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  • 1 all

    [o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) όێߏ¬ ολόκληρος
    2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) όλοι
    2. adverb
    1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) εντελώς
    2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) τόσο
    - all-out
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - all-terrain vehicle
    - all along
    - all at once
    - all in
    - all in all
    - all over
    - all right
    - in all

    English-Greek dictionary > all

  • 2 All

    P. and V. πᾶς, πας, V. πρόπας.
    Whole: P. and V. ὅλος.
    All together: P. and V. σύμπας, P. συνάπας (Plat.).
    After all: P. and V. ρα, V. ἆρα.
    All but: P. and V. ὅσον οὔπω, P. ὅσον οὐ.
    Nearly: Ar. and P. ὀλγου.
    They are all but here: P. ὅσον οὔπω πάρεισι (Thuc.)
    They took one ship, crew and all: P. μίαν (ναῦν) αὐτοῖς ἀνδράσιν εἷλον (Thuc. 2, 90).
    The black abyss of Tartarus hides old Cronos, allies add all: V. Ταρτάρου μελαμβαθής κευθμὼν καλύπτει τον παλαιγενῆ Κρόνον, αὐτοῖσι συμμάχοισι (Æsch., P.V. 219, cf. Eur., Cycl. 705).
    At all events: P. and V. γε ( enclitic), γοῦν.
    One's all: P. τὰ ὅλα.
    At all, in any way: P. and V. πως ( enclitic), Ar. and P. πη ( enclitic).
    Not at all: P. and V. ἀρχὴν οὐ, P. οὐχ ὅλως, Ar. and P. οὐ τὸ παρπαν, V. οὐ τὸ πᾶν.
    By no means: P. and V. οὐδαμῶς, μηδαμῶς, P. οὐδʼ ὁπωστιοῦν.
    All the more: P. and V. τοσῷδε μᾶλλον, τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον.
    All the less: P. and V. τοσῷδε ἧσσον.
    On all grounds: P. and V. πανταχῆ.
    Run on all fours: V. τρέχειν χερσίν (Æsch., Eum. 37).
    It is all over with: see Over.
    All in all: see Everything.
    It is all one: see One.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > All

  • 3 all go

    adjective (very busy: It's all go in this office today.) έντονη δραστηριότητα

    English-Greek dictionary > all go

  • 4 all in

    (with everything included: Is that the price all in?) με όλα μέσα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων όλων

    English-Greek dictionary > all in

  • 5 all

    1) όλα
    2) όλες
    3) όλος

    English-Greek new dictionary > all

  • 6 all manner of

    (all kinds of: He has all manner of problems.) κάθε λογής

    English-Greek dictionary > all manner of

  • 7 all at once

    1) (all at the same time: Don't eat those cakes all at once!) μονομιάς
    2) (suddenly: All at once the light went out.) ξαφνικά

    English-Greek dictionary > all at once

  • 8 all in all

    (considering everything: We haven't done badly, all in all.) σε γενικές γραμμές

    English-Greek dictionary > all in all

  • 9 all over

    1) (over the whole of (a person, thing etc): My car is dirty all over.) παντού
    2) (finished: The excitement's all over now.) τελειωμένος
    3) (everywhere: We've been looking all over for you!) παντού

    English-Greek dictionary > all over

  • 10 all-round

    1) (including or applying to every part, person, thing etc: an all-round pay rise.) γενικός
    2) (good at all parts of a subject etc: an all-round sportsman.) πολυτάλαντος

    English-Greek dictionary > all-round

  • 11 all right

    1) (unhurt; not ill or in difficulties etc: You look ill. Are you all right?) εντάξει, μια χαρά
    2) (an expression of agreement to do something: `Will you come?' `Oh, all right.') εντάξει

    English-Greek dictionary > all right

  • 12 all through

    1) (from beginning to end of: The baby cried all through the night.) απ' την αρχή έως το τέλος, σ' ολόκληρο
    2) (in every part of: Road conditions are bad all through the country.) παντού, απ' άκρη σ' άκρη, σ' ολόκληρο

    English-Greek dictionary > all through

  • 13 all alone

    (completely by oneself: He has been all alone since the death of his wife.) ολομόναχος

    English-Greek dictionary > all alone

  • 14 all along

    (the whole time (that something was happening): I knew the answer all along.) από την πρώτη στιγμή

    English-Greek dictionary > all along

  • 15 all of a sudden

    (suddenly or unexpectedly: All of a sudden the lights went out.) εντελώς ξαφνικά

    English-Greek dictionary > all of a sudden

  • 16 all one

    (just the same: It's all one to me what she does.) το ίδιο

    English-Greek dictionary > all one

  • 17 all round

    (surrounding: There were people all round him.) τριγύρω

    English-Greek dictionary > all round

  • 18 all set

    ( often with to) (ready or prepared (to do something); just on the point of (doing something): We were all set to leave when the phone rang.) πανέτοιμος

    English-Greek dictionary > all set

  • 19 all the fashion

    (very fashionable: Long skirts were all the fashion last year.) πολύ της μόδας

    English-Greek dictionary > all the fashion

  • 20 all (the) year round

    (throughout the whole year: The weather is so good here that we can swim all (the) year round.) καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια του έτους, ολοχρονίς

    English-Greek dictionary > all (the) year round

См. также в других словарях:

  • all — [ ɔl ] function word, quantifier *** All can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by an uncountable or plural noun): They had given up all hope. All children deserve encouragement. as a predeterminer (followed by a word such… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • all — (ôl) adj. 1. Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity: »All the windows are open. Deal all the cards. See Synonyms at WHOLE(Cf. ↑whole). 2. Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole: »all… …   Word Histories

  • All — All, adv. 1. Wholly; completely; altogether; entirely; quite; very; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement. And cheeks all pale. Byron. [1913 Webster] Note: In the ancient phrases, all too dear, all too much, all so long, etc., this word …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All — All, n. The whole number, quantity, or amount; the entire thing; everything included or concerned; the aggregate; the whole; totality; everything or every person; as, our all is at stake. [1913 Webster] Death, as the Psalmist saith, is certain to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All to — All All, adv. 1. Wholly; completely; altogether; entirely; quite; very; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement. And cheeks all pale. Byron. [1913 Webster] Note: In the ancient phrases, all too dear, all too much, all so long, etc., this… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All-to — All All, adv. 1. Wholly; completely; altogether; entirely; quite; very; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement. And cheeks all pale. Byron. [1913 Webster] Note: In the ancient phrases, all too dear, all too much, all so long, etc., this… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • All — All. Aller, alle, alles, ein Wort, welches in den meisten Fällen den Begriff der Allgemeinheit ausdrucket, und in dreyerley Gestalt üblich ist. I. * Als ein Umstandswort, welches dessen ursprüngliche Gestalt ist, der Zahl, Menge und innern Stärke …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • all — ► PREDETERMINER & DETERMINER 1) the whole quantity or extent of: all her money. 2) any whatever: he denied all knowledge. 3) the greatest possible: with all speed. ► PRONOUN ▪ everything or everyone. ► ADVERB 1) complete …   English terms dictionary

  • all — [ôl] adj. [ME al, all < OE eal < IE * al no s < base * al , * ol , beyond, exceeding > L ultra] 1. the whole extent or quantity of [all New England, all the gold] 2. the entire number of [all the men went] 3. every one of [all men… …   English World dictionary

  • All — All, a. [OE. al, pl. alle, AS. eal, pl. ealle, Northumbrian alle, akin to D. & OHG. al, Ger. all, Icel. allr. Dan. al, Sw. all, Goth. alls; and perh. to Ir. and Gael. uile, W. oll.] 1. The whole quantity, extent, duration, amount, quality, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • all — 1. all or all of. All can be used before singular or plural nouns, and of is not needed except before pronouns standing alone (all human life / all the time / all children / all tickets / all of them / all you people). The construction with of is …   Modern English usage

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