1 balance
['bæləns] 1. noun1) (a weighing instrument.) tehtnica2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) ravnotežje3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) ravnovesje4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) saldo2. verb1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) uravnotežiti2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) držati (se) v ravnotežju•- in the balance
- off balance
- on balance* * *I [baeləns]nountehtnica; ravnotežje, protiutež; nihalo; kritje; commerce bilanca; saldo; American jocosely ostanekto be ( —ali hang, tremble, swing) in the balance — viseti na nitki, biti v kritičnem položajuoff one's balance — ves iz sebe, razburjento strike a balance — narediti bilanco; najti ravnotežje; figuratively izvesti poslediceto be weighed in the balance and found wanting — ne izpolniti upov, razočaratiII [baeləns]1.transitive verbtehtati; izenačiti; (with, against, by) držati v ravnotežju; soočiti;2.intransitive verb( between) kolebati, nihati; biti, ostati v ravnotežju -
2 balance sheet
(a paper showing a summary and balance of financial accounts.) bilanca -
3 half-yearly
adjective, adverb (done etc every six months: a half-yearly report; We balance our accounts half-yearly.) polleten; vsakega pol leta* * *[há:fjə:li]1.adjectivepolleten;2.adverbpolletno, vsakega pol leta -
4 account
1) (an arrangement by which a person keeps his money in a bank: I have (opened) an account with the local bank.) račun2) (a statement of money owing: Send me an account.) računi3) (a description or explanation (of something that has happened): a full account of his holiday.) bančni račun4) (an arrangement by which a person makes a regular (eg monthly) payment instead of paying at the time of buying: I have an account at Smiths.) odprt račun5) ((usually in plural) a record of money received and spent: You must keep your accounts in order; ( also adjective) an account book.) poročilo•- accountant
- account for
- on account of
- on my/his etc account
- on my/his account
- on no account
- take something into account
- take into account
- take account of something
- take account of* * *I [əkáunt]nouncommerce račun, konto; poročilo, pripovedovanje; mnenje, sodba; važnost, korist; vzrok; ocena; likvidacijski rokto cast accounts — delati proračun, kalkuliratito give a good account of o.s. — imeti uspeh, dobro se izkazatiAmerican to hand in one's account — umretito settle accounts with figuratively obračunati sto turn into account — izkoristiti, uporabition what account? — čemu?II [əkáunt]transitive verb & intransitive verbceniti, soditi; računati; smatrati; razložitiaccount for — obračunati; razložiti, utemeljiti; ceniti; zagovarjati; usmrtiti -
5 keep
[ki:p] 1. past tense, past participle - kept; verb1) (to have for a very long or indefinite period of time: He gave me the picture to keep.) obdržati2) (not to give or throw away; to preserve: I kept the most interesting books; Can you keep a secret?) obdržati (zase)3) (to (cause to) remain in a certain state or position: I keep this gun loaded; How do you keep cool in this heat?; Will you keep me informed of what happens?) imeti, (vz)držati4) (to go on (performing or repeating a certain action): He kept walking.) nadaljevati5) (to have in store: I always keep a tin of baked beans for emergencies.) imeti na zalogi6) (to look after or care for: She keeps the garden beautifully; I think they keep hens.) skrbeti za, rediti7) (to remain in good condition: That meat won't keep in this heat unless you put it in the fridge.) držati se8) (to make entries in (a diary, accounts etc): She keeps a diary to remind her of her appointments; He kept the accounts for the club.) voditi9) (to hold back or delay: Sorry to keep you.) zadrževati10) (to provide food, clothes, housing for (someone): He has a wife and child to keep.) vzdrževati11) (to act in the way demanded by: She kept her promise.) držati12) (to celebrate: to keep Christmas.) praznovati2. noun(food and lodging: She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep - she kills all the mice in the house.) oskrba; stanovanje in hrana- keeper- keeping
- keep-fit
- keepsake
- for keeps
- in keeping with
- keep away
- keep back
- keep one's distance
- keep down
- keep one's end up
- keep from
- keep going
- keep hold of
- keep house for
- keep house
- keep in
- keep in mind
- keep it up
- keep off
- keep on
- keep oneself to oneself
- keep out
- keep out of
- keep time
- keep to
- keep something to oneself
- keep to oneself
- keep up
- keep up with the Joneses
- keep watch* * *I [ki:p]nounhistory osrednji grajski stolp, trdnjava, temnica; življenjske potrebščine, oskrba, stanovanje in hrana, vzdrževanje; paša, krma; military utrdba, reduta; plural igra, pri kateri zmagovalec obdrži dobitekto earn one's keep — preživljati se, zaslužiti za vsakdanji kruhII [ki:p]1.transitive verbdržati, obdržati, ohraniti, zadržati; držati se (zakona, navade); vztrajati, obdržati se; zadrževati koga; vzdrževati, čuvati, varovati, podpirati; nadzirati, na skrbi imeti, skrbeti za; imeti, voditi (trgovino), upravljati (šolo), imeti (sejo); imeti v zalogi; voditi (knjige, račune); praznovati, obhajati (praznik); imeti, gojiti (čebele, konje itd.);2.intransitive verbostati (doma, v postelji); počutiti se ( he ŋs well); držati se, ne kvariti se (hrana, vreme); kar naprej kaj delati ( she ŋs smiling); colloquially stanovati (where do you keep?)to keep s.o. at arm's length — ne dati komu do sebecommerce to keep books — voditi knjigeto keep s.o.'s counsel — varovati tujo skrivnostto keep one's countenance — ostati resen, zadrževati smehto keep clear of — izogniti se česa, čuvati se česato keep s.o. company — delati komu družboto keep company with — skupaj hoditi, družiti se zto keep s.th. dark — obdržati zase, ne izdatito keep one's end up — braniti svoja načela, opravljati svoje deloto keep an eye on ( —ali out for) —ali to keep one's eyes open ( —ali skinned) —ali to keep one's weather eye lifted — imeti odprte oči, budno pazitito keep the field — vztrajati, ne se umaknitito keep (a) guard over s.o. — čuvati kogasport to keep (the) goal — biti vratar, čuvati golGod keep you! — bog te varuj!to keep s.th. going — ohraniti kaj v tekuto keep s.o. going — komu (denarno) pomagati; ohraniti koga pri življenjuto keep one's ground — ne popustiti, vztrajati, ostati čvrstto keep early ( —ali good) hours — prihajati zgodaj domov, hoditi zgodaj spatto keep bad ( —ali late) hours — prihajati pozno domov, hoditi pozno spatto keep one's head — ne izgubiti glave, ostati mirento keep house — vzdrževati družino, gospodinjitito keep open house — biti gostoljuben, sprejemati goste ob vsakem časuto keep a good look-out — budno opazovati, pazitito keep s.o. for lunch — zadržati koga pri kosiluto keep pace ( —ali step) with — iti v korak, ne zaostajatiAmerican to keep plugging along — kar naprej garatito keep the pot boiling — životariti, komaj se prebijatito keep good relations with s.o. — ostati s kom v dobrih odnosihto keep a record of s.th. — voditi zapise o čemto keep sight of — imeti kaj pred očmi, misliti nato keep in suspense — pustiti koga v negotovosti; commerce imeti v evidenci (nerešeno zadevo)to keep track of — zasledovati (dogodke), biti na tekočemto keep one's temper — zadržati se, ne razburjati seAmerican to keep tabs on — nadzirati, budno spremljati (dogodke), zapomniti sito keep together — biti složen, držati skupajto keep watch (over, on) — stražiti koga, oprezovati za kom
См. также в других словарях:
Balance sheet accounts — Represent the financial institution s present assets and liabilities. They contain information on the actual balances at a given time. Balance sheet reports Include: Break even rates on assets Compensation statement balance confirmation … International financial encyclopaedia
Accounts receivable — (A/R) is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of customers who owe money to a person, company or organization for goods and services that have been provided to the customer. In most business entities this is… … Wikipedia
accounts payable — index bill (invoice) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 accounts payable … Law dictionary
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balance — the amount of money remaining in an account. The total of your money in the bank after accounting for all transactions (deposits and withdrawals) is called a balance . Glossary of Business Terms A division of a Securities Account, of a type… … Financial and business terms
Accounts Receivable - AR — Money owed by customers (individuals or corporations) to another entity in exchange for goods or services that have been delivered or used, but not yet paid for. Receivables usually come in the form of operating lines of credit and are usually… … Investment dictionary
balance sheet — bal·ance sheet n: a statement of financial condition at a given date Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. balance sheet … Law dictionary
Balance — Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Balance electrometer — Balance Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Balance fish — Balance Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Balance knife — Balance Bal ance (b[a^]l ans), n. [OE. balaunce, F. balance, fr. L. bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to E. two) + lanx plate, scale.] 1. An apparatus for weighing. [1913 Webster] Note: In its simplest form, a balance consists… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English