1 anthophore
anthophore антофор, цветоножкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > anthophore
2 anthophore
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > anthophore
3 anthophore
[ʹænθəfɔ:] n бот.антофор, цветоножка -
4 anthophore
5 anthophore
6 anthophore
7 anthophore
бот.антофор, цветоножка -
8 anthophore
n бот. антофор, цветоножка -
9 anthophore
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > anthophore
10 антофор
11 bee, digger
2. RUS земляная пчела f, андрена f3. ENG digger bee4. DEU Erdbiene f5. FRA andrène f abeille f des sables1. LAT Anthophora Latreille2. RUS антофора f, пчела-цветочница f3. ENG hairy-footed [hairy flower, potter flower, digger] bee4. DEU Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore m -
12 bee, hairy flower
1. LAT Anthophora Latreille2. RUS антофора f, пчела-цветочница f3. ENG hairy-footed [hairy flower, potter flower, digger] bee4. DEU Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore mDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bee, hairy flower
13 bee, hairy-footed
1. LAT Anthophora Latreille2. RUS антофора f, пчела-цветочница f3. ENG hairy-footed [hairy flower, potter flower, digger] bee4. DEU Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore mDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bee, hairy-footed
14 bee, potter flower
1. LAT Anthophora Latreille2. RUS антофора f, пчела-цветочница f3. ENG hairy-footed [hairy flower, potter flower, digger] bee4. DEU Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore mDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > bee, potter flower
15 9898
1. LAT Anthophora Latreille2. RUS антофора f, пчела-цветочница f3. ENG hairy-footed [hairy flower, potter flower, digger] bee4. DEU Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore m -
16 9901
17 9902
1. LAT Anthophora retusa Linnaeus2. RUS —3. ENG —4. DEU Abgestutzte Pelzbiene f5. FRA anthophore m hérissé
См. также в других словарях:
anthophore — ● anthophore nom féminin Abeille solitaire, au vol très rapide, nidifiant dans le sol et qui nourrit ses larves de pollen. ⇒ANTHOPHORE, adj. et subst. masc. A. BOT. ,,Prolongement qui, partant du calice, porte les organes floraux. (É. A. CARRIÈRE … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anthophore — An tho*phore, n. [Gr. ? bearing flowers; a nqos flower + ? bearing, fe rein to bear.] (Bot.) The stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the Pink family. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anthophore — [an′thō fôr΄, an′thəfôr΄] n. [ ANTHO + PHORE] an elongated stalk between the sepals and the petals of some flowers that supports the flowering parts … English World dictionary
anthophore — /an theuh fawr , fohr /, n. Bot. a form of floral stalk, produced by the elongation of the internode between the calyx and the corolla, and bearing the corolla, stamens, and pistil. [1830 40; < Gk anthophóros flower bearing, blooming. See ANTHO … Universalium
anthophore — (an to fo r ) adj. Terme de botanique. Qui porte une ou plusieurs fleurs. ÉTYMOLOGIE Termes grecs signifiant fleur et qui porte … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
anthophore — an·tho·phore … English syllables
anthophore — /ˈænθəfɔ/ (say anthuhfaw) noun a form of floral stipe, produced by the elongation of the internode between the calyx and the corolla, and bearing the corolla, stamens, and pistil. {Greek anthophoros flower bearing} –anthophorous, adjective …
anthophore — ˈan(t)thəˌfō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: Greek anthophoros flowerbearing, from anth anth (I) + phoros (from pherein to bear) more at bear (carry) : a stalklike extension of the receptacle o … Useful english dictionary
-phore — ♦ Élément, du gr. pherein « porter » (comp. gr. en phoros) : doryphore, métaphore, phosphore, sémaphore. phore élément, du gr. pherein, porter . ⇒ PHORE, élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. «qui porte, qui transporte» (lui même tiré de «porter,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sitaris — ⇒SITARIS, subst. masc. ENTOMOL. Insecte coléoptère d Europe méridionale dont la larve, le triongulin, vit en parasite dans le nid de certaines abeilles solitaires. Tout se passe comme si la larve du Sitaris, dès son éclosion, savait que l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
antho- — a combining form meaning flower, used in the formation of compound words: anthophore. [ < Gk, comb. form of ánthos flower] * * * … Universalium