1 antireflection tube
2 antireflection tube
трубка с антиотражательным покрытиемБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > antireflection tube
3 antireflection tube
Вычислительная техника: трубка с антиотражательным покрытием -
4 antireflection tube
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > antireflection tube
5 tube
1) амер. (электронная) лампа2) (электронно-лучевая) трубка, ЭЛТ•- barrier-grid storage tube
- beam storage tube
- beam-deflection tube
- cathode-ray storage tube - counter tube
- counting tube
- decade counting tube
- decimal counting tube
- deflection-type storage tube
- deflection storage tube
- direct display storage tube
- display tube
- double-beam tube
- double-stream tube
- electron-beam tube
- electron-image transfer tube
- electron-image tube
- electron-recording tube
- electrooptical tube
- electrostatic memory tube
- electrostatic storage tube
- fiber-optic-faced tube
- graphechon storage tube
- holding-gun tube
- image storing tube
- image transfer tube
- image-converter tube
- indicator tube
- information storage tube
- microspot tube
- multiplier tube
- photoelectric tube
- photomultiplier tube
- picture tube
- refreshing cathode-ray tube
- refreshing tube
- regenerative tube
- shapped-beam tube
- storage tube
- stroke-writing tube
- Williams tubeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > tube
6 lens
1) линза5) нефт. линзовидная залежь, линза || отлагаться в виде линзовидной залежи•-
accessory lens
achromatic lens
acoustic lens
acoustic traveling-wave lens
afocal lens
anamorphotic lens
anastigmatic lens
anastigmat lens
antenna lens
antireflection lens
aplanatic lens
aplanat lens
apochromatic lens
apochromat lens
aspheric lens
astigmatic lens
attachment lens
auto-zoom lens
auxiliary lens
bayonet-mount lens
biconcave lens
biconvex lens
bifocal lens
blimped lens
bloomed lens
box-shaped lens
camera lens
catadioptric lens
cine lens
cine projection lens
cinematographic taking lens
circular Fresnel lens
close-up lens
coarse lens
coated lens
collecting lens
collimating lens
collimator lens
color-corrected lens
composite lens
concave lens
concave-convex lens
condenser lens
converging-meniscus lens
convertible lens
convex lens
convexo-concave lens
convex-concave lens
convexo-convex lens
corrected lens
correcting lens
coupling lens
deanamorphic lens
delay lens
demagnification lens
demag lens
dielectric lens
diffusion lens
diopter lens
distortion lens
divergent lens
divergent-meniscus lens
diverging lens
double-concave lens
double-convex lens
double-focus lens
dual lens
dwarf-signal lens
echelon lens
electromagnetic lens
electronic lens
electron lens
electrostatic lens
enlarging lens
equiconcave lens
equiconvex lens
erector lens
expander lens
exposure lens
eyepiece lens
eye lens
fast lens
fiber lens
field lens
fisheye lens
fixed-focus lens
floating-component lens
floating lens
fly's-eye lens
Fourier transform lens
fresh-water lens
Fresnel lens
gas lens
geodesic lens
gradient-index lens
gradient-index rod lens
grating lens
high-resolution lens
high-speed lens
holographic lens
horn lens
image stabilizing lens
image-forming lens
immersion lens
interchangeable lens
laminated lens
large aperture ratio lens
large aperture lens
lattice lens
lens of material
lenticular lens
light-signal lens
linear Fresnel lens
liquid lens
long-focal-length lens
Luneberg lens
macro lens
magnetic lens
magnifying lens
meniscus lens
mirror lens
motion-picture camera lens
motion-picture projector lens
negative lens
normal-angle lens
normal lens
objective lens
overlay lens
pancratic lens
panoramic lens
path-length lens
photochromic lens
plano-concave lens
plano-convex lens
positive lens
process lens
projection lens
reconstructing lens
reduction lens
reference lens
relay lens
replica corrector lens
reproduction lens
retrofocus lens
rod lens
roof lens
rotationally symmetric lens
short-focal-length lens
silicone-glass Fresnel lens
soft-focus lens
spectacle lens
spherical lens
squeeze lens
stabilized lens
standard lens
stepped lens
stippled lens
stopped-down lens
studio/field zoom lens
supplementary lens
taking lens
telenegative lens
telephoto lens
telescopic lenses
thermal lens
transforming lens
two-dimensional lens
two-stage linear Fresnel lens
two-tube electrostatic lens
variable magnification zoom lens
variable-focal-length lens
varifocal lens
waveguide lens
wide-angle lens
zoned lens
zoom lens
См. также в других словарях:
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
Germanium — (pronEng|dʒɚˈmeɪniəm) is a chemical element with the symbol Ge and atomic number 32. It is a lustrous, hard, silver white metalloid in the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon. Germanium has five naturally… … Wikipedia
Sputter deposition — is a physical vapor deposition (PVD) method of depositing thin films by sputtering, that is ejecting, material from a target, that is source, which then deposits onto a substrate, such as a silicon wafer. Resputtering is re emission of the… … Wikipedia
light — light1 lightful, adj. lightfully, adv. /luyt/, n., adj., lighter, lightest, v., lighted or lit, lighting. n. 1. something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light. 2. Physics … Universalium