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См. также в других словарях:

  • any one — anˈyone (or any one) noun and pronoun 1. Anybody at all 2. Anybody whatever • • • Main Entry: ↑any * * * an|y|one «EHN ee wuhn, wuhn», pronoun. any person; anybody: »Can anyone go to this movie or is it just for adults? Anyone may come. He is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Any — A ny, a. & pron. [OE. [ae]ni[yogh], [ae]ni, eni, ani, oni, AS. [=ae]nig, fr. [=a]n one. It is akin to OS. [=e]nig, OHG. einic, G. einig, D. eenig. See {One}.] 1. One indifferently, out of an indefinite number; one indefinitely, whosoever or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • One Bid — is a four contestant qualifying game played on the television game show The Price Is Right . The official titlecite web url=http://www.cbs.com/daytime/price/community/qa/qa producers.shtml title=Q A with the Producers publisher=CBS Daytime work=… …   Wikipedia

  • any — 1. use with singular or plural nouns. Any can be used with a singular or plural noun, or with an uncountable noun such as homework and happiness, to denote choice from three or more people or things (for choice from two, either is used): • The… …   Modern English usage

  • any — /en ee/, adj. 1. one, a, an, or some; one or more without specification or identification: If you have any witnesses, produce them. Pick out any six you like. 2. whatever or whichever it may be: cheap at any price. 3. in whatever quantity or… …   Universalium

  • whatever — /hwut ev euhr, hwot , hweuht , wut , wot , weuht /, pron. 1. anything that (usually used in relative clauses): Whatever you say is all right with me. 2. (used relatively to indicate a quantity of a specified or implied antecedent): Take whatever… …   Universalium

  • whatever — what•ev•er [[t](h)wʌtˈɛv ər, (h)wɒt , (h)wət , wʌt , wɒt , wət [/t]] pron. 1) fun anything that (usu. used in relative clauses): Do whatever you like[/ex] 2) fun (used relatively to indicate a quantity of a specified or implied antecedent): Take… …   From formal English to slang

  • any — /ˈɛni / (say enee) adjective 1. one, a, an, or (with plural noun) some, whatever or whichever it may be: if you have any witnesses, produce them. 2. in whatever quantity or number, great or small: have you any butter?; have you any blank disks? 3 …  

  • any — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. & pron. some. See generality, quantity. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Without discrimination] Syn. either, whatever, whichever, a, an, one, any sort, any kind, any one, in general, each, one or more,… …   English dictionary for students

  • any — adj 1. one, a, an, a single one, some; any one, Inf. any old, whatever, whichever; every, all. pron. 2. anybody, anyone, somebody, someone. adv 3. somewhat, to some extent, to any extent, at all, in any degree, in the least, even a little bit …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • whatever — v. (Slang) disregard or ignore, neglect (e.g.: Susan really whatevers me ) adj. whichever; any; anything; any amount; so be it pron. whichever; any one; any; anything; what …   English contemporary dictionary

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