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airspeed lag

  • 1 airspeed lag

    Авиасловарь > airspeed lag

  • 2 lag

    1. запаздывание, задержка, отставание
    aerodynamic lag
    airframe lag
    airspeed lag
    control system lag
    downwash lag
    engine lag
    filter lag
    first-order lag
    glideslope lag
    Kussner lift growth lag
    neuromotor lag
    neuromuscular lag
    open-loop lag
    phase lag
    pneumatic lag
    pressure lag
    propulsion lag
    response lag
    rigid lag
    stick lag
    thrust lag
    transient lag
    Wagner function lag

    Авиасловарь > lag

  • 3 mode

    1. режим <полета, работы>
    2. форма <напр. движения>; тип; вид
    3. мода, тип колебаний, форма колебаний; тон (колебаний); колебания, колебательное движение; тип волны
    4. способ, метод
    mode of motion
    mode of vibration
    4-D mode
    adaptive mode
    advisory mode
    aeroelastic mode
    air resonance mode
    aircraft mode
    airframe mode
    airplane mode
    airspeed hold mode
    all-out jamming mode
    altitude hold mode
    altitude hold control mode
    aperiodic mode
    approach mode
    approach control mode
    assumed modes
    attitude command mode
    attitude hold mode
    auto-flap mode
    auto-trim mode
    autoflight mode
    autopilot mode
    autopilot-coupled mode
    autothrottle mode
    balance mode
    beacon bombing mode
    beam mode
    beating mode
    bending mode
    beyond-the-horizon mode
    blade mode
    body freedom mode
    boresight acquisition mode
    buckling mode
    camber control mode
    CAS mode
    chord mode
    climb mode
    closed-loop mode
    closely spaced modes
    closely spaced frequency modes
    command augmentation mode
    compensatory mode
    component modes
    constant airspeed mode
    constraint modes
    control mode
    controlled modes
    coupled mode
    crack opening mode
    cruise mode
    cruise camber control mode
    crushing mode
    CTOL mode
    decoupled mode
    deformation mode
    degraded mode
    demand mode
    digital mode
    direct force modes
    direct force control modes
    directional mode
    divergence mode
    divergent mode
    dogfight mode
    dutch roll mode
    edgewise mode
    elastic mode
    electronic mode
    failure mode
    fine pointing mode
    finite frequency modes
    fire-and-forget mode
    first bending mode
    first flap mode
    first flexible mode
    first lag mode
    fixed-free mode
    fixed-gain mode
    fixed-wing mode
    flap mode
    flapping mode
    flatwise mode
    flexible mode
    flexural mode
    flight control mode
    flight director mode
    flight operation mode
    flight path rate mode
    flutter mode
    flutter-critical mode
    fly-up mode
    FMS-controlled mode
    free mode
    fundamental mode
    fuselage mode
    ground contact mode
    hard-ride mode
    head-down mode
    heading mode
    heave mode
    helicopter mode
    helmet mode
    high-frequency mode
    higher mode
    higher order mode
    highly damped mode
    hybrid tandem fan mode
    in-plane mode
    inflow mode
    instability mode
    interacting modes
    intercept mode
    land mode
    lateral mode
    lateral modes
    lateral-directional mode
    lateral-directional mode s
    lateral-sway mode
    lead-lag mode
    lift mode
    lightly damped mode
    loading mode
    lock-before-launch mode
    long-term holding mode
    longitudinal mode
    longitudinal modes
    longitudinal-sway mode
    longitudinal-lateral modes
    look-down mode
    look-up mode
    low-frequency mode
    low-probability-of-intercept mode
    low-speed mode
    low-yaw-rate spin mode
    lower order modes
    Mach-hold mode
    maneuver mode
    maneuver camber control mode
    manual mode
    manual sweep mode
    mapping mode
    mechanical mode
    monitored modes
    motion mode
    multitracking mode
    natural mode
    nonreversing mode
    normal mode
    nuisance mode
    open-loop mode
    operational mode
    orbit mode
    oscillatory mode
    out-of-control mode
    pendulum mode
    phugoid mode
    phugoidal mode
    pitch mode
    pitching mode
    plunge mode
    plunging mode
    poorly damped mode
    position mode
    power approach mode
    powered-lift mode
    pulse mode
    pusher mode
    ramjet mode
    reconfiguration mode
    recovery mode
    residual modes
    response mode
    return-to-base mode
    reverse mode
    reversing mode
    reversion mode
    rigid body mode
    roll mode
    roll rate command mode
    rolling mode
    rotary-wing mode
    rotational mode
    rotor-pylon mode
    short-period mode
    slender wing mode
    sliding mode
    spin mode
    spiral mode
    stand-off mode
    stealthy mode
    steering mode
    stroke mode
    structural mode
    structure mode
    supercruise mode
    supersearch mode
    supersonic cruise mode
    takeoff mode
    task-tailored mode
    terminal tracking mode
    terrain-avoidance mode
    terrain-clearance mode
    terrain-following mode
    third flap mode
    threat-avoidance mode
    thrust-vectoring mode
    torsion mode
    track-on-jam mode
    translational mode
    turbojet mode
    twisting mode
    uncontrolled mode
    unmodeled modes
    unstable mode
    unstick mode
    vector mode
    vectoring mode
    vertical flight-control mode
    vibration mode
    weakly damped oscillatory mode
    windowing mode
    wing bending mode
    wing sweep mode
    wingborne mode
    wing-pylon modes
    wing's open mode
    yaw mode
    yawing mode

    Авиасловарь > mode

  • 4 response

    1. реакция; реагирование; отклик; ответ(ное действие); выходной сигнал; срабатывание; возмущенное движение <ЛА>/ реагировать; отвечать
    3. характеристика; зависимость; (динамические) характеристики
    response due to longitudinal stick command
    response due to rudder input
    response in sideslip
    response in turn
    response of stick position to stick force
    response to turbulence
    abrupt response
    acceleration response
    actuator response
    aerodynamic response
    aeroelastic response
    aircraft response
    airspeed response
    alpha response
    alpha-ramp response
    amplitude response
    angle-of-attack response
    angular response
    attitude to stick force response
    base-excitation response
    beam response
    blade response
    brake response
    buffet response
    buffeting response
    C* response
    chord response
    closed-loop response
    closed-loop frequency response
    command response
    commanded response
    computer response
    computer-triggered response
    control response
    control surface response
    control-system response
    coupled response
    crisp response
    damped response
    damper response
    dead-beat response
    decoupled response
    displacement response
    divergent response
    diverging response
    doublet response
    Dutch roll response
    dynamic response
    edgewise response
    elastic response
    elastodynamic response
    experimental response
    filter response
    flap response
    flat amplitude response
    flexible response
    flight response
    flight path to stick force frequency response
    flight path response
    flight path angle response
    forced response
    fracture response
    free response
    free-flight response
    frequency response
    full-scale response
    full-state response
    full-elevator response
    g response
    glideslope response
    gust response
    heave response
    Heaviside response
    helicopter response
    high-frequency response
    high-overshoot response
    horizontal tail deflection response
    horizontal tail rate response
    impact response
    impulse response
    in-phase response
    indicial response
    inelastic response
    instantaneous response
    jamming response
    landing gear response
    large-amplitude response
    lateral response
    lateral stick response
    lateral-directional response
    lead-lag response
    lift response
    lift coefficient response
    load response
    load factor response
    long term response
    long-period response
    longitudinal response
    loop frequency response
    low-overshoot response
    maneuver response
    maneuvering response
    maximum control response
    mid-frequency response
    model response
    model-following response
    motor response
    non-Gaussian response
    normal acceleration response
    nz response
    off-axis response
    on-axis response
    open-loop response
    open-loop frequency response
    oscillatory response
    out-of-phase response
    overly sensitive response
    phase response
    phugoid response
    physiologic response
    piloted response
    pitch response
    pitch axis response
    pitch command response
    pitch rate response
    pitch attitude response
    pointing response
    power response
    rate-independent plastic response
    resonant response
    resonator response
    rigid body mode response
    roll response
    roll axis response
    roll rate response
    rolling response
    rolling axis response
    rough airfield response
    rudder pedal response
    sharp response
    short term response
    short-period response
    short-period dynamic response
    side-slip response
    sideforce response
    simulated response
    simulator response
    sluggish response
    spectral response
    spoiler response
    sprung mass response
    static response
    steady-state response
    step response
    step-function response
    strain response
    stress response
    structural-acoustic response
    subharmonic response
    thrust response
    time response
    torsional response
    tracking response
    trailing-edge deflection response
    trailing-edge rate response
    transient response
    trim response
    turbulence response
    turbulence-excited response
    two-per-rev response
    undamped response
    unstable response
    vehicle response
    velocity response
    vertical response
    vestibular response
    vibration response
    vibrational response
    vibratory response
    well-damped response
    wing response
    wing beam response
    wing rock type response
    yaw response
    yawing response

    Авиасловарь > response

  • 5 correction

    коррекция; исправление; поправка

    correction for wind direction — поправка на несоосность [скос] потока

    tailplane correction to trim — балансировочное отклонение (цельноповоротного) стабилизатора >

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > correction

См. также в других словарях:

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