1 Adj.
2 absent ab·sent adj vb
[æb'sɛnt]1. adj2. vtto absent o.s. from sth — non presentarsi a qc
3 abstract ab·stract adj , n vb
[æb'strækt]1. adj2. nin the abstract — in teoria, in astratto
3. vt(remove) estrarre, (summarize) riassumere -
4 alternate al·ter·nate adj vb
['ɒltəneɪt]1. adj(alternating: layers) alternato (-a), (every other: days) alterni (-e) pl, uno (-a) sì e uno (-a) noon alternate days — ogni due giorni, a giorni alterni
2. vito alternate (with/between) — alternarsi (a/fra), avvicendarsi (a/fra)
3. vt(crops) alternare, avvicendare -
5 animate ani·mate adj vb
6 appropriate *** ap·pro·pri·ate adj vb
[ə'prəʊprɪeɪt]1. adj(moment, name) adatto (-a), opportuno (-a), (remark) opportuno (-a), (word) giusto (-a), adatto (-a), (authority) competenteappropriate for or to — adatto (-a) a, appropriato (-a) a, adeguato (-a) a
2. vt1) (take for one's own use) appropriarsi di2) (frm: allocate) destinare, stanziareEnglish-Italian dictionary > appropriate *** ap·pro·pri·ate adj vb
7 approximate ap·proxi·mate adj vb
[ə'prɒksɪmeɪt]1. adjapprossimativo (-a), approssimato (-a)2. vito approximate to — essere un'approssimazione di, avvicinarsi a
English-Italian dictionary > approximate ap·proxi·mate adj vb
8 arithmetic arith·me·tic n adj
9 articulate ar·ticu·late adj vb
10 aspirate as·pi·rate adj , n vb
11 associate *** as·so·ci·ate vb n , adj
[ə'səʊʃɪɪt]1. vtassociare, collegareto associate o.s. with — associarsi a, unirsi a
2. vi3. n(colleague) collega m/f, socio (-a), (accomplice) complice m/f, (member: of club) socio (-a) aggregato (-a), (of learned society) membro aggregato4. adjEnglish-Italian dictionary > associate *** as·so·ci·ate vb n , adj
12 compound com·pound n adj
[kəm'paʊnd]1. n1) (enclosed area) recinto2) Chem composto, Ling parola composta, composto2. adj3. vt(fig: problem, difficulty) peggiorare -
13 consummate con·sum·mate adj vb
14 contract **** con·tract n , adj vb
[kən'trækt]1. nto enter into a contract with sb to do sth/for sth — stipulare un contratto con qn per fare qc/per qc
to put work out to contract — dare del lavoro in appalto, appaltare un lavoro
2. vt(all senses) contrarre3. vi4. adj•English-Italian dictionary > contract **** con·tract n , adj vb
15 degenerate de·gen·er·ate vb adj , n
English-Italian dictionary > degenerate de·gen·er·ate vb adj , n
16 deliberate *** de·lib·er·ate adj vb
[dɪ'lɪbəˌreɪt]1. adj1) (intentional: insult, action) intenzionale, voluto (-a), (mistake) voluto (-a), (lie) calcolato (-a)2) (cautious, thoughtful) ponderato (-a), (unhurried: manner, voice) posato (-a), (pace) misurato (-a)2. vt(think about) considerare, riflettere su, (discuss) discutere3. viEnglish-Italian dictionary > deliberate *** de·lib·er·ate adj vb
17 designate des·ig·nate vb adj
18 diffuse dif·fuse vb adj
[dɪ'fjuːs]1. vt(light, heat, gas, information) diffondere, (heat, perfume) emanare2. vi3. adj -
19 duplicate du·pli·cate vb n , adj
['djuːplɪkɪt]1. vt(document) fare una doppia copia di, (on machine) riprodurre, duplicare, (repeat: action) ripetere, riprodurre2. n(document) duplicatoin duplicate — in duplice copia, in doppia copia
duplicate key — doppione m della chiave
3. adj(copy) conforme, esattamente ugualeEnglish-Italian dictionary > duplicate du·pli·cate vb n , adj
20 elaborate elabo·rate adj vb
[ɪ'læbəˌreɪt]1. adj(gen) elaborato (-a), (design, pattern) complicato (-a), (plan) minuzioso (-a), particolareggiato (-a), (hairstyle) elaborato (-a), (style of writing) elaborato (-a), ricercato (-a), (meal) raffinato (-a)2. vt(work out) elaborare, (describe) illustrare3. vi
См. также в других словарях:
ADJ — steht für: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Junglehrer im Verband Bildung und Erziehung Flughafen Marka International in Jordanien (IATA Code) Adj steht für: Adjektiv, eine Wortart Adjutant, militärischer Rang adj steht für: adjazent, „benachbart“… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Adj — steht für: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Junglehrer im Verband Bildung und Erziehung Flughafen Marka International in Jordanien (IATA Code) Adj steht für: Adjektiv, eine Wortart Adjutant, militärischer Rang adj steht für: adjazent, „benachbart“… … Deutsch Wikipedia
AdJ — {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres AAA à DZZ EAA à HZZ IAA à LZZ MAA à PZZ QAA à TZZ UAA à XZZ … Wikipédia en Français
Adj — {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres AAA à DZZ EAA à HZZ IAA à LZZ MAA à PZZ QAA à TZZ UAA à XZZ … Wikipédia en Français
adj. — adj. also adj BrE the written abbreviation of adjective … Dictionary of contemporary English
ADJ — may refer to one of the following:* Adjugate matrix * Adjective * International Air Transport Association airport code for Marka International Airport in East Amman, Jordan … Wikipedia
Adj. — Adj., Abbreviatur 1) für Adjectivum; 2) für Adjunct; 3) für Adjutant … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Adj — abbrev. Adjutant * * * … Universalium
adj — abbrev. 1. adjective 2. adjourned 3. adjustment * * * … Universalium
adj. — adj. abbreviation adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ADJ — Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres Sigles de cinq lettres Sigles de six lettres Sigles de sept… … Wikipédia en Français