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  • 1 defalarca

    adv. time after time, over and over, again and again, time and again, numbers of times, times without numbers, tons of times, scores of times, for the nth time, for the umpteenth time, repeatedly, always, fast
    n. heaps of times
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > defalarca

  • 2 zaman

    "1. time: Zaman nehir gibi akıyor. Time flows like a river. Bana zaman lazım. I need time. Fatoş´un zamanı az. Fatoş has little time to spare. ışık söndürme zamanı lights-out. 2. time, season: Yenidünya zamanı geldi. Loquats are now in season. 3. age, era, epoch: zamanın âlimleri the learned men of the age. 4. (a person´s) youth or prime; the time when one was engaged in a particular activity: Benim zamanımda bu işyerinin yönetim biçimi bambaşkaydı. This office was run quite differently in my time. 5. the right time or the time appointed (to do something): Artık bu işin zamanı geldi. It´s now the right time to do this job. 6. free time: Bugün hiç zamanım yok. I´ve no free time today. 7 gram. tense. 8. mus. time, meter, rhythm. 9. geol. era. 10. when: geldiği zaman when he came. -ında at the proper time, at the right time. -la with time, as time passes/ passed. - belirteci gram. adverb of time. - bırakmak /a/ to set aside time for, leave time for (something). - birimi unit of time. - eki gram. temporal suffix (for a verb). -ı geçmek 1. to be out of date, be outmoded. 2. (for something) to expire, become void (as a result of the passage of time). 3. (for a fruit or vegetable) no longer to be in season. 4. (for an activity) no longer to be appropriate to the time of year. 5. (for something) to be of no use (because it´s too late): Özür dilemenin zamanı geçti artık. It´s now too late to apologize. - kazanmak 1. to save time. 2. (for someone) to gain time. - kollamak to be on the lookout for a suitable opportunity, bide one´s time. - öldürmek to kill time. - sana uymazsa sen zamana uy. proverb If the times don´t conform to you, then you should conform to the times. -a uymak to conform to the age in which one lives, move with the times, keep in step with the times. - vermek /a/ to set aside time (for) (something). - zaman from time to time, occasionally, every now and then, every now and again, every so often. - zarfı gram. adverb of time."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > zaman

  • 3 birçok kez

    adv. plenty of times, numbers of times, many times

    Turkish-English dictionary > birçok kez

  • 4 zamana ayak uydurmak

    to keep up with the times, to move with the times, to march with the times

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > zamana ayak uydurmak

  • 5 eskiden

    adj. onetime
    adv. in old times, in times of old, of old, before now, once, beforetime, sometime, formerly, anciently, erstwhile, lang syne, in days of yore, of yore
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > eskiden

  • 6 sayısız kereler

    adv. times without numbers, umpteen times

    Turkish-English dictionary > sayısız kereler

  • 7 çoğu kez

    n. dozen of times, many times

    Turkish-English dictionary > çoğu kez

  • 8 eski

    "1. old, ancient. 2. former, ex-; veteran. 3. old, worn-out; secondhand. 4. past events, what went before. - ağıza yeni taam/kaşık. colloq. New food for an old mouth (said when eating something for the first time that season). E- Ahit the Old Testament. - çamlar bardak oldu. colloq. Times have changed./Things are not what they used to be. - defterleri karıştırmak/yoklamak to bring up old issues, delve into the past. - enayi biçimi slang outdated clothes; out of fashion. - eserler antiques, antiquities. -si gibi the way it used to be. - göz ağrısı an old flame. - hale getirme law complete restitution. - hamam eski tas. colloq. Nothing has changed; it´s business as usual. - hayratı da berbat etmek to make something worse by trying to improve it. -ye itibar/rağbet olsaydı bitpazarına nur yağardı. proverb If old things were in fashion light from heaven would illuminate the flea market. -si kadar as much as before. - kafalı oldfashioned (person). - köye yeni âdet unwelcome innovation. - kulağı kesik slang 1. old woman-chaser. 2. one who has experienced much. - kurt old hand. - memur slang 1. repeater, a student who has repeated most of his classes. 2. one who has experienced much. - püskü old and battered-looking, shabby. - toprak healthy and well-preserved older person. - tüfek person with a lot of experience, old hand. - zamanlarda 1. in the past, in the old days. 2. in ancient times, in antiquity."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > eski

  • 9 gün

    "1. day. 2. daytime, day. 3. sun. 4. daylight, sunlight. 5. day, time. 6. day, days, time, times, period. 7. happy days, better times, days of happiness. 8. special day, feast day. 9. a woman´s at-home day. 10. date (a given point of time). -lerce for days. -ün adamı 1. man of the hour, man of the day. 2. a man for all seasons. - ağarmak for day to dawn, for dawn to break. - ağarması daybreak, dawn. - almak /dan/ 1. to get an appointment (from). 2. to have passed (a certain age) by (a specified number of days). - atlamamak not to miss out a day. - batması sunset, sundown. -ün birinde 1. one day, some day. 2. once, at one time in the past. -lerden bir gün once upon a time. - bugün. colloq. Now is the time. - doğmadan neler doğar. proverb A lot can happen between now and then. - doğmak 1. for the sun to rise, for day to dawn. 2. /a/ (for someone) to have an unexpected opportunity or stroke of fortune. -ünü doldurmak 1. to complete a period of time. 2. fin. to fall due, mature. - durumu astr. solstice. -leri gece olmak /ın/ to fall on evil days, meet with misfortune. -ü geçmek /ın/ (for a woman´s period) to be late. - gibi açık/aşikâr altogether clear, very clear, manifest. - görmek to see happy days. -ünü görmek 1. to come to a bad end; to suffer for one´s errors. 2. /ın/ to see (one´s grown-up offspring) living a happy life. 3. to menstruate, have one´s period. - görmemek to know nothing but unhappiness. - görmez 1. (place) which doesn´t get any sunlight, sunless. 2. (someone) who never gets out in the sun. - görmüş 1. (someone) who has seen better days. 2. experienced. -ünü görürsün! I´ll show you!/You´ll get what´s coming to you!/You´ll get your just deserts! - göstermek /a/ to make (someone) live happily. -ünü göstermek /a/ to show, punish (used as a threat). -den güne/- günden from day to day, gradually. -ü gününe 1. day by day. 2. to the very day. -ünü gün etmek to be really enjoying oneself, be having a real good time, be having a hell of a good time. -ü gününe uymamak to be capricious, be fickle. - ışığına çıkmak to come to light; to become clear. - kavuşmak/inmek for the sun to set/go down, for night to fall. - koymak /a/ to put aside a day, assign some time (for). - ola harman ola. colloq. One day its time will come. -leri sayılı olmak to be near death. -ünü/-lerini saymak to be waiting for death. - sürmek to live prosperously. - tutulmak for the sun to be eclipsed. - tutulması astr. solar eclipse. - tün eşitliği astr. equinox. - yapmak (for women) to be at home to guests. -ü yetmek 1. (for something) to fall due, be due. 2. (for one´s last hour) to be at hand. 3. (for a woman) to fill up her term of pregnancy. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gün

  • 10 ilkçağ

    antiquity, ancient times (the period following the end of prehistoric times and preceding the beginning of the Middle Ages).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ilkçağ

  • 11 iyi

    "1. good. 2. plentiful, abundant. 3. in good health, well. İ-si.... The best thing is.... -ye çekmek /ı/ 1. to put a good interpretation on. 2. to consider (something) to be a good omen. - dilek good wishes. - dilekte bulunmak /a/ to wish (someone) well. - dost kara günde belli olur. proverb It´s when you´re in trouble that you learn who your real friends are. - etmek 1. /ı/ to cure, heal. 2. to do the right thing; to act wisely. 3. /ı/ slang to rob. 4. /ı/ slang to get even with (someone), give (someone) his comeuppance. - gelmek /a/ 1. to suit, fit. 2. (for a medicine, a treatment) to help, be beneficial, work. 3. to bring good fortune. - gitmek 1. to go well. 2. /a/ to suit. - gözle bakmamak /a/ to have a bad opinion of. - gün good times, prosperity. - gün dostu fair-weather friend. - gün görmüş (someone) who knows what prosperity is, who has enjoyed prosperous times. - hal belgesi/kâğıdı certificate of good conduct. - hoş amma.... That´s all very well but.... - insan sözünün üstüne gelir. proverb A person who appears while he is being talked about is a good person. -siniz inşallah. colloq. I hope you are well. - iş altı ayda çıkar. proverb It takes time to do a job well. - iş belgesi good letter of recommendation (for an employee). - iş doğrusu! colloq. What a queer thing! -den iyiye thoroughly, completely. -ye iyi, kötüye kötü demek to call a spade a spade, speak plainly, be forthright. - kalpli goodhearted, kind. - ki.... It´s good that.../Fortunately,.... - kötü 1. somehow, in some way or other. 2. not bad, fairly good. -si mi.... The best thing to do is.... - olacak hastanın hekim ayağına gelir. proverb If it is fated for things to go well, they will go well. - oldu da.... It´s good that.../Fortunately,.... - olmak 1. to recover. 2. (for something) to go well, suit one´s purpose. 3. to be good, be favorable. - saatte olsunlar the djinns. - söylemek /için/ to praise."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > iyi

  • 12 kere

    1. time: bir kere once. 2. times: İki kere iki dört eder. Two times two makes four.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kere

  • 13 kerrat

    ,-tı formerly times. - cetveli multiplication table, times table.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kerrat

  • 14 kırklamak

    1. (for a newborn child, its mother, or someone in mourning) to reach the end of a forty-day period. 2. /ı/ to do (something) forty times. 3. /ı/ to rinse (something) many times.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kırklamak

  • 15 taşım

    used in: - kaynamak (for a liquid) to come to the boil (for a specified number of times). - kaynatmak /ı/ to bring (a liquid) to the boil (for a specified number of times): Sütü yalnız bir taşım kaynattı. She brought the milk to the boil only once.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > taşım

  • 16 çok

    "1. much; many, a lot of, lots of, plenty of. 2. often, long (time). 3. very. 4. very much. 5. poly-. -tan long since, a long time ago. çoktan beri/-tandır for a long time (now). - bilmiş 1. clever, smart. 2. cunning, crafty. - çok at most, at the very most. - defa 1. often, frequently. 2. many times. - fazla far too much. - geçmeden before long, soon. - gelmek /a/ 1. to be too much (for). 2. to become too much for (someone) to take. - gezen çok bilir. proverb One who travels a lot knows a lot. - gitmek to go too far. - görmek 1. /ı/ to consider (something) to be too much. 2. /ı, a/ to begrudge (someone) (something). -a kalmaz before long. - kere/kez 1. often, frequently. 2. many times. -a mal olmak to cost a lot. - naz âşık usandırır. proverb If you behave too coyly you will lose your lover. - olmak to go too far, overstep the limit. - söylemek to talk too much. - sürmez. It won´t last long. - şey! How strange!/What an odd business! - şükür! Thank God! - taraflı law multilateral. -a varmaz soon, before long. - yanlı/yönlü versatile, many-sided. - yaşa! 1. Bless you!/Gesundheit! (said when someone has sneezed). 2. Bless you! (said to someone with whom one is highly pleased). "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çok

  • 17 antika

    adj. old world, from the past, from former times (especially Europe); antiquarian, antique; queer; eccentric, kooky, quaint; crusted
    n. antique, curiosity, curio
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    1. ancient 2. antique 3. curio

    Turkish-English dictionary > antika

  • 18 asri

    adj. modern, contemporary individual; current times; new and up-to-date fashion
    * * *
    far out

    Turkish-English dictionary > asri

  • 19 bin kere

    thousand times

    Turkish-English dictionary > bin kere

  • 20 birçok kere

    many times

    Turkish-English dictionary > birçok kere

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