Перевод: со всех языков на вьетнамский

с вьетнамского на все языки


  • 1 Sie sind

    - {you're} = Sie selbst {yourself}+ = das geht Sie an {this concerns you}+ = erlauben Sie {by your leave; let me see}+ = frieren Sie? {do you feel cold?}+ = Sie heben ab (Kartenspiel) {it's your cut}+ = Sie sind dran {it's your turn}+ = gestatten Sie? {excuse me}+ = hören Sie mal! {I say!}+ = wie Sie wollen {as you will}+ = Verzeihen Sie! {I beg your pardon!}+ = Sind Sie satt? {Are you full?}+ = wie heißen Sie? {what is your name?}+ = er holt Sie ein {he'll catch up with you}+ = treten Sie ein! {walk in!}+ = sind Sie fertig? {have you finished?}+ = Sie dreht durch. {She's cracking up.}+ = seien Sie so gut {do me the kindness}+ = wie Sie wünschen {as you please}+ = woher kommen Sie? {where do you come from?}+ = Sie sind gemeint. {This means you.}+ = Das betrifft Sie. {This concerns you.}+ = Erheben Sie sich! {All Rise!}+ = was wünschen Sie? {what can I do for you?; what do you wish?}+ = da irren Sie sich {there you are mistaken}+ = versuchen Sie es! {have a try at it!}+ = wohin fahren Sie? {where are you bound for?}+ = Sie ist verreist. {She is out of town.}+ = Sie ist nicht da. {She's not in.}+ = treten Sie näher! {come closer!}+ = wollen Sie zu mir? {do you want to see me?}+ = seien Sie sachlich {stick to facts}+ = bleiben Sie sitzen {keep your seats!}+ = Sie sehen gut aus. {You look well.}+ = Rufen Sie mich an! {Give me a call!}+ = Sie verstehen ihn. {they sympathize with him.}+ = Sehen Sie sich um! {Look behind you!}+ = Wie groß sind Sie? {What's your height?}+ = Benehmen Sie sich! {Behave yourself!}+ = Sie wohnt bei mir. {She's staying with me.}+ = Sie war beleidigt. {She was offended.}+ = Sie werden gebeten {you are requested}+ = Meckern Sie nicht! {Don't be so fussy!}+ = das geht Sie nichts an {that doesn't regard you; that's none of your business; that's nothing to you}+ = ich rechne auf Sie [wegen] {I look to you [for]}+ = wie nennen Sie das? {what do you call that?}+ = Verstehen Sie mich? {Do you take me?}+ = Sie kam als letzte. {She came last.}+ = Passen Sie gut auf! {Pay close attention!}+ = Sie ist von gestern. {She's quite a back number.}+ = wo sind Sie geboren? {where were you born?}+ = Was Sie nicht sagen! {You don't say so!}+ = Sie ist fantasielos. {She has no imagination.}+ = Sie ist unglaublich. {She's the limit.}+ = Jetzt sind Sie dran. {the ball's in your court.}+ = wie kommen Sie dazu? {how dare you?}+ = Das wissen Sie doch! {But you know that!}+ = denken Sie sich nur! {just imagine!}+ = Seien Sie anständig! {Behave yourself!}+ = wie fühlen Sie sich? {how do you feel?}+ = Ganz wie Sie wollen. {Just as you like.}+ = Wem erzählen Sie das! {You are telling me!}+ = Halten Sie es geheim! {Keep it dark!}+ = Was halten Sie davon? {How does it strike you?}+ = fahren Sie langsamer! {slow down!}+ = was halten Sie davon? {what do you make of it?}+ = Sie ist schlagfertig. {She's quick at repartee.}+ = Sie leugnete rundweg. {She flatly denied.}+ = Sie kann gut rechnen. {She's good at sums.}+ = Bleiben Sie sachlich! {Stick to facts!}+ = Fahren Sie nach links! {Make a left turn!}+ = halten Sie sich rechts {keep to your right}+ = er möchte Sie sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Sie lügt wie gedruckt. {She's a lying so-and-so.}+ = Das gilt auch für Sie. {that applies to you too.}+ = Bitten Sie sie herein. {Ask her in.}+ = überlassen Sie es mir! {leave it to me!}+ = Entschuldigen Sie mich {pardon me}+ = was erlauben Sie sich? {how dare you?}+ = Fangen Sie an zu lesen! {Begin reading!}+ = nach dem, was Sie sagen {from what you say}+ = was wollen Sie von ihm? {what do you want with him?}+ = Sie durfte nicht gehen. {She wasn't allowed to go.}+ = Welche Größe haben Sie? {What size do you take?}+ = bitte, fahren Sie fort! {go on, please!}+ = Sie können mir glauben. {You can take it from me.}+ = bitte bedienen Sie sich {please help yourself}+ = können Sie das belegen? {can you furnish proof of that?}+ = bemühen Sie sich nicht! {don't bother!}+ = werden Sie daraus klug? {does it make sense to you?}+ = Seien Sie offen zu mir! {Be frank with me!}+ = deswegen sind Sie hier. {that's why you're here.}+ = Sie schritt auf und ab. {She paved up and down.}+ = tun Sie, was Sie wollen {do as you please}+ = nehmen Sie es nicht übel {don't take it amiss}+ = haben Sie schon gewählt? {have you made your choice?}+ = Sie hörte schweigend zu. {She listened in silence.}+ = besuchen Sie mich einmal {come to see me some time}+ = Bitte bedenken Sie doch! {Pray, consider!}+ = Sie ist sehr wählerisch. {She's very particular.}+ = wie können Sie es wagen? {how dare you?}+ = wollen Sie es probieren? {would you care to try it?}+ = Sie ist wieder die alte. {She's herself again.}+ = Sie fühlt sich gekränkt. {She feels hurt.}+ = wo sind Sie beschäftigt? {where do you work?}+ = wünschen Sie noch etwas? {would you like anything else?}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte. {You've my apologies.}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte! {I beg your pardon!; excuse me, please!}+ = kommen Sie morgen zu mir {see me tomorrow}+ = das dürfen Sie nie vergessen {you must never forget that}+ = Sie hat nichts zu melden. {She's a nobody.}+ = Sie wird leicht seekrank. {She's a bad sailor.}+ = welche Farbe möchten Sie? {what colour do you want?}+ = machen Sie es sich bequem {make yourself at home; make yourself comfortable}+ = worauf wollen Sie hinaus? {what are you driving at?}+ = Sie sollten sich schämen. {You ought to be ashamed of yourself.}+ = Das werden Sie mir büßen! {You'll hear of this!}+ = jetzt, da Sie es erwähnen {now you mention it}+ = Nehmen Sie es nicht übel. {Don't take it amiss.}+ = langen Sie ordentlich zu! (beim Essen) {cut and come again!}+ = er behauptet Sie zu kennen {he claims to know you}+ = Ich verlasse mich auf Sie. {I count on you.}+ = Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir! {You can count me out!}+ = er wünscht Sie zu sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Können Sie das beschwören? {Can you swear to that?}+ = Bitte seien Sie pünktlich. {Please be on time.}+ = würden Sie mir bitte sagen {would you kindly tell me}+ = Glauben Sie es bloß nicht. {Don't run away with the idea.}+ = Erinnern Sie sich an mich? {Do you remember me?}+ = Und was wünschen Sie noch? {And what more do you want?}+ = Sie haben nichts gegessen. {they feel empty.}+ = ich habe eine Bitte an Sie {may I ask you a favour}+ = können Sie mir herausgeben? {can you give me change?}+ = Sie ist piekfein gekleidet. {She's dressed up to the nines.}+ = Sie haben uns sehr gefehlt. {We've missed you badly.}+ = wären Sie so freundlich und {would you be kind enough to}+ = Sie braucht nicht zu gehen. {She hasn't got to go.}+ = Sie war tief eingeschlafen. {She was fast asleep.}+ = Gehen Sie sparsam damit um! {Use it sparingly!}+ = Sie ist sein ein und alles. {She's all the world to him.}+ = Sie werden bald gesund sein {you'll soon get well}+ = was wollen Sie damit sagen? {what do you mean by that?}+ = Bekennen Sie sich schuldig? {Do you plead guilty?}+ = Sie können mich gern haben. {I'll see you further first.}+ = wieviel verlangen Sie dafür? {what are you asking for that?}+ = Sie müssen sich entscheiden. {You have to make up your mind.}+ = Sie ist sehr mager geworden. {She's grown very thin.}+ = Mit wem sind Sie verabredet? {Who is your date?}+ = Sie amüsierte sich köstlich. {She had a ripping good time.}+ = grüßen Sie ihn schön von mir {give him my best regards}+ = in welcher Branche sind Sie? {what line are you in?}+ = unterbrechen Sie mich nicht! {don't interrupt me!}+ = ich hoffe daß Sie gesund sind {I trust that you are well}+ = Wie sind Sie darauf gekommen? {How did you hit on that?}+ = Wie Sie es auch immer machen. {However you do it.}+ = Sie können es ruhig gestehen. {You may as well own up.}+ = Kümmern Sie sich nicht darum. {Don't bother about it.}+ = lassen Sie es mich versuchen! {let me have a try at it!}+ = haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? {do you have anything to declare?}+ = wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben {if you don't object}+ = Machen Sie es wie Sie wollen! {Do your best or your worst!}+ = versäumen Sie nicht hinzugehen {don't fail to go there}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht nötigen! {don't wait to be asked!}+ = ich bin zweimal so alt wie Sie {I'm double your age}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen {don't let yourself be fooled}+ = Sie fragten mich geradeheraus. {they asked me point-black.}+ = Sie haben es heraufbeschworen. {You've asked for it.}+ = Sie ist entschlossen zu gehen. {She's bent on going.}+ = Warten Sie, bis Sie dran sind! {wait your turn!}+ = das können Sie uns nicht erzählen! {tell us another!}+ = Haben Sie sich gut unterhalten? {Did you have a nice time?}+ = Sie müssen mich einmal besuchen {you must come and see me some day}+ = Wahrscheinlich haben Sie recht. {I dare say you're right.}+ = erlauben Sie mir, das zu machen {let me do that}+ = Sie haben sich nicht verstanden. {they didn't get on well together.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie wiederzusehen {I'm looking forward to seeing you again}+ = würden Sie so freundlich sein und {would you be so kind as}+ = verstehen Sie, worauf es ankommt? {do you see the point?}+ = entschuldigen Sie, wenn ich störe {excuse my interrupting you}+ = Sie können sich darauf verlassen. {You can count on that.}+ = halten Sie es für wahrscheinlich? {do you think it probable?}+ = Lassen Sie sich nicht entmutigen. {Don't get discouraged.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen {nice to meet you}+ = Sie ist gut bei ihm angeschrieben. {She's in his good books.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. {I'm glad to meet you.}+ = kann ich Sie telefonisch erreichen? {are you on the phone?}+ = Sie ist gar nicht so unmusikalisch. {She's not at all musical.}+ = Sie haben nichts füreinander übrig. {there's no love lost between them.}+ = Sie macht sich nur über Sie lustig. {She's only trying to poke fun at you.}+ = Ich begreife nicht, was Sie meinen. {I fail to see what you mean.}+ = Sie wollte es einfach nicht glauben. {She refused to believe it.}+ = Sie passen überhaupt nicht zusammen. {they're a bad match.}+ = Sie äußerte sich sehr offen darüber. {She was very outspoken about it.}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich Sie störe {sorry to trouble you}+ = damit können Sie bei mir nicht landen {that cuts no ice with me}+ = es wäre besser, wenn Sie jetzt gingen {you had better go now}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich unterbreche {excuse my interrupting}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich zu spät komme {excuse me for being late}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche {do you mind if I smoke}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche? {do you mind my smoking?}+ = Sie brauchen sich nicht zu rechtfertigen. {You needn't justify yourself.}+ = lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht abhalten {don't let me hinder you}+ = bitte sorgen Sie dafür, während ich fort bin {please see to this while I'm away}+ = ich danke Ihnen dafür, daß Sie mir geholfen haben {thank you for helping me}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Sie sind

  • 2 die Arbeit

    - {business} việc buôn bán, việc kinh doanh, việc thương mại, công tác, nghề nghiệp, công việc, nhiệm vụ việc phải làm, quyền, việc khó khăn, tuồm vấn đề, quá trình diễn biến, vấn đề trong chương trình nghị sự - sự giao dịch, phần có tác dụng thực tế, cách diễn xuất, nhuồm khoé, tình trạng bận rộn - {effort} sự cố gắng, sự ráng sức, sự cố thử làm, sự ra tay, kết quả đạt được - {employment} sự dùng, sự thuê làm, sự làm công, việc làm - {job} việc, việc làm thuê, việc làm khoán, công ăn việc làm, việc làm ăn gian lận để kiếm chác, sự việc, sự thể, tình hình công việc, cú thúc nhẹ, cú đâm nhẹ, cú ghì giật hàm thiếc - Giốp, người chịu đựng đau khổ nhiều, người kiên nhẫn chịu đựng - {labour} lao động, công việc nặng nhọc, tầng lớp lao động, nhân công, đau đẻ - {make} hình dáng, cấu tạo, kiểu, tầm vóc, dáng, tư thế, sự chế nhạo, công tắc, cái ngắt điện - {making} sự làm, sự chế tạo, cách làm, cách chế tạo, sự tiến bộ, sự thành công, sự lớn lên, nguyên nhân tiến bộ, nguyên nhân thành công, đức tính, tài năng, yếu tố, giấy và thuốc lá đủ cuốn một điếu - mẻ, số lượng làm ra - {occupation} sự chiếm, sự giữ, sự chiếm giữ, sự chiếm đóng, sự ở, thời hạn thuê - {operation} sự hoạt động, quá trình hoạt động, thao tác, hiệu quả, tác dụng, sự giao dịch tài chính, sự mổ xẻ, ca mổ, cuộc hành quân, phép tính, phép toán - {performance} sự thực hiện, sự thi hành, sự cử hành, sự hoàn thành, việc diễn, việc đóng, cuộc biểu diễn, kỳ công, thành tích, hiệu suất, đặc tính, đặc điểm bay - {product} sản vật, sản phẩm, vật phẩm, kết quả, tích - {task} nhiệm vụ, nghĩa vụ, phận sự, bài làm, bài tập, lời quở trách, lời phê bình, lời mắng nhiếc - {trouble} điều lo lắng, điều phiền muộn, sự làm phiền, sự quấy rầy, điều phiền hà, sự chịu khó, sự khó nhọc, tình trạng bất an, tình trạng rắc rối, tình trạng lộn xộn, tình trạng rối loạn - trạng thái khó ở, tình trạng mắc bệnh, bệnh, sự hỏng hóc, sự trục trắc = in Arbeit {on the job}+ = ohne Arbeit {jobless; on the dole; out of place; out of work; unemployed}+ = Arbeit suchen {to look for work}+ = der Tag der Arbeit {labour day}+ = die niedere Arbeit {dirty work}+ = die schwere Arbeit {drudgery; fag; fatigue; hard work; sweat; toil}+ = die geistige Arbeit {brain-work; headwork; mental work}+ = die eintönige Arbeit {hackwork}+ = die eingelegte Arbeit {inlay; inlaying}+ = die Arbeit einstellen {to down tools; to go on strike; to knock off; to pack up; to stop work; to strike (struck,struck); to strike work; to walk out}+ = die getriebene Arbeit {embossment; enchased work}+ = er hat viel Arbeit {he has a lot of work}+ = ein Mehr an Arbeit {additional work}+ = die zusätzliche Arbeit {extra work}+ = die unerledigte Arbeit {backlog}+ = die körperliche Arbeit {handiwork; manual work; physical work}+ = in Arbeit ersticken {to be snowed under with work}+ = an die Arbeit gehen {to go about one's business; to go to work; to set to work}+ = bei der Arbeit sein {to be at work}+ = die schriftliche Arbeit {paper}+ = ganze Arbeit leisten {to make a good job of it}+ = eine Arbeit aufgeben {to task}+ = die gemeinnützige Arbeit {community service}+ = die unterbezahlte Arbeit {sweated labour}+ = die aussichtslose Arbeit {blind alley work}+ = an der Arbeit hindern {to ratten}+ = in der Arbeit ungeübt {new to the job}+ = etwas in Arbeit haben {to be at work on something}+ = jemandem Arbeit machen {to put someone to trouble}+ = seiner Arbeit nachgehen {to go about one's work}+ = mit der Arbeit aussetzen {to stop working}+ = Er fand viel Arbeit vor. {He found plenty of work to do.}+ = die wissenschaftliche Arbeit {research paper; scientific work; treatise}+ = mit Arbeit überhäuft sein {to be swamped with work}+ = sich an die Arbeit machen {to get down to work; to set to work; to settle oneself to work; to turn to}+ = schwere Arbeit verrichten {to drudge}+ = eine anspruchsvolle Arbeit {an exacting piece of work}+ = ein tüchtiges Stück Arbeit {pretty hard work}+ = bis an die Ohren in Arbeit {up to the chin in work}+ = ich bin von der Arbeit müde {I'm tired from work}+ = sich vor der Arbeit drücken {to sugar}+ = er setzte sich an die Arbeit {he settled down to work}+ = er ist mit Arbeit überlastet {he is swamped with work}+ = jemanden zur Arbeit anhalten {to keep someone at his work}+ = ein ordentliches Stück Arbeit {pretty hard work}+ = bis zum Hals in Arbeit stecken {to be up to the neck in work}+ = ihre Arbeit füllt sie ganz aus {she is fully taken up with her work}+ = sich vor keiner Arbeit scheuen {to be ready to do anything}+ = das war ein schweres Stück Arbeit! {that was a job!}+ = er kommt heute nicht zur Arbeit {he ain't coming into work today}+ = Er hielt mich von der Arbeit ab. {He kept me from work.}+ = sich eifrig an die Arbeit machen {to buckle to}+ = sich kopfüber in die Arbeit stürzen {to plunge head first into one's work}+ = bis über den Kopf in Arbeit stecken {to be up to the eyes in work}+ = nachdem er seine Arbeit beendet hatte {when he had finished work}+ = bis über beide Ohren in Arbeit stecken {to be up to one's ears in work}+ = sie ist von ihrer Arbeit sehr beansprucht {she is fully taken up with her work}+ = jemandem schwere und unnötige Arbeit auferlegen {to haze}+ = bei der Arbeit gut aufeinander eingespielt sein {to work together as a good team}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Arbeit

  • 3 Ihnen

    - {you} anh, chị, ông, bà, ngài, ngươi, mày, các anh, các chị, các ông, các bà, các ngài, các người, chúng mày, ai, người ta = Nach Ihnen! {After you!}+ = das gehört Ihnen {this is yours}+ = Zieht es Ihnen? {Are you in a draught?}+ = wann es Ihnen paßt {at your leisure}+ = wie geht es Ihnen? {how do you feel?; how goes the world with you?}+ = Fehlt Ihnen etwas? {Is anything wrong with you?}+ = Niemand außer Ihnen. {No person other than yourself.}+ = wie gefällt es Ihnen? {how do you like it?}+ = kann ich Ihnen helfen? {may I help you?}+ = wenn es Ihnen recht ist {if you please}+ = es steht Ihnen sehr gut {it's very becoming to you}+ = ich will Ihnen was sagen {I'll tell you what}+ = ich habe es Ihnen gesagt {I told you so}+ = ich danke Ihnen vielmals {thank you very much indeed}+ = Mit Ihnen bin ich fertig. {I've finished with you.}+ = wenn es Ihnen gerade paßt {at your leisure}+ = Gefällt Ihnen das besser? {do you like this better?}+ = ganz wie es Ihnen beliebt {just as you like}+ = Ich werde Ihnen was husten. {I'll see you further first.}+ = beiliegend senden wir Ihnen {enclosed, please find}+ = es steht Ihnen frei zu gehen {you are at liberty to go; you are free to go}+ = es liegt an Ihnen, es zu tun {it lies with you to do it}+ = womit kann ich Ihnen dienen? {what can I do for you?}+ = hiermit teilen wir Ihnen mit {this is to inform you}+ = das wird Ihnen ungeheuer gut tun {that will do you a world of good}+ = die Entscheidung liegt bei Ihnen {it rests you to decide}+ = Das dürfte Ihnen bekannt sein. {You're probably aware of it.}+ = ich trage es Ihnen nicht nach! {no ill feelings!}+ = kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein? {can I be of any service?}+ = Darf ich Ihnen behilflich sein? {Can I give you a hand?}+ = Ihnen im voraus bestens dankend {Thanking you in anticipation}+ = darf ich mich Ihnen anschließen? {may I join you?}+ = nehmen Sie das, was Ihnen gefällt {take whichever you like}+ = es hängt in hohem Maß von Ihnen ab {it depends largely upon you}+ = Das ist sehr freundlich von Ihnen. {It's very good of you.}+ = Ich beehre mich, Ihnen mitzuteilen {I beg to inform you}+ = ich wette mit Ihnen fünf gegen eins {I bet you five to one}+ = Ich sage Ihnen, was wirklich dran ist. {I'll give you the low down.}+ = Auswendig kann ich Ihnen nichts sagen. {I can't tell you off-hand.}+ = wenn ich Ihnen das alles erzählen sollte {if I were you to tell you all that}+ = er kann sich mit Ihnen nicht vergleichen {he cannot compare with you}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Ihnen

  • 4 anfangen

    (fing an,angefangen) - {to begin (began,begun) bắt đầu, mở đầu, khởi đầu, bắt đầu nói - {to commence} trúng tuyển, đỗ - {to initiate} đề xướng, vỡ lòng, khai tâm, bắt đầu làm quen cho, làm lễ kết nạp, làm lễ thụ giáo cho - {to levy} thu, tuyển, đánh - {to open} mở, khai mạc, thổ lộ, nhìn thấy, trông thấy, mở cửa, mở ra, trông ra, huồm poảy khyếm bắt đầu nói, nở, trông thấy rõ - {to start} chạy, giật mình, rời ra, long ra, làm bắt đầu, khiến phải, ra hiệu xuất phát, khởi động, khêu, gây, nêu ra, làm tách ra, làm rời ra, làm long ra, giúp đỡ, nâng đỡ, đuổi ra khỏi hang - startle = anfangen (fing an,angefangen) [mit] {to take up [with]}+ = anfangen mit {to embark upon}+ = klein anfangen {to start in a small way}+ = wieder anfangen {to recommence; to reopen}+ = anfangen zu essen {to pitch in}+ = von neuem anfangen {to begin again}+ = etwas neu anfangen {back to the drawing board}+ = zu spielen anfangen {to tune up}+ = zu trinken anfangen {to take to drinking}+ = ganz von vorn anfangen {to make a fresh start; to start from scratch}+ = er kann nichts anfangen [mit] {he has no use [for]}+ = ich kann nichts damit anfangen {I can't do anything with it}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > anfangen

  • 5 Er tut nur so.

    - {He is only pretending.} = Er trinkt viel. {He is a heavy drinker.}+ = Er weist ihn ab. {He gives him the fluff.}+ = Er ist pudelnaß. {He is like a drowned rat.}+ = Er verlor dabei. {He came off a loser.}+ = Er ging heimwärts. {He headed for home.}+ = Er macht sich rar. {He makes himself scare.}+ = Er kennt sich aus. {He knows his stuff.}+ = Er bleibt höflich. {He keeps a civil tongue in his head.}+ = Er ist hilfsbereit. {He is being helpful.}+ = Er kommt viel herum. {He gets about a lot.}+ = Er ist daran schuld. {He is to blame for it.}+ = Er mischte sich ein. {He put his oar in.}+ = Er hat mich belogen. {He told me a lie.}+ = Er ist glattrasiert. {He is clean-shaven.}+ = Er geht mächtig ran. {He drives a hard bargain.}+ = Er hat es geschafft. {He brought home the bacon.}+ = Er ist nun einmal so. {He is like that.}+ = Er trägt nichts nach. {He bears no enmity.}+ = Er ist voreingenommen. {He is prejudiced.}+ = Er amüsierte sich gut. {He had a fine old time.}+ = Er war sehr ungezogen. {He was very off-hand.}+ = Er ist springlebendig. {He is full of beans.}+ = Er tat es absichtlich. {He did it on purpose.}+ = Er ist nicht mehr hier. {He isn't here any more.}+ = Er tickt nicht richtig. {He is wrong in the garvet.}+ = Er wird es noch bereuen. {He will live to rue it.}+ = Er hat nichts zu lachen. {His life is no bed of roses.}+ = Er ist gar nicht so dumm. {He knows a thing or two.}+ = Er zählt überhaupt nicht. {He simply doesn't count.}+ = Er trägt ihm nichts nach. {He doesn't hold a grudge against him.}+ = Er verliebte sich in sie. {He fell in love with her.}+ = Er sagte überhaupt nichts. {He didn't say anything at all.}+ = Er hat sich an ihm gerächt. {He took revenge on him.}+ = Er kommt vielleicht morgen. {He may come tomorrow.}+ = Er ließ es darauf ankommen. {He took his chance.}+ = Er ist ihm nicht gewachsen. {He is no match for him.}+ = Er ließ sich entschuldigen. {He asked to be excused.}+ = Er nähme es nicht geschenkt. {He wouldn't give it house-room.}+ = Er hat nicht seinesgleichen. {He has not his fellow.}+ = Er wurde von ihm reingelegt. {He was taken in by him.}+ = Er läßt sich nicht abweisen. {He'll take no refusal.}+ = Er kann sich alles erlauben. {He gets away with everything.}+ = Er kann sich nicht benehmen. {He doesn't know how to behave.}+ = Er versuchte es nicht einmal. {He didn't even begin to try.}+ = Er ließ sich leicht überreden. {He was easily persuaded.}+ = Er ist grenzenlos eingebildet. {He thinks no end of himself.}+ = Er arbeitet von früh bis spät. {He works from morning to night.}+ = Er ist zwar arm, aber ehrlich. {Though he's poor, he's an honest man.}+ = Er ist schrecklich langweilig. {He is an awful bore.}+ = Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen. {He tried to palm it off on me.}+ = Er weiß nicht, was er tun soll. {He is in a quandary.}+ = Er ist kaum zufriedenzustellen. {He is a hard man to please.}+ = Er kommt wie gewöhnlich zu spät. {He is late as usual.}+ = Er ist total verschossen in sie. {He is nuts about her.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Er tut nur so.

  • 6 lachen

    - {to laugh} cười, cười vui, cười cợt = lachen [über] {to laugh [at]}+ = laut lachen {to chortle; to guffaw; to roar with laughter}+ = leise lachen [über] {to chuckle [at]}+ = sich krumm lachen {to laugh oneself silly}+ = du hast gut lachen! {bully for you!}+ = er hat nichts zu lachen {he hasn't anything to laugh about}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > lachen

  • 7 das Ich

    - {I} = Ich hab's. {I've got it.}+ = Ich bin satt. {I have had enough.}+ = Ich sah es ein. {It was brought home to me.}+ = Ich bin pleite. {I'm broke.}+ = Ich begreife es. {It's within my grasp.}+ = mein zweites Ich {my other self}+ = ihre besseres Ich {her better self}+ = Ich gehe einkaufen. {I am going to the store.}+ = Ich bin sehr dafür. {I'm very much in favour of it.}+ = Ich gewinne bestimmt. {I stand to win.}+ = Ich ließ es erledigen. {I had it done.}+ = Ich verdanke ihm viel. {I owe him much.}+ = Ich dachte so ungefähr. {I kind of thought.}+ = Ich weiß, was ich will. {I know my own mind.}+ = Ich habe nichts dagegen. {I'm not against it.}+ = Ich ärgere mich darüber. {I'm annoyed about it.}+ = Ich habe es schon erlebt. {I've known it to happen.}+ = Ich kann es nicht lassen. {I can't help doing it.}+ = Ich bin nicht von gestern. {I was not born yesterday.}+ = Ich kann ihn nicht leiden. {I can't bear him.}+ = Ich liebe und vermisse dich {I love and miss you}+ = Ich werde ihm schon helfen! {I'll give him what for!}+ = Ich weiß es wirklich nicht. {I'm blessed if I know.; I'm sure I don't know.}+ = Ich wurde vertraut mit ihm. {I became familiar with him.}+ = Ich habe ihm eine geknallt. {I landed him one in the face.}+ = Ich fühlte mich beunruhigt. {I was ill at ease.}+ = Ich werde es mir überlegen. {I'll think it over.}+ = Ich bekomme es zugeschickt. {I have it sent to me.}+ = Ich hatte es gründlich satt. {I was completely browned off.}+ = Ich mache mir nichts daraus. {I don't care a fig for it.}+ = Ich wurde herzlich empfangen. {I was cordially received.}+ = Ich lasse mich nicht drängen. {I refuse to be rushed.}+ = Ich kann es mir kaum leisten. {I can ill afford it.}+ = Ich langweilte mich furchtbar. {I was terribly bored.}+ = Ich finde das gar nicht lustig. {I don't see the fun of it.}+ = Ich kann ihr nichts abschlagen. {I can't refuse her anything.}+ = Ich habe heute abend nichts vor. {I've nothing on tonight.}+ = Ich fühlte mich sehr unbehaglich. {I felt very uncomfortable.}+ = Ich habe mich anders entschlossen. {I've changed my mind.}+ = Ich sah mich gezwungen, es zu sagen. {I felt impelled to say it.}+ = Ich werde mich sofort darum kümmern. {I'll see to it at once.}+ = Ich glaube, ich bin hereingelegt worden. {I think I've been done.}+ = Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mich verhalten soll. {I don't know how to behave.}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > das Ich

  • 8 amiss

    /ə'mis/ * tính từ & phó từ - sai, hỏng, xấu; bậy =what's amiss with you?+ anh có việc gì không ổn đấy? =do you find anything amiss in what I have said?+ anh có thấy cái gì sai sót trong những điều tôi nói không? =to understand amiss+ hiểu sai, hiểu lầm =to speak amiss of+ nói xấu =to do amiss+ làm bậy =not amiss+ (thông tục) được đấy, khá đấy, không đến nỗi tồi - không đúng lúc, không hợp thời =to come amiss+ đến không đúng lúc !nothing comes amiss to him - chẳng có cái gì nó không vừa ý cả - nó chẳng sai sót cái gì, cái gì nó cũng lợi dụng (xoay sở) được !to take amiss - bực mình, tức mình, để tâm giận; phật ý

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > amiss

  • 9 game

    /geim/ * danh từ - trò chơi (như bóng đá, quần vợt, bài lá...) - (thương nghiệp) dụng cụ để chơi (các trò chơi) - (số nhiều) cuộc thi điền kinh, cuộc thi đấu - ván (bài, cờ...) =to win four games in the first set+ thắng bốn ván trong trận đầu - trò cười; chuyện nực cười, trò đùa; sự trêu chọc, sự chế nhạo; trò láu cá, mánh khoé =to have a game with somebody+ trêu chọc, chế nhạo ai =to make game of somebody+ đùa cợt ai, chế nhạo ai, giễu ai =none of your games!+ đừng có giở trò láu cá của anh ra! - ý đồ, mưu đồ =to play someone's game+ vô tình giúp ai thực hiện được ý đồ của người ta =to spoil someone's game+ làm hỏng mưu đồ của ai - thú săn; thịt thú săn =big game+ thú săn lớn (như hổ, sư tử, voi) - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) mục tiêu theo đuổi khó khăn, mục tiêu nguy hiểm - con vật bị săn, con vật bị dồn; người bị theo đuổi, vật bị theo đuổi =fair game+ vật (người) có thể bị theo đuổi tấn công một cách chính đáng =forbidden game+ vật (người) mà ta không có quyền theo đuổi tấn công - bầy (thiên nga) !to be off one's game - (thể dục,thể thao) không sung sức !to be ob one's game - (thể dục,thể thao) sung sức !to fly at higher games - có những tham vọng cao hơn !to have the game in one's hand - nắm chắc thắng lợi trong tay; làm chủ được cuộc đấu !to play the game - (xem) play !the game is yours - anh thắng cuộc !the game is not worth the candle - việc làm lợi chẳng bõ công; thu không bù chi !the game is up - việc làm đã thất bại * động từ - đánh bạc !to game away one's fortune - thua bạc khánh kiệt * tính từ - như gà chọi; dũng cảm, anh dũng, gan dạ =a game little fellow+ một anh chàng bé nhưng dũng cảm gan dạ =to die game+ chết anh dũng - có nghị lực =to be game for anything+ có nghị lực làm bất cứ cái gì - bị bại liệt (chân, tay); què, thọt

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > game

  • 10 relate

    /ri'leit/ * động từ - kể lại, thuật lại =to relate a story+ kể lại một câu chuyện - liên hệ, liên kết =we cannot relate these phenomena with anything we know+ chúng tôi không thể liên hệ những hiện tượng này với những cái chúng tôi biết - có quan hệ, có liên quan =this letter relates to business+ lá thư này có liên quan đến công việc - (dạng bị động) có bà con thân thuộc với, có quan hệ họ hàng với =he is related to me+ anh ta là bà con thân thuộc với tôi =they are related by blood+ họ có họ hàng với nhau

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > relate

  • 11 settle

    /'setl/ * danh từ - ghế tủ (ghế dài có lưng dựa và phần dưới đóng thành tủ) * động từ - giải quyết, ổn định tư tưởng, dàn xếp, hoà giải =to settle a dispute+ dàn xếp một mối bất hoà =to settle a doubts+ giải quyết những mối nghi ngờ =to settle one's affairs+ giải quyết công việc (thường là làm chúc thư) - ngồi đậu =to settle oneself in an armchair+ ngồi vào ghế bành =bird settles on trees+ chim đậu trên cành cây =to settle down to dinner+ ngồi vào bàn ăn =to settle down to reading+ sửa soạn đọc sách - để, bố trí =to settle a unit in a village+ bố trí đơn vị ở một làng =to plant's root well down in ground+ để rễ cây ăn sâu xuống đất - làm ăn, sinh sống; ổn định cuộc sống, an cư lạc nghiệp, định cư =to marry and settle down+ lấy vợ và ổn định cuộc sống =to settle down to a married life+ yên tâm làm ăn với cuộc sống gia đình - lắng xuống, đi vào nền nếp =things will soon settle into shape+ mọi việc sẽ đâu vào đấy - chiếm làm thuộc địa - để lắng, làm lắng xuống, làm chìm xuống; lắng xuống, lún xuống, chìm xuống =the rain will settle the dust+ mưa sẽ làm cho bụi lắng xuống =ship settles+ tàu bắt đầu chìm - kết thúc (công việc), thanh toán, trả dứt nợ =I shall settle up with you next month+ tháng sau tôi sẽ trả hết nợ cho anh - nguội dần, dịu dần =anger settles down+ cơn giận nguôi dần - để lại cho, chuyển cho =to settle one's property on somebody+ để của cải cho ai - (y học) định vị, khu trú (vào một bộ phận trong cơ thể) (bệnh) !to settle someone's hash (business) - trị cho ai một trận, sửa cho ai một trận; thịt ai !cannot settle to work !cannot settle to anything - không thể yên tâm kiên trì làm một việc gì !that settles the matter (question) - thôi thế là xong (không cần phải nói thêm nữa)

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > settle

См. также в других словарях:

  • have anything to do with smb — (not) want to be a friend of or work or have business with someone My father will not have anything to do with the salesman because he sold him the faulty car …   Idioms and examples

  • not have anything to do with smb — (not) want to be a friend of or work or have business with someone My father will not have anything to do with the salesman because he sold him the faulty car …   Idioms and examples

  • Anything — A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster] They do not… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anything but — Anything A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anything like — Anything A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anything — an|y|thing [ eni,θıŋ ] pronoun *** 1. ) usually in negatives or questions used instead of something when saying or asking whether there is one thing or even a small amount of something: Do you know anything about baseball? He never does anything… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • anything — [[t]e̱nɪθɪŋ[/t]] ♦ 1) PRON INDEF: v PRON, oft PRON adj You use anything in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nothing is present or that an action or event does not or cannot happen. We can t do anything... Dad sat …   English dictionary

  • anything */*/*/ — UK [ˈenɪˌθɪŋ] / US pronoun 1) [usually in negatives or questions] used instead of something when saying or asking whether there is one thing or even a small amount of something Do you know anything about cricket? He never does anything to help.… …   English dictionary

  • Anything (3T song) — Infobox Single Name = Anything Type = Single Artist = 3T from Album = Brotherhood Released = 1995 Genre = Pop Label = MJJ Music Producer = 3T This single = Anything (1995) Next single = 24/7 (1996) Anything is the name of a song composed and… …   Wikipedia

  • Anything (Third Eye Blind song) — Infobox Single Name = Anything Caption = Artist = Third Eye Blind from Album = Blue Released = 1999 Format = CD Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock Length = 1:59 Label = Elektra Records Writer = Stephan Jenkins Producer = Certification = Last… …   Wikipedia

  • anything — /ˈɛniθɪŋ / (say eneething) pronoun 1. any thing whatever; something, no matter what. –noun 2. a thing of any kind. –adverb 3. in any degree; to any extent. –phrase 4. if anything, if it is possible to make a judgement at all: the patient is worse …  

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