international business.
    * negocio lucrativo = lucrative business.
    * negocio multimillonario = multibillion dollar business.
    * negocios = biz.
    * negocio sucio = monkey business.
    * orientado hacia los negocios = business-minded.
    * promocionar un negocio = drum up + business.
    * propuesta de negocios = business proposition.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * relacionado con los negocios = business-related.
    * reunión de negocios = business meeting.
    * sagacidad para los negocios = business acumen.
    * usuario del mundo de los negocios = business user.
    * visión para los negocios = business acumen.
    * volumen de negocios = turnover, stock turnover, turnover of stock.

    2 = business [businesses, -pl.], shop, outfit.

    Ex: To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.

    Ex: In strong contrast to, say, television sets and instant coffee, where the consumer may save by shopping around, there is no advantage to be gained by going to one shop rather than another for a book so far as price is concerned.
    Ex: The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * cerrar el negocio = fold up + shop.
    * cerrar un negocio = go out of + business.
    * montar + Posesivo + propio negocio = set + Reflexivo + up in business.
    * negocio de venta de coches usados = used car business.
    * negocio familiar = family-run business.
    * obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.
    * pequeño negocio = small business.

    * * *
    1 (empresa) business
    montó or puso un negocio de compraventa de coches he set up a used-car dealership, he set up in business buying and selling cars
    [ S ] traspaso negocio de vinos wine business for sale
    esto de la compraventa de apartamentos es un negocio there's a lot of money to be made buying and selling apartments
    hicimos un buen negocio we made o did a good deal
    hizo un negocio redondo con la venta de la casa he made a fortune when he sold the house
    hacer negocio to make money
    3 (CS) (tienda) store ( AmE), shop ( BrE)
    en ese barrio no hay negocios there are no stores o shops in that area
    dejó la enseñanza para dedicarse a los negocios he gave up teaching to go into business
    hablar de negocios to talk business
    en el mundo de los negocios in the business world
    5 ( Chi fam) (asunto) business ( colloq)
    * * *


    Del verbo negociar: ( conjugate negociar)

    negocio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    negoció es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    negociar ( conjugate negociar) verbo transitivo/intransitivo
    to negotiate
    negocio sustantivo masculino
    a) (Com) business;

    montar or poner un negocio to set up a business;

    hablar de negocios to talk business;
    en el mundo de los negocios in the business world

    c) (CS) ( tienda) store (AmE), shop (BrE)

    d) (fam) ( asunto) business (colloq)

    I vtr (acordar, tratar) to negotiate: negociamos con él la compra de las acciones, we negotiated the purchase of the shares with him
    están negociando la subida de las pensiones, they are negotiating a rise in pensions
    II vi (traficar, comerciar) to do business, deal: negocia con ropa usada, he deals in second-hand clothes
    negocio sustantivo masculino
    1 Com Fin business: esa venta fue un mal negocio, that sale was a bad deal
    2 (asunto) affair: no sé en qué negocios anda, I don't know what type of business he's involved in
    3 (tienda, empresa) su padre tiene un negocio de restauración de muebles, his father's got a furniture restoring business
    ♦ Locuciones: hacer negocio, to make a profit: mal negocio vas a hacer si no les cobras a los amigos, you're not going to do very good business if you don't charge your friends
    ' negocio' also found in these entries:
    - abocado
    - acondicionada
    - acondicionado
    - activar
    - ampliar
    - ampliación
    - bancarrota
    - camelar
    - cerrar
    - chanchullo
    - cierre
    - contabilidad
    - dirigir
    - dirigente
    - embarcarse
    - entablar
    - estimativa
    - estimativo
    - evolución
    - filón
    - floreciente
    - fraudulenta
    - fraudulento
    - fundar
    - gárgaras
    - gestión
    - honrada
    - honrado
    - hundirse
    - liquidación
    - llevar
    - local
    - lucrativa
    - lucrativo
    - montar
    - naufragar
    - pantalla
    - patrón
    - patrona
    - patrono
    - peligrar
    - pique
    - poner
    - redonda
    - redondo
    - reflotar
    - regentar
    - regente
    - regir
    attend to
    - backing
    - bootstrap
    - bust
    - buy out
    - carry on
    - close down
    - concern
    - control
    - decline
    - enterprise
    - established
    - expand
    - fail
    - flourishing
    - founder
    - funny business
    - going
    - handle
    - injection
    - invest
    - keep
    - lucrative
    - mine
    - nourish
    - open up
    - operate
    - patronize
    - shady
    - shop
    - show
    - shut down
    - shut up
    - slacken off
    - sluggish
    - start
    - start up
    - stock
    - stumbling-block
    - successful
    - big
    - business
    - engaged
    - killing
    * * *
    1. [empresa] business;
    tiene un negocio de electrodomésticos he has an electrical appliance business;
    ¿cómo va el negocio? how's business?
    negocio familiar family business
    negocios [actividad] business;
    el mundo de los negocios the business world;
    un viaje de negocios a business trip;
    se dedica a los negocios he's in business;
    hacer negocios con to do business with;
    3. [transacción] deal, (business) transaction;
    hacer negocio to do well;
    negocio redondo great bargain, excellent deal
    4. [ocupación] business;
    ¡ocúpate de tus negocios! mind your own business!;
    ¿en qué negocios andas metido? what are you involved in now?;
    ¡mal negocio! that's a nasty business!;
    negocio sucio shady deal, dirty business
    5. RP [tienda] store
    * * *
    1 business
    2 ( trato) deal
    * * *
    1) : business, place of business
    2) : deal, transaction
    3) negocios nmpl
    : commerce, trade, business
    * * *
    1. (comercio, actividad) business [pl. businesses]
    2. (trato) deal

    Spanish-English dictionary > negocio

  • 28 Н-204

    ВХОДИТЬ/ВОЙТИ (ПРИХОДИТЬ/ ПРИЙТИ) В НОРМУ VP subj: abstr, often всё, or human usu. pfv) to return to one's or its usual state
    X вошёл в норму я*. X was (went) back to normal
    X returned to normal.
    «Да, нам предстоит пережить несколько тяжёлых дней. А потом все войдет в норму...» (Эренбург 4). "Yes, the next few days will be critical for us. But afterwards everything will go back to normal" (4a).
    «Ну, что же, теперь лучше себя чувствуете?» -«Да, благодарю вас. Кажется, прихожу в норму» (Замятин 1). "Well, then, are you feeling better now?" "Yes, thank you. I think I am returning to normal" (1a).
    Чистый и прекрасный человек, он (Зощенко) искал связи с эпохой, верил широковещательным программам, сулившим всеобщее счастье, считал, что когда-нибудь все войдёт в норму, так как проявления жестокости и дикости лишь случайность, рябь на воде, а не сущность, как его учили на политзанятиях (Мандельштам 2). ( context transl) A wonderful, pure man, he (Zoshchenko) had always tried to find points of contact with the times he lived in He believed in all the high-sounding schemes for universal happiness and thought that eventually everything would settle down-all the cruelty and savagery were only incidental, a temporary ruffling of the surface, not the essence, as we were always being told at political lectures (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-204

  • 29 войти в норму

    [VP; subj: abstr, often всё, or human; usu. pfv]
    to return to one's or its usual state:
    - X returned to normal.
         ♦ "Да, нам предстоит пережить несколько тяжёлых дней. А потом все войдет в норму..." (Эренбург 4). "Yes, the next few days will be critical for us. But afterwards everything will go back to normal" (4a).
         ♦ "Ну, что же, теперь лучше себя чувствуете?" - "Да, благодарю вас. Кажется, прихожу в норму" (Замятин 1). "Well, then, are you feeling better now?" "Yes, thank you. I think I am returning to normal" (1a).
         ♦ Чистый и прекрасный человек, он [Зощенко] искал связи с эпохой, верил широковещательным программам, сулившим всеобщее счастье, считал, что когда-нибудь все войдёт в норму, так как проявления жестокости и дикости лишь случайность, рябь на воде, а не сущность, как его учили на политзанятиях (Мандельштам 2). [context transl] A wonderful, pure man, he [Zoshchenko] had always tried to find points of contact with the times he lived in He believed in all the high-sounding schemes for universal happiness and thought that eventually everything would settle down - all the cruelty and savagery were only incidental, a temporary ruffling of the surface, not the essence, as we were always being told at political lectures (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > войти в норму

  • 30 входить в норму

    [VP; subj: abstr, often всё, or human; usu. pfv]
    to return to one's or its usual state:
    - X returned to normal.
         ♦ "Да, нам предстоит пережить несколько тяжёлых дней. А потом все войдет в норму..." (Эренбург 4). "Yes, the next few days will be critical for us. But afterwards everything will go back to normal" (4a).
         ♦ "Ну, что же, теперь лучше себя чувствуете?" - "Да, благодарю вас. Кажется, прихожу в норму" (Замятин 1). "Well, then, are you feeling better now?" "Yes, thank you. I think I am returning to normal" (1a).
         ♦ Чистый и прекрасный человек, он [Зощенко] искал связи с эпохой, верил широковещательным программам, сулившим всеобщее счастье, считал, что когда-нибудь все войдёт в норму, так как проявления жестокости и дикости лишь случайность, рябь на воде, а не сущность, как его учили на политзанятиях (Мандельштам 2). [context transl] A wonderful, pure man, he [Zoshchenko] had always tried to find points of contact with the times he lived in He believed in all the high-sounding schemes for universal happiness and thought that eventually everything would settle down - all the cruelty and savagery were only incidental, a temporary ruffling of the surface, not the essence, as we were always being told at political lectures (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > входить в норму

  • 31 прийти в норму

    [VP; subj: abstr, often всё, or human; usu. pfv]
    to return to one's or its usual state:
    - X returned to normal.
         ♦ "Да, нам предстоит пережить несколько тяжёлых дней. А потом все войдет в норму..." (Эренбург 4). "Yes, the next few days will be critical for us. But afterwards everything will go back to normal" (4a).
         ♦ "Ну, что же, теперь лучше себя чувствуете?" - "Да, благодарю вас. Кажется, прихожу в норму" (Замятин 1). "Well, then, are you feeling better now?" "Yes, thank you. I think I am returning to normal" (1a).
         ♦ Чистый и прекрасный человек, он [Зощенко] искал связи с эпохой, верил широковещательным программам, сулившим всеобщее счастье, считал, что когда-нибудь все войдёт в норму, так как проявления жестокости и дикости лишь случайность, рябь на воде, а не сущность, как его учили на политзанятиях (Мандельштам 2). [context transl] A wonderful, pure man, he [Zoshchenko] had always tried to find points of contact with the times he lived in He believed in all the high-sounding schemes for universal happiness and thought that eventually everything would settle down - all the cruelty and savagery were only incidental, a temporary ruffling of the surface, not the essence, as we were always being told at political lectures (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > прийти в норму

  • 32 приходить в норму

    [VP; subj: abstr, often всё, or human; usu. pfv]
    to return to one's or its usual state:
    - X returned to normal.
         ♦ "Да, нам предстоит пережить несколько тяжёлых дней. А потом все войдет в норму..." (Эренбург 4). "Yes, the next few days will be critical for us. But afterwards everything will go back to normal" (4a).
         ♦ "Ну, что же, теперь лучше себя чувствуете?" - "Да, благодарю вас. Кажется, прихожу в норму" (Замятин 1). "Well, then, are you feeling better now?" "Yes, thank you. I think I am returning to normal" (1a).
         ♦ Чистый и прекрасный человек, он [Зощенко] искал связи с эпохой, верил широковещательным программам, сулившим всеобщее счастье, считал, что когда-нибудь все войдёт в норму, так как проявления жестокости и дикости лишь случайность, рябь на воде, а не сущность, как его учили на политзанятиях (Мандельштам 2). [context transl] A wonderful, pure man, he [Zoshchenko] had always tried to find points of contact with the times he lived in He believed in all the high-sounding schemes for universal happiness and thought that eventually everything would settle down - all the cruelty and savagery were only incidental, a temporary ruffling of the surface, not the essence, as we were always being told at political lectures (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > приходить в норму

  • 33 negocio2

    2 = business [businesses, -pl.], shop, outfit.
    Ex. To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
    Ex. In strong contrast to, say, television sets and instant coffee, where the consumer may save by shopping around, there is no advantage to be gained by going to one shop rather than another for a book so far as price is concerned.
    Ex. The author compares the advantages and disadvantages of buying from the larger established companies and smaller outfits.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * cerrar el negocio = fold up + shop.
    * cerrar un negocio = go out of + business.
    * montar + Posesivo + propio negocio = set + Reflexivo + up in business.
    * negocio de venta de coches usados = used car business.
    * negocio familiar = family-run business.
    * obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.
    * pequeño negocio = small business.

    Spanish-English dictionary > negocio2

  • 34 заедание

    To avoid binding between parts, a minimum clearance is critical for a running fit.

    Sticking of the valve stem...

    The jamming of the wheel shaft...

    A compensation cone prevents seizures from expansion due to moisture or heat.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > заедание

  • 35 иметь решающее значение

    General subject: be critical (for)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > иметь решающее значение

  • 36 от того, сумеет ли мир избежать ядерной катастрофы, зависит само существование человеческой цивилизации

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > от того, сумеет ли мир избежать ядерной катастрофы, зависит само существование человеческой цивилизации

  • 37 связь домена Scr гомолога 2 фосфолипазы C-гамма2 с BLNK является критической для передачи сигнала через В-клеточны

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > связь домена Scr гомолога 2 фосфолипазы C-гамма2 с BLNK является критической для передачи сигнала через В-клеточны

  • 38 заедание

    To avoid binding between parts, a minimum clearance is critical for a running fit.

    Sticking of the valve stem...

    The jamming of the wheel shaft...

    A compensation cone prevents seizures from expansion due to moisture or heat.

    * * *
    Заедание-- If there is any binding when the bearings are rotated by hand, replace them with new bearings.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > заедание

  • 39 γόνιμος

    γόνιμος, ον, also η, ον Hp. Vict.1.25, Isyll.53:—
    A productive, fertile, fruitful, σπέρμα γ., opp. ἄγονον, Arist.HA 523a25;

    κύημα γ. Id.GA 736a35

    ; ᾠὰ γ., opp. ὑπηνέμια, ib. 730a6; of women, Id.Pr. 876b12; of the male, Id.HA 546a2, al.; ἐν τῇσι ἡλικίῃσι τῇσι γονίμῃσι εἶναι Hp.l.c.; γ. μέλεα a parent's limbs, E.El. 1209 (lyr.);

    γ. φλέψ AP6.218

    (Alc.); γ. μέρεα generative organs, Aret.SD2.5: hence (metaph.),

    ἀπο τίκτειν γ. τε καὶ ἀληθές Pl.Tht. 150c

    ; γ. ἢ ἀνεμιαῖον ib. 151e; Νεῖλος γ., opp. πέλαγος, Lyr.Alex.Adesp.32.6, cf.Sammelb. 2074 ([comp] Sup.). Adv.

    -μως, σπέρμα ἐν τῇ μήτρᾳ γ. κρατηθῆναι Porph.Gaur.2.2

    2 c. gen.rei, νέφος

    γ. ὕδατος Arist.Mu. 394a27

    , cf. Thphr.Ign.44, Ael.NA7.5: metaph.,

    πηγαὶ τῆς ὑψηγορίας γονιμώταται Longin.8.1

    3 metaph. of persons, ποιητὴς γ. poet of true genius, Ar.Ra.96;

    γονιμωτέρα γενέσθω ἡ γλῶσσα Luc.Rh.Pr.23

    b born in lawful wedlock, Man.6.56: metaph.,

    ἀγαθὰ γ. τῇ αὑτῶν φύσει Pl.R. 367d

    ; γ. ὕδωρ ποταμῶν, opp. νόθον, AP9.277 (Antiph.).
    5 favourable to generation, of uneven days, Pythagorean term, Plu.2.288c; of days in illness (because critical for life or death, Erot.s.v.), Hp. Epid.2.6.8, 2.5.12; γ. μήν, ἔτος, ib.6.10.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > γόνιμος

  • 40 annual report

    a document prepared each year to give a true and fair view of a company’s state of affairs.
         Annual reports are issued to shareholders and filed at the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with the provisions of company legislation. Contents include a profit and loss account and balance sheet, a cash flow statement, directors’ report, auditor’s report, and, where a company has subsidiaries, the company’s group accounts.
         The financial statements are the main purpose of the annual report, and usually include notes to the accounts. These amplify numerous points contained in the figures and are critical for anyone wishing to study the accounts in detail.

    The ultimate business dictionary > annual report

См. также в других словарях:

  • Critical hit — For other uses, see Crit (disambiguation). In many role playing games and video games, a critical hit is a successful attack that deals more damage than a normal blow. Contents 1 Origin 2 Types 2.1 Critical miss …   Wikipedia

  • Critical Skills — is an educational curriculum first implemented in 1984 in the United States.It is currently in use in over 10,000 classrooms in the US, UK, and India. History In 1981, a collaborative council of business leaders (DEC, Sanders, Hitcherer), non… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical minimum effort theory — The critical minimum effort theory has been given by Harvey Leibenstein, in his book Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. This theory relates to overpopulated and underdeveloped or developing nations such as India and Indonesia.This theory… …   Wikipedia

  • critical — crit|i|cal W2S2 [ˈkrıtıkəl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(criticizing)¦ 2¦(important)¦ 3¦(serious/worrying)¦ 4¦(ill)¦ 5 the critical list 6¦(making judgments)¦ 7¦(art/literature)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(CRITICIZING)¦ if you are critical, you criticize s …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • critical — adj. 1 disapproving VERBS ▪ be ▪ become ▪ remain ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very …   Collocations dictionary

  • Critical size — The critical size is the minimum size of a nuclear reactor core or nuclear weapon that can be made critical for a specific geometrical arrangement and material composition. The critical size must at least include enough fissionable material to… …   Wikipedia

  • critical — adjective 1) a highly critical report Syn: censorious, condemnatory, condemning, denunciatory, disparaging, disapproving, scathing, fault finding, judgmental, accusatory, negative, unfavorable; informal nitpicking, picky Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Critical theory — Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas David Rasmussen HEGEL, MARX AND THE IDEA OF A CRITICAL THEORY Critical theory1 is a metaphor for a certain kind of theoretical orientation which owes its origin to Hegel and Marx, its systematization to Horkheimer and …   History of philosophy

  • Critical thinking — is the process or method of thinking that questions assumptions. It is a way of deciding whether a claim is true, false, or sometimes true and sometimes false, or partly true and partly false. The origins of critical thinking can be traced in… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection — or CIP is a national program to assure the security of vulnerable and interconnected infrastructures of the United States. In May 1998, President Bill Clinton issued Presidential directive PDD 63 [ [http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/pdd/pdd 63.htm… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical literacy — Critical pedagogy Major works Pedagogy of the Oppressed …   Wikipedia

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