1 actinomycetin
actinomycetin актиномицетинEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > actinomycetin
2 actinomycetin
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > actinomycetin
3 actinomycetin
4 actinomycetin
Химия: актиномицетин -
5 actinomycetin
мед.сущ. актиномицетин -
6 actinomycetin
7 actinomycetin
8 актиномицетин
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > актиномицетин
См. также в других словарях:
actinomycetin — ac·ti·no·my·ce·tin .mī sēt ən n a bacteriolytic fluid substance that is obtained from a soil bacterium of the genus Streptomyces (S. albus) and that lyses various bacteria (as living streptococci or heat killed colon bacilli) * * *… … Medical dictionary
actinomycetin — ac·ti·no·my·ce·tin … English syllables
actinomycetin — ˌmīˈsētən noun ( s) Etymology: actin + mycetin : an enzymelike antibiotic obtained from a soil actinomycete (Streptomyces albus) that lyses various bacteria (as living streptococci or heat killed colon bacilli) … Useful english dictionary
Streptomyces — A genus of nonmotile, aerobic, Gram positive bacteria (family Streptomycetaceae) that grow in the form of a many branched mycelium; conidia are produced in chains on aerial hyphae. These organisms (several hundred species in the genus) are… … Medical dictionary