1 action file
Автоматика: оперативный файл -
2 action file
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > action file
3 action file
файл операций, файл действийEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > action file
4 emergency action file
EAF, emergency action fileEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > emergency action file
5 Personnel Action File
Общая лексика: личное дело работника -
6 emergency action file
Военный термин: папка инструкций по действиям в чрезвычайной обстановке -
7 file
1) напильник; надфиль || опиливать, обрабатывать напильником2) вчт. файл; массив данных || формировать файл, организовывать файл; заносить в файл; хранить в файле3) картотека; архив; комплект; подшивка || составлять картотеку; вести картотеку4) накопитель ( в вычислительной машине); ведомость комплектации•- angular file
- arm file
- authority file
- bandsaw file
- barette file
- bastard file
- bastard-cut file
- batch file
- blunt file
- blunt flat file
- boundary file
- broach file
- cant saw file
- card file
- case spring file
- category file
- circular cut file
- circular file
- CL file
- coarse file
- coarsely-cut file
- command file
- computerized file
- contact file
- cotter file
- cross-cut file
- crossing file
- cutter location file
- dead smooth file
- double-cut file
- double-half-round file
- drawing file
- equaling file
- error-canceling recut file
- escapement file
- experiment file
- Farriers file
- feather-edge file
- fish-back file
- flat file
- geometry file
- grater file
- hack file
- half-round file
- hand file
- help file
- high-security file
- hollow-edged file
- index file
- indexed-sequential file
- information retrieval file
- input file
- inventory file
- ISO file
- joint file
- knife file
- lathe file
- linear file
- machine file
- machinist's file
- magneto file
- manifestation file
- master file
- master graphic file
- master part file
- material file
- menu-activated file
- mill saw file
- milled tooth file
- model file
- multisequence file
- NC file
- NC macro file
- needle file
- needle-handle file
- observation file
- output file
- oval file
- packet file
- part file
- parts description file
- part's route file
- pillar file
- pit saw file
- plain file
- pointed file
- potential requirements file
- production program file
- profile file
- rasp file
- rasping file
- rat tail file
- riffle file
- riffler file
- robot description file
- rotary file
- rotating file
- round file
- routcard file
- route file
- safe edge file
- screw-head file
- sequential file
- short title file
- slim file
- slitting file
- smooth file
- smooth-cut file
- square file
- STEP file
- straight file
- tanged file
- taper file
- taper flat file
- taper saw file
- tapered file
- three-angular file
- three-cornered file
- three-square file
- tickler file
- tool file
- tool master file
- tooling file by machine tools
- tooling file by workpieces
- tooling file
- tooling status file
- tools description file
- transaction file
- triangular file
- tungsten point file
- turner's file
- updated source file
- warding file
- wireframe file
- workcenter description fileEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > file
8 file
1) картотека2) подшивка4) архив5) фонд6) кассета7) досье, дело•- file amendments to an application- file amendments to claim
- file an action
- file an answer
- file a patent application
- file a petition
- file numerically
- file opposition
- file simultaneously two inventions
- file of abstracts
- file of issued patents
- file of periodicals and serials
- auxiliary file
- backdated patent file
- backlog file
- bibliographical file
- card file
- cumulative file
- current patent file
- dead files
- directory file
- document file
- duplicate file
- entire file
- hierarchical file
- information system file
- inverted file
- microfilm file
- national patent file
- patent file
- patent numerical file - union file
- world backdated patent file* * *подавать заявку; регистрировать и хранить документы в определенном порядке; картотека; фонд; массив документов -
9 file
1) файл || формировать [организовывать] файл; заносить в файл; хранить в файле2) картотека; архив, комплект || составлять картотеку; вести картотеку•{to }close a file — закрывать файл
{to }create a file — создавать файл
{to }establish a file — выделять файл
{to }open a file — открывать файл
{to }reset a file — возвращаться к началу файла
- accounting file - activity file{to }scratch a file — ликвидировать файл
- archival quality file
- archived file
- attached file
- backup file
- batch transaction file
- binary resource file
- bit map file
- blocked file
- block-type file
- calendar file
- card file
- cassette file
- cataloged file
- central file
- chained file
- change file
- chapter file
- character-type file
- checkpoint file
- circular file
- class file
- com file
- combined file
- command file
- computer file
- concatenation file
- conceptual file
- configuration file
- contiguous file
- cross-index file
- crunched file
- data file
- data sensitive file
- DD file
- dead file - detail file
- device description file
- device independent file
- differential file
- digital audio file
- direct access file
- disk file
- display file
- drawing file - encrypted file
- exe file
- executable file
- flat file
- follow-up file
- forms file
- fresh operand file
- garbled file
- graphics file - hierarchical file
- immutable file
- inactive file
- index file
- indexed file
- indexed sequential file
- input file
- integrated data file
- inverted file
- jar file
- kill file
- labeled file
- license file
- link file
- linked file
- local file
- logical file
- lossy file
- magnetic card file
- magnetic disk file
- magnetic tape file
- main file
- manual file
- many-reel file
- master data file
- master file
- master-program file
- measurement file
- mechanized file
- memo file
- multiextent file
- multireel file
- multivolume file
- negative file
- netlist file
- nondedicated file
- object file
- on-line central file
- on-line file
- output file
- parallel search file
- permanent data file
- physical-image file
- printer description file
- private file
- privileged file
- problem file
- process data file
- program file
- protected file
- public file
- qualifying data file
- random file
- random-access file
- raw raster file
- README file
- readme file
- read-only file
- record address file
- recorder file
- reference file
- register file
- relational file
- remote file
- resource script file - scanline-data-formatted file
- scratch file
- seed file
- self-extracting file
- sequential file
- settings file
- setup file
- shared file
- sort file
- source file
- sparsed file
- spill file
- spooled file
- squeezed file
- standard file
- structured data file
- suspense file
- system file
- system recorder file
- tagged file
- tape file
- temporary file
- test-vector file
- text file
- threaded file
- trace file
- transaction file
- unireel file
- unlabeled file
- unlinked file
- unnamed file
- unstructured data file
- update file
- virus-infected file
- visible file
- volatile file
- wallpaper file
- wire file
- work fileEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > file
10 file
1. n напильник, слесарная пилаfile hardness — твердость, определяемая напильником
2. n пилочка3. n шлифовка, отделка4. n разг. хитрец, пройдоха5. v пилить, подпиливать; шлифовать напильником6. v отделывать, дорабатывать7. n скоросшиватель, регистраторfile clerk — канцелярский служащий; делопроизводитель; регистратор
8. n шпилька9. n подшитые документы, бумагиspindle file — наколка, штырь или игла для накалывания бумаг
10. n подшивка11. n дело, досьеfile number — номер дела; регистрационный номер
on file — имеющийся в деле, приобщённый к делу
12. n вчт. информ. файл, массивinverted file — инвертированный файл, файл с инверсной организацией
13. v хранить, подшивать в определённом порядке14. v подшивать15. v сдавать в архивback file — архив; периодические издания
16. v регистрировать17. v амер. подавать, представлять документы18. v амер. обращаться с заявлением, просьбой19. v амер. передавать по телефону, телеграфу20. v амер. принять к исполнению21. n ряд, шеренга; колоннаin single file — гуськом, змейкой
Indian file — колонна по одному, «змейка»
22. n очередь, хвост23. n шахм. вертикаль24. n заячий след25. v идти гуськом; передвигаться колоннойto march in single file — идти гуськом; идти в затылок
26. v дефилировать, торжественно проходитьСинонимический ряд:1. archives (noun) archives; data; records2. computer item (noun) batch file; computer item; contents of disk; data base; document; program; software component; spreadsheet; text file3. dossier (noun) dossier; drawer; folder4. filing system (noun) card file; card index; classified index; filing cabinet; filing system; ready reference list; register; repository5. line (noun) column; echelon; line; queue; rank; row; straight line; string; tier6. metal tool (noun) bastard file; metal tool; nail file; rasp; rat tail file; sharpener7. apply (verb) apply; deposit; open a file; petition; request; submit; submit an application8. march (verb) march; step; walk9. put on file (verb) arrange; arrange in order; catalog; catalogue; categorise; categorize; classify; index; pigeonhole; put on file; record; register10. scrape with a file (verb) abrade; grind; level off; rasp; sand; scrape; scrape with a file; sharpen; smooth -
11 action
1. n действие, работа; деятельность2. n действие, поступокdetangling action — действие, облегчающее расчесывание волос
purposive action — поступок, преследующий определённую цель
3. n акция; выступление, действиеminor action — действия мелких подразделений, столкновение
4. n воздействие, влияние5. n действие, развёртывание событий, основная сюжетная линия6. n театр. физические действия, движения; жестыon-off action — действие по принципу "включено-выключено"
logical action — логическое действие; логическая операция
7. n иск. движение8. n юр. иск; судебный процесс, судебное делоamicable action — «дружеское» судебное дело; дело, возбуждённое сторонами для получения судебного решения
9. n воен. бой; сражение; боевые действияin action — в бою; в действии
10. n тех. механизм11. n муз. механика12. n воен. ударный механизм13. n бурная деятельность; центр активности, гуща событийa piece of the action — доля в афере; плата за соучастие
14. n азартная игра, игра на деньгиcost of action — цена иска, сумма иска
15. n служба, богослужение,16. n канон обедни17. n моменты богослужения с участием прихожан18. n мат. операция19. v юр. редк. возбуждать уголовное делоСинонимический ряд:1. behavior (noun) behavior; behaviour; conduct; practice2. conflict (noun) affair; battle; brush; combat; conflict; contest; encounter; engagement; service; sortie3. deed (noun) accomplishment; act; deed; doing; endeavor; exercise; feat; maneuver; manoeuvre; move; step; thing4. gesticulation (noun) gesticulation; gesture; motion5. lawsuit (noun) case; cause; claim; lawsuit; litigation; proceeding; process; suit6. mechanism (noun) apparatus; contrivance; mechanism7. movement (noun) activity; business; effect; energy; movement; moving; operation; performance; performing; responseАнтонимический ряд:inactivity; indolence; inertia; lethargy; settlement; sluggishness -
12 file action
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > file action
13 file an action
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > file an action
14 file a court action for the recovery of tax out of the assets
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > file a court action for the recovery of tax out of the assets
15 file a legal action
Деловая лексика: предъявить иск -
16 file action
Юридический термин: подавать иск -
17 file an action
1) Юридический термин: подать иск2) Патенты: подавать иск -
18 file an action with the Court against ... for the
Общая лексика: обратиться в суд с иском к... о (E&Y)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > file an action with the Court against ... for the
19 file an arbitration action
Общая лексика: подать арбитражный искУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > file an arbitration action
20 file ... action
/vt/ подавать... иск
См. также в других словарях:
Action Force — was a range of comic book characters and action figures initially based on Action Man.HistoryFirst generation (1982)First produced in 1982 by Palitoy Limited and released in two waves, the action figures were a response to falling sales of the… … Wikipedia
File Transfer Protocol — (FTP) is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.FTP is a file transfer protocol for exchanging and manipulating files over a TCP computer network. A FTP client may connect to a … Wikipedia
Action Directe (climb) — Action Directe is a famously difficult sport climb in the Frankenjura, Germany.It has been climbed by ten people.The first ascent (FA) was by Wolfgang Güllich in 1991, who climbed the route using a 16 move sequence. Simpson and Koyamada used a… … Wikipedia
File 13 — is a euphemism for the trash can. The phrase is especially used in the U.S. military, and is less common outside of the United States. In the United Kingdom, for instance, the expression round file or circular file is more common (in reference to … Wikipedia
Action for Children — Formation 1869 Type NGO Purpose/focus Children/young people s welfare Location … Wikipedia
file — file1 [fīl] vt. filed, filing [ME filen < OFr filer, to string documents on thread, orig., to spin thread < LL filare, to spin < L filum, thread < IE base * gwhislo > Lith gýsla, sinew] 1. a) to arrange (papers, etc.) in order for… … English World dictionary
Action Hyacinth — ( pl. Akcja Hiacynt) was a secret mass operation of the Polish communist police, carried out in the years 1985 ndash;1987. Its purpose was to create national database of all Polish homosexuals and people who were in touch with them,en icon… … Wikipedia
File Allocation Table — For other uses, see Fat (disambiguation). FAT Developer Microsoft Full Name File Allocation Table FAT12 (12‑bit version) FAT16/FAT16B (16‑bit versions) FAT32 (32‑bit version with 28 bits used) Introduced … Wikipedia
File select — In HTML, a file select control is a component of a web form with which a user can select a file from his local machine. When the form is submitted (perhaps together with other form data), the file is uploaded to the web server. There, when the… … Wikipedia
File card — For the tool used to clean files, see File card (tool) Most G.I. Joe action figures came with file cards printed at the back of the cardboard they came with. A file card is the profile information of a character. The owner of the action figure is … Wikipedia
file — file1 fileable, adj. filer, n. /fuyl/, n., v., filed, filing. n. 1. a folder, cabinet, or other container in which papers, letters, etc., are arranged in convenient order for storage or reference. 2. a collection of papers, records, etc.,… … Universalium