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  • 121 the pith and marrow of smth.

    самая суть, сущность, основа чего-л. [шекспировское выражение; см. цитату]

    Hamlet: "...This heavy-headed revel east and west Makes us traduc'd and tax'd of other nations; They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Soil our addition; and, indeed, it takes From our achievements, though perform'd at height, The pith and marrow of our attribute..." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Hamlet’, act I, sc. 4) — Гамлет: "...Такие кутежи, Расславленные на восток и запад, Покрыли нас стыдом в чужих краях. Там наша кличка - пьяницы и свиньи, И это отнимает не шутя Какую-то существенную мелочь У наших дел, достоинств и заслуг... " (перевод Б. Пастернака)

    What shall we say of that man - that working man, that I should find it necessary so to libel the glorious name - who, being practically and well acquainted with the grievances and wrongs of you, the injured pith and marrow of this land... - what, I ask you, will you say of that working man... who, at such a time, deserts his post and sells his flag... (Ch. Dickens, ‘Hard Times’, book II, ch. IV) — Что сказать о человеке, о рабочем человеке - как ни кощунственно называть его этим именем, - отлично знающем по собственному опыту все ваши обиды и гонения на вас, силу и крепость Англии... что, спрашиваю я вас, можно сказать об этом рабочем... который в такое время покидает свой боевой пост и изменяет своему знамени...

    Now he leaned forward, and spoke as one who goes below the surface facts of life to the very pith and marrow of his faith, and finds words and intonation to move his hearer. (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting at War’, ch. XV) — Сейчас Кордер наклонился вперед и заговорил как человек, который видит самую суть вещей, а не только то, что делается на поверхности жизни, и умеет находить слова и тон, покоряющие слушателя.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the pith and marrow of smth.

  • 122 Countries and continents

    Most countries and all continents are used with the definite article in French:
    France is a beautiful country
    = la France est un beau pays
    I like Canada
    = j’aime le Canada
    to visit the United States
    = visiter les États-Unis
    to know Iran
    = connaître l’Iran
    A very few countries do not:
    to visit Israel
    = visiter Israël
    When in doubt, check in the dictionary.
    All the continent names are feminine in French. Most names of countries are feminine e.g. la France, but some are masculine e.g. le Canada.
    Most names of countries are singular in French, but some are plural (usually, but not always, those that are plural in English) e.g. les États-Unis mpl (the United States), and les Philippines fpl (the Philippines). Note, however, the plural verb sont:
    the Philippines is a lovely country
    = les Philippines sont un beau pays
    In, to and from somewhere
    With continent names, feminine singular names of countries and masculine singular names of countries beginning with a vowel, for in and to, use en, and for from, use de:
    to live in Europe
    = vivre en Europe
    to go to Europe
    = aller en Europe
    to come from Europe
    = venir d’Europe
    to live in France
    = vivre en France
    to go to France
    = aller en France
    to come from France
    = venir de France
    to live in Afghanistan
    = vivre en Afghanistan
    to go to Afghanistan
    = aller en Afghanistan
    to come from Afghanistan
    = venir d’Afghanistan
    Note that names of countries and continents that include North, South, East, or West work in the same way:
    to live in North Korea
    = vivre en Corée du Nord
    to go to North Korea
    = aller en Corée du Nord
    to come from North Korea
    = venir de Corée du Nord
    With masculine countries beginning with a consonant, and with plurals, use au or aux for in and to, and du or des for from:
    to live in Canada
    = vivre au Canada
    to go to Canada
    = aller au Canada
    to come from Canada
    = venir du Canada
    to live in the United States
    = vivre aux États-Unis
    to go to the United States
    = aller aux États-Unis
    to come from the United States
    = venir des États-Unis
    to live in the Philippines
    = vivre aux Philippines
    to go to the Philippines
    = aller aux Philippines
    to come from the Philippines
    = venir des Philippines
    Adjective uses: français or de France or de la France?
    For French, the translation français is usually safe ; here are some typical examples:
    the French army
    = l’armée française
    the French coast
    = la côte française
    French cooking
    = la cuisine française
    French currency
    = la monnaie française
    the French Customs
    = la douane française
    the French government
    = le gouvernement français
    the French language
    = la langue française
    French literature
    = la littérature française
    French money
    = l’argent français
    the French nation
    = le peuple français
    French politics
    = la politique française
    a French town
    = une ville française
    French traditions
    = les traditions françaises
    Some nouns, however, occur more commonly with de France (usually, but not always, their English equivalents can have of France as well as French):
    the Ambassador of France or the French Ambassador
    = l’ambassadeur de France
    the French Embassy
    = l’ambassade de France
    the history of France or French history
    = l’histoire de France
    the King of France or the French king
    = le roi de France
    the rivers of France
    = les fleuves et rivières de France
    the French team
    = l’équipe de France
    but note:
    the capital of France or the French capital
    = la capitale de la France
    Note that many geopolitical adjectives like French can also refer to nationality, e.g. a French tourist ⇒ Nationalities, or to the language, e.g. a French word ⇒ Languages.

    Big English-French dictionary > Countries and continents

  • 123 aid and abet

    1) юр. оказывать пособничество и подстрекать ( в осуществлении злого умысла)

    ‘This hall isn't licensed for entertainment,’ he shouted, ‘and these people know it. They're deliberately breaking the law, and if any of you stay here after I've given you fair warning, then you're aiding and abetting.’ (J. B. Priestley, ‘Let the People Sing’, ch. VI) — - В этом зале не разрешаются никакие увеселительные мероприятия, - закричал он. - И они прекрасно знают об этом. Преднамеренное нарушение закона - вот что это такое! Я вас об этом честно предупреждаю. И если вы сейчас же не уйдете отсюда, будете тоже считаться нарушителями закона.

    Talbot: "...As soon as the road's clear the police'll come for you, and this time Dr. John Smith will go with you for aiding and abetting a man wanted on a capital charge." (D. Cusack, ‘Comets Soon Pass’, act I, sc. I) — Талбот: "...Полиция приедет за вами, как только дорога будет свободна. Но теперь вместе с вами арестуют и доктора Джона Смита за пособничество человеку, который обвиняется в тягчайшем преступлении."

    2) потакать, поощрять, активно содействовать, способствовать

    ‘I oughtn't to aid and abet you, Dinny.’ ‘Yes, you ought, mother. You know you agree at heart.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Maid in Waiting’, ch. XXIX) — - Зря я все-таки потакаю тебе, Динни. - Нет, не зря, мама. Сама знаешь, в душе ты со мной согласна.

    Now it's aiding and abetting the London stock gamblers to get a monopoly of mineral leases. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 50) — Правительство всячески старается помочь лондонским спекулянтам получить монополию на разработку недр.

    Julie is marrying him for his money aided and abetted by her far-seeing parents. (R. Aldington, ‘Very Heaven’, part I, ch. 4) — Юлия выходит замуж не за Хартмана, а за его деньги, с согласия и благословения своих дальновидных родителей.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > aid and abet

  • 124 lock, stock and barrel

    полностью, целиком, всё вместе взятое, от начала до конца [по названию трёх основных частей охотничьего ружья: замок, ложа и ствол]

    But what kind of basic antagonism can there be between Big Business and a government owned lock, stock and barrel by Big Business? There is no quarrel between a puppet and its master. (G. Green, ‘The Enemy Forgotten’, ch. X) — Но как можно вообще говорить о коренном антагонизме между "большим бизнесом" и правительством, которое целиком и полностью находится в руках "большого бизнеса"? Между куклой и ее хозяином не бывает спора.

    ‘I don't suppose I fit in very easily’, he admitted. ‘I don't suppose I will ever be able to hand myself over lock, stock and barrel’. (J. Aldridge, ‘A Captive in the Land’, ch. XX) — - Да, конечно, я не легко приспосабливаюсь к обстоятельствам, - признался Руперт. - И вряд ли когда отдавался чему-нибудь до конца.

    ‘Ten dollars buys me, lock, stock and barrel’. He winked at me and asked, ‘Is that a bargain, kid, or not?’ (J. Updike, ‘The Centaur’, ch. IV) — - За десять долларов я ваш со всеми потрохами. - Пьянчуга подмигнул мне. - Ну как, мальчуган, договорились?

    The main achievement of the French Revolution was precisely that it destroyed this feudal order lock, stock and barrel and did it more quickly than it had ever been done elsewhere before. (‘The Marxist Quarterly’) — Главным достижением французской революции было именно то, что она подрезала феодализм под самый корень. И сделано это было быстрее, чем в какой-либо другой стране.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > lock, stock and barrel

  • 125 wear and tear

    износ, изнашивание; амортизация; утомление (часто the wear and tear of life жизненные передряги, неурядицы; the wear and tear of time разрушительная сила времени)

    A pair of shoes may have lasted her for five years, for the wear and tear that she took out of them. (Fr. Marryat, ‘Jacob Faithful’, ch. I) — Пары туфель могло хватить ей на пять лет, так хорошо она носила обувь.

    ...her black skirt - well, perhaps the wear and tear of it wouldn't show if she kept behind the counter. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part II, ch. II) —...но зато черная юбка... ну да, может быть, никто и не заметит, что юбка потерта, если не выходить из-за прилавка.

    And so according to them no money for replacement of the wear and fear on their supposedly very much injured property. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Tragic America’, ch. XIII) — По их словам, у них нет денег, чтобы компенсировать износ их якобы сильно поврежденного оборудования.

    And there are not a hundred men in the world who can write a play good enough to stand daily wear and tear as long as a law must. (B. Shaw, ‘The Apple Cart’, ‘Preface’) — В мире не найдется и ста человек, способных написать пьесу, которая выдержала бы испытание временем, как его выдерживают государственные законы.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > wear and tear

  • 126 -Accident and Emergency-

    Medical Accident and Emergency
    Do you think his ankle is broken or just swollen? Credi che la caviglia sia rotta o è solo gonfia?
    I'm not sure if it's broken or swollen. Non sono sicuro se sia rotta o gonfia.
    I'd better take him to casualty, just to be on the safe side. Sarà meglio che lo porti al pronto soccorso, per sicurezza.
    Can you stand? Riesci a stare in piedi?
    It's too painful to stand. Mi fa troppo male per stare in piedi.
    What seems to be the problem? Qual è il problema?
    My son has twisted his ankle very badly. Mio figlio ha preso una brutta storta alla caviglia.
    We'd better get the ankle X-rayed and find out if it's broken. Sarà meglio fare una radiografia alla caviglia per vedere se è rotta.
    What's the name please? Qual è il nome?
    The name's Tommy Willis. Si chiama Tommy Willis.
    If you'd like to take a seat, someone will see you as soon as possibile. Se volete accomodarvi, qualcuno vi riceverà appena possibile.
    He's in a lot of pain. Gli fa molto male.
    We'll see to him as quickly as we can. Ci occuperemo di lui appena possibile.
    I'll arrange for you to have an ice-pack. Provvedo a farle avere una borsa del ghiaccio.
    If you'd like to come through please. Entrate pure, prego.
    Can you manage to walk? Ce la fai a camminare?
    How did you hurt yourself? Come ti sei fatto male?
    I was playing about in the garden when I twisted my ankle. Stavo giocando in giardino quando mi sono storto la caviglia.
    If you'd like to pop yourself up onto the couch, we'll x-ray your ankle. Se salti sul lettino facciamo una radiografia alla tua caviglia.
    Just relax, the x-ray won't take a moment. Rilassati, per la radiografia ci vuole un istante.
    Is his ankle broken? La caviglia è rotta?
    The ankle isn't broken but it's severely sprained. La caviglia non è rotta ma ha una grave distorsione.
    We'll put a light dressing on and give you some crutches. Metteremo una fasciatura leggera e ti daremo un paio di stampelle.
    Keep the foot raised as much as possible. Tieni il piede sollevato il più possibile.
    Every hour or so, apply an ice pack to keep the swelling down. Ogni ora circa fai un'applicazione con il ghiaccio per ridurre il gonfiore.
    I'll also give you a prescription for some ointment to apply once in the morning and once before bed. Ti prescrivo anche una pomata da applicare la mattina e prima di andare a dormire.
    Come back and see us in a week. Torna a trovarci tra una settimana.
    We can then see how the ankle is healing, and take it from there. Allora vedremo come procede la guarigione della caviglia e decideremo di conseguenza.
    You can make an out-patients' appointment with the nurse. Potete prendere un appuntamento ambulatoriale con l'infermiera.

    English-Italian dictionary > -Accident and Emergency-

  • 127 hot and bothered

    adj infml

    Now don't just get all that hot and bothered — Только, пожалуйста, не нервничай


    She seems to be hot and bothered and you should know the reason why — Она в последнее время какая-то нервная - наверное, у нее давно не было мужчины

    This book is more than a little naughty - in fact it's quite steamy and sensual, and may very well get the customs officials all hot and bothered — Эта книга не просто игривая, а довольно чувственная и эротическая, так что у таможенников может возникнуть определенное чувство, когда они ее полистают

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > hot and bothered

  • 128 as different as chalk and cheese

    (as different as chalk and (или from) cheese (реже as like as chalk and или to cheese))
    совершенно не похоже, ничего общего

    It is really very surprising that a man like you should fall so deeply in love with a girl like Margaret Dauncey... She has beauty and grace and sympathy. But your characters are more different than chalk and cheese. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Magician’, ch. I) — Приходится только удивляться, что вы влюбились в такую девушку, как Маргарита Донси... Она хороша собой, изящна, добра. Но, право же, ваши характеры диаметрально противоположны.

    A: "Is Badminton anything like Tennis?" B: "Not a bit - as different as chalk from cheese." (SPI) — А: "Похож бадминтон на теннис? Б. Ничего общего."

    Contemplate two men, as different as chalk and cheese, alike in each knowing that what he does is right, the one unconventional, the other conventional. (Kenk) — Вообразите себе двух совершенно разных людей: один - враг всяких условностей, другой - образец соблюдения правил и приличий; роднит их одно - вера в собственную правоту.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > as different as chalk and cheese

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Very — Ver y, a. [Compar. {Verier}; superl. {Veriest}.] [OE. verai, verray, OF. verai, vrai, F. vrai, (assumed) LL. veracus, for L. verax true, veracious, fr. verus true; akin to OHG. & OS. w[=a]r, G. wahr, D. waar; perhaps originally, that is or exists …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Very Reverend — Very Ver y, a. [Compar. {Verier}; superl. {Veriest}.] [OE. verai, verray, OF. verai, vrai, F. vrai, (assumed) LL. veracus, for L. verax true, veracious, fr. verus true; akin to OHG. & OS. w[=a]r, G. wahr, D. waar; perhaps originally, that is or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Very flare — Very flares (named after E. W. Very, 1847 ndash;1907, US inventor) were signal flares, fired from a pistol, used during World War I and World War II (and still used today). They were produced in three color variants: green, red, and white star .… …   Wikipedia

  • And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon — Infobox Television episode | Title = And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon Series = Frasier Season = 8 Episode = 01 02 Airdate = 24 October 2000 Production = 40571 171, 40571 172 Writer = David Angell Peter Casey Director = Pamela Fryman Guests =… …   Wikipedia

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  • Very large floating structure — Very large floating structure(s) (VLFS(s)) (or, as some literature refers to them, very large floating platform(s) , VLFP(s) for short) can be constructed to create floating airports, bridges, breakwaters, piers and docks, storage facilities (for …   Wikipedia

  • Very Light Aircraft — Very Light Aircraft, commonly known as ultralights or light sport aircraft, are small aircraft used for recreational aviation.Very Light Aircraft usually have more restrictive operating conditions than general aviation aircraft (for example, they …   Wikipedia

  • Very low frequency — or VLF refers to radio frequencies (RF) in the range of 3 kHz to 30 kHz. Since there is not much bandwidth in this band of the radio spectrum, only the very simplest signals are used, such as for radio navigation. Also known as the myriameter… …   Wikipedia

  • Very long instruction word — or VLIW refers to a CPU architecture designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). A processor that executes every instruction one after the other (i.e. a non pipelined scalar architecture) may use processor resources… …   Wikipedia

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