Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 61 А-16

    АЙ ДА...! coll Interj Invar foil. by NP fixed WO
    used to express approval, admiration
    (when foil. by an anim noun) what (a)...!
    good for you (her, him etc)! you are (he is etc) (really) quite a...! atta boy (girl)! he (she etc) is really something! ah, that...! good job (...)! well done (...)! (when foil. by an inanim noun) what (a)...! (now) thatis (herefc, therefe) (a)...(for you)! that's (really) quite a...! (when used ironically only) some...! some...he (she, that etc) is!
    «Поздравляю, господин исправник. Ай да бумага! По этим приметам немудрено будет вам отыскать Дубровского. Да кто же не среднего роста, у кого не русые волосы, не прямой нос да не карие глаза!.. Нечего сказать, умные головушки приказные» (Пушкин 1). UI congratulate you, Mr Chief of Police. What a document! It'll be easy to trace Dubrovsky from such a description! Who is not of medium height? Who has not got fair hair-or a straight nose, or brown eyes?...1 must say, these officials are clever fellows!" (1b).
    ...Совершенно неожиданно было получено письмо за подписями начальника и политрука музыкальной команды военной части номер такой-то, в котором родителям ефрейтора Аркадия Мансурова от лица командования выражалась благодарность за хорошее воспитание сына... Ай да Аркашка! (Залыгин 1)....There came a completely unexpected letter signed by the CO. and the political officer of the concert party of unit No. so-and-so, expressing official gratitude to the parents of Lance-corporal Arkady Mansurov for bringing him up so well....Good for you, Arkady! (1a).
    Она (моя барыня) разрядится, точно пава, и ходит так важно а кабы кто посмотрел, какие юбки да какие чулки носит, так срам посмотреть!..» Все, кроме Захара, засмеялись. «Ай да Татьяна Ивановна, мимо не попадет!» - говорили одобрительно голоса (Гончаров 1). "She (my mistress) gets all dressed up in her finery and parades around like a peacock, but if you ever got a look at the petticoats and stockings she wears—it's a disgrace!..." Everyone except Zakhar laughed. "Ah, that Tatyana Ivanovna, she never misses!" they said approvingly (1b).
    Ай да герой! Собственной тени боится! Some hero! Afraid of his own shadow!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > А-16

  • 62 Г-60

    ГЛАЗА ОТКРЫВАЮТСЯ/ОТКРЙЛИСЬ у кого (на что) VP subj. more often pfv) having rid himself of delusions or misconceptions, s.o. begins to understand the situation as it really is: у X-a открылись глаза (на Y) X's eyes have been opened (to Y) the scales fell (have fallen) from X's eyes.
    (Войницкий:)...Теперь у меня открылись глаза! Я всё вижу! Пишешь ты об искусстве, но ничего не понимаешь в искусстве! (Чехов 3). (V.:)...Now my eyes have been opened. Everything's perfectly clear. You write about art, but you haven't the faintest idea what art is all about (3c).
    Выросла она в Галиции, жадно читала советских писателей и верила каждому слову... Из первого вуза, где она работала, её выгнали по пятому пункту. Она сочла это местной ошибкой, но, когда выяснилось, что пятый пункт стал центром внимания и на идиллию соцреализма полагаться нельзя, у неё вдруг открылись глаза (Мандельштам 2). She had grown up in Galicia, where she eagerly read Soviet writers and believed every word they said....In the first college where she worked she had been dismissed because of Point Five (the entry in Soviet passports indicating a person's ethnic origin. If used without specification, usu. refers to Jews). She had put this down as a "local mistake," but when Point Five proved to be a major issue and the idylls of socialist realism had worn thin, the scales suddenly fell from her eyes (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-60

  • 63 Н-257

    НУЖДЫ НЕТ (кому) obs VP impers pres or past usu. foil. by a что-clause usu. this WO it is unimportant to s.o. (that...): (X-y) нужды нет (, что...) = it doesn't matter (toX) itfs no matter (that...) it's nothing to X it's of no concern to X (that...) X doesn't care (at all) (about...) it's all the same to X never mind (about sth.).
    Обломов у нужды... не было, являлась ли Ольга Корделией и осталась ли бы верна этому образу или пошла бы новой тропой и преобразилась в другое видение, лишь бы она являлась в тех же красках и лучах, в каких она жила в его сердце... (Гончаров 1). It did not matter to Oblomov whether Olga appeared as Cordelia and remained true to that image, or, following a new path, was transformed into another vision, so long as she appeared in the same colors in which she was enshrined in his heart... (1 b).
    «Нужды нет, что он (бригадир) парадов не делает да с полками на нас не ходит», - говорили они... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1) "Tis no matter that he (the brigadier) don't have parades and march on us with regiments," they said... (1a).
    Анна Андреевна:)...Я просто видела в нём образованного светского, высшего тона человека, а о чинах его мне и нужды нет (Гоголь 4). (А.А:) I saw in him simply an educated man of the world, a man of the highest society, and I don't care at all about his rank (4c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-257

  • 64 О-65

    ПРОЙТИ (СКВОЗЬ (ЧЕРЕЗ, И)) ОГОНЬ И ВОДУ (ОГНИ И ВОДЫ) (И МЕДНЫЕ ТРУБЫ) coll VP subj: human usu. past the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience
    occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much
    X прошёл огонь и воду (и медные трубы) - X has been (gone) through fire and water
    X has survived fire and water X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer) X has been there and back (in limited contexts) there's nothing X doesn't know.
    Осталась она (при немцах) потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадет (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
    Её (Одинцову) не любили в губернии... рассказывали про нее всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... «Прошла через огонь и воду», — говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She (Madame Odintsov) was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades... /There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > О-65

  • 65 ай да...!

    АЙ ДА...! coll
    [Interj; Invar; foll. by NP; fixed WO]
    used to express approval, admiration:
    - [when foll. by an anim noun] what (a)...!;
    - good for you <her, him etc>!;
    - you are <he is etc> (really) quite a...!;
    - atta boy < girl>!;
    - he <she etc> is really something!;
    - ah, that...!;
    - good job (...)!;
    - well done (...)!;
    - [when foll. by an inanim noun] what (a)...!;
    - (now) that's <here's, there's> (a)...(for you)!;
    - that's (really) quite a...!;
    - [when used ironically only] some...!;
    - some...he <she, that etc> is!
         ♦ "Поздравляю, господин исправник. Ай да бумага! По этим приметам немудрено будет вам отыскать Дубровского. Да кто же не среднего роста, у кого не русые волосы, не прямой нос да не карие глаза!.. Нечего сказать, умные головушки приказные" (Пушкин 1). "I congratulate you, Mr Chief of Police. What a document! It'll be easy to trace Dubrovsky from such a description! Who is not of medium height? Who has not got fair hair or a straight nose, or brown eyes?....I must say, these officials are clever fellows!" (1b).
         ♦...Совершенно неожиданно было получено письмо за подписями начальника и политрука музыкальной команды военной части номер такой-то, в котором родителям ефрейтора Аркадия Мансурова от лица командования выражалась благодарность за хорошее воспитание сына... Ай да Аркашка! (Залыгин 1)....There came a completely unexpected letter signed by the C.O. and the political officer of the concert party of unit No. so-and-so, expressing official gratitude to the parents of Lance-corporal Arkady Mansurov for bringing him up so well....Good for you, Arkady! (la).
         ♦ "Она [моя барыня] разрядится, точно пава, и ходит так важно; а кабы кто посмотрел, какие юбки да какие чулки носит, так срам посмотреть!.."Все, кроме Захара, засмеялись. "Ай да Татьяна Ивановна, мимо не попадёт!" - говорили одобрительно голоса (Гончаров 1). "She [my mistress] gets all dressed up in her finery and parades around like a peacock, but if you ever got a look at the petticoats and stockings she wears - it's a disgrace!..." Everyone except Zakhar laughed. "Ah, that Tatyana Ivanovna, she never misses!" they said approvingly (1b).
         ♦ Ай да герой! Собственной тени боится! Some hero! Afraid of his own shadow!

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ай да...!

  • 66 глаза открываются

    [VPsubj; more often pfv]
    having rid himself of delusions or misconceptions, s.o. begins to understand the situation as it really is:
    - у X-a открылись глаза (на Y) X's eyes have been opened (to Y);
    - the scales fell < have fallen> from X's eyes.
         ♦ [Войницкий:]...Теперь у меня открылись глаза! Я всё вижу! Пишешь ты об искусстве, но ничего не понимаешь в искусстве! (Чехов 3). [V.:]... Now my eyes have been opened. Everything's perfectly clear. You write about art, but you haven't the faintest idea what art is all about (3c).
         ♦ Выросла она в Галиции, жадно читала советских писателей и верила каждому слову... Из первого вуза, где она работала, её выгнали по пятому пункту. Она сочла это местной ошибкой, но, когда выяснилось, что пятый пункт стал центром внимания и на идиллию соцреализма полагаться нельзя, у неё вдруг открылись глаза (Мандельштам 2). She had grown up in Galicia, where she eagerly read Soviet writers and believed every word they said....In the first college where she worked she had been dismissed because of Point Five [the entry in Soviet passports indicating a person's ethnic origin. If used without specification, usu. refers to Jews]. She had put this down as a "local mistake," but when Point Five proved to be a major issue and the idylls of socialist realism had worn thin, the scales suddenly fell from her eyes (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаза открываются

  • 67 глаза открылись

    [VPsubj; more often pfv]
    having rid himself of delusions or misconceptions, s.o. begins to understand the situation as it really is:
    - у X-a открылись глаза (на Y) X's eyes have been opened (to Y);
    - the scales fell < have fallen> from X's eyes.
         ♦ [Войницкий:]...Теперь у меня открылись глаза! Я всё вижу! Пишешь ты об искусстве, но ничего не понимаешь в искусстве! (Чехов 3). [V.:]... Now my eyes have been opened. Everything's perfectly clear. You write about art, but you haven't the faintest idea what art is all about (3c).
         ♦ Выросла она в Галиции, жадно читала советских писателей и верила каждому слову... Из первого вуза, где она работала, её выгнали по пятому пункту. Она сочла это местной ошибкой, но, когда выяснилось, что пятый пункт стал центром внимания и на идиллию соцреализма полагаться нельзя, у неё вдруг открылись глаза (Мандельштам 2). She had grown up in Galicia, where she eagerly read Soviet writers and believed every word they said....In the first college where she worked she had been dismissed because of Point Five [the entry in Soviet passports indicating a person's ethnic origin. If used without specification, usu. refers to Jews]. She had put this down as a "local mistake," but when Point Five proved to be a major issue and the idylls of socialist realism had worn thin, the scales suddenly fell from her eyes (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаза открылись

  • 68 нужды нет

    [VP; impers; pres or past; usu. foll. by a что-clause; usu. this WO]
    it is unimportant to s.o. (that...):
    - (X-y) нужды нет (, что...) it doesn't matter (toX);
    - it's no matter (that...);
    - it's of no concern to X (that...);
    - X doesn't care (at all) (about...);
    - never mind (about sth.).
         ♦ Обломову нужды... не было, являлась ли Ольга Корделией и осталась ли бы верна этому образу или пошла бы новой тропой и преобразилась в другое видение, лишь бы она являлась в тех же красках и лучах, в каких она жила в его сердце... (Гончаров 1). It did not matter to Oblomov whether Olga appeared as Cordelia and remained true to that image, or, following a new path, was transformed into another vision, so long as she appeared in the same colors in which she was enshrined in his heart... (1b).
         ♦ "Нужды нет, что он [бригадир] парадов не делает да с полками на нас не ходит", - говорили они... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1) "Tis no matter that he [the brigadier] don't have parades and march on us with regiments," they said... (1a).
         ♦ [Анна Андреевна:]...Я просто видела в нём образованного светского, высшего тона человека, а о чинах его мне и нужды нет (Гоголь 4). [А.А:] I saw in him simply an educated man of the world, a man of the highest society, and I don't care at all about his rank (4c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нужды нет

  • 69 пройти и огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды

  • 70 пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 71 пройти и огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду

  • 72 пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти и огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 73 пройти огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды

  • 74 пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 75 пройти огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду

  • 76 пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти огонь и воду и медные трубы

  • 77 пройти сквозь огни и воды

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды

  • 78 пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огни и воды и медные трубы

  • 79 пройти сквозь огонь и воду

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду

  • 80 пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

    [VP; subj: human; usu. past; the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO]
    (of a person who, in the course of a difficult or complex life, has acquired vast life experience; occas. of a person with a tarnished reputation, undiscriminating sexual experiences etc) to experience, endure much:
    - X has been through the mill (through it all, through hell, through the wringer);
    - [in limited contexts] there's nothing X doesn't know.
         ♦ Осталась она [при немцах] потому, что как пострадавшая от Советской власти ждала себе от немцев много хорошего и, пройдя огни и воды и медные трубы... решила, что и здесь не пропадёт (Рыбаков 1). She had stayed behind because she thought that, as someone who had suffered under Soviet rule, she could do well for herself with the Germans, and as she had already survived fire and water...she thought she would survive this, too (1a).
         Её [Одинцову] не любили в губернии... рассказывали про неё всевозможные небылицы, уверяли, что она помогала отцу в его шулерских проделках... "Прошла через огонь и воду", - говорили о ней (Тургенев 2). She [Madame Odintsov] was not popular in the province:...all sorts of impossible stories were invented about her: it was asserted that she had helped her father in his gambling escapades....'There's nothing she doesn't know," they said of her... (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медные трубы

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  • they'd — [ ðeıd ] short form 1. ) the usual way of saying or writing they would. This is not often used in formal writing: They said they d be happy to help. 2. ) the usual way of saying or writing they had when had is an AUXILIARY verb. This is not often …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • they'd — [ðeɪd] short form 1) the usual way of saying or writing ‘they would . This is not often used in formal writing They said they d be happy to help.[/ex] 2) the usual way of saying or writing ‘they had when ‘had is an AUXILIARY VERB. This is not… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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