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  • 1 slice and dice film

    slice and dice film
    sl filme de horror.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > slice and dice film

  • 2 slice

    1. noun
    1) (a thin broad piece (of something): How many slices of meat would you like?) fatia
    2) (a part or share: Who got the largest slice of the profits?) fatia
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into slices: He sliced the sausage/cucumber.) cortar às fatias
    2) (to cut (as) with a sharp blade or knife: The blade slipped and sliced off the tip of his forefinger.) cortar
    3) (in golf etc, to hit (a ball) in such a way that it curves away to the right (or in the case of a left-handed player, to the left).) bater de viés
    - slicer
    * * *
    [slais] n 1 fatia, posta. 2 faca, espátula de lâmina fina e larga. 3 parte, porção, pedaço. • vt+vi 1 cortar em fatias ou postas. 2 cortar, talhar. 3 remover, espalhar com espátula ou faca. 4 dividir, repartir. 5 Golf dar um golpe de maneira que a bola seja desviada para a direita. slice and dice film sl filme de horror. to slice off cortar fora. to slice up fatiar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > slice

  • 3 slice

    1. noun
    1) (a thin broad piece (of something): How many slices of meat would you like?) fatia
    2) (a part or share: Who got the largest slice of the profits?) fatia
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into slices: He sliced the sausage/cucumber.) fatiar
    2) (to cut (as) with a sharp blade or knife: The blade slipped and sliced off the tip of his forefinger.) talhar
    3) (in golf etc, to hit (a ball) in such a way that it curves away to the right (or in the case of a left-handed player, to the left).) cortar
    - slicer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > slice

  • 4 slice

    fatia, fração

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > slice

  • 5 slice

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > slice

  • 6 a slice and dice film

    a slice and dice film
    filme de horror, terror.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a slice and dice film

  • 7 fish slice

    fish slice
    [f'iʃ slais] n escumadeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fish slice

  • 8 to slice off

    to slice off
    cortar fora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to slice off

  • 9 to slice up

    to slice up

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to slice up

  • 10 division slice

    fatia divisionária

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > division slice

  • 11 time-slice

    English-Portuguese philosophical dictionary > time-slice

  • 12 apple

    (a round fruit (usually with a green or red skin) which can be eaten: an apple tree; a slice of apple.) maçã
    * * *
    ['æpəl] n 1 maçã. 2 macieira. 3 vários frutos cuja forma se assemelha à da maçã. apple of discord pomo de discórdia. the Apple (the Big Apple) a cidade de Nova York. the apple of the eye a) pupila. b) pessoa ou coisa muito querida, menina dos olhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > apple

  • 13 chop

    I 1. [ op] past tense, past participle - chopped; verb
    ((sometimes with up) to cut (into small pieces): He chopped up the vegetables.) picar
    2. noun
    (a slice of mutton, pork etc containing a rib.) costeleta
    - choppy
    - choppiness
    - chop and change
    - chop down
    II [ op] noun
    ((in plural) the jaws or mouth, especially of an animal: the wolf's chops.) queixada
    * * *
    [tʃɔp] n 1 golpe cortante, talha, corte. 2 talhada, posta, fatia, pedaço. 3 costeleta, posta de carne. 4 (geralmente chops) ondas encrespadas, mar encapelado. • vt 1 cortar, talhar. 2 picar, cortar em pedaços pequenos, retalhar. 3 sacudir. 4 desbastar. to chop at cortar, talhar, desbastar. to chop down derrubar, cortar, abater a machadadas. to chop in 1 interromper. 2 intrometer-se em conversa. to chop off cortar (parte de um todo). to chop out deixar escapar. to chop up cortar em pedaços, picar. to get the chop 1 ser demitido. 2 ser morto.
    [tʃɔp] n India, China 1 selo, carimbo oficial. 2 passaporte, passe, senha. 3 India coll marca, qualidade, categoria. first chop sl de primeira.
    [tʃɔp] n mudança, oscilação. • vi 1 mudar, saltar (rumo do vento). 2 trocar (palavras). to chop and change 1 comprar e vender. 2 mudar sempre de idéia, planos.
    [tʃɔp] n (geralmente chops pl) 1 queixo. 2 face, bochecha. to lick one’s chops coll esperar ansiosamente, impacientemente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chop

  • 14 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) cortar
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) cortar
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) cortar
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) cortar
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) cortar
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) cortar
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) cortar
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) cortar
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') cortar
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) cortar
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) cortar
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) matar (aulas)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) ignorar
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) corte
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) corte
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) corte
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) cortante
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) impiedoso
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short
    * * *
    [k∧t] n 1 corte, abertura, ferida. 2 talho, incisão. 3 passagem, escavação (na terra), canal. 4 peça talhada, parte ou pedaço cortado. 5 estilo, talhe, feitio, moda. 6 diminuição, redução. 7 atalho, carreiro, picada. 8 cutilada: golpe com instrumento cortante. 9 cábula: falta de comparecimento às aulas. 10 gravura, clichê, xilogravura. 11 corte em peça teatral. 12 peça: medida de tecido ou fio. 13 corte de cartas. 14 porcentagem, comissão. 15 Sport bola cortada ou com efeito. 16 grupo de animais separado da manada. 17 emenda de filme de cinema. 18 talho: corte de carne. 19 faixa de LP ou disco a laser. • vt+vi (ps and pp cut) 1 cortar, talhar. 2 secionar, dividir, partir. 3 aparar, desbastar. he cut his nails / ele cortou suas unhas. 4 rachar, fender. 5 ferir, fazer talhe em. he cut his fingers / ele feriu os dedos. the wind cut his face / o vento lhe açoitou o rosto. 6 lancetar, mutilar, incisar. 7 reduzir, diminuir. 8 atalhar, atravessar, abrir ou cortar caminho. 9 dividir, penetrar, passar através. 10 Sport cortar, dar efeito (bola). 11 coll evitar, ignorar, não reconhecer socialmente. 12 coll cabular, faltar às aulas. 13 picar, retalhar. 14 ceifar, segar. 15 gravar, entalhar, cinzelar. 16 escavar, abrir canal ou túnel. 17 romper relações com. 18 cortar o baralho. who cuts the cards? / quem corta as cartas? 19 talhar, cortar molde (de vestidos). 20 trinchar. 21 abreviar, resumir. 22 interromper (conversa). 23 fazer corte em (manuscrito, peça). 24 ferir-se. • adj 1 cortado, talhado. 2 gravado, entalhado, lapidado. 3 castrado. 4 ferido. 5 reduzido, remarcado (preço). cut and come again sirva-se à vontade. cut away! fora! cut in pay n redução de salário. cut it out! coll deixa disto!, corta essa! cut the cackle! sl deixe de conversa! cut your coat according to your cloth fig arranje-se de acordo com suas possibilidades. he cut a sorry figure ele fez um triste papel. he cut himself loose from ele separou-se de. he cut his own throat fig ele mesmo se prejudicou. he cut his way a) ele abriu caminho para si. b) fig ele se defendeu. he cut it fine sl ele calculou justo, chegou na hora, acertou por pouco. he cut me short ele me interrompeu. he cuts no ice with me sl ele não leva vantagem comigo. he cut the knot fig ele resolveu o caso. he cut the record ele quebrou o recorde. he cut up rough ele ficou zangado. he cut up well ele morreu rico, ele deixou uma fortuna. he gave me the direct cut ele me evitou ostensivamente. he made a cut in the story ele resumiu a história. his unkindness cut me to the heart sua grosseria me feriu o coração. I cut him dead não tomei conhecimento de sua presença. it cuts both ways é justo para ambas as partes. it is his cut é sua vez de cortar as cartas. short cut atalho, caminho mais curto. to be cut off morrer. to be cut out for a thing ser talhado para uma coisa. to cut across encurtar o caminho. to cut a long story short para resumir, em poucas palavras. to cut and contrive viver, satisfazer-se com pouco. to cut and run coll correr, fugir. to cut away a) cortar, serrar, decepar. b) desviar-se. to cut back repetir um quadro (de filme). to cut down a) roçar, derrubar (mato). b) reduzir (despesas). c) abreviar, resumir (manuscrito). to cut in a) entalhar, fazer entalhe. b) interromper. to cut in pieces picar, cortar em pedaços. to cut in stone esculpir em pedra. to cut off a) cortar, destacar, remover. b) romper (relações). c) interromper (fornecimento ou comunicações). d) acabar, terminar. e) separar, excluir. f) pôr fim a, matar, liquidar. g) deserdar. to cut out a) cortar, recortar. b) talhar. c) planejar, tramar, idear. d) desligar (máquina, chave elétrica, etc.). e) desistir de, abandonar. f) separar (do rebanho). g) suplantar, superar. h) pegar como presa. i) excluir, afastar. to cut to pieces fazer em pedaços. to cut up a) cortar, retalhar. b) criticar, desfazer. c) entristecer. to draw cuts jogar com palitos, apostar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cut

  • 15 cutlet

    (a small slice of meat (mutton, veal, pork) on a rib or other bone: lamb cutlets.) costeleta
    * * *
    [k'∧tlit] n 1 costeleta. 2 fatia de carne ou de peixe, posta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cutlet

  • 16 dice

    plural; see dice
    * * *
    [dais] n pl 1 dados. 2 jogo de dados. 3 pequenos cubos.vt+vi 1 jogar dados. 2 arruinar-se nesse jogo. 3 cortar em cubos. a slice and dice film filme de horror, terror. no dice sem chance, absolutamente não. to dice with death brincar com a morte, jogar com a morte. to load the dice against someone tirar vantagem de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dice

  • 17 rasher

    (a thin slice (of bacon or ham).) fatia
    * * *
    [r'æʃə] n tira ou fatia de toucinho defumado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rasher

  • 18 slab

    (a thick slice or thick flat piece of anything: concrete slabs; a slab of cake.) bloco
    * * *
    [slæb] n 1 placa, laje, tábua, pedaço grosso e chato. 2 costaneira: fasquia de madeira com casca. 3 sl pedação de bolo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > slab

  • 19 steak

    (a slice of meat (usually beef) or fish (often cod) for eg frying or stewing: a piece of steak; two cod steaks.) bife
    * * *
    [steik] n bife, fatia de carne. fore-cut steak bife de corte dianteiro. hind-cut steak bife de corte traseiro. stewed steak carne ensopada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > steak

  • 20 potato crisp

    (usually crisp: American potato chip: usually in plural) (a thin, crisp, fried slice of potato: a packet of (potato) crisps.) batatinha frita

    English-Portuguese dictionary > potato crisp

См. также в других словарях:

  • Slice — may refer to:Food*A portion of bread, cake, or meat that is cut flat and thin, cf. sliced bread *Slice (soft drink), a line of fruit flavored drinks *Vanilla slice, a dessert *Mr. Slice, the mascot of Papa John s pizza restaurantports*Backspin,… …   Wikipedia

  • slice — [ slajs ] n. m. • 1924 golf; mot angl. « tranche » ♦ Anglic. Effet donné à une balle de tennis en la frappant latéralement et de haut en bas. ● slice nom masculin (anglais slice) Effet latéral donné à une balle, au tennis, au golf. ⇒SLICE, subst …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Slice — 〈[ slaıs] m.; , s [ sız]; Sp.; Tennis; Golf〉 Schlag, bei dem der Ball angeschnitten wird [engl., „schneiden“] * * * Slice [sla̮is ], der; , s […sɪs] [engl. slice, eigtl. = Schnitte, Scheibe]: 1. (Golf) a) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Slice — Slice, n. [OE. slice, sclice, OF. esclice, from esclicier, esclichier, to break to pieces, of German origin; cf. OHG. sl[=i]zan to split, slit, tear, G. schleissen to slit. See {Slit}, v. t.] 1. A thin, broad piece cut off; as, a slice of bacon;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slice bar — Slice Slice, n. [OE. slice, sclice, OF. esclice, from esclicier, esclichier, to break to pieces, of German origin; cf. OHG. sl[=i]zan to split, slit, tear, G. schleissen to slit. See {Slit}, v. t.] 1. A thin, broad piece cut off; as, a slice of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slice — [slaɪs] noun [countable] a part or share of something: slice of • Sales reps will get a slice of any catalogue sales to customers in their area. * * * slice UK US /slaɪs/ noun [C, usually singular] INFORMAL ► a part or share of som …   Financial and business terms

  • slice — [slīs] n. [ME < OFr esclice < esclicier, to slice < Frank slizzan, akin to SLIT] 1. a relatively thin, broad piece cut from an object having some bulk or volume [a slice of apple] 2. a part, portion, or share [a slice of one s earnings]… …   English World dictionary

  • slice off — ˌslice ˈoff [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they slice off he/she/it slices off present participle slicing off past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • slice and dice — see ↑slice, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑dice slice and dice chiefly US : to divide something into many small parts especially so you can use the result for your own purposes You can slice and dice the data any way you want. • • • Main Entry: ↑slice …   Useful english dictionary

  • slice something off — ˌslice sthˈoff/aˈway | ˌslice sth ˈoff sth derived to cut sth from a larger piece • Slice a piece off. • Slice away the corners. • (figurative) He sliced two seconds off the world …   Useful english dictionary

  • slice something away — ˌslice sthˈoff/aˈway | ˌslice sth ˈoff sth derived to cut sth from a larger piece • Slice a piece off. • Slice away the corners. • (figurative) He sliced two seconds off the world …   Useful english dictionary

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