1 abscond
abscond [əb'skɒnd]∎ to abscond from prison s'échapper de prison, s'évader;∎ humorous he absconded with our money il s'est enfui avec notre argent -
2 abscond
abscond [əbˈskɒnd]* * *[əb'skɒnd] -
3 abscond
abscond vi s'enfuir (from de ; with avec). -
4 jump
jump [dʒʌmp]saut ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (d) bond ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) hausse ⇒ 1 (b) obstacle ⇒ 1 (c) prise ⇒ 1 (e) sauter ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (c), 3 (a), 3 (d) faire sauter ⇒ 2 (b) bondir ⇒ 3 (a) sursauter ⇒ 3 (b) monter en flèche ⇒ 3 (c)1 noun(a) (leap, bound) saut m, bond m;∎ she got up with a jump elle se leva d'un bond;∎ figurative we need to keep one jump ahead of the competition nous devons garder une longueur d'avance sur nos concurrents;∎ familiar to have the jump on sb avoir pris une longueur d'avance sur qn dès le départ;∎ familiar to get the jump on sb devancer qn□ ;∎ familiar go take a jump! va te faire voir (ailleurs)!, va te faire cuire un œuf!(b) (sharp rise) bond m, hausse f;∎ there has been a sudden jump in house prices il y a eu une flambée des prix de l'immobilier;∎ inflation took a sudden jump last month l'inflation a subitement augmenté le mois dernier(e) (in board games) prise f (de pion)(a) (leap over) sauter;∎ to jump a fence sauter ou franchir un obstacle;∎ American to jump rope sauter à la corde;∎ to jump a piece (in draughts) prendre un pion;∎ figurative he jumped all the others in his field il a dépassé tout le monde dans sa spécialité∎ she jumped her horse over the stream elle a fait sauter ou franchir le ruisseau à son cheval(c) (omit, skip) sauter;∎ to jump a line sauter une ligne∎ two men jumped him in the park deux hommes lui ont sauté dessus dans le parc∎ to jump bail ne pas comparaître au tribunal□ (après avoir été libéré sous caution);∎ also figurative to jump ship quitter le navire□ ;∎ American the fugitive jumped town le fugitif a réussi à quitter la ville□∎ to jump the queue ne pas attendre son tour, resquiller;∎ she jumped the lights elle a grillé ou brûlé le feu (rouge)∎ he jumped a (mining) claim (took illegally) il s'est approprié une concession (minière)□∎ they jumped across the crevasse ils ont traversé la crevasse d'un bond;∎ to jump back faire un bond en arrière;∎ can you jump over the hedge? peux-tu sauter par-dessus la haie?;∎ he jumped up, he jumped to his feet il se leva d'un bond;∎ to jump to the ground sauter à terre;∎ the frog jumped from stone to stone la grenouille bondissait de pierre en pierre;∎ to jump for joy sauter de joie;∎ she was jumping up and down with rage elle trépignait de rage;∎ familiar jump to it! grouille!;∎ familiar to jump down sb's throat (reply sharply to) rabrouer qn, rembarrer qn; (criticize) engueuler qn;∎ let's wait and see which way she jumps attendons de voir sa réaction, attendons de voir comment elle va réagir(b) (make a sudden movement → person) sursauter, tressauter; (→ record player needle, chisel, drill) sauter;∎ the noise made her jump le bruit l'a fait sursauter;∎ when the phone rang his heart jumped il tressaillit en entendant la sonnerie du téléphone;∎ this record jumps ce disque saute;∎ we nearly jumped out of our skins (from surprise) nous avons failli sauter au plafond; (from fear, shock) ça nous a fait un de ces coups(c) (rise sharply) monter ou grimper en flèche;∎ prices jumped dramatically in 1974 les prix ont grimpé de façon spectaculaire en 1974(d) (go directly) sauter;∎ he jumped from one topic to another il passait rapidement d'un sujet à un autre;∎ to jump to conclusions tirer des conclusions hâtives;∎ she immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was being unfaithful elle en a immédiatement conclu qu'il la trompait;∎ I jumped to the third chapter je suis passé directement au troisième chapitre;∎ the film then jumps to the present puis le film fait un saut jusqu'au présent;∎ Computing to jump from one Web page to another passer d'une page Web à une autre∎ by nightfall the joint was jumping à la tombée de la nuit, ça chauffait dans la boîte►► Sport jump ball (in basketball) entre-deux m inv;Cinema jump cut faux m raccord, saut m de montage;British jump leads câbles mpl de démarrage;American jump rope corde f à sauter;British jump seat strapontin m;jump shot (in basketball) tir m en suspension(b) (campaign, bandwagon) se joindre à(a) (get on boat) embarquer(b) (join campaign, bandwagon)∎ they've been campaigning for years but few people have jumped aboard ça fait des années qu'ils font campagne, mais ils ont fait peu d'adeptes;∎ the anti-gun lobby received a boost when the State Governor jumped aboard le lobby qui fait campagne contre les armes à feu a été très aidé par l'adhésion du gouverneursautiller; figurative (story, film) partir dans toutes les directions(offer, chance, suggestion) sauter sur, saisir;∎ he jumped at the chance to go abroad il sauta sur l'occasion de partir à l'étranger∎ go on, jump in! vas-y, monte!;∎ if you want a lift, jump in! si tu veux que je te dépose, monte!;∎ figurative to jump in at the deep end se jeter tête baissée dans les problèmes∎ he jumped in to defend her il est intervenu pour la défendre, il est venu à sa rescousse□sauter dans;∎ she jumped into her car elle a sauté dans sa voiture;∎ to jump into bed with sb coucher avec qn tout de suite➲ jump off(b) Horseriding faire un barrage(leap from → wall) sauter de; (get off from → bicycle, bus, train, horse) descendre de;∎ he jumped off the train (leapt from) il a sauté du train; (got off from) il est descendu du train;∎ he jumped off the bridge il s'est jeté du haut du pont➲ jump on∎ the boss jumps on every little mistake aucune faute n'échappe au patron;∎ familiar to jump on sb (reprimand) passer un savon à qn(on to bicycle, horse) sauter dessus; (on to bus, train) monter(from hiding place) sortir d'un bond ( from de); (from high place) sauter; (from vehicle) descendre (of or from de);∎ I'll jump out at the traffic lights je vais descendre au feu rouge;∎ to jump out of bed sauter (à bas) du lit;∎ to jump out of the window sauter par la fenêtre;∎ to jump out of the bushes/one's hiding place bondir d'entre les buissons/de sa cachette;∎ why did he jump out of the window? pourquoi a-t-il sauté par la fenêtre?;∎ figurative the answer suddenly jumped out at me la réponse m'a subitement sauté aux yeux
См. также в других словарях:
abscond with — index hold up (rob), jostle (pickpocket), loot, pilfer, steal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
abscond — ab|scond [əbˈskɔnd, æb US æbˈska:nd] v [i]formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: abscondere, from abs away + condere to hide ] 1.) to escape from a place where you are being kept abscond from ▪ The boy absconded from a children s home. 2.) to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
abscond — UK [əbˈskɒnd] / US [əbˈskɑnd] verb [intransitive] Word forms abscond : present tense I/you/we/they abscond he/she/it absconds present participle absconding past tense absconded past participle absconded formal 1) to escape from a place where you… … English dictionary
abscond — ab|scond [ əb skand ] verb intransitive FORMAL 1. ) to suddenly leave a place and take something with you that does not belong to you: abscond with: One of the bank s employees had absconded with the cash. 2. ) to escape from a place where you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
abscond — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. decamp, bolt, run away, flee, fly, take off. See avoidance, escape.Ant., abide, stay. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. flee, steal off, slip away; see escape . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY… … English dictionary for students
abscond — ab·scond /ab skänd, əb / vi: to depart secretly: withdraw and hide oneself; specif: to evade the legal process of a court by hiding within or secretly leaving its jurisdiction abscond ed with the funds abscond from New York abscond to Canada… … Law dictionary
abscond — v. (D; intr.) to abscond from; with (they absconded from the country with the funds) * * * [əb skɒnd] with (they absconded from the country with the funds) (D; intr.) to abscond from … Combinatory dictionary
abscond — [[t]æbskɒ̱nd[/t]] absconds, absconding, absconded 1) VERB If someone absconds from somewhere such as a prison, they escape from it or leave it without permission. [FORMAL] He was remanded in care and ordered to appear the following day, but… … English dictionary
abscond — verb (I) 1 to suddenly leave the place where you work after having stolen money from it (+ with): The chief accountant had absconded with all the money. 2 to escape from a place where you are being kept for doing something wrong: Several boys… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
abscond — absconder, n. /ab skond /, v.i. to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal prosecution: The cashier absconded with the money. [1605 15; < L abscondere to hide or stow away, equiv. to abs ABS + condere to stow (con… … Universalium
abscond — Synonyms and related words: abandon, absquatulate, beat a retreat, bolt, bow out, break, bunk, clear out, cut and run, decamp, depart, desert, disappear, elope, evacuate, flee, fly, fugitate, go, go AWOL, jump, jump bail, leave, levant, make off … Moby Thesaurus