1 apple fruit moth
1) Биология: побеговая моль бурая (Argyresthia conjugella)2) Сельское хозяйство: моль побеговая бурая (Argyresthia conjugella)3) Энтомология: побеговая моль бурая (лат. Argyresthia conjugella), побеговая моль плодовая (лат. Argyresthia conjugella), побеговая моль рябиновая (лат. Argyresthia conjugella) -
2 apple fruit moth
* * * -
3 moth, apple fruit
1. LAT Argyresthia conjugella Zeller2. RUS моль f побеговая рябиновая [бурая, плодовая]3. ENG common rowanberry argent, apple fruit moth, apple fruit miner4. DEU Apfelmotte f Ebereschenmotte f Vogelbeermotte f5. FRA teigne f du pommier, teigne f de la pommeDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > moth, apple fruit
4 miner, apple fruit
1. LAT Marmara pomonella Busck2. RUS моль f горностаевая яблонная3. ENG apple fruit miner4. DEU —5. FRA mineuse f de la pomme1. LAT Argyresthia conjugella Zeller2. RUS моль f побеговая рябиновая [бурая, плодовая]3. ENG common rowanberry argent, apple fruit moth, apple fruit miner4. DEU Apfelmotte f Ebereschenmotte f Vogelbeermotte f5. FRA teigne f du pommier, teigne f de la pommeDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > miner, apple fruit
5 moth
moth моль; бабочкаalder moth стрельчатка ольховая, Acronycta alnialmond moth огнёвка сухофруктовая, Ephestia cautellaAngoumois grain moth моль ячменная, моль зерновая, Sitotroga cerealellaangulifera moth павлиноглазка Callosamia anguliferaanthel moth совка травяная, Cerapterys graminisapple fruit moth моль побеговая бурая, Argyresthia conjugellaartichoke plume moth пальцекрылка артишоковая, Platyptilia corduidactylaAtlas moth павлиноглазка атлас, Coscinocera herculesautumnal moth пяденица осенняя, Oporinia autumnatabag-worm moths мешочница, Psychidaebanded footman moth лишайница однополосая, Illice unifasciatabedstraw hawk moth бражник подмаренниковый, Deilephila galii, Celerio galliibee moth огнёвка пчелиная большая, моль большая восковая, клочень, Galleria mellonellabee-hawk moth шмелевидка жимолостная, Haemorrhagia fuciformisbella moth медведица красивая, Utetheisa bellablack witch moth совка Erebus odorablack-c owlet moth совка с-чёрное, Graphiphora c-nigrumbogus yucca moth моль минно-чехликовая Prodoxusbroom moth совка гороховая, Mamestra pisibrown-tail moth златогузка, Nygmia phaeorrhaea, Euproctis chrysorrhaeabuck moth сатурния майя, Hemileuca maiabud moth листовёртка почковая, вертунья почковая, Tmetocera ocellanabuff tiger moth медведица толстянка бурая, Spilosoma fuliginosa, Phragmatobia fuliginosabuff tip moth лунка серебристая, Phalera bucephalabuffalo moth кожеед норичниковый, Anthrenus scrophulariaebumblebee hawk moth бражник шмелевидный, Haemorrhagia diffinisburnet moths пестрянки, Zygaenidaecabbage moth совка капустная, Barathra brassicaecactus moth огнёвка кактусовая, Cactoblastis cactorumCalifornia tussock moth волнянка калифорнийская, Hemerocampa vetustacarpenter moths древоточцы, Cossidaecarpet moth моль ковровая, Trichophaga tapetiellacase-bearing clothes moth моль шубная, Tinea pellionellacat-tail moth моль узкокрылая рогозовая, Limnaecia phragmitellacecropia moth сатурния цекропия, Hyalophora cecropiaclearwing moths стеклянницы, Aegeriidaeclothed-in-whete footman moth лишайница беловатая, Clemensia albatacodling moth плодожорка яблонная, Laspeyresia pomonellaconvolulus hawk moth бражник вьюнковый, Herse convolvulicotton-stem moth моль выемчатокрылая Platyedra vilellacottonwood dagger moth стрельчатка тополя трёхгранного, Acronycta lepusculinacream-spot tiger moth медведица деревенская, Arctia villicacup moth слизневидка Phobetron pitheciumcurrant moth пяденица крыжовниковая, Abraxas grossulariatacynthia moth сатурния цинтия, Samia cynthiadagger moth стрельчатка, Acronytadeath's head hawk moth (бражник) мёртвая голова, Acherontia atroposdecember moth коконопряд тополевый, Poecilocampa populidew moth лишайница молевидная жёлтая, Endrosa irrorelladiamondback moth моль капустная, Plutella maculipennisdiverse-line moth пяденица Lygris diversilineataDouglas-fir tussock moth волнянка псевдотсуговая, Hemerocampa pseudotsugataear moth совка яровая красная, Hydroecia nictitanselephant hawk moth бражник Chaerocampaemperor moth малый ночной павлиний глаз, сатурния малая, Saturnia pavoniaengrailed moth пяденица Tephrosia bistortataEuropean grain moth моль зерновая настоящая, моль амбарная, Tinea granellaEuropean pine shoot moth побеговьюн зимующий, Rhyacionia buolianafairy moths длинноусые моли, Adelidaefern moth пяденица Phibalapteryx tersatafigure-of eight moth (совка-)синеголовка, Diloba coeruleocephalafir seed moth плодожорка Laspeyresia bracteatanafish moth чешуйница обыкновенная, Lepisma saccharinaflannel moths мегалопигиды, Megalopygidaeflour moth огнёвка мельничная, Ephestia kьhniellafootman moths лишайницы, Litosiinaeforester moths агаристиды, Agaristidaefour-spotted moth совка тёмная пятнистая, совка дневная пёстрая, Acontia luctuosafox moth коконопряд малиновый, Macrothylacia rubifur moth моль шубная, Tinea pellionellagall moth галлообразующая бабочкаgarden-tiger moth медведица кайя, Arctia caiageometrid moths пяденицы, Geometridaegiant silkworm moths павлиноглазки, Saturniidaegoat moth древоточец пахучий, древоточец ивовый, Cossus cossusgooseberry moth пяденица крыжовниковая, Abraxas grossulariatagranite moth пяденица Sciagraphia granitatagrape plume moth пальцекрылка Pterophorus periscelidactylusgrape-berry moth листовёртка виноградная, Polychrosis viteanagreater wax moth огнёвка пчелиная большая, моль большая восковая, клочень, Galleria mellonellagum leaf skeletonizer moth моль эвкалиптовая скелетирующая, Roeselia lugensgypsy moth шёлкопряд непарный, непарник, Ocneria disparhag moth слизневидка Phobetron pitheciumhandmaid moth хохлатка Datanahawk moths бражники, Sphingidaehickory tiger moth медведица гикори, Halisidota caryaehickory tussock moth медведица гикори, Halisidota caryaehooded owlet moth капюшонница, Cuculliahook-tip moths серпокрылки, Drepanidaehornet moth стеклянница тополевая большая, Aegeria apiformishumming bird hawk moth хоботник обыкновенный, языкан обыкновенный, Macroglossum stellarumimperial moth цитерониида Eacles imperialis, Basilona imperialisIndian meal moth огнёвка амбарная южная, Plodia interpunctellaio moth сатурния ио, Automeris ioIsabella tiger moth медведица изабелла, Isia isabellalantana plume moth пальцекрылка Platyptilia pusillodactylalappet moth 1. коконопряд американский, Epicnaptera americana; 2. коконопряд дуболистный, Gastrophacha quercifolia; 3. pl коконопряды, Lasiocampidaelarch lappet moth коконопряд лиственничный, Tolype laricisleaf-rolling moth закручивающая листья гусеница, листовёрткаleopard moth древесница въедливая, Zeuzera pyrinalesser bud moth вертунья листовая, Recurvaria nanellalesser wax moth моль мелка вощинная, Acchroea grisellalime-tree winter moth пяденица липовая, Erannis tiliarialinden moth пяденица липовая, Erannis tiliarialobster moth вилохвост буковый, Stauropus fagilocust-tree carpenter moth древоточец белой акации, Prionoxystus robiniaelunar hornet moth стеклянница ивовая, Trochilium crabroniformismagpie moth пяденица крыжовниковая, Abraxas grossulariatamaia moth сатурния майя, Hemileuca maiamany-plume moths веерокрылки, Orneodidaemaple moth цитерониида Anisotameal (snout) moth огнёвка мучная, Pyralis farinalismelon moth огнёвка Diaphania hyalinatamilkweed moth медведица Euchaetias eglamoch-stone moth хохлатка Melalophamullein moth капюшонница коровяковая, Cucullia verbascinaked clothes moth моль платяная, моль мебельная, Tineola bisseliellaNantucket pine-tip moth побеговьюн обманчивый, Rhyacioniaa frustrananun moth монашенка, Lymantria monachaold tussock moth волнянка античная, кистехвост обыкновенный, Orgyia antiquaorache moth совка лебедовая, Trachea atriplicisOriental fruit moth листовёртка восточная персиковая, Laspeyresia molestaOriental moth слизневидка Cnidocampa flavescensowlet moths совки, Noctuidaepale brindled beauty moth пяденица волосистая, Phigalia pedariapale moth лишайница бледная, Crambidia pallidapale tussock moth медведица Halisidota tesselarispandora moth сатурния пандора, Coloradia pandorapea moth листовёртка гороховая, Laspeyresia nigricanapeacock moth пяденица углокрылая обыкновенная, Semiothisa notatapecan bud moth олетрейтида Gretchena bollianapepper-and-salt moth пяденица Biston cognatariapeppered moth пяденица берёзовая, Biston betulariapine brown-tail moth волнянка Eutroctis terminalispine clear-wing moth стеклянница сосновая, Parharmonia pinipine hawk moth бражник сосновый, Sphinx pinastripine looper moth пяденица сосновая, Bupalus piniariuspine sphinx moth бражник сосновый, Sphinx pinastripine tussock moth волнянка Dasychira plagiatapine-shoot moth побеговьюн, Evetriapine-tip moth побеговьюн, Evetriapine-tube moth листовёртка Argyrotaenia pinatubanapinted footman moth лишайница Hypoprepia fucosapitch pine-tip moth побеговьюн сосны жёсткой, Rhyacionia rigidanapitch twig moth побеговьюн Комстока, Petrova comstockianaplum moth 1. пяденица смородинная ночная, Lygris prunata; 2. плодожорка сливовая, Laspeyresia funebranaplume moths пальцекрылки, AlucitidaePolyphemus moth сатурния полифем, Tetea polyphemusponderosa pine-tip moth побеговьюн сосны жёлтой, Rhyacionia zozanapopular hawk moth бражник тополевый, Amorpha populiPortland moth совка земляная зелёная, Agrotis praecoxpotato moth выемчатокрылая моль Phthorimaea operculellaprivet hawk moth бражник сиреневый, Sphinx ligustriprocessionary moth шелкопряд дубовый походный, Thaumetopoea processioneaPromethea moth сатурния Прометея, Callosamia prometheapuss moth гарпия большая, Dicranura vinularaisin moth огнёвка инжирная, Ephestia figulilellarasspberry bud moth моль минно-чехликовая Lampronia rubiellaregal moth цитерония королевская, Citheronia regalisrusty tussock moth волнянка античная, кистехвост обыкновенный, Orgyia antiquasand-dune moth агаристида Tuerta sabulosasatin moth волнянка ивовая, Leucoma salicisscallop-shell moth пяденица волнистая, Calocalpe undulatascalloped oak moth пяденица пухоногая жёлтая, Crocallis elinguariascalloped owlet moth совка зубчатокрылая, Scoliopteryx libatrixscarlet tiger moth медведица-госпожа, медведица-девочка, Callimorpha dominulasequoia moth веспамима секвойевая, Vespamima sequoiaesheep moth павлиноглазка Pseudohazis eglanterinashort-cloaked moth медведица карликовая серо-бурая, Nola cucullatellasilk moths павлиноглазки, Saturniidaesmeared dagger moth стрельчатка Acronycta oblinitasolidago gall moth моль выемчатокрылая золотарниковая, Anorimoschema gallaesolidaginisspotted clover moth совка беложильная, Melicleptria scutosaspotted tussock moth медведица пятнистая, Halisidota maculataspurge hawk moth бражник молочайный, Deilephila euphorbiae, Celerio euphorbiaestar moth совка Derrima stellatastriped footman moth лишайница Hypoprepia miniatasunflower moth огнёвка подсолнечниковая, метлица подсолнечниковая, Homoeosoma electellumswallow-tail moth пяденица бузинная, пяденица хвостатая, Urapteryx sambucariaswift moths тонкопряды, Hepialidaesycamore moth стрельчатка кленовая, Acronycta acerissycamore tussock moth медведица Гарриса, Halisidota harrisiitapestry (clothes) moth моль ковровая, Trichophaga tapetiellatiger moths медведицы, Arctiidaetobacco moth огнёвка шоколадная, Ephestia elutellaturnip moth совка озимая, Agrotis segetumtwo-colored footman moth лишайница двухцветная, Tigrioides bicolorunderwing moth ленточница, орденская лента, CatocalaV-moth пяденица кустовая смородинная, Itame wanariavaporer moth волнянка античная, кистехвост обыкновенный, Orgyia antiquaverbena bud moth олетрейтида Endothenia hebesanavirgin tiger moth медведица Apantesis virgowasp moths синтомиды, Synthomidaewater betony moth капюшонница обыкновенная, Cucullia scrophulariaewax moth огнёвка пчелиная большая, моль большая восковая, клочень, Galleria mellonellawhite-shouldered house moth выемчатокрылая моль Endrosis sarcitrellawhite-tipped moth хохлатка белолобая, Symmerista albifronswindow-winged moths окончатые мотыльки, Thyrididaewool(l)en moth моль шубная, Tinea pellionellayellow-horned moth пухоножка желтоусая, совковидка желтоусая, Asphalia flavicornis, Polyploca flavicornisZimmerman's pine moth огнёвка Циммермана, Dioryctria zimmermani, Pinipestris zimmermaniEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > moth
6 moth
моль; бабочка- alder moth
- almond moth
- American moon moth
- Angoumois grain moth
- antique tussock moth
- antler moth
- apple fruit moth
- apple-leaf blister moth
- artichoke plume moth
- Atlas moth
- autumnal moth
- bagworm moths
- banded footman moth
- beautiful mining moth
- bedstraw hawk moth
- bee moth
- bee-hawk moth
- bella moth
- black-c-owlet moth
- blastobasid moths
- bright moths
- brown-tail moth
- bucculatricid moths
- bud moth
- buff tiger moth
- buff tip moth
- bumblebee hawk moth
- burnet moths
- cabbage moth
- cactus moth
- California tussock moth
- carl moths
- carpenter moths
- carpet moth
- casebearer moths
- case-bearing clothes moth
- cat-tail moth
- cecropia moth
- citrus bud moth
- clearwing moths
- clear-winged moth
- clothed-in-white footman moth
- clothes moth
- codling moth
- common goat moth
- common hawthorn moth
- common magpie moth
- cone pitch moth
- convolvulus hawk moth
- cosmopterygid moths
- cottonwood dagger moth
- cream-spot tiger moth
- ctenuchid moths
- cup moths
- currant borer moth
- currant moth
- cynthia moth
- dagger moth
- dark swordgrass moth
- dark tussock moth
- death's head hawk moth
- December moth
- dew moth
- diamondback moth
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- douglasiid moths
- drinker moth
- ear moth
- early thorn moth
- eastern tent moth
- elachistid moths
- emperor moth
- endromid moths
- epermeniid moths
- eriocraniid moths
- ermine moth
- ethmiid moths
- European grain moth
- European pine shoot moth
- exclamator moth
- eyed hawk moth
- fairy moths
- fall webworm moth
- field moths
- figure-of-eight moth
- flannel moths
- flour moth
- footman moths
- forester moths
- four-spotted moth
- fox moth
- fur moth
- gall moth
- garden swift moth
- garden tiger moth
- gelechiid moths
- geometer moths
- geometrid moths
- ghost moth
- giant silkworm moths
- glyphipterygid moths
- goat moth
- gooseberry moth
- grape-berry moth
- grass moths
- gray dagger moth
- great winter moth
- greater wax moth
- gum leaf skeletonizer moth
- gypsy moth
- hawk moths
- hemp moth
- hepialid moths
- heteroceriid moths
- hickory tiger moth
- hickory tussock moth
- hooded owlet moth
- hook-tip moths
- hornet moth
- hummingbird hawk moth
- hummingbird moths
- hyaline-spotted clothes moth
- Indian meal moth
- io moth
- Isabella tiger moth
- kitten moth
- lappet moth
- larch lappet moth
- large emperor moth
- lawn moths
- leaf skeletonizer moths
- leaf-roller moth
- lemoniid moths
- leopard moths
- lesser bud moth
- lesser wax moth
- libytheid moths
- lichen moths
- lift moths
- lime-tree linden moth
- lime-tree winter moth
- lithosiid moths
- lobster moth
- locust-tree carpenter moth
- long-tailed sea moth
- luna moth
- lunar hornet moth
- lunas thorn moth
- magpie moth
- maia moth
- mandibulate moths
- many-plumed moths
- marsh moth
- meal moth
- meal snout moth
- measuring-worm moths
- micropterygid moths
- midget moths
- morphid moths
- mullein moth
- naked clothes moth
- Nantucket pine-tip moth
- nepticulid moths
- noctuid moths
- nolid moths
- notodontid moths
- nun moth
- oak moth
- oak procession moth
- oecophorid moths
- old tussock moth
- orache moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- owlet moths
- pale brindled beauty moth
- pale moth
- pale tussock moth
- pandora moth
- pea moth
- peacock moths
- pear codling moth
- peppered moth
- phalonid moths
- phycitid moths
- phyllocnistid moths
- pigmy moths
- pine clear-wing moth
- pine hawk moth
- pine looper moth
- pine moth
- pine sphinx moth
- pine-shoot moth
- pine-tip moth
- pitch pine-tip moth
- pitch twig moth
- plum moth
- plume moths
- Polyphemus moth
- ponderosa pine-tip moth
- poplar hawk moth
- Portland moth
- primitive moths
- privet hawk moth
- processionary moth
- Promethea moth
- puss moth
- pyralid moths
- pyraustid moths
- raisin moth
- regal moth
- rusty tussock moth
- satin moth
- scalloped oak moth
- scalloped owlet moth
- scallop-shell moth
- scarlet tiger moth
- scythrid moth
- sea moths
- sequoia moth
- shield moths
- short-cloaked moth
- silk moth
- silkworm moth
- six-spotted burnet moth
- slug caterpillar moths
- slug moths
- small ermine moths
- smoky moths
- snout moths
- solidago gall moth
- sphinx moths
- spotted clover moth
- spotted tussock moth
- spurge hawk moth
- stenomid moths
- sunflower moth
- swallow-tail moth
- swift moths
- sycamore moth
- sycamore tussock moth
- tapestry moth
- tent caterpillar moths
- tent moths
- thyatirid moths
- tiger moths
- tobacco moth
- tortricid moths
- tortricid onion moth
- tortrix moths
- tussock moths
- two-colored footman moth
- underwing moth
- vaporer moth
- vine hawk moth
- Virginia tiger moth
- v-moth
- water betony moth
- wax moths
- white-tipped moth
- window-winged moths
- winter moth
- wood leopard moth
- woolen moth
- woollen moth
- yellow diacrisia moth
- yellow-horned moth
- yucca moths
- Zimmerman's pine moth* * * -
7 argent, common rowanberry
1. LAT Argyresthia conjugella Zeller2. RUS моль f побеговая рябиновая [бурая, плодовая]3. ENG common rowanberry argent, apple fruit moth, apple fruit miner4. DEU Apfelmotte f Ebereschenmotte f Vogelbeermotte f5. FRA teigne f du pommier, teigne f de la pommeDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > argent, common rowanberry
8 7130
1. LAT Argyresthia conjugella Zeller2. RUS моль f побеговая рябиновая [бурая, плодовая]3. ENG common rowanberry argent, apple fruit moth, apple fruit miner4. DEU Apfelmotte f Ebereschenmotte f Vogelbeermotte f5. FRA teigne f du pommier, teigne f de la pomme -
9 fly
1) муха; pl мухи ( Muscidae)2) двукрылое•- ant fly
- anthomyiid fly
- anthomyzid fly
- aphid fles
- apple-seed chalcid fly
- armed fly
- ascalaphus fly
- asparagus fly
- assassin flies
- asteiid flies
- azalea fly
- bat flies
- bee flies
- big-eyed flies
- big-headed flies
- black flies
- black scavenger flies
- bluebottle fly
- boat flies
- bomb fly
- bot flies
- bracon flies
- braulid flies
- breeze fly
- brine flies
- bristle fly
- bulb flies
- cabbage root fly
- caddis flies
- carrot rust fly
- chalcid flies
- chamaemyid flies
- chameleon fly
- cheese flies
- cherry fruit fly
- chin fly
- Chinese-candle fly
- chloropid flies
- circular-seamed flies
- clusiid flies
- cluster fly
- common fruit fly
- common house fly
- common yellow dung fly
- crane flies
- cuckoo flies
- currant fruit fly
- dance flies
- demoiselle flies
- drone fly
- dryomyzid fly
- dung flies
- earthworm fly
- ensign flies
- ephemeral flies
- fairy flies
- false crane flies
- false stable fly
- finger-net caddis flies
- fish flies
- flat-footed flies
- flesh flies
- flower flies
- forest fly
- frit fly
- fruit fly
- giant stone flies
- golden-eyed flies
- grape-seed chalcid fly
- green flies
- green stone flies
- green-bottle fly
- green-winged stone flies
- hanging flies
- hanging scorpion flies
- harlequin flies
- harvest fly
- hawk flies
- heel fly
- helomyzid flies
- Hessian fly
- horn fly
- horse bot fly
- house fly
- hover flies
- humpbacked flies
- ichneumon flies
- kelp flies
- lantern flies
- large fruit flies
- latrine fly
- lauxaniid flies
- leaf-miner flies
- lesser bulb fly
- little house fly
- lonchaeid flies
- long-horned flies
- long-legged flies
- louse flies
- manure flies
- March flies
- marsh flies
- May flies
- Mediterranean fruit fly
- megalopteran flies
- melon fly
- microcaddis flies
- moth flies
- muscid flies
- mydas flies
- nest fly
- net-spinning caddis flies
- nostril flies
- odiniid flies
- olive fly
- onion bulb fly
- onion fly
- opomyzid flies
- oriental fruit fly
- otitid flies
- owl flies
- ox warble fly
- palm flies
- peacock fly
- petroleum fly
- phantom crane flies
- phorid flies
- picture-winged flies
- pomace fly
- primitive crane flies
- roachlike stone flies
- robber flies
- rolled-winged stone flies
- root-eating flies
- Russian fly
- rust flies
- sand flies
- scavenger flies
- scorpion flies
- seaweed flies
- serpent flies
- shore flies
- short-horned flies
- skipper flies
- small dung flies
- small winter stone flies
- small-headed flies
- snail-case caddis flies
- snake flies
- snipe flies
- snow fly
- snow scorpion fly
- soldier flies
- Spanish fly
- spear-marked flies
- spear-winged flies
- spider flies
- spiny-legged flies
- spongilla flies
- spring stone flies
- stable fly
- stalk-eyed flies
- stiletto flies
- stilt-legged flies
- stink flies
- stomach bot flies
- stone fly
- straight-seamed flies
- sun flies
- syrphid flies
- tachina flies
- tachinid flies
- tangle-veined flies
- tanypezid flies
- throat fly
- thunder flies
- toad fly
- trumpet-net caddis flies
- tsetse fly
- two-winged flies
- typhoid fly
- vinegar fly
- warble flies
- wasp fly
- white flies
- window flies
- winter crane flies
- winter stone flies* * *• муха• мухи -
10 fly
fly 1. муха; 2. двукрылое; 3. крылатое насекомоеadder flies неравнокрылые стрекозы, Anisopteraant fly крылатый муравейapple-seed chalcid fly семяед яблонный большой, Torymus druparumarmed fly львинка, Stratiomysazalea fly белокрылка азалиевая, Aleurodes azaleaebee flies жужжалы, Bombyliidaebig-eyed flies, big-headed flies цикаедки, Dorylidae, Pipunculidaeblack scavenger flies скатопсиды, Scatopsidaebomb fly овод бычий подкожный, Hypoderma bovisbreeze fly овод носоглоточный, Oestrusbrine flies береговушки, Ephydridaebulb flies журчалки, Syrphidaecabbage root fly муха капустная весенняя, Anthomyia brassicaecaddis flies ручейники, Trichopteracarrot rust fly муха морковная, Psila rosaechalcid flies хальцидиды, Chalcididaechameleon fly львинка обыкновенная, Stratiomys chamaeleoncheese fly сырная муха, Piphila caseicherry fruit fly муха вишнёвая, Rhagoletis cingulatachin fly овод носовой олений, Gastrophilus nasalisChinese-candle fly фонарница китайская, Laternaria candelariacircular-seamed flies круглошовные двукрылые, Cyclorrhaphacluster fly червеедка обыкновенная, Pollenia rudiscrane flies долгоножки, Tipulidaecuckoo flies блестянки, Chrysididaecurrant fruit fly пестрокрылка канадская, Epochra canadensisdance flies толкунчики, Empididaedrone fly ильница-пчеловидка, Eristalis tenaxdung flies навозные мухи, Scatophagidaeensign flies таракановые наездники, Evaniidaefaity flies мимариды, Mymaridaefalse crane flies анизопиды, Anisopidaefalse stable fly муха домовая, Muscina stabulansfinger-net caddis flies филопотамиды, Philopotamidaefish flies коридалы, Corydalidaeflat-footed flies грибные мушки, Clythidae, Platypezidaeflesh flies серые мясные мухи, Sarcophagidaeflower flies журчалки, Syrphidaeforest fly кровососка лошадиная, Hippobosca equinafruit fly 1. дрозофила, плодовая мушка (Drosophila); pl дрозофилы, плодовые мушки (Drosophilidae) ; 2. pl пестрокрылки, Trypetidaegiant stone flies птеронарциды, Pteronarcidaegolden-eyed flies златоглазки, Chrysopidaegrape-seed chalcid fly семяед виноградный, Evoxysoma vitisgreen stone flies хлороперлиды, Chloroperlidaegreen-bottle fly муха падальная зелёная, Lucilia caesargreen-winged stone flies изоперлиды, Isoperlidaehanging scorpion flies биттаки, Bittacidaeharlequin fly звонец, Chironomusharvest fly цикада певчая Линнея, Tibicen linneiheel fly овод бычий полосатый, Hypoderma lineatumHessian fly гессенская мушка, Mayetiola destructorhorn fly жигалка коровья малая, Haematobia irritanshover flies журчалки, Syrphidaehumpbacked flies горбатки, Phoridaeichneumon flies наездники-ихневмониды, Icnheumonidaelake fly подёнка Ephemera sumulanslantana seed fly минирующая мушка Agromyza lantanaelantern flies фонарницы, Fulgoridaeleaf miner flies минирующие мушки, Agromyzidaelong-horned flies длинноусые двукрылые, Nematoceralong-legged flies зеленушки, Dolichopodidaelouse flies кровососки, HippoboscidaeMarch flies толстоножки, Bibionidaemarsh flies схизомииды, SchizomyidaeMay flies подёнки, EphemeropteraMediterranean fruit fly муха плодовая средиземноморская, Ceratitus capitatamelon fly муха дынная, Dacus cucurbitaemicrocaddis flies ручейники-гидроптилиды, Hydroptilidaemoth flies бабочницы, Psychodidaemuscid flies мухи настоящие, Muscidaemydas flies мидаиды, Mydaidaenet-spinning caddis flies ручейники-гидропсихиды, Hydropsychidaeolive fly муха маслинная, Dacus oleaeonion bulb fly журчалка луковая, Eumerus strigatusorchid fly толстоножка Eurytoma orchidearumoriental fruit fly муха восточная фруктовая, Dacus dorsalispalm flies элимниины, Elymniinaepetrolieum fly муха нефтяная, Psilopa petroleiphantom crane flies лириопиды, Liriopidaephorid flies горбатки, Phoridaepicture-winged flies отитиды, Otitidaepigeon fly кровососка Pseudolynchia canariensispomace fly дрозофила, плодовая мушка, Drosophilaprimitive crane flies танидериды, Tanyderidaeroachlike stone flies пельтоперлиды, Peltoperlidaerobber flies ктыри, Asilidaerolled-winged stone flies лейктриды, LeuctridaeRussian fly шпанская мушка, Lytta vesicatoriarust flies псилиды, Psilidaesand fly москит, Phlebotomusscavenger flies муравьевидки, Sepsidaescorpion flies скорпионовы мухи, скорпионницы, Mecopteraseaweed flies целопиды, Coelopidaeshore flies береговушки, Ephydridaeskipper flies пиофилиды, Piophilidaesmall winter stone flies капнииды, Capniidaesmall-headed flies акроцериды, Acroceridaesnail-case caddis flies ручейники-геликопсихиды, Helicopsychidaesnipe flies бекасницы, Rhagionidaesnow scorpion fly ледничник, Boreussoldier flies львинки, StratiomyidaeSpanish fly шпанская мушка, Lytta vesicatoriaspear-marked flies острокрылки, Musidoridae, Lonchopteridaespear-winged flies острокрылки, Musidoridae, Lonchopteridaespongilla flies сизиры, Sisyridaespring stone flies немуриды, Nemouridaestable fly жигалка осенняя, Stomoxys calcitransstalk-eyed flies диопсиды, Diopsidaestiletto flies лжектыри, Therevidaestilt-legged flies микропециды, Micropezidaestink flies златоглазки, Chrysopidaestraight-seamed flies прямошовные мухи, Orthorrhaphasuck fly слепняк Cyrotopeltis notatus (клоп)tachina flies тахины, ежемухи, Tachinidaetangle-veined flies длиннохоботницы, Nemestrinidaethickheaded flies большеголовки, Conopidaethroat fly овод носовой олений, Gastrophilus nasalistrumpet-net caddis flies ручейники-психомииды, Psychomyidaetsetse fly муха цеце, Glossinatwo-winged flies двукрылые, Dipteratyphoid fly муха комнатная, Musca domesticavinegar flies пестрокрылки, Trypetidaewalnut husk fly пестрокрылка Rhagoletis completawarble flies подкожные оводы, Hypodermatidaewindow flies омфралиды, Omphralidae, Scenopinidaewinter crane flies зимние комарики, Trichoceridae, Petauristidaewinter stone flies тениоптеригиды, TaeniopterygidaeEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > fly
См. также в других словарях:
Apple — Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown origin.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple blight — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple borer — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple brandy — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple butter — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple corer — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple fly — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple midge — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple of discord — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple of love — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apple of Peru — Apple Ap ple ([a^]p p l), n. [OE. appel, eppel, AS. [ae]ppel, [ae]pl; akin to Fries. & D. appel, OHG, aphul, aphol, G. apfel, Icel. epli, Sw. [ a]ple, Dan. [ae]ble, Gael. ubhall, W. afal, Arm. aval, Lith. ob[*u]lys, Russ. iabloko; of unknown… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English