Перевод: с английского на норвежский

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См. также в других словарях:

  • Bacteriologist — Bac*te ri*ol o*gist, n. One skilled in bacteriology. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bacteriologist — bacteriology ► NOUN ▪ the study of bacteria. DERIVATIVES bacteriologist noun …   English terms dictionary

  • bacteriologist — noun see bacteriology …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bacteriologist — See bacteriologic. * * * …   Universalium

  • bacteriologist — noun A microbiologist whose speciality is bacteriology. See Also: bacteria, bacteriology …   Wiktionary

  • bacteriologist — One who primarily studies or works with bacteria. * * * bac·te·ri·ol·o·gist (.)bak .tir ē äl ə jəst n a specialist in bacteriology * * * bac·te·ri·ol·o·gist (bak tēr″e olґə jist) a specialist in bacteriology …   Medical dictionary

  • bacteriologist — bac·te·ri·ol·o·gist || bæk‚tɪərɪ É’lÉ™dʒɪst n. expert in bacteriology (science that deals with bacteria, bacterial life and phenomena) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bacteriologist — bac·te·ri·ol·o·gist …   English syllables

  • bacteriologist — noun a biologist who studies bacteria • Derivationally related forms: ↑bacteriology • Hypernyms: ↑biologist, ↑life scientist • Instance Hyponyms: ↑Bruce, ↑David Bruce, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pioneer Bacteriologist — Louis Pasteur; Robert Koch …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Hideyo Noguchi — with signature Born November 9, 1876(1876 11 09) Inawashiro …   Wikipedia

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