1 amount of compensation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > amount of compensation
2 amount of compensation
1) Экономика: размер возмещения, размер компенсации2) Патенты: сумма возмещения, сумма вознаграждения3) Деловая лексика: отступная суммаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > amount of compensation
3 amount of compensation
Англо-русский экономический словарь > amount of compensation
4 amount of compensation
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > amount of compensation
5 amount of compensation
6 amount of compensation
размер возмещения; сумма возмещенияEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > amount of compensation
7 amount of compensation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > amount of compensation
8 amount of compensation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > amount of compensation
9 amount of compensation is negotiable
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > amount of compensation is negotiable
10 the amount of compensation is negotiable
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the amount of compensation is negotiable
11 wergeld (In ancient Germanic law, the amount of compensation paid by a person committing an offense to the injured party or, in case of death, to his family)
Религия: вираУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > wergeld (In ancient Germanic law, the amount of compensation paid by a person committing an offense to the injured party or, in case of death, to his family)
12 amount
1. n1) количество; объем2) общая сумма, итог3) бухг. основная сумма и проценты с нее
- accession compensatory amounts
- accruing amounts
- aggregate amount
- aggregate amount of capital invested
- approved amounts
- available amount
- budgeted amount
- capitalized amounts
- carrying amounts
- claim amount
- contractual amount
- dealt amount
- drawdown amount
- equivalent amount
- estimated amount
- excessive amount of goods
- face amount
- fair amount
- fractional amount
- full amount
- gross amount
- guarantee amount
- guaranteed amount
- immense amount
- insurance amount
- invoice amount
- lump-sum amount
- mandatory amount
- net amount
- nominal amount
- original amount
- outstanding amount
- overall amount
- overdue amount
- penalty amount
- principal amount
- remaining amount
- reserved amount
- residual amount
- seasonal amount
- significant amount
- specific amount of metal
- substantial amount
- tax amount
- taxable amount
- tax-free amount
- tradeable amount
- uncollected amounts
- unlimited amounts
- zero bracket amount
- amount of accrued interest
- amount of advance
- amount of allocations
- amount of balance
- amount of a bill
- amount of business
- amount of capital investments
- amount of a claim
- amount of commission
- amount of compensation
- amount of a contract
- amount of credit
- amount of currency
- amount of damages
- amount of debt
- amount of delivery
- amount of deposit
- amount of a discount
- amount of drawings
- amount of drawing under a letter of credit
- amount of earnest money
- amount of excise tax
- amount of expenses
- amount of finance
- amount of financing
- amount of floated assets
- amount of a franchise
- amount of general average
- amount of housing
- amount of indebtedness
- amount of information
- amount of a letter of credit
- amount of a licence fee
- amount of a loan
- amount of losses
- amount of money
- amount of an order
- amount of payment
- amount of recovery
- amount of reduction
- amount of remuneration
- amount of sales
- amount of sampling
- amount of subscription
- amount of stock
- amount of turnover
- amount of the value-added tax
- amount of work
- amount claimed
- amount due
- amount free of tax
- amount owed
- amount owing
- amount paid into an account
- amount payable
- amount realized
- amount receivable
- amount subject to penalty tax
- amount subject to tax
- amount written off
- amount written off as losses
- double the amount
- charge an amount to the debit of an account
- deposit an amount
- enter an amount
- index an amount for inflation
- pass an amount to the credit
- pay an amount into current account
- recover an amount
- refund an amount
- reimburse an amount
- verify the amount of earnings
- amounts differ2. vсоставлять (сумму); равнятьсяEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > amount
13 amount
1.составлять (сумму); равняться2.1) количество; объем2) общая сумма, итог3) бухг. основная сумма и проценты с нее• -
14 amount
1) количество; степень; сумма; итог2) достигать; доходить до; составлять ( сумму)•- amount to nothing- amount of author's bonus
- amount of compensation
- amount of damages
- amount of expenditure
- amount of fee
- amount of information
- amount of invention
- amount of loss
- amount of royalty
- amount of security
- advance amount paid-in
- prohibitive amount -
15 compensation
сущ.сокр. comp1)а) эк., юр. возмещение, компенсация (денежная сумма или иной актив, передаваемые лицу, права которого были нарушены, пострадавшему лицу и т. д.)COMBS:
compensation in the amount [sum\] of— компенсация [вознаграждение\] в сумме
in-kind compensation, compensation in kind — компенсация в натуральной форме, натуральная компенсация
cash compensation, compensation in cash — компенсация/вознаграждение в денежной форме, денежная компенсация, денежное вознаграждение
to claim [seek\] compensation — требовать компенсации
to pay compensation to smb. — выплачивать компенсацию (кому-л.)
to get smth. as compensation [in compensation\] — получить что-л. в качестве компенсации
to award [grant\] compensation — назначить вознаграждение [компенсацию\]
to make compensation — возмещать, компенсировать
See:compensation balance, compensation fund, workers' comp, workers' compensation, black lung compensation, compensation for loss of office, compensation for loss of earnings, compensation for unfair dismissal, rain check, state unemployment compensationб) эк. тр., преим. амер. вознаграждение, заработная платаSee:в) общ. компенсация (что-л., балансирующее какое-л. нежелательное воздействие, сглаживающее какие-л. недостатки)Acute hearing is a compensation for the loss of sight. — Хороший слух компенсирует потерю зрения.
2)а) эк., юр. компенсирование, возмещение (действия по выплате компенсации/вознаграждения или процесс выплаты компенсации/вознаграждения, напр., выплата вознаграждения работникам, выплата страхового возмещения и т. п.)plan of compensation — план [схема\] компенсирования, план [схема\] выплаты компенсации [вознаграждения\]
б) общ. компенсация, уравновешивание, уравнивание, балансирование (ситуация, когда что-л. компенсирует воздействие или недостатки другого объекта; напр., в медицине термин может относится к ситуации, когда неспособность одного органа полноценно функционировать компенсируется чрезмерным функционированием другого органа)Syn:
* * *
компенсация: 1) товарообменные операции, прежде всего на базе одного контракта; см. countertrade; 2) вознаграждение, зарплата и др. выплаты (страхование, пенсия и т. д.).* * *компенсация; оплата труда; вознаграждение за труд; заработная плата (зарплата). . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *возмещение убытков, возникших вследствие нарушения гражданско-правовой обязанности, когда ее реальное исполнение в связи с таким нарушением стало невозможным -
16 compensation
1. n возмещение, компенсация2. n вознаграждение; жалованье, денежное вознаграждение3. n спец. балансирование; уравновешивание4. n спец. уравнивание; компенсацияcompensation gear — дифференциал, дифференциальная передача
5. n спец. физиол. мед. восстановление, уравновешивание, компенсация6. n спец. психол. компенсирующее поведениеhis hearty manner was a compensation for his feeling of insecurity — за его непринуждённым поведением скрывалось чувство неуверенности
7. n спец. радио коррекция, компенсацияСинонимический ряд:1. payment (noun) allowance; payment; remuneration; reward; salary; stipend; wage; wages2. satisfaction (noun) amends; atonement; consideration; damages; indemnification; indemnity; quittance; recompense; redress; reimbursement; remittal; reparation; reprisal; requital; restitution; retaliation; retribution; satisfaction; setoff; settlementАнтонимический ряд:donation; fine; forfeiture; gratuity; injury; loss; penalty -
17 amount
1. n количество; величинаin amount — по количеству, количественно
gross amount — валовая сумма; сумма-брутто; общее количество
2. n всё, весь объём, вся массаa great amount of negligence — большая степень халатности; непростительная небрежность
3. n общая сумма, итогamount due to us — причитающаяся нам сумма; сумма к выплате
amount owed by transferor — сумма, задолженная индоссантом
4. n бухг. основная сумма и проценты с неёamount due — сумма к получению, причитающаяся сумма
5. v составлять; доходить до; достигать; равнятьсяamount to — составлять; достигать; доходить до
to amount to — достигать, равняться
6. v быть равным, равносильным, равнозначным; означатьto amount to very little, not to amount to much — не иметь большого значения, очень мало значить
7. v становиться, добиватьсяСинонимический ряд:1. price (noun) expenditure; figure; outlay; output; price2. significance (noun) effect; import; result; significance; value3. substance (noun) burden; core; crux; drift; gist; kernel; matter; meat; nub; nubbin; pith; purport; sense; short; strength; substance; sum and substance; sum total; thrust; upshot4. sum (noun) aggregate; body; budget; bulk; corpus; mass; measure; number; product; quantity; quantum; sum; summation; total; totality; whole5. add up (verb) add up; aggregate; come; number; reach; run; run into; run to; sum into; sum to; total6. approach (verb) approach; correspond to; match; partake of; rival; touch7. equal (verb) constitute; correspond; equal -
18 compensation for
19 compensation
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > compensation
20 compensation in the amount of...
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > compensation in the amount of...
См. также в других словарях:
compensation — com·pen·sa·tion /ˌkäm pən sā shən/ n 1: the act of compensating 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: the ending of mutual obligations between two people for money or quantities of fungible things usu. by operation of law but sometimes by an agreement … Law dictionary
compensation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ full ▪ partial, small ▪ adequate, sufficient ▪ appropriate, fair, just … Collocations dictionary
compensation — n. 1) the act of making up for a functional or structural deficiency. For example, compensation for the loss of a diseased kidney is brought about by an increase in size of the remaining kidney, so restoring the urine producing capacity. 2)… … The new mediacal dictionary
Compensation methods — (Remuneration), Pricing models and business models used for the different types of internet marketing, including affiliate marketing, contextual advertising, search engine marketing (including vertical comparison shopping search engines and local … Wikipedia
Compensation culture — describes a society in which it is acceptable for anyone who has suffered a personal injury to seek compensatory damages through litigation from someone connected with the injury. The term is especially used to describe the legal climate with… … Wikipedia
Compensation of employees — (CE) is a statistical term used in national accounts, balance of payments statistics and sometimes in corporate accounts as well. It refers basically to the total gross (pre tax) wages paid by employers to employees for work done in an accounting … Wikipedia
Compensation — Com pen*sa tion, n. [L. compensatio a weighing, a balancing of accounts.] 1. The act or principle of compensating. Emerson. [1913 Webster] 2. That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or variation of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Compensation balance — Compensation Com pen*sa tion, n. [L. compensatio a weighing, a balancing of accounts.] 1. The act or principle of compensating. Emerson. [1913 Webster] 2. That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Compensation pendulum — Compensation Com pen*sa tion, n. [L. compensatio a weighing, a balancing of accounts.] 1. The act or principle of compensating. Emerson. [1913 Webster] 2. That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
compensation payment — ➔ payment * * * compensation payment UK US noun [C] INSURANCE, LAW ► an amount of money that is paid to someone because they have been hurt, or because something has been lost or damaged: »Workers compensation payments for injured employees have… … Financial and business terms
compensation — Arrangement under which the delivery of goods to a party is paid for by buying back a certain amount of the product from the recipient of the goods. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * compensation com‧pen‧sa‧tion [ˌkɒmpənˈseɪʆn ǁ ˌkɑːm ] noun… … Financial and business terms