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acid bleaching

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bleaching of wood pulp — is the chemical processing carried out on various types of wood pulp to decrease the color of the pulp, so that it becomes whiter. The main use of wood pulp is to make paper where whiteness (similar to but not exactly the same as brightness ) is… …   Wikipedia

  • acid — [adj1] bitter, sour in taste acerbic, acidulous, biting, piquant, pungent, sharp, tart, vinegarish, vinegary; concept 613 Ant. bland, sweet acid [adj2] having acidic, corrosive properties acerbic, acidulous, acrid, anti alkaline, biting,… …   New thesaurus

  • Acid-alkali reaction — An acid alkali reaction is a special case of an acid base reaction, where the base used is also an alkali. When an acid reacts with an alkali it forms a metal, salt and water. Acid alkali reactions are also a type of neutralisation reaction.In… …   Wikipedia

  • acid — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. sour, bitter, tart, vinegary; acrimonious, cutting, caustic. See sourness, discourtesy. Ant., sweet, bland; basic. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Having the characteristics of an acid] Syn. sharp, tart …   English dictionary for students

  • acid free —    A characteristic of inert materials; especially said of papers with a 7 pH, or very close to 7 pH. Below 6.5 pH or above 8.5 pH is not considered acid free. Acid free materials are more permanent, less likely to experience acid migration to… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • Bleaching — Bleach Bleach, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bleached}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bleaching}.] [OE. blakien, blechen, v. t. & v. i., AS. bl[=a]cian, bl?can, to grow pale; akin to Icel. bleikja, Sw. bleka, Dan. blege, D. bleeken, G. bleichen, AS. bl[=a]c pale. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Peracetic acid — Chembox new Name = Peracetic acid ImageFileL1 = Peracetic acid.png ImageSizeL1 = 100px ImageNameL1 = Peroxyacetic acid ImageFileR1 = Peracetic acid 3D balls.png ImageNameR1 = Peroxyacetic acid ImageSizeR1 = 120px IUPACName = ethaneperoxoic acid… …   Wikipedia

  • Trichloroisocyanuric acid — Chembox new Name = Trichloroisocyanuric acid ImageFileL1 = Symclosene.svg ImageSizeL1 = 120px ImageFileR1 = Symclosene3d.png ImageSizeR1 = 140px ImageNameR1 = Symclosene IUPACName = 1,3,5 trichloro 1,3,5 triazinane 2,4,6 trione OtherNames = TCICA …   Wikipedia

  • hypochlorous acid — An acid, HOCl, having oxidizing and bleaching properties. * * * hy·po·chlo·rous acid .klōr əs , .klȯr n an unstable strongly oxidizing but weak acid HClO obtained in solution along with hydrochloric acid by reaction of chlorine with water and… …   Medical dictionary

  • oxalic acid — An acid, HOOC–COOH, found in many plants and vegetables, particularly in buckwheat (family Polygoniaceae) and Oxalis (family Oxalidaceae); used as a hemostatic in veterinary medicine, but toxic in elevated levels when ingested by humans; also… …   Medical dictionary

  • Ascorbic acid — This article is about the molecular aspects of ascorbic acid. For information about its role in nutrition, see Vitamin C. L Ascorbic acid …   Wikipedia

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