Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 81 оживить фильм батальными сценами

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > оживить фильм батальными сценами

  • 82 разгорячённый битвой

    General subject: warm with battle

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > разгорячённый битвой

  • 83 скачка с препятствиями

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > скачка с препятствиями

  • 84 сложить голову

    1) Set phrase: (p.: not used with neg,) lay down one's life

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сложить голову

  • 85 сразиться

    General subject: battle, contend, fight, play, take on (с кем-л.), try conclusions with (с кем-л.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сразиться

  • 86 танковый гиростабилизированный прицел

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > танковый гиростабилизированный прицел

  • 87 Б-39

    beginning an endeavor is harder than continuing it once you have begun (may be used in refer, to both good deeds and reprehensible actions): - the first step is (always) the hardest
    it's the first step that costs the first blow is half the battle a good start is half the race well begun is half done (in limited contexts) the first step is (always) the worst.
    (Большинцов:) Говорят, в этих делах лиха беда начать... (Тургенев 1). (В.:) They say, in these matters the first step is (the) hardest (1c).
    Лиха беда - начало. Одним словом, я аккуратнейшим образом, даже после ночной смены, посещала политзанятия у Евдокии Ивановны... (Гинзбург 2). As a good start is half the race, I made a point, even after my night shift, of attending punctiliously every one of Eudokia Ivanovna's political talks (2a).
    Давайте выпьем!» — «Придётся. Лиха беда начало...» Лейтенант чокался с Григорием и поручиком, пил молча, почти не закусывал (Шолохов 5). "Let's drink!" "I suppose I'll have to. Oh well, the first step's the worst!" The English lieutenant clinked glasses with Grigory and his Russian companion and drank in silence, scarcely touching the food (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-39

  • 88 Б-147

    ДАВАТЬ/ДАТЬ БОЙ (кому) VP subj: human or collect fixed WO
    to speak out against, criticize s.o. openly, boldly
    X дал бой (Y-y) - X rose up (in arms) against Y
    X put up a fight X crossed swords with Y X gave battle to Y (in limited contexts) X took a stand against Y.
    «Еще в тридцать четвертом году группа пролетарских писателей давала бой Бухарину, сказавшему, что надо ориентироваться на Пастернака» (Ивинская 1). "Already in 1934 а group of proletarian writers rose up in arms against Bukharin for saying that everyone should take their cue from Pasternak..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-147

  • 89 В-142

    ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВИДЫ coll VP usu. this WO
    subj: human often active past Part) to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles
    X видал виды - X has been through plenty (in his time (life, lifetime))
    X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime) X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc) X has been through the mill X has been around (around the block) X is schooled in the ways of the world
    видавший виды — seasoned
    Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
    Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
    У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
    ...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей (Ларисе) под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she (Larisa) was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
    И кому-то нужно с таким человеком (, как Никандров,) связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: «И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!» (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him (Nikandrov)? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. ( subj: concr) (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear
    X видал виды - X looks (is) the worse for wear
    X has seen better days X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-142

  • 90 В-227

    ТРАВЛЕНЫЙ (СТАРЫЙ, СТРЕЛЯНЫЙ) ВОЛК ТРАВЛЕНЫЙ ЗВЕРЬ all coll NP often subj-compl with copula, nom or instrum (subj: human, usu. male) fixed WO
    a man who has been through much adversity, survived many dangers, and acquired much experience in life
    old hand
    (one) has seen it all (in limited contexts) (one is) battle-scarred (one) has been there and back.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-227

  • 91 К-139

    1. \К-139 (к кому obs) elev to address people with a call, summons to do sth.
    usu. when appealing to all the members of a given group, community etc to unite for a common cause)
    X кликнул клич - X made an appeal (to the people)
    X sent out a (the) call X sounded (issued) a call (in limited contexts) X went to the people X sent out a call to arms.
    Обыкновенно Бородавкин, напившись утром чаю, кликал клич сбегались оловянные солдатики... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Usually, after Wartkin had drunk his morning tea, he would send out a call, the tin soldiers would come running... (1a).
    Он говорил, что нынче народ разбирал оружие в Кремле, что в афише Растопчина хотя и сказано, что он клич кликнет дня за два, но что уж сделано распоряжение наверное о том, чтобы завтра весь народ шёл на Три Горы с оружием, и что там будет большое сражение (Толстой 6). Не said the people had been getting arms in the Kremlin and that though Rostopchin's broadsheet had said that he would sound a call two or three days in advance, the order had certainly already been given for everyone to go armed to the Three Hills to-morrow, and that there would be a big battle there (6b).
    Он (начальник) решился испытать своих подчиненных и кликнуть клич. «Кто хочет доказать, что любит меня... тот пусть отрубит указательный палец правой руки своей!» Никто, однако ж, на клич не спешил... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1)....He (the chief) decided to test his subordinates and issued a call. uWhoso wishes to prove he loves me...shall cut off the index finger of his right hand!" No one, however, hastened to the call (1a).
    2. coll (pfv only) to appeal to friends, colleagues etc for help
    X кликнул клич - X called for (in the) reinforcements
    X called in (up) the troops.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-139

  • 92 М-200

    a joint grave for many people who were killed in the same battle, died around the same time from the same cause etc
    common (mass) grave.
    ...Теперь позаросли бурьяном высокие холмы братских могил, придавило их дождями, позамело сыпучим снегом (Шолохов 3). And now the high mounds of the common graves were overgrown with weeds, settled by rain, and canopied in drifting snow (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-200

  • 93 Н-117

    CO ВСЕХ НОГ броситься, кинуться, бежать и т. п. coll PrepP Invar adv fixed WO
    (to take off, run) very rapidly, impetuously: (at) full tilt
    (at) full speed like mad (blazes) headlong as fast as one can (could) as fast as one's legs can (could, would) carry him (when the idiom and the verb are translated together) take to one's heels shoot off.
    ...Пока он (лётчик) выполнял боевой разворот, Чонкин со всех ног кинулся к лесу (Войнович 4)....By the time he (the pilot) had executed a battle turn, Chonkin was already dashing full speed for the safety of the nearby forest (4a).
    ...Дошло до Ревкина, что новый начальник интересуется и его, Ревкина, деятельностью тоже. Это было заметно по отношению к Ревкину его подчинённых, которые уже не улыбались ему приветливо, как раньше, и не кидались со всех ног исполнять его приказания (Войнович 4)....Revkin learned that the new chief was interested in his, Rev kins, activities as well. This was evident in the way Revkin's subordinates related to him, they no longer smiled at him so affably and did not race headlong to execute his orders (4a).
    Капитан повернулся как по команде «кругом» и со всех ног бросился в казарму (Войнович 5). The captain wheeled around as if he had heard the command "About face!" and ran to the barracks as fast as his legs would carry him (5a).
    Обломов вдруг... вскочил на ноги и ринулся на Захара... Захар со всех ног бросился от него... (Гончаров 1). Oblomov suddenly jumped out of bed and rushed at Zakhar....Zakhar took to his heels... (1a).
    Разобрались. Вернулся (старший барака). И вместе с надзирателем: «Первая! Вторая! Третья!..» Какую назовут пятёрку - со всех ног, и в барак (Солженицын 7). They finally lined up properly. He (the hut orderly) went back to his place, and shouted with the warder: "First five! Second! Third!" Each five shot off into the hut as its number was called (7c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-117

  • 94 С-222

    СКАЧКА С ПРЕПЯТСТВИЯМИ coll, humor NP fixed WO
    an undertaking, process etc that does not progress smoothly, that constantly meets with difficulties
    uphill battle
    (in limited contexts) obstacle course.
    (Дорн (стараясь отворить левую дверь):) Странно. Дверь как будто заперта... Скачка с препятствиями (Чехов 6). (D. (trying to open the door on left):) Extraordinary! The door seems to be locked....An obstacle course! (6b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-222

  • 95 С-372

    НА ВСЯКИЙ ПОЖАРНЫЙ СЛУЧАЙ coll PrepP Invar adv, fixed WO
    as a precautionary measure, usu. in case an urgent need should arise
    just in case
    just to be absolutely (doubly, extra etc) sure as a safety net (in limited contexts) in case of trouble (of dire need etc).
    ...Они (Лешка и Константин) говорили до позднего вечера, а когда закрылись Сандуновские бани, взяли они Соломона Моисеевича, чтобы стоял на шухере (slang = настороже), и заграничный браунинг на всякий пожарный случай, унесенный Лешкой с поля сражения во время Великой Отечественной войны, и пошли, не мешкая, к тому месту, где была припасена для них квартирка со всеми удобствами (Терц 1)....They (Lyoshka and Konstantin) talked until late at night, and when the Sandunovsky baths closed they took Solomon Moiseyevich along as look-out man, along with a Browning revolver (just in case of trouble) which Lyoshka had removed from the field of battle during the (Great Patriotic) war, and set off without delay to the place where that little apartment that had everything was waiting (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-372

  • 96 С-394

    СМОТРЕТЬ (ГЛЯДЕТЬ) СМЕРТИ В ГЛАЗА ( В ЛИЦ6) elev VP subj: human
    1. to be exposed to mortal danger (while engaged in battle, chasing an armed criminal etc)
    X смотрел в глаза смерти - X looked death in the face
    X stood face to face with death.
    «Мы - коммунисты - всю жизнь... всю кровь свою... капля по капле... отдавали делу служения рабочему классу... угнетённому крестьянству. Мы привыкли бесстрашно глядеть смерти в глаза!» (Шолохов 4). "We Communists have given our whole lives...all our blood...drop by drop...to the cause of serving the working class. the oppressed peasantry. We are used to looking death fearlessly in the face" (4a).
    2. to be about to die
    X смотрел смерти в глаза — X was staring death in the face
    X was at deaths door
    X was on the brink of death.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-394

  • 97 У-1

    ХОТЬ УБЁЙ(ТЕ) coll (хоть + VPimper these forms only subord clause)
    1. (used with a negated verb as intensif) one absolutely cannot (understand, believe, carry out etc sth.): I (he etc) can't for the life of me (him etc) (do sth.)
    I (he etc) couldn't (do sth.) (even) if my (his etc) life depended on it I (he etc) couldn't (do sth.) (even) if you put a gun to my (his etc) head I (he etc) couldn't (do sth.) to save my (his etc) life (I'm) hanged if I know (understand etc) (I'm) damned if I know.
    Это был день решающего боя за Киев, и сейчас, снова переживая его начало, я опять и опять, хоть убейте меня, не могу понять, почему на этой прекрасной, благословенной земле... возможно такое предельное идиотство, как агрессия, война, фашизм (Кузнецов 1). This was the day of the decisive battle for Kiev, and when I relive its beginning I find again and again that I cannot, for the life of me, understand how such a delightful, joyous world...could harbor such boundless idiocies as aggression, war and fascism (1a).
    «А я вот, к примеру, считаюсь будто как украинец и жил на Украине, а языка ихнего ( ungrammat = их), хоть убей, не понимаю» (Войнович 5). "Now take me, for example
    I consider myself a Ukrainian, I lived in the Ukraine, but I couldn't speak their language if you put a gun to my head" (5a).
    (Городничий:) Ну кто первый выпустил, что он ревизор? Отвечайте. (Артемий Филиппович:) Уж как это случилось, хоть убей, не могу объяснить (Гоголь 4). (Mayor:) Who was it that first spread the rumor that he was the Government Inspector? Answer!... (A.E:) Damned if I know how it happened (4c).
    2. (used to express one's categorical refusal to do sth.) under no circumstances (will one do sth.): I (he etc) wouldn't (do sth.) (even) if my (his etc) life depended on it
    I'll be damned if I'll (do sth.) (in limited contexts) not on your life!
    Он ни за что не уступит - хоть убей, не уступит. Не won't give in for anything
    even if his life depended on it he wouldn't give in.
    3. used as an emphatic assurance of the truth or correctness of a statement
    strike me dead (on the spot) if (I'm lying (it's not true etc))
    I swear to God.
    "В тебе есть что-то несимпатичное, поверь мне! Уж ты мне поверь. Но я тебя люблю. Люблю, хоть тут меня убейте!» (Булгаков 12). "There's something nasty about you, you know. There is, believe me. But I like you. I like you, strike me dead on the spot if I'm lying" (12a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-1

  • 98 Ш-41

    КАК ШВЕД (ПОД ПОЛТАВОЙ) пропал, погиб, горит и т. п. coll, often humor (как + NP nom only adv fixed WO
    (one was or is about to be) destroyed, ruined
    (one finds o.s.) in a hopeless, disastrous situation: (perish (be destroyed etc)) like a Swede at Poltava go up in smoke (when the verb is in fut or subjunctive) (perish (be destroyed etc)) as surely as a Swede at Poltava.
    "С хорошею, может быть, душой был человек, а вот пропал, как швед, от пьянства и беспорядка!» (Достоевский 2). "Не was probably a man of good soul, and then came to grief like a Swede at Poltava, from drinking and disorder!" (2a).
    «Воровал мой оголец, как ни попадя ( ungrammat = всё, что попадётся). Я тряпье на базар таскала. Сколько верёвочке ни виться... Сгорели мы, как шведы. Он подельников выгораживал, всё на себя взял, ему на всю катушку, а мне, по моей глупости, -пять без поражения» (Максимов 3). "Не stole everything he could lay his hands on, this man of mine. I used to take it all down to the market to sell. It caught up with us in the end. We went up in smoke. He wouldn't squeal on his mates, he took all the blame, so they gave him the full treatment and I got five years without deprivation of rights for being stupid" (3a).
    Refers to the 1709 battle at Poltava, in which Russian troops won a decisive victory over the Swedes.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-41

  • 99 лиха беда начало

    [sayingj beginning an endeavor is harder than continuing it once you have begun (may be used in refer, to both good deeds and reprehensible actions): - the first step is (always) the hardest; it's the first step that costs; the first blow is half the battle; a good start is half the race; well begun is half done; [in limited contexts]
    the first step is (always) the worst.
         ♦ [Большинцов:] Говорят, в этих делах лиха беда начать... (Тургенев 1). [В.:] They say, in these matters the first step is [the] hardest (lc).
         ♦ Лиха беда - начало. Одним словом, я аккуратнейшим образом, даже после ночной смены, посещала политзанятия у Евдокии Ивановны... (Гинзбург 2). As a good start is half the race, I made a point, even after my night shift, of attending punctiliously every one of Eudokia Ivanovna's political talks (2a).
         ♦ "Давайте выпьем!" - "Придётся. Лиха беда начало..." Лейтенант чокался с Григорием и поручиком, пил молча, почти не закусывал (Шолохов 5). "Let's drink!" "I suppose I'll have to. Oh well, the first step's the worst!" The English lieutenant clinked glasses with Grigory and his Russian companion and drank in silence, scarcely touching the food (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > лиха беда начало

  • 100 лиха беда начать

    [sayingj beginning an endeavor is harder than continuing it once you have begun (may be used in refer, to both good deeds and reprehensible actions): - the first step is (always) the hardest; it's the first step that costs; the first blow is half the battle; a good start is half the race; well begun is half done; [in limited contexts]
    the first step is (always) the worst.
         ♦ [Большинцов:] Говорят, в этих делах лиха беда начать... (Тургенев 1). [В.:] They say, in these matters the first step is [the] hardest (lc).
         ♦ Лиха беда - начало. Одним словом, я аккуратнейшим образом, даже после ночной смены, посещала политзанятия у Евдокии Ивановны... (Гинзбург 2). As a good start is half the race, I made a point, even after my night shift, of attending punctiliously every one of Eudokia Ivanovna's political talks (2a).
         ♦ "Давайте выпьем!" - "Придётся. Лиха беда начало..." Лейтенант чокался с Григорием и поручиком, пил молча, почти не закусывал (Шолохов 5). "Let's drink!" "I suppose I'll have to. Oh well, the first step's the worst!" The English lieutenant clinked glasses with Grigory and his Russian companion and drank in silence, scarcely touching the food (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > лиха беда начать

См. также в других словарях:

  • Into Battle with the Art of Noise — EP by Art of Noise Released 26 September 1983 …   Wikipedia

  • do battle with something — do battle (with (something)) to compete or argue with someone. We plan to teach groups that normally do battle with each other to cooperate. Jessie liked to do battle with her brother …   New idioms dictionary

  • do battle with — do battle (with (something)) to compete or argue with someone. We plan to teach groups that normally do battle with each other to cooperate. Jessie liked to do battle with her brother …   New idioms dictionary

  • Into Battle with the Art of Noise — Album par Art of Noise Sortie 1983 Enregistrement 1983 Durée 23:26 Genre Synthpop Producteur Art of Noi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • do battle (with somebody) (over something) — do ˈbattle (with sb) (over sth) idiom to fight or argue with sb • He was quite prepared to do battle with his boss over his promotion. Main entry: ↑battleidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • (a) running battle with someone — a running battle (with (someone/something)) an argument or fight that continues for a long time. Flynn has fought a running battle with the tobacco company over its advertisements …   New idioms dictionary

  • (a) running battle with something — a running battle (with (someone/something)) an argument or fight that continues for a long time. Flynn has fought a running battle with the tobacco company over its advertisements …   New idioms dictionary

  • (a) running battle with — a running battle (with (someone/something)) an argument or fight that continues for a long time. Flynn has fought a running battle with the tobacco company over its advertisements …   New idioms dictionary

  • join battle (with somebody) — join ˈbattle (with sb) idiom (formal) to begin fighting sb: (figurative) Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facilities. Main entry: ↑joinidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • do battle with — index grapple Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • join battle with — index engage (involve) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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