1 autoantibody
autoantibody аутоантителоEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > autoantibody
2 autoantibody
аутоантителоepitope-specific autoantibody — эпитоп-специфическое аутоантитело, антиэпитопное антитело
lupus autoantibodies — волчаночные (ауто)-антитела ( аутоантитело в сыворотке больных красной волчанкой)
pathogenic autoantibody — патогенетически значимое аутоантитело (аутоантитело, играющее важную роль в развитии заболевания)
3 autoantibody
4 autoantibody
биол. аутоантитело(биология) аутоантителоБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > autoantibody
5 autoantibody
6 autoantibody
7 autoantibody
[ˌɔːtəʊ'æntɪbɒdɪ]Медицина: аутоантитело, аутоиммунное антитело -
8 autoantibody
мед.сущ. аутоантитело* * * -
9 autoantibody
10 autoantibody
аутоантителоEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > autoantibody
11 autoantibody
12 autoantibody
13 autoantibody
биол. -
14 autoantibody
n биол. аутоантитело -
15 autoantibody
16 autoantibody
17 autoantibody
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > autoantibody
18 autoantibody analysis
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > autoantibody analysis
19 autoantibody production
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine > autoantibody production
20 antichromation autoantibody
Иммунология: антихроматиновое аутоантителоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > antichromation autoantibody
См. также в других словарях:
autoantibody — [ôt΄ō an′ti bäd΄ē] n. pl. autoantibodies an antibody that acts against the body s own molecules and tissues and may cause an autoimmune disorder … English World dictionary
Autoantibody — An autoantibody is an antibody (a type of protein) manufactured by the immune system that is directed against one or more of the individual s own proteins. Many autoimmune diseases in humans, most notably lupus erythematosus, are caused by such… … Wikipedia
autoantibody — /aw toh an ti bod ee, an tee /, n., pl. autoantibodies. Immunol. an antibody that an organism produces against any of its own tissues, cells, or cell components. [1905 10; AUTO 1 + ANTIBODY] * * * ▪ immunity harmful antibody that attacks… … Universalium
autoantibody — noun Date: circa 1910 an antibody active against a tissue constituent of the individual producing it … New Collegiate Dictionary
autoantibody — Antibody that reacts with an antigen that is a normal component of the body. Obviously this can lead to some problems, and autoimmunity has been proposed as a causative factor in a number of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. See also… … Dictionary of molecular biology
autoantibody — noun An antibody formed in response to an agent (autoantigen) produced by the organism itself … Wiktionary
autoantibody — Antibody occurring in response to antigenic constituents of the host s tissue against self antigen, and which reacts with the inciting tissue component. antiidiotype a. SYN: idiotype a..antiidiotype antibody. cold a. an a. that reacts at… … Medical dictionary
autoantibody — noun (plural autoantibodies) Physiology an antibody produced by an organism in response to a constituent of its own tissues … English new terms dictionary
autoantibody — au·to·antibody … English syllables
autoantibody — n. an antibody formed against one of the body s own components in an autoimmune disease … The new mediacal dictionary
autoantibody — au•to•an•ti•bod•y [[t]ˌɔ toʊˈæn tɪˌbɒd i, ˈæn ti [/t]] n. pl. bod•ies imu an antibody that an organism produces against any of its own components • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang