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  • 1 leave

    I [li:v] past tense, past participle - left; verb
    1) (to go away or depart from, often without intending to return: He left the room for a moment; They left at about six o'clock; I have left that job.) fara, yfirgefa
    2) (to go without taking: She left her gloves in the car; He left his children behind when he went to France.) skilja eftir
    3) (to allow to remain in a particular state or condition: She left the job half-finished.) fara frá
    4) (to let (a person or a thing) do something without being helped or attended to: I'll leave the meat to cook for a while.) fara frá e-u, skilja einan eftir
    5) (to allow to remain for someone to do, make etc: Leave that job to the experts!) láta (e-m e-ð) eftir
    6) (to make a gift of in one's will: She left all her property to her son.) láta eftir sig, erfa
    - leave out
    - left over
    II [li:v] noun
    1) (permission to do something, eg to be absent: Have I your leave to go?) leyfi
    2) ((especially of soldiers, sailors etc) a holiday: He is home on leave at the moment.) frí
    - take one's leave of
    - take one's leave

    English-Icelandic dictionary > leave

  • 2 be about to

    (to be going to (perform an action): I am about to leave the office.) vera í þann veginn að

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be about to

  • 3 school-leaver

    noun (a school-pupil who is about to leave, or has just left, school eg because he has finished his course of education there.) útskriftarnemandi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > school-leaver

  • 4 be

    present tense am [ʌm], are [a:], is [ɪz]; past tense was [woz], were [w†:]; present participle 'being; past participle been [bi:n, (·meriцan) bɪn]; subjunctive were [w†:]; short forms I'm [aim] (I am), you're [ju†] (you are), he's [hi:z] (he is), she's [ʃi:z] (she is), it's [ɪ ] (it is), we're [wi†] (we are), they're [Ɵe†] (they are); negative short forms isn't (is not), aren't [a:nt] (are not), wasn't (was not), weren't [w†:nt] (were not)
    1) (used with a present participle to form the progressive or continuous tenses: I'm reading; I am being followed; What were you saying?.) vera
    2) (used with a present participle to form a type of future tense: I'm going to London.) ég er að fara, ég ætla að fara
    3) (used with a past participle to form the passive voice: He was shot.) vera
    4) (used with an infinitive to express several ideas, eg necessity (When am I to leave?), purpose (The letter is to tell us he's coming), a possible future happening (If he were to lose, I'd win) etc.) eiga; mun
    5) (used in giving or asking for information about something or someone: I am Mr Smith; Is he alive?; She wants to be an actress; The money will be ours; They are being silly.) vera
    - the be-all and end-all

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be

  • 5 home

    [həum] 1. noun
    1) (the house, town, country etc where a person etc usually lives: I work in London but my home is in Bournemouth; When I retire, I'll make my home in Bournemouth; Africa is the home of the lion; We'll have to find a home for the kitten.) heimili
    2) (the place from which a person, thing etc comes originally: America is the home of jazz.) heimkynni
    3) (a place where children without parents, old people, people who are ill etc live and are looked after: an old folk's home; a nursing home.) barnaheimili; dvalarheimili, hæli
    4) (a place where people stay while they are working: a nurses' home.) heimili, vist
    5) (a house: Crumpy Construction build fine homes for fine people; He invited me round to his home.) heimili
    2. adjective
    1) (of a person's home or family: home comforts.) heima-, heimilis-
    2) (of the country etc where a person lives: home produce.) heima-; innanlands-
    3) ((in football) playing or played on a team's own ground: the home team; a home game.) heimavöllur/-leikur/-lið
    3. adverb
    1) (to a person's home: I'm going home now; Hallo - I'm home!) heim, heima
    2) (completely; to the place, position etc a thing is intended to be: He drove the nail home; Few of his punches went home; These photographs of the war brought home to me the suffering of the soldiers.) í botn, ná takmarki sínu, gera ljóst
    - homely
    - homeliness
    - homing
    - home-coming
    - home-grown
    - homeland
    - home-made
    - home rule
    - homesick
    - homesickness
    - homestead
    - home truth
    - homeward
    - homewards
    - homeward
    - homework
    - at home
    - be/feel at home
    - home in on
    - leave home
    - make oneself at home
    - nothing to write home about

    English-Icelandic dictionary > home

  • 6 now

    1. adverb
    1) ((at) the present period of time: I am now living in England.) nú, núna
    2) (at once; immediately: I can't do it now - you'll have to wait.) núna, strax
    3) ((at) this moment: He'll be at home now; From now on, I shall be more careful about what I say to her.) nú, núna
    4) ((in stories) then; at that time: We were now very close to the city.) þegar hér er komið sögu, þá
    5) (because of what has happened etc: I now know better than to trust her.) nú (í ljósi reynslunnar)
    6) (a word in explanations, warnings, commands, or to show disbelief: Now this is what happened; Stop that, now!; Do be careful, now.) jæja, sko, (núna) strax
    2. conjunction
    ((often with that) because or since something has happened, is now true etc: Now that you are here, I can leave; Now you have left school, you will have to find a job.) þar sem.TH.TH. þá
    - for now
    - just now
    - every now and then/again
    - now and then/again
    - now
    - now!
    - now then

    English-Icelandic dictionary > now

  • 7 omit

    past tense, past participle - omitted; verb
    1) (to leave out: You can omit the last chapter of the book.) sleppa (úr)
    2) (not to do: I omitted to tell him about the meeting.) láta ógert, sleppa

    English-Icelandic dictionary > omit

  • 8 open

    ['əupən] 1. adjective
    1) (not shut, allowing entry or exit: an open box; The gate is wide open.) opinn
    2) (allowing the inside to be seen: an open book.) opinn
    3) (ready for business etc: The shop is open on Sunday afternoons; After the fog had cleared, the airport was soon open again; The gardens are open to the public.) opinn
    4) (not kept secret: an open show of affection.) opinber, opinskár
    5) (frank: He was very open with me about his work.) einlægur, hreinskilinn
    6) (still being considered etc: Leave the matter open.) óútkljáður
    7) (empty, with no trees, buildings etc: I like to be out in the open country; an open space.) auður, bersvæði
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become open: He opened the door; The door opened; The new shop opened last week.) opna
    2) (to begin: He opened the meeting with a speech of welcome.) byrja, hefja
    - opening
    - openly
    - open-air
    - open-minded
    - open-plan
    - be an open secret
    - bring something out into the open
    - bring out into the open
    - in the open
    - in the open air
    - keep/have an open mind
    - open on to
    - the open sea
    - open to
    - open up
    - with open arms

    English-Icelandic dictionary > open

  • 9 query

    ['kwiəri] 1. plural - queries; noun
    1) (a question: In answer to your query about hotel reservations I am sorry to tell you that we have no vacancies.) fyrirspurn
    2) (a question mark: You have omitted the query.) spurningarmerki
    2. verb
    1) (to question (a statement etc): I think the waiter has added up the bill wrongly - you should query it.) láta í ljós efasemdir
    2) (to ask: `What time does the train leave?' she queried.) spyrja

    English-Icelandic dictionary > query

  • 10 ready

    1) ((negative unready) prepared; able to be used etc immediately or when needed; able to do (something) immediately or when necessary: I've packed our cases, so we're ready to leave; Is tea ready yet?; Your coat has been cleaned and is ready (to be collected).) tilbúinn
    2) ((negative unready) willing: I'm always ready to help.) reiðubúinn, fús
    3) (quick: You're too ready to find faults in other people; He always has a ready answer.) snar, fljótur til
    4) (likely, about (to do something): My head feels as if it's ready to burst.) að því kominn að
    - readily
    - ready cash
    - ready-made
    - ready money
    - ready-to-wear
    - in readiness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ready

  • 11 reconsider

    (to think about again and possibly change one's opinion, decision etc: Please reconsider your decision to leave the firm.) taka til endurskoðunar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reconsider

  • 12 release

    [rə'li:s] 1. verb
    1) (to set free; to allow to leave: He was released from prison yesterday; I am willing to release him from his promise to me.) sleppa, láta lausan
    2) (to stop holding etc; to allow to move, fall etc: He released (his hold on) the rope.) sleppa, losa
    3) (to move (a catch, brake etc) which prevents something else from moving, operating etc: He released the handbrake and drove off.) losa
    4) (to allow (news etc) to be made known publicly: The list of winners has just been released.) birta
    5) (to offer (a film, record etc) to the general public: Their latest record will be released next week.) setja á markað
    2. noun
    1) (the act of releasing or being released: After his release, the prisoner returned to his home town; the release of a new film; ( also adjective) the release catch.) frelsun, lausn
    2) (something that is released: This record is their latest release; The Government issued a press release (= a statement giving information about something, sent or given to newspapers, reporters etc).) útgáfa, sem sett er á markað

    English-Icelandic dictionary > release

  • 13 see

    I [si:] past tense - saw; verb
    1) (to have the power of sight: After six years of blindness, he found he could see.) sjá
    2) (to be aware of by means of the eye: I can see her in the garden.) sjá
    3) (to look at: Did you see that play on television?) sjá
    4) (to have a picture in the mind: I see many difficulties ahead.) sjá fyrir sér
    5) (to understand: She didn't see the point of the joke.) sjá, skilja
    6) (to investigate: Leave this here and I'll see what I can do for you.) athuga
    7) (to meet: I'll see you at the usual time.) sjá, hitta
    8) (to accompany: I'll see you home.) fylgja
    - seeing that
    - see off
    - see out
    - see through
    - see to
    - I
    - we will see
    II [si:] noun
    (the district over which a bishop or archbishop has authority.) biskupsdæmi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > see

  • 14 should

    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) mundi
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) ætti
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) ættir
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.) skulir
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.) skyldi (komi e-ð fyrir.TH.TH.)
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) ég vildi gjarnan.TH.TH.
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) hver heldur þú að hafi þá ekki.TH.TH.

    English-Icelandic dictionary > should

  • 15 sick

    [sik] 1. adjective
    1) (vomiting or inclined to vomit: He has been sick several times today; I feel sick; She's inclined to be seasick/airsick/car-sick.) vera óglatt, veikur
    2) ((especially American) ill: He is a sick man; The doctor told me that my husband is very sick and may not live very long.) veikur, sjúkur, lasinn
    3) (very tired (of); wishing to have no more (of): I'm sick of doing this; I'm sick and tired of hearing about it!) hundleiður
    4) (affected by strong, unhappy or unpleasant feelings: I was really sick at making that bad mistake.) vera miður sín
    5) (in bad taste: a sick joke.) ósmekklegur, sjúklegur
    2. noun
    (vomit: The bedclothes were covered with sick.) æla
    - sickening
    - sickeningly
    - sickly
    - sickness
    - sick-leave
    - make someone sick
    - make sick
    - the sick
    - worried sick

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sick

  • 16 slack

    1) (loose; not firmly stretched: Leave the rope slack.) slakur
    2) (not firmly in position: He tightened a few slack screws.) slakur, ekki hertur
    3) (not strict; careless: He is very slack about getting things done.) kærulaus
    4) (in industry etc, not busy; inactive: Business has been rather slack lately.) dauður, í lægð
    - slackly
    - slackness
    - slacks

    English-Icelandic dictionary > slack

См. также в других словарях:

  • Leave No Trace — is both a set of principles, and an organization that promotes those principles. The principles are designed to assist outdoor enthusiasts with their decisions about how to reduce their impacts when they hike, camp, picnic, snowshoe, run, bike,… …   Wikipedia

  • leave — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 period of time when you do not go to work ADJECTIVE ▪ annual ▪ paid, unpaid ▪ extended, indefinite, weekend ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • about — a|bout1 W1S1 [əˈbaut] prep 1.) concerning or relating to a particular subject ▪ a book about politics ▪ She said something about leaving town. ▪ He lied about his age. ▪ About that car of yours. How much are you selling it for? ▪ What s he on… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • leave — leave1 [ liv ] (past tense and past participle left [ left ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 go away from place ▸ 2 go away permanently ▸ 3 stop working for someone etc. ▸ 4 put something somewhere ▸ 5 make something that remains ▸ 6 make someone feel/think ▸ 7… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • about — [[t]əba͟ʊt[/t]] ♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, about is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives to introduce extra information. About is also often used after verbs of movement, such as walk and drive , and in phrasal verbs such as… …   English dictionary

  • about — /euh bowt /, prep. 1. of; concerning; in regard to: instructions about the work; a book about the Civil War. 2. connected or associated with: There was an air of mystery about him. 3. near; close to: a man about my height; about six o clock. 4.… …   Universalium

  • about — a•bout [[t]əˈbaʊt[/t]] prep. 1) concerning; on the subject of; in regard to: a book about the Civil War[/ex] 2) connected or associated with: an air of mystery about him[/ex] 3) near; close to: about my height; about six o clock[/ex] 4) in or… …   From formal English to slang

  • about — /əˈbaʊt / (say uh bowt) preposition 1. of; concerning; in regard to: to talk about secrets. 2. connected with: instructions about the work. 3. somewhere near or in: she is about the house. 4. near; close to: about my height. 5. on every side of;… …  

  • about to — 1. Close to; ready to. Used with an infinitive. * /We were about to leave when the snow began./ * /I haven t gone yet, but I m about to./ Compare: GOING TO, ON THE POINT OF. 2. {informal} Having a wish or plan to. Used with an infinitive in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • about to — 1. Close to; ready to. Used with an infinitive. * /We were about to leave when the snow began./ * /I haven t gone yet, but I m about to./ Compare: GOING TO, ON THE POINT OF. 2. {informal} Having a wish or plan to. Used with an infinitive in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • about\ to — 1. Close to; ready to. Used with an infinitive. We were about to leave when the snow began. I haven t gone yet, but I m about to. Compare: going to, on the point of 2. informal Having a wish or plan to. Used with an infinitive in negative… …   Словарь американских идиом

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