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  • 1 occurrence

    • olemassaolo
    • saapuminen
    • toimi
    • ilmiö
    automatic data processing
    • esiintymä(ATK)
    • esiintyminen
    • esiintymä
    • tapaus
    • tapahtuma
    * * *
    noun a strange occurrence.) sattuma

    English-Finnish dictionary > occurrence

  • 2 occurrence of pension

    • eläketapahtuma

    English-Finnish dictionary > occurrence of pension

  • 3 occurrence of the damage

    • vahingon syntyminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > occurrence of the damage

  • 4 occurrence set up as a condition

    • ehtotapahtuma

    English-Finnish dictionary > occurrence set up as a condition

  • 5 of recent occurrence

    • äskettäin tapahtunut

    English-Finnish dictionary > of recent occurrence

  • 6 rate of occurrence of voltage changes

    • jännitteenmuutosten esiintymistiheys

    English-Finnish dictionary > rate of occurrence of voltage changes

  • 7 common

    • totunnainen
    • normaali
    • hyväksyttävä
    • jokapäiväinen
    • julkinen
    • tyydyttävä
    • tunnettu
    • epähieno
    • frekventti
    • alhainen
    • arkipäiväinen
    • arkinen
    • usein esiintyvä
    • vallitseva
    • yhteinen
    • yhteis-
    • yhteiskunnallinen
    • yhteismaa
    • yhteisniitty
    • rahvaanomainen
    • tavanomainen
    • tavallinen
    • kelvollinen
    • keskinkertainen
    • kohtalainen
    • halpa
    • sovinnainen
    • yleinen
    • käypä
    • laatuunkäypä
    * * *
    'komən 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) yleinen, tavallinen
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) yhteinen
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) julkinen
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) karkea
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) tavallinen
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) yleisnimi
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) yleinen virkistysalue
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Finnish dictionary > common

  • 8 event

    • toimintavaihe
    • ilmiö
    • juttu
    • elämys
    • urheilulaji
    • kokemus
    • kohtaus
    • kilpailu
    • merkkitapaus
    • sattumus
    • tapahtuma
    • tapaus
    • laji
    * * *
    1) (something that happens; an incident or occurrence: That night a terrible event occurred.) tapaus, tapahtuma
    2) (an item in a programme of sports etc: The long-jump was to be the third event.) laji
    - at all events / at any event
    - in that event
    - in the event
    - in the event of

    English-Finnish dictionary > event

  • 9 happening

    • elämys
    • rieha
    • tapahtuma
    • tapahtumat
    * * *
    noun (an occurrence: strange happenings.) tapahtuma

    English-Finnish dictionary > happening

  • 10 occur

    • olla
    • saapua
    • saapua perille
    • ilmaantua
    • ilmetä
    • juolahtaa
    • esiintyä
    • pälkähtää
    • puuttua asiaan
    • sattua
    • löytyä
    • tapahtua
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - occurred; verb
    1) (to take place: The accident occurred yesterday morning.) tapahtua
    2) ((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) juolahtaa mieleen
    3) (to be found: Oil occurs under the sea.) esiintyä

    English-Finnish dictionary > occur

  • 11 rare

    • omituinen
    • ohut
    • outo
    • hämmästyttävä
    • harvinaislaatuinen
    • harvinaisen hyvä
    • harvinainen
    • harvenainen
    • verraton
    • verinen
    • epänormaali
    • erikoinen
    • epätavallinen
    • puolikypsä
    • puoliraaka
    • raaka
    • tavaton
    • tavallisuudesta poikkeava
    • poikkeuksellinen
    * * *
    1) (not done, found, seen etc very often; uncommon: a rare flower; a rare occurrence.) harvinainen
    2) ((of meat) only slightly cooked: I like my steak rare.) puoliraaka
    - rarely
    - rarity

    English-Finnish dictionary > rare

  • 12 stroke

    • olla peräairon soutajana
    • paklata
    • höylätä
    • hyväillä
    • isku
    • juova
    • hieroa
    • hioa
    • hivellä
    • veto
    • viiva
    • vetäisy
    • silitellä
    • silottaa
    • silittää
    • sipaisu
    • sivellä
    • siveltimenveto
    • sively
    • sipaista
    medicine, veterinary
    • aivohalvaus
    • pyyhkäistä
    • pyyhkiä
    • rajalyönti
    • tempaus
    • kauttaviiva
    • kellonlyömä
    • kellonlyönti
    • haroa
    • halvaus
    medicine, veterinary
    • halvauskohtaus
    • paukku
    • peräairon soutaja
    • salamanisku
    • sukia
    • syke
    • tahti
    • tasoittaa
    • tasata
    • lanata
    • piirto
    • kosketella
    • lyönti
    * * *
    strəuk I noun
    1) (an act of hitting, or the blow given: He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe; the stroke of a whip.) isku
    2) (a sudden occurrence of something: a stroke of lightning; an unfortunate stroke of fate; What a stroke of luck to find that money!) isku, oikku, potku
    3) (the sound made by a clock striking the hour: She arrived on the stroke of (= punctually at) ten.) lyönti
    4) (a movement or mark made in one direction by a pen, pencil, paintbrush etc: short, even pencil strokes.) piirto
    5) (a single pull of an oar in rowing, or a hit with the bat in playing cricket.) veto, lyönti
    6) (a movement of the arms and legs in swimming, or a particular method of swimming: He swam with slow, strong strokes; Can you do breaststroke/backstroke?) veto
    7) (an effort or action: I haven't done a stroke (of work) all day.) ei mitään
    8) (a sudden attack of illness which damages the brain, causing paralysis, loss of feeling in the body etc.) halvauskohtaus
    II 1. verb
    (to rub (eg a furry animal) gently and repeatedly in one direction, especially as a sign of affection: He stroked the cat / her hair; The dog loves being stroked.) silittää
    2. noun
    (an act of stroking: He gave the dog a stroke.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > stroke

См. также в других словарях:

  • occurrence — [ ɔkyrɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1440; du lat. occurrere → occurrent 1 ♦ Littér. Cas, circonstance. « changeant de route suivant l occurrence » ( Balzac). Mod. (dans des loc.) EN L OCCURRENCE : dans le cas présent. La personne responsable, en l occurrence, M …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • occurrence — occurrence, event, incident, episode, circumstance are comparable when they denote something that happens or takes place. Occurrence is the general term for something which takes place {such a happy and convenient occurrence, the princess s… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • OCCURRENCE (linguistique) — OCCURRENCE, linguistique On appelle «occurrence» la possibilité, pour un item linguistique, d’apparaître à un point de la chaîne. Le concept est fondamental dans la théorie distributionnelle, qui pratique sur l’axe syntagmatique des segmentations …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Occurrence — Oc*cur rence, n. [Cf. F. occurrence. See {Occur}.] 1. A coming or happening; as, the occurence of a railway collision. [1913 Webster] Voyages detain the mind by the perpetual occurrence and expectation of something new. I. Watts. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • occurrence — oc·cur·rence n: something that takes place; esp: an accident, event, or continuing condition that causes personal or property damage that is unintended or unexpected from the standpoint of an insured party making a claim Merriam Webster’s… …   Law dictionary

  • occurrence — [ə kʉr′əns] n. 1. the act or fact of occurring 2. something that occurs; event; incident occurrent adj. SYN. OCCURRENCE is the general word for anything that happens or takes place [an unforeseen occurrence]; an EVENT is an occurrence of relative …   English World dictionary

  • occurrence policy — n: an insurance policy that provides coverage for an event occurring within the policy period even if the discovery or claim is made later compare claims made policy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Occurrence (liturgical) — Occurrence is a Catholic liturgical term that covers the process when two liturgical offices coincide on the same day.[1] References ^   Occurrence . Catholic Encyclopedia. New …   Wikipedia

  • occurrence — Occurrence. s. f. v. Rencontre, evenement fortuit, occasion. Favorable occurrence. dans cette fascheuse occurrence. je m en souviendray dans les occurrences. il a disposé cela pour s en servir selon les occurrences …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Occurrence — • The coinciding of two liturgical offices on one and the same day Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • occurrence — (n.) 1530s, from M.L. occurrentia, from L. occurentem (nom. occurens), prp. of occurrere (see OCCUR (Cf. occur)) …   Etymology dictionary

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