1 adaptation by selection
2 adaptation by selection
Экология: приспособление путём отбораУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > adaptation by selection
3 adaptation
Совокупность особенностей организма (вида), обеспечивающая возможность специфического образа жизни в конкретных условиях внешней среды; различают общую А. (приспособление к жизни в обширной зоне среды - в воде или на суше и т.п.) и частную А.; возникновение АА. связано с действием естественного отбора natural selection в процессе приспособляемости к условиям внешней среды, часто А. - собственно процесс выработки приспособлений (А.); различают генотипическую (наследственно детерминированную) и фенотипическую А.* * *Адаптация — комплекс морфофизиологических, поведенческих, генотипических и информационно-биоценотических особенностей особи, популяции, вида или сообщества, обеспечивающий успех в конкуренции с др. особями, популяциями, видами и сообществами, устойчивость к воздействиям факторов абиотической среды. Каждый вид и сообщество обладают определенной, присущей им способностью к А., т. е. адаптивностью. Историческое преобразование и выработка А. — адаптациогенез. Различают два типа А.:а) онтогенетическая, или фенотипическая, А. — любой обратимый процесс приспособлений на уровне особей, популяции, вида, биоценоза. Не абсолютна и не означает полного приспособления организма к среде в отличие от генотипической и эволюционной А. Возвращение организма к исходному состоянию называется деадаптацией, а расстройство приспособления организма к изменяющимся условиям среды — дизадаптацией;б) генотипическая А. Ее называют эволюционной А., если она закреплена в ходе отбора. Генотипическая А. может быть достигнута, если норма реакции генотипа адаптирована к воздействию тех факторов, которые имеют значение в естественных условиях. С другой стороны, при генотипической специализации в результате изменения генотипа может возникнуть новая норма реакции, которая обеспечит организмам подобного генотипа нормальное существование там, где исходная форма оказалась неприспособленной. Предпосылкой А. в любом случае должно быть наличие генотипа с благоприятной нормой реакции, причем благоприятной она может считаться лишь тогда, когда регулярно повторяющиеся влияния среды обусловливают фенотипические модификации организма, обеспечивающие его жизнеспособность и размножение.Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов > adaptation
4 mechanism
1) механизм; устройство2) механическое действие, механическое воздействие3) прибор; аппарат4) вчт. механизм обработки информации; алгоритм•- actuating mechanismmechanism for feeding bar material — механизм подачи пруткового материала, устройство подачи пруткового материала
- actuation mechanism
- adaptation mechanism
- adjustment mechanism
- advance mechanism
- advancing mechanism
- alignment mechanism
- articulated mechanism
- automatic adjustment mechanism
- automatic cycle mechanism
- automatic takeup mechanism
- automatic tool handling mechanism
- automatic tool transport mechanism
- auxiliary mechanism
- balanced mechanism
- ball locking mechanism
- bar advancement mechanism
- bar clamping mechanism
- belt-shifting mechanism
- bidirectional mechanism
- blocking mechanism
- brake mechanism
- broach retriever mechanism
- cam mechanism
- causal mechanism
- change mechanism
- changeover mechanism
- chip formation mechanism
- chuck mechanism
- chucking mechanism
- circular dividing mechanism
- clamp mechanism
- clamping mechanism
- clock mechanism
- clutch mechanism
- collet closing mechanism
- collet mechanism
- collet open/close mechanism
- collet-unclamping mechanism
- comparator mechanism
- compound epicyclic gear mechanism
- computing mechanism
- constant feed mechanism
- contention checking mechanism
- control mechanism of the cam following type
- control mechanism
- conveyor chain mechanism
- conveyor mechanism
- cottered mechanism
- coulisse mechanism
- counter mechanism
- counterbalance mechanism
- counting mechanism
- coupling mechanism
- crank mechanism
- crank-and-rocker mechanism
- crank-and-rod mechanism
- crank-driving mechanism
- cranking mechanism
- crank-rocker mechanism
- cross-feed mechanism
- crowning mechanism
- cutting speed control mechanism
- derricking mechanism
- direct tool change mechanism
- disconnecting mechanism
- dividing mechanism
- double crank mechanism
- double rocker mechanism
- double-gripper mechanism
- double-sided loading mechanism
- double-sided pallet loading mechanism
- drag link mechanism
- drawbar mechanism
- drive mechanism
- drive motor mechanism
- driving mechanism
- drop-worm mechanism
- elevating mechanism
- emission mechanism
- endless chain mechanism
- equalizing mechanism
- error-compensation mechanism
- escapement mechanism
- external clock mechanism
- failure mechanism
- feed change mechanism
- feed mechanism
- feed-and-removal mechanism
- feeding mechanism
- feed-pawl mechanism
- fine feed mechanism
- fixed position handling mechanism
- flap mechanism
- force sensing mechanism
- four-link mechanism
- gate mechanism
- gear mechanism
- gear shift mechanism
- Geneva index mechanism
- Geneva mechanism
- Geneva-style mechanism
- Geneva-type mechanism
- gravity feed mechanism
- gripping mechanism
- guard mechanism
- handling mechanism
- handling/transfer mechanism
- height adjustable mechanism
- high-efficiency mechanism
- hinged mechanism
- hoist traverse mechanism
- hoisting mechanism
- hydraulic actuation mechanism
- hydraulic mechanism
- image processing mechanism
- indexing mechanism
- inference mechanism
- inflexible drive mechanism
- inverted slidecrank mechanism
- iteration mechanism
- jaw release mechanism
- joint mechanism
- jointed mechanism
- latch mechanism
- latching mechanism
- lever mechanism
- leverage mechanism
- lift-and-carry transfer mechanism
- lifting mechanism
- lift-table transfer mechanism
- link mechanism
- load mechanism
- load/unload mechanism
- load-and-fire lever mechanism
- load-and-fire mechanism
- loading mechanism
- locking mechanism
- logical mechanism
- longitudinal feed mechanism
- lubrication mechanism
- machine wear mechanism
- Maltese Cross mechanism
- master mechanism
- material-feeding mechanism
- materials transport mechanism
- measurement mechanism
- mechatronic mechanism
- melting-resolidification mechanisms
- motion transmission mechanism
- motor drive mechanism
- multiped walking mechanism
- multistage geared Geneva mechanism
- nonrigid mechanism
- open/close mechanism
- operating mechanism
- oscillating arm-type quick-return mechanism
- oval mechanism
- overload release mechanism
- parallel crank mechanism
- parts feeder mechanism
- path generating mechanism
- pawl-and-ratchet mechanism
- percussion mechanism
- pick-and-place mechanism
- pickup mechanism
- pickup/deposit mechanism
- pillar-type quick-return mechanism
- pin mechanism
- pipe chuck mechanism
- pivot mechanism
- planar mechanism
- plane mechanism
- planetary gear mechanism
- pneumatic mechanism
- polyarticular mechanism
- position-holding mechanism
- position-sensing mechanism
- power actuator mechanism
- power mechanism
- pressure mechanism
- propelling mechanism
- pull mechanism
- pulling mechanism
- push mechanism
- quick-return link mechanism
- quick-return mechanism
- rack mechanism
- rack-and-pinion mechanism
- raise-and-lower mechanism
- rapid traverse mechanism
- ratchet mechanism
- ratchet-and-pawl mechanism
- read head mechanism
- reasoning mechanism
- recording mechanism
- registry actuation mechanism
- registry mechanism
- release mechanism
- relief mechanism
- repeat mechanism
- reset mechanism
- return speed control mechanism
- reversing gear mechanism
- reversing mechanism
- rise-and-fall mechanism
- robotic load mechanism
- robotic load-and-unload mechanism
- roller feed mechanism
- roller wedge mechanism
- rotary mechanism
- safety mechanism
- screw drive mechanism
- selection mechanism
- self-bleed mechanism
- sensing mechanism
- servo-type mechanism
- setting mechanism
- shaft position mechanism
- shift mechanism
- shifting mechanism
- shutdown mechanism
- shut-off mechanism
- shuttle mechanism
- single-lever selection mechanism
- skip-indexing mechanism
- slave mechanism
- slewing mechanism
- slider-crank mechanism
- slider-rocker mechanism
- sliding headstock mechanism
- slotted link mechanism
- slotted link quick-return mechanism
- smart mechanism
- solenoid-operated mechanism
- spatial mechanism
- speed change mechanism
- speed control mechanism
- speed-shifting mechanism
- spherical mechanism
- spring load-and-fire mechanism
- starting mechanism
- steering mechanism
- step mechanism
- stepping motion mechanism
- stop mechanism
- stopping mechanism
- straight wedge mechanism
- stroke position mechanism
- stylus mechanism
- swaging mechanism
- switch mechanism
- table feed mechanism
- table-reversing mechanism
- takeup mechanism
- teleoperator control mechanism
- tilt mechanism
- toggle mechanism
- tool change mechanism
- tool changer swivel mechanism
- tool changing-and-storing mechanism
- tool failure mechanism
- tool gripper mechanism
- tool lock mechanism
- tool select mechanism
- tool storage mechanism
- tool transfer mechanism
- tool-handling mechanism
- tooling mechanism
- tool-positioning mechanism
- torque release mechanism
- tracer mechanism
- transfer mechanism
- translatory mechanism
- transmission mechanism
- travel mechanism
- traverse reading mechanism
- trip mechanism
- turret drive mechanism
- turret mechanism
- twin automatic pallet changing mechanism
- upper pulling mechanism
- vacuum pressure pickup mechanism
- variable ratio mechanism
- vertical feed mechanism
- vibration generation mechanism
- walking mechanism
- wear-prone mechanism
- wedge mechanism
- withdrawal mechanism
- workpiece feed mechanism
- workpiece transfer mechanismEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > mechanism
5 SA
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
1) Общая лексика: институт системного статистического анализа (statistical analysis system institute)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Sort, Serial Attached SCSI (SCSI с последовательным интерфейсом), satellite information service3) Авиация: система улучшения устойчивости5) Американизм: Senior Advisory Staff, Signature Authorization Sheet, описание аудиторских стандартов (Statement on Auditing Standards)6) Французский язык: акционерное общество упрощённого типа8) Военный термин: School of Air Support, Secret Attack Squad, Service, Artistry, Skill, Simultaneous Analog Stimulation, Small Arms School, Special Air Service, Special Air Services, Special Armed Services, Special Assault Squad, Speed Aggression And Surprise, Strategic Aerospace Summary, Strategic Area Study, Support to Analyst Subsystem, Survivable Adaptive Systems, System Analysis and Simulation, satellite attack sensor, sealed authentication system, secondary alarm station, security agency study, selection and appointment system, self-adaptive system, semiautomatic segment, separation assurance system, ship alongside service, signal analysis system, single audio system, small applications satellite, snap action switch, space activity suit, special activities squadron, special ammunition section, special ammunition site, special ammunition stockage, special ammunition storage, stability augmentation system, staff administrative specialist, survival avionics system, system analysis section, system analysis study, САС, Специальная авиационная служба9) Психиатрия: Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений), шкала Симпсона-Ангуса (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений)10) Техника: Segment Arrival Storage, safeguards and security, safety assessment system, service air system, solar array subsystem, spacecraft antenna system, special advertising section, speech activity simulator, station air system, strong aircraft signature, surface-active substance, suspended array system, система аварийной стабилизации ((в области производства погрузчиков) Верещагин), Supercritical anti-solvent сверхкритический антирастворитель11) Шутливое выражение: Sissies And Solo12) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 6, ПАВ (Поверхностно-активное вещество - superficially active substance.)13) Математика: Side Angle Side14) Религия: Save A Soul, Strength Attitude And Spirit15) Юридический термин: Second Amendment Sisters, Surround and Shake16) Экономика: ССА, система статистического анализа17) Бухгалтерия: Scandinavian Airline System, Semi Annual Statement, Statement of Auditing Standards, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statistical Analysis Systems, Положения по стандартам аудита (Statements on Auditing Standards)18) Биржевой термин: Savings Assortment Satisfaction19) Грубое выражение: Scummy Arsed Student, Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders, Shitty Ass Satellite, Stupid Ass Sucker20) Оптика: self-alignment structure21) Телекоммуникации: Single Attachment Station (FDDI)22) Сокращение: Scandinavian Air Lines System, Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany), Sea-Air-Space, Second Acoustic Source, Signature Augmentation Subsystem, Signature Augmentation System, Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps), Situational Awareness System, Small Astronomy Satellite, Smart Armour System (USA), South African Ship, Speaker Authentication System, Special Air Service (UK), Special Ammunition Site (USA), Statistical Analysis System, Supplier Assessment Survey, Synthetic Aperture Sonar, Systems Acquisition School (USA)23) Университет: School For Advanced Studies, School For Advanced Study, Student Administrative Services, Students Association Of Singapore24) Физика: Small Angle Scattering25) Физиология: Short arm splint, Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis26) Электроника: Secondary Antenna System, Support Amplifier Station27) Вычислительная техника: Simulation Automation System, Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services, Session Active Screen (IBM), Space Activity Suit (Space), serial attached SCSI, системное прикладное программное обеспечение, станция с единственным подключением28) Нефть: Surface Acquisition System29) Связь: SS7 Application Server30) Космонавтика: Small Astronomical Satellite31) Транспорт: Salisbury Air Service, Inc., Scandinavian Airlines System, Special Airlift Summary32) Фирменный знак: San Antonio Shoes, Scandinavian Airline Systems, Service Above Self, Siegfried Advanced System, Spectrum Apartment Search33) СМИ: Semicolon After Semicolon34) Деловая лексика: Sudden Available Space, описание требований к ревизии (Statement on Auditing Standards)35) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic amplitude studyies, АСА (seismic amplitude study), анализ сейсмических амплитуд (seismic amplitude study)36) Образование: School Age Services, School Assessed Subject, Self Assessment System37) Сетевые технологии: Single Attach Station, single attachment station, system application software38) Сахалин Р: seismic amplitude study39) Химическое оружие: status account system40) Авиационная медицина: space adaptation syndrome41) Безопасность: Safety Alert System = Безопасная Система Предупреждения об Опасности42) Расширение файла: SAS source code file, Sales Accounting System, Single Attached Station43) Энергосистемы: система автоматизации подстанции44) Нефть и газ: автономный( противопесчаный) фильтр, автономно-стоящий (противопесчаный) фильтр (сокр. от stand-alone screen)45) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical switch, state after switching46) Общественная организация: Sounds Across Seas, Student Assistance Services47) Чат: Sadly Another Submission48) НАСА: Solar Acquisition Sensor49) Программное обеспечение: Statistical Analysis Software50) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Agents -
7 Sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
8 sa
1) Общая лексика: социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 'Social Accountability')2) Компьютерная техника: Scalable Architecture, Set Attribute, Shutdown Acknowledged3) Геология: Спектральный анализ ( Spectral analysis)5) Американизм: Set Aside, Special Application, Support Administration6) Спорт: Sets Against7) Военный термин: Logistics Staff Officer, Secretary of the Army, Security Administrator, Seventh Army, Situation Analysis, Situation Awareness, Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis, South Australian, Space Applications, Special Act, Springfield armory, Stand Alone, Surprise Attack, Systems Administrator, Systems Architecture, safety analysis, scientific adviser, security assistance, selected ammunition, semiactive, senior adviser, service action, service adviser, service arm, servo assembly, ship-to-aircraft, shipping authority, signal analysis, signal analyzer, signature analysis, simple alert, single-action, site activation, slow-acting, small arms, snap-action, special actions, special agent, special area, special assignment, special assistant, specific activity, spectrum analysis, staging area, standby altimeter, storage area, subassembly, subject to approval, subsistence allowance, substitution authorization, supervisory authority, supplemental agreement, supply agency, supply area, support agency, supporting arms, surface area, surface attack, surface-to-air, system approach, systems analysis, used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL8) Техника: Securities Art, acoustic sweep, safety & assessment department, satellite astronomy, separate amplifiers, service air, servoamplifier, signal attenuation, slow-acting relay, spaceborne astronomy, spacecraft adapter, supplement agreement, supporting agency, switching device9) Сельское хозяйство: Sustainable Agriculture10) Химия: Silver Azide11) Математика: анализ систем (systems analysis), самосопряжённый (self-adjoint), сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis), системный подход (systems approach)12) Религия: Supreme Allah13) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company14) Юридический термин: Side Arm15) Экономика: societe anonima16) Грубое выражение: Sex Angle, Sexy Adventures, Sore Arse17) Металлургия: Submerged Arc18) Телекоммуникации: Source Address, Subarea19) Сокращение: Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent), Salvation Army, Sanskrit, Saturday, Saudi Arabia (NATO country code), Scientific Adviser (UK), Seaman Apprentice, Securities Act, Selective Availability (GPS), Selective Availability, Service Assistant, Situational Awareness, Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela), Sociedada Anonima (Portugal), Sociedade Anonima (Brazil), Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland), South Africa, South African, South America, South Australia, Swept Audio, sail area, sex appeal, shaft alley, spectrum analyzer, stress anneal, sinoatrial, Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober), Anonyme (French company designation), Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State), Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order), Sachsen, Safety and Arming, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India), Salary Adjustment, Sale Agreement, Salerno, Campania (Italian province), Sales Associate (real estate), Salta (Argentina province), Sample Analysis, Samtö, Samus Aran (Metroid character), San Andreas (video game), San Antonio, Sandia Apparatus, Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company), Santa Ana (California), Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia), Saskatchewan, Saturable Absorber, Saudi Arabia, Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Say, Say Again (logging abbreviation), Scientific Advisor, Scientific American, Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company), Scout Association, Scouting Association (UK), Scrambled Americans (video production company), Search and Attack, Seasonally Adjusted, Secret Admirer, Section Adaptation, Security Administration, Security Architecture, Security Association (IPSec), Security Authority, Security Awareness, See Also, Seismic Acoustics, Selection Authority, Self Aligned, Self Assessment, Senior Advisor, Sensor Assembly, Server Administrator, Service Advisor, Service Agent, Service Application, Service Appointment, Service Area, Service Assurance, Service Availability, Service-Affecting, Services Administrator (IRC operator), Services and Agencies, Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T), Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania), Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc., Sexual Assault, Sexually Active, Shadow Alliance (gaming clan), Shared Area, Sheezyart (website), Shipping Authorization, Shipwright Apprentice, Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing), Short Acronym, Show Assistant, Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage), SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department), Side Angle (geometry), Significant Accomplishments, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Analysis, Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date), Singapore Artillery, Single Access, Single Action (revolver), Single Adult, Single Aisle (aircraft), Single Award, Sinus Arrhythmia, Sir Aaron (Pokemon), Situation Assessment, Situation(al) Awareness, Situational Analysis, Sleep Apnea, Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin), Smart Alec, Smart Ass, Smoothing Algorithm, Sneak Attack (gaming), Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft), Socié, Social Accountability, Social Actions, Social Anxiety, Socialist Appeal, Sociedad Anó, Sociedade Anó, Society of the Atonement, Software Architecture, Solar Array, Solutions Architect, Something Awful (humor webpage), Something's Awful (website), Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness), Sonata Arctica (band), Sonic Advance (video game), Sonic Adventure (game), Sound Attenuation, Source Address (IEEE 802.3), Source-Active (Cisco), Sourcing Analyst, South African Airways (IATA airline code), South Asia, Space Academy, Space Ace (video game), Space Available (airline travel), Spaced Antenna, Spare Allocation, Special Access, Special Action, Specialist Association (stock market exchanges), Spectral Acceleration (seismology), Spherical Array, Spinal Anesthesia, Spiral Acquisition, Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie), Splenic Artery, Spooksoliy Ara^nkas, Spring Awakening (musical), Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed), Stabsarzt (German military), Stachowski Alpacas, Staging Activity, Standardised Approach, Standards Australia, Standby Air, State Annex (department of state building), Station Actual, Status Asthmaticus, Stealth Assassin (gaming), Stent Area, Stochastic Approximation, Storage Allocator, Stores Accountant, Storm Afdeling, Strategic Attack, Stroke Association, Structured Analysis (software engineering), Student Ambassadors, Student Assistant, Student Association, Studies and Analysis, Stuffed Animal, Stupid Ass, Stьrmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party), Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty), Sub-Address (ISDN), Subscriber Access, Substance Abuse, Subsystem(s) Analysis, Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut), Sugar Association, Sum Assured, Summa (Latin: sum), Sunshine Act, Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland), SuperAmerica, Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss), Supervising Authority, Supplemental Appropriation, Supplemental Assembly, Supply Air (HVAC), Support Acquisition, Supportability Analysis, Supras Auteuil, Surveillance Area, Sustainable America, Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales), Swiss Army, Switch Arbiter, Syllabic Abbreviation, Symbolic Analysis, System Abort, System Administration, System Administrator, System Analysis, System Architecture, System Assessment, fsins (Iceland), k Atvinnulí, nima (Spanish company designation), short answer, té, Shareholders Agreement20) Университет: Sophomore Advisor, Special Activities, Strongly Agree, Student Administration, Study Abroad, Summer Absenteeism21) Физиология: Short Acting22) Электроника: Sampling Actuation, Socket A, Structured Audio23) Вычислительная техника: Storage Array, Systems Analyst, sense amplifier, smart applet, Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA), Software Assurance (MS), Source (MAC) Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI)24) Нефть: south addition25) Генетика: streptavidin, стрептавидин26) Офтальмология: (Spherical Aberration) Сферическая аберрация27) Банковское дело: Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)28) Транспорт: Shipyard Agreement, Slow Away29) Пищевая промышленность: Special Ale30) Фирменный знак: Samso31) Экология: sludge age32) Деловая лексика: Services Administration33) Образование: State Agency, Student Apathy34) Сетевые технологии: Security Association, Server Address, администратор системы, адрес отправителя35) ЕБРР: С учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted), special account36) Полимеры: sectional area, self-acting, semiautomatic, sieve analysis37) Программирование: Set Access, Shift Amount, Starting Address38) Автоматика: start of action39) Сахалин Р: Sakhalin Administration40) Океанография: Simple- Adjoint, Supplied Air41) Химическое оружие: Safety assessment, summary account42) Макаров: standard atmosphere43) Безопасность: Security Advisory44) Электротехника: security analysis, stability area45) Имена и фамилии: Stanley Arthur46) Майкрософт: сопоставление безопасности47) Общественная организация: Scholarship America48) Должность: Shopping Assistant49) Чат: Sibling Alert50) Правительство: Santa Ana, California51) НАСА: Software Assurance, Solar Atmosphere52) Программное обеспечение: Scripting Additions, Search Algorithm, Special Applications, Sql Administrator53) Федеральное бюро расследований: San Antonio Field Office54) AMEX. Stage II Apparel Corporation -
9 sas
1) Общая лексика: институт системного статистического анализа (statistical analysis system institute)2) Компьютерная техника: Search And Sort, Serial Attached SCSI (SCSI с последовательным интерфейсом), satellite information service3) Авиация: система улучшения устойчивости5) Американизм: Senior Advisory Staff, Signature Authorization Sheet, описание аудиторских стандартов (Statement on Auditing Standards)6) Французский язык: акционерное общество упрощённого типа8) Военный термин: School of Air Support, Secret Attack Squad, Service, Artistry, Skill, Simultaneous Analog Stimulation, Small Arms School, Special Air Service, Special Air Services, Special Armed Services, Special Assault Squad, Speed Aggression And Surprise, Strategic Aerospace Summary, Strategic Area Study, Support to Analyst Subsystem, Survivable Adaptive Systems, System Analysis and Simulation, satellite attack sensor, sealed authentication system, secondary alarm station, security agency study, selection and appointment system, self-adaptive system, semiautomatic segment, separation assurance system, ship alongside service, signal analysis system, single audio system, small applications satellite, snap action switch, space activity suit, special activities squadron, special ammunition section, special ammunition site, special ammunition stockage, special ammunition storage, stability augmentation system, staff administrative specialist, survival avionics system, system analysis section, system analysis study, САС, Специальная авиационная служба9) Психиатрия: Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений), шкала Симпсона-Ангуса (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений)10) Техника: Segment Arrival Storage, safeguards and security, safety assessment system, service air system, solar array subsystem, spacecraft antenna system, special advertising section, speech activity simulator, station air system, strong aircraft signature, surface-active substance, suspended array system, система аварийной стабилизации ((в области производства погрузчиков) Верещагин), Supercritical anti-solvent сверхкритический антирастворитель11) Шутливое выражение: Sissies And Solo12) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 6, ПАВ (Поверхностно-активное вещество - superficially active substance.)13) Математика: Side Angle Side14) Религия: Save A Soul, Strength Attitude And Spirit15) Юридический термин: Second Amendment Sisters, Surround and Shake16) Экономика: ССА, система статистического анализа17) Бухгалтерия: Scandinavian Airline System, Semi Annual Statement, Statement of Auditing Standards, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statistical Analysis Systems, Положения по стандартам аудита (Statements on Auditing Standards)18) Биржевой термин: Savings Assortment Satisfaction19) Грубое выражение: Scummy Arsed Student, Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders, Shitty Ass Satellite, Stupid Ass Sucker20) Оптика: self-alignment structure21) Телекоммуникации: Single Attachment Station (FDDI)22) Сокращение: Scandinavian Air Lines System, Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany), Sea-Air-Space, Second Acoustic Source, Signature Augmentation Subsystem, Signature Augmentation System, Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps), Situational Awareness System, Small Astronomy Satellite, Smart Armour System (USA), South African Ship, Speaker Authentication System, Special Air Service (UK), Special Ammunition Site (USA), Statistical Analysis System, Supplier Assessment Survey, Synthetic Aperture Sonar, Systems Acquisition School (USA)23) Университет: School For Advanced Studies, School For Advanced Study, Student Administrative Services, Students Association Of Singapore24) Физика: Small Angle Scattering25) Физиология: Short arm splint, Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis26) Электроника: Secondary Antenna System, Support Amplifier Station27) Вычислительная техника: Simulation Automation System, Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services, Session Active Screen (IBM), Space Activity Suit (Space), serial attached SCSI, системное прикладное программное обеспечение, станция с единственным подключением28) Нефть: Surface Acquisition System29) Связь: SS7 Application Server30) Космонавтика: Small Astronomical Satellite31) Транспорт: Salisbury Air Service, Inc., Scandinavian Airlines System, Special Airlift Summary32) Фирменный знак: San Antonio Shoes, Scandinavian Airline Systems, Service Above Self, Siegfried Advanced System, Spectrum Apartment Search33) СМИ: Semicolon After Semicolon34) Деловая лексика: Sudden Available Space, описание требований к ревизии (Statement on Auditing Standards)35) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic amplitude studyies, АСА (seismic amplitude study), анализ сейсмических амплитуд (seismic amplitude study)36) Образование: School Age Services, School Assessed Subject, Self Assessment System37) Сетевые технологии: Single Attach Station, single attachment station, system application software38) Сахалин Р: seismic amplitude study39) Химическое оружие: status account system40) Авиационная медицина: space adaptation syndrome41) Безопасность: Safety Alert System = Безопасная Система Предупреждения об Опасности42) Расширение файла: SAS source code file, Sales Accounting System, Single Attached Station43) Энергосистемы: система автоматизации подстанции44) Нефть и газ: автономный( противопесчаный) фильтр, автономно-стоящий (противопесчаный) фильтр (сокр. от stand-alone screen)45) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical switch, state after switching46) Общественная организация: Sounds Across Seas, Student Assistance Services47) Чат: Sadly Another Submission48) НАСА: Solar Acquisition Sensor49) Программное обеспечение: Statistical Analysis Software50) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Agents
См. также в других словарях:
Adaptation — This article is about the evolutionary process. For other uses, see Adaptation (disambiguation). Part of a series on Evolutionary Biology … Wikipedia
Selection naturelle — Sélection naturelle Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe s … Wikipédia en Français
Séléction naturelle — Sélection naturelle Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe s … Wikipédia en Français
Adaptation (Biologie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Adaptation. . L’adaptation est, en biologie de l évolution, la modification d un caractère anatomique, d un processus physiologique ou d un trait comportemental dans une population d individus sous l effet de la… … Wikipédia en Français
ADAPTATION - Adaptation biologique — On entend par adaptation l’ensemble des corrélations internes et externes (relations organisme milieu) qui font qu’un organisme peut vivre d’une certaine manière dans un habitat donné, et y contribuer à la perpétuation de l’espèce à laquelle il… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Selection sexuelle — Sélection sexuelle Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe sé … Wikipédia en Français
Selection de parentele — Sélection de parentèle Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe … Wikipédia en Français
SÉLECTION NATURELLE (biologie) — La notion de sélection (du latin selectio , choix) revêt une importance capitale en biologie, qu’elle soit appliquée ou fondamentale. Le tri qu’implique toute sélection porte ici sur la diversité phénotypique et génotypique des organismes,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Selection ecologique — Sélection utilitaire Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe … Wikipédia en Français
Sélection utilitaire — Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe … Wikipédia en Français
Sélection écologique — Sélection utilitaire Les mécanismes de l évolution biologique Mécanismes non aléatoires: sélection naturelle sélection utilitaire sélection sexuelle sélection de parentèle sélection de groupe … Wikipédia en Français