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См. также в других словарях:

  • aecium — [ē′shē əm, ē′sēəm] n. pl. aecia [ē′shēə, ē′sēə] [ModL < Gr aikia, injury] a cuplike spore fruit produced in spring by certain rust fungi aecial adj …   English World dictionary

  • aecium — noun (plural aecia) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek aikia outrage, assault, from aikēs, aeikēs unseemly, from a + eikēs, from eikenai to seem Date: 1905 the fruiting body of a rust fungus in which the first binucleate spores are usually produced …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • aecium — aecial, adj. /ee see euhm, ee shee /, n., pl. aecia /ee see euh, ee shee euh/. Mycol. the fruiting body of rust fungi, which bears chainlike or stalked spores. [ < NL < Gk aikía assault, injury; see IUM] * * * ▪ biology also called  aecidium … …   Universalium

  • aecium — noun /ˈis.i.ʌm/ A cuplike fruiting structure of some parasitic fungi (rusts) that contains chains of aeciospores. See Also: aecidium …   Wiktionary

  • aecium — aeci·um (eґse əm) pl. aeґcia [Gr. aikia injury] a cup shaped fruiting body of a rust fungus; see rust (def. 3) …   Medical dictionary

  • aecium — ae·ci·um …   English syllables

  • aecium — ae•ci•um [[t]ˈi si əm, ˈi ʃi [/t]] n. pl. ae•ci•a [[t]ˈi si ə, ˈi ʃi ə[/t]] fng the fruiting body of rust fungi, which bears chainlike or stalked spores • Etymology: < NL < Gk aikíā assault, injury; see ium II ae′ci•al, adj …   From formal English to slang

  • aecium — /ˈisiəm/ (say eeseeuhm) noun (plural aecia /ˈisiə/ (say eeseeuh)) the sorus of rust fungi which arises from the haploid mycelium, commonly accompanied by spermogonia and bearing chain like or stalked spores. {New Latin, from Greek aikia an… …  

  • aecium — noun fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores • Derivationally related forms: ↑aecial • Hypernyms: ↑fruiting body • Part Holonyms: ↑rust, ↑rust fungus * * * aecial …   Useful english dictionary

  • cluster cup — aecium. [1880 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • aecial — adjective of or belonging to an aecium • Pertains to noun: ↑aecium • Derivationally related forms: ↑aecium * * * ˈēsh(ē)əl, sēəl adjective Etymology: New Latin aecium + English al …   Useful english dictionary

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