1 base component
базовая деталь
Деталь, с которой начинают сборку изделия, присоединяя к ней сборочные единицы или другие детали.
[ ГОСТ 23887-79]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > base component
2 base component
host component — хозяин — компонент
3 base component
= basic component базовый компонент -
4 base component
= basic component базовый компонентThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > base component
5 base component
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > base component
6 base component
7 base component
1) Автомобильный термин: базовый компонент2) Силикатное производство: основной компонент3) Автоматика: базовая деталь -
8 base component
9 base component
10 base component
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > base component
11 base component
12 base component
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > base component
13 base component
14 rule of base component
Лингвистика: правило базового компонентаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > rule of base component
15 component
1) компонент, составная часть; элемент2) деталь; узел; комплектующее изделие3) составляющая, компонента; слагающая•components to be removed — узлы, подлежащие снятию-
ac component
active component
add-in component
add-on component
adhesion component of friction
air logic component
alternating component
anticlogging fuel oil component
antiknock component
aperiodic transient component
array component
audio component
axial component
backup component
base component
beam-lead component
bearing component
beat-moire components
blending component
bumped component
capacitive component
cationic coupling component
cationic diazo component
chip component
chrominance component
circuit component
color-difference component
complex 2 component
component of error
component of structure
component of variance
component of vector
contour milled component
contravariant component
covariant component
dc component
deformation component of friction
diazo coupling component
direct component
direct-axis component
discrete component
electric component
electrogenically inert component
electrogenically reactive component
electromagnetic component
electronic component
electrostatic component
error component
exchangeable components
faulty component
first component
force component
forced component
formed component
free component
frequency component
fundamental component
fundamental frequency component
hardware component
harmonic component
hybrid component
idle component
imaginary component
inductive component
in-phase component
integrated-circuit component
integrated component
in-vessel component
key machined components
linear component
load component
logic component
long-lived component
luminance component
magnetic component
magnetizing component
major components
mating component
moire components
mounting components
negative-phase-sequence component
negative-sequence component
nonlinear component
nuclear component
odor-producing component
off-the-shelf component
out-of-band components
out-of-phase component
parasitic component
passive component
plowing friction component
pneumatic console-mounted component
pneumatic enclosure-mounted component
pneumatic machine-mounted component
point-to-point NC component
positive-phase-sequence component
positive-sequence component
potted component
power component
primary tooling component
pulsating dc component
quadratic component
quadrature component
radio component
rail-mounted pneumatic component
reactive component
real component
reconditioned components
rectangular components
remanufactured components
residual component
resistive component
ripple component
rotating seal component
second component
short-lived component
sideband component
single component
sinusoidal component
software component
spurious component
stable component
stationary seal component
steady-state component
stress component
structural component
subsynchronous component
subtransient component
supercurrent component
symmetrical components
system's crucial components
tar-yielding components
thickness stress component
transient component
tribological component
turned component
undesired component
unidirectional component
unsupervised component
valve operating component
variable component
vibration frequency component
wattful component
wattless component
zero-phase-sequence component
zero-sequence component
zero-frequency component -
16 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- component of tensor
- ac component
- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component - potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened -component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency component -
17 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- component of graph
- component of tensor
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component
- plastic surface mount component
- plug-in component
- potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened-component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency componentThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > component
18 component
1) компонент, составная часть, элемент; деталь, обрабатываемая деталь2) составляющая (напр. силы)•- accessory componentsto reverse the component — поворачивать деталь на 180°
- add-on component
- aerospace components
- affected component
- alloy component
- architectural component
- arm component
- assembled component
- axial component
- axial leaded component
- bar-coded component
- bar-shaped component
- base component
- bought-in component
- bought-out component
- building block components
- Cartesian components of velocity
- centers-mounted component
- chucked component
- component of force
- component of gravity
- component of unbalance
- composed component
- composite component
- computer component
- conjugated component
- constant component
- contour-milled component
- control component
- controlled component
- coupling component
- cross component
- cutting force component
- data handling component
- defense-related components
- delay component
- direct component
- discontinued components
- drive components
- encapsulated component
- error component
- executive component
- expert system component
- fabricated components
- finish-machined component
- first-off component
- floating component
- force component
- forced component
- formed component
- free component
- front component of unbalance
- fundamental component
- gear component
- general components
- generic components
- gravitational component
- harmonic component
- high-frequency component
- incorrect component
- independent component
- injection-molded component
- in-tolerance component
- irregular component
- key component
- key-turned component
- laser beam travel optical component
- lateral component
- lead component
- machine components
- master component
- mid-of-tolerance component
- miniature component
- misbehaving component
- modular components
- multibend component
- multifeature component
- nonrotational component
- nonstock components
- normalized components
- obsolete components
- odd component
- odd-shaped component
- OEM components
- off-the-shelf components
- one-axis component
- one-off component
- pallet-mounted component
- periodic component
- peripheral force component
- piece part component
- point-to-point NC component
- power-steering components
- preamp component
- preformed component
- pre-production components
- primary component
- primitive component
- principal force component
- printed component
- programmable component
- projection component
- radial component of driving force
- radial component
- radial force component
- rear component of unbalance
- replacement component
- restoring component
- ring component
- rotary component
- rotational component
- rotational machined component
- sample component
- scrap components
- scrapped components
- sealing component
- separating component of driving force
- shaft rotary component
- sheet metal component
- short cycle component
- short operation component
- small batch component
- space-related component
- stabilizing component
- stable component
- stamped blank component
- steady state component
- structural component
- subharmonic component
- subminiature components
- substructure components
- surface mounted component
- system's crucial components
- tangential component of driving force
- three-dimensional curved component
- through-hole component
- tooling components
- transient component
- translational component
- transverse component
- turned component
- two-axis component
- two-dimensional component
- undefined component
- under-skin components
- unstable component
- useful component
- variable componentEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > component
19 component
компонент, составная часть- alloying component
- base component
- batch component
- volatile component -
20 component
1. узел; блок; деталь2. компонент, составная часть, составной элемент3. компонента, слагающая, составляющая4. составной; сложный
* * *
1. элемент, составная часть ( системы)2. компонент; деталь; звено; схема; узел; блокdecreasing failure rate component — элемент, характеризуемый убывающей интенсивностью отказов
increasing failure rate component — элемент, характеризуемый возрастающей интенсивностью отказов
* * *
компонент, составная часть компонента; узел, блок, деталь; ингредиент
* * *
1) элемент, составная часть ( системы)2) компонент; деталь; звено; схема; узел; блок•- component of wave train
- accessible component
- antiknock component
- approved component
- asphaltic-resinous component
- bad component
- base oil component
- completely failed component
- conforming component
- critical component
- damaged component* * *• блок• сложный• схемаАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > component
См. также в других словарях:
base component — /ˈbeɪs kəmpoʊnənt/ (say bays kuhmpohnuhnt) noun (in transformational grammar) the rule system which specifies the deep structure …
component — componential /kom peuh nen sheuhl/, componental, adj. componented, adj. /keuhm poh neuhnt, kom /, n. 1. a constituent part; element; ingredient. 2. a part of a mechanical or electrical system: hi fi components. 3. Physics. the projection of a… … Universalium
Base Runs — (BsR) is a baseball statistic invented by sabermetrician David Smyth to estimate the number of runs a team should have scored given their component offensive statistics, as well as the number of runs a hitter/pitcher creates/allows. It measures… … Wikipedia
Base Class Library — Base Class Library, сокращённо BCL стандартная библиотека классов платформы «.NET Framework». Программы, написанные на любом из языков, поддерживающих платформу .NET, могут пользоваться классами и методами BCL создавать объекты… … Википедия
Component Library for Cross Platform — (CLX) (pronounced clicks), is a cross platform visual component based framework for developing Microsoft Windows and Linux applications. It is developed by Borland for use in its Kylix, Delphi, and C++ Builder software development environment.… … Wikipedia
Base Realignment and Closure — (or BRAC) is a process of the United States federal government directed at the administration and operation of the Armed Forces, used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Congress to close excess military installations and realign … Wikipedia
Base — Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Base course — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Base hit — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Base line — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Base plate — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English