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  • 1 ayama

    сущ. диал. прозвище, кличка. Ayama qazanmaq заслужить прозвище

    Azərbaycanca-rusca lüğət > ayama

  • 2 ayama

    прозвище, кличка.

    Азербайджанско-русский словарь > ayama

  • 3 āyāma

    ♂ 1) натяжение 2) задержка, препятствие 3) протяжение

    Sanskrit-Russian dictionary > āyāma

  • 4 ayama

    length, extension, restraint

    Sanskrit-English dictionary by latin letters > ayama

  • 5 ayama

    1. عنوانی که مردم به کسی می دهند
    2. لقب
    3. لقب دهی

    Sözlük Azərbaycan Türkcəsi - Farsca > ayama

  • 6 आयाम

    ආයාම aayaama āyāma m
    length. adj (in cpds.) having the length of

    Pali-English dictionary > आयाम

  • 7 རྔམས་ཆེ་

    [rngams che]
    āroha, ayāma - baisus, siaubingas; niršus, žiaurus.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > རྔམས་ཆེ་

  • 8 མཆུར་

    āyāma - ilgis, tįsumas.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > མཆུར་

  • 9 ཡུན་

    āyāma - laiko tarpsnis, laikas.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > ཡུན་

  • 10 སྙུགས་སྲིང་, སྙུགས་བསྲིངས་པ་

    [snyugs sring, snyugs bsrings pa]
    āyāma - ilgai trunkantis, ilgas, ilgalaikis; pratęstas.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > སྙུགས་སྲིང་, སྙུགས་བསྲིངས་པ་

  • 11 आचाम

    m. id. L. ;

    the water in which rice has been boiled KātyṠr. Yājñ. III, 322 ;
    (mentioned as drunk by Jain. ascetics;
    Prākṛit. āyāma) Jain. ;
    etc. seeᅠ ib.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > आचाम

  • 12 व्याम

    m. (prob. for vi-yāma q.v.;

    cf. vy-āyāma, sam-āma) the measure of the two extended arms (= 5 Aratnis), a fathom AV. ṠBr. GṛṠrS. etc.;
    diagonal direction AV. ;
    disregard, disrespect (?) W. ;
    smoke (?) L. ;
    pl. N. of a class of deceased ancestors VP. ;
    Costus Speciosus orᅠ Arabicus VarBṛS.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > व्याम

  • 13 व्यायाम

    m. dragging different ways, contest, strife, struggle AV. MBh. ;

    exertion, manly effort, athletic orᅠ gymnastic exercise
    (e.g.., playing with heavy clubs, drawing a bow with a chain etc.) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    (ifc.) exercise orᅠ practise in MBh. R. Suṡr. ;
    (with Buddhists) right exercise orᅠ training MWB. 44 (cf. Dharmas. 119) ;
    « drawing out, extending», a partic. measure of length, fathom (= vi-yāma andᅠ vy-āma) Ṡulbas. ;
    a difficult passage, any difficulty (?) L. ;
    - karṡita mfn. emaciated through bodily exercise MBh. ;
    - kalaha m. du. contest andᅠ strife ib. ;
    - prayoga m. N. of wk.;
    - bhūmi f. exercising ground, gymnasium Kām. ;
    - vat mfn. taking bodily exercise gaṇa balâ̱di;
    - vid mfn. skilled in gymnastics Rājat. ;
    - vidyā f. the science of gymnastics ib. ;
    - ṡālā f. an exercising hall Kād. ;
    - ṡīla mfn. accustomed to orᅠ fond of exercise, active, robust, athletic W.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > व्यायाम

  • 14 व्यायायामिन्

    mfn. = āyāma-vat VarBṛS. Vāgbh.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > व्यायायामिन्

  • 15 gap

    1. (Persian) saying, talk, words, expression; matter, subject; phrase, clause. gapga aylantir to talk into s.t. gapni aylantir to beat around the bush; to confuse the issue. unga gap bakor kelmaydi or unga gap kor/u hech kimga gap bermaydi He never gives anyone a chance to talk; He never listens to anyone. gap bilan kunni kech qil to spend the whole day talking. gap bilgancha ish bil Better to know how to do s.t. than just talk. gapni bir yerga/gap bir joydan chiqdi Everyone was agreed. gap bitta that’s final. gapga bichgan/onasi gapga tuqqan to be a born talker. gap bo’l to interrupt. bir gap bo’lar Something will happen (to solve the predicament). gap vaqt yo’qligida emas the point isn’t that there is no time. gap gapir to give a speech, to talk. gapni gapir uqqanga speak to whoever may heed. gapni ikki qil to contradict, to disobey, not to heed. gapini yo’qotib qo’y to lose track of what one is saying. gap kelganda otangni ayama When it comes time to speak, spare no one, even your father. gapga kir to come around, to listen to reason; to begin speaking. gap kovla to stir up old problems. gapga ko’n to listen, to consent. gap ko’p, ko’mir oz Talk is cheap. gap(ini) ol to learn s.o.’s thoughts or intentions. gap ola chiqdi Things fell apart; The matter ended in discord. gap ot /gap och to begin speaking; to bring up. gapini og’zidan ol /gapi og’zida qol to stop short, to be left speechless. gapning ochig’i actually, truth be known. gapning po’st kallasi the truth of the matter (s. gapga sol to bring around, convince. gap sot to gossip, to chatter idly. gapning tagiga yet to get to the root of the matter. gapning tagida gap bor there’s a reason for everything. gap tamom, vassalom end of story, that’s it. gap tegiz /gapida tur to stick to one’s word. gapga tut to buttonhole. gapga tush to (begin to) speak. gapga tushunadigan odam someone who understands what others want; someone easy to get along with. gapdan to’xta to stop talking. gap to’qi /gap shu yerda qolsin Don’t let word of this get out. gap chayna to harp upon. gap chaqishtir /gapdan chiq to disobey, to cross. u mening gapimdan chiqmaydi He never disobeys me. gapdan gap chiqib/gap chuvi to busy o.s. with gossip. gapni cho’z to talk on and on. gap Eshit to get yelled at, to get bawled out. unga sizning gapingiz o’tadi He listens to what you say. gapini o’tkaz to get one’s way. gap o’g’irla /gap qaytar to talk back. uning gapiga qaraganda according to what he says. gap qil to make gossip, to make up rumors. gap qistir to interject. gapni qisqa qil to come to the point, not to waste time talking. gapni gapga qovushtirmaslik to let no one get a word in edgewise. bir gapdan qol to lose (contest). katta gap big deal, big accomplishment. nima gap? What’s up?; What’s the matter? shu ham gap ekanmi? Big deal!, So what?, What an excuse! hamma gap shunda that’s the whole problem. hech gap yo’q Nothing’s going on.; Nothing has happened 2. regular gathering held by a group of friends. gap ber to host such a gathering. gap gashtak partying and merrymaking. gap ye to spend much time attending such gatherings

    Uzbek-English dictionary > gap

  • 16 prāņāyama

    (práņa-f āyama) ♂ 1) задерживание дыхания 2) филос. сознательное управление дыханием (одно из восьми средств йоги;
    Ц\\Ц 14)

    Sanskrit-Russian dictionary > prāņāyama

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ayama District, Mie — Ayama (阿山郡; gun) was a district located in Mie, Japan.As of 2003, the district had an estimated population of 27,539 and a density of 108.46 persons per km². The total area was 253.91 km².Towns and villages* November 1, 2004 The district merged… …   Wikipedia

  • Ayama, Mie — was a town located in Ayama District, Mie, Japan. On November 1, 2004, it merged into the new city of Iga, Mie.As of 2003, the town had an estimated population of 8,242 and a density of 112.95 persons per km². The total area was 72.97… …   Wikipedia

  • ayama — (Culfa, Naxçıvan, Ordubad, Şahbuz, Şərur) ləqəb. – Bu kənddə hamının ayaması var (Şərur) …   Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti

  • ayama — is. Bir adama el tərəfindən verilən ləqəb, ad. Sadıq bir az duruxub cavab verdi ki, «lağlağı» onun ayamasıdır. C. M …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • vy-āyāmá — व्यायाम …   Indonesian dictionary

  • List of dissolved districts of Japan — A district of Japan is dissolved when all towns or villages in the district become cities or are merged into the city. The following is a list of dissolved districts of Japan.The date shown is the day the district was dissolved i.e. the district… …   Wikipedia

  • Pranayama — Prāṇāyāma (devanāgarī : प्राणायाम ) est un terme sanskrit qui correspond dans les Yoga Sūtra de Patañjali au quatrième membre (aṅga) du Yoga[1]. Prāṇayāma est la discipline du souffle[1] au travers de la connaissance et le contrôle du prāṇa …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ōyamada, Mie — Ōyamada (大山田村, Ōyamada mura?) was a village located in Ayama District, Mie, Japan. On November 1, 2004 Ōyamada was merged with the old city of Ueno, the towns of Iga and Ayama, the village of Shimagahara, all from Ayama District, and the town of… …   Wikipedia

  • Pranayama — A man practicing Pranayama Pranayama (Sanskrit: प्राणायाम prāṇāyāma) is a Sanskrit word meaning extension of the prana or breath or more accurately, extension of the life force . The word is composed of two Sanskrit words, Prān …   Wikipedia

  • Prana — Prāṇa (devanāgarī: प्राण ) est un terme sanskrit. La signification de ce nom composé est complexe car elle intègre simultanément les notions de souffle et de principe vital du souffle et de sa manifestation organique dans la respiration. Qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tachibana Muneshige — s portrait. In this Japanese name, the family name is Tachibana . Tachibana Muneshige (立花 宗茂 …   Wikipedia

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