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  • 1 מפני שיבה תקום

    rise before the aged

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מפני שיבה תקום

  • 2 עליית מחירים

    rise in prices, price-hike

    Hebrew-English dictionary > עליית מחירים

  • 3 מעלה

    מַעֲלָהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) ascent, step. Midd. II, 3 רום מ׳ the height of every step; a. e.Pl. מַעֲלוֹת. Ib. Succ.V, 4 חמשה עשר מ׳ היורדזת … שיר המ׳ fifteen steps leading down …, corresponding to the fifteen ‘Songs of Steps (Ps. 120 to 134). Ib. 53a הני חמש עשרה מ׳ those fifteen (Songs of) Steps. Yoma 23a מ׳ האולם the steps in front of the Temple hall (Tosef. ib. I, 12 פתח); a. fr. 2) rise. Num. R. s. 15 מַעֲלָתָן של צדיקים מ׳וכ׳ the rise of the righteous is a rise without a decline; מַעֲלָתוֹ של עשו מ׳ שכולהוכ׳ Esaus (a Romans) rise is a rise which may lead to degradation; a. e. 3) degree, gradation, superiority; preference; advantage. Yoma 44a; Num. R. s. 7 הוי מה מ׳ יש ביןוכ׳ now, there is no gradation of sanctity between the interior of the Temple and the space …, except Keth.13a, a. e. מ׳ עשו ביוחסין where priestly descent is concerned, they put up a higher standard (made the law more stringent). Kidd.70b זו מ׳ יתירה יש ביןוכ׳ this is the distinction of Israelites over converts; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Yoma 44b מ׳ דאוריתא the gradations in sanctity are of Biblical origin (v. Kel. I, 8, sq.). 3) height, on high. Mekh. Mishp. s. 15 עין של מ׳ the eye of the Lord. Tanḥ. Bshall. 23 אש של מ׳ (some ed. שֶׁלְּמַ׳), v. מַטָּה.לְמַעֲלָה a) on high, in heaven. Ḥag.II, 1 (11) מה למ׳ (Ms. M. a. Y. ed. למעלן) what is on high; Gen. R. s. 1; a. fr.Freq. מַעֲלָן, לְמַעֲלָן, שֶׁלְּמַעֲלָן, מִלְּמַ׳, v. מַטָּה.b) upward, behind, beyond. Kidd.IV, 5 מן המזבח ולמ׳, v. בָּדַק; a. fr.c) (of time) further on. Pes.50b, a. fr. מן המנחה ולמ׳ from the minḥah time and onward. Ber.26b; a. fr.d) above, of superior rank. Kel. I, 2, sq. למ׳ מהם of a higher rank (in Levitical law); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מעלה

  • 4 מַעֲלָה

    מַעֲלָהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) ascent, step. Midd. II, 3 רום מ׳ the height of every step; a. e.Pl. מַעֲלוֹת. Ib. Succ.V, 4 חמשה עשר מ׳ היורדזת … שיר המ׳ fifteen steps leading down …, corresponding to the fifteen ‘Songs of Steps (Ps. 120 to 134). Ib. 53a הני חמש עשרה מ׳ those fifteen (Songs of) Steps. Yoma 23a מ׳ האולם the steps in front of the Temple hall (Tosef. ib. I, 12 פתח); a. fr. 2) rise. Num. R. s. 15 מַעֲלָתָן של צדיקים מ׳וכ׳ the rise of the righteous is a rise without a decline; מַעֲלָתוֹ של עשו מ׳ שכולהוכ׳ Esaus (a Romans) rise is a rise which may lead to degradation; a. e. 3) degree, gradation, superiority; preference; advantage. Yoma 44a; Num. R. s. 7 הוי מה מ׳ יש ביןוכ׳ now, there is no gradation of sanctity between the interior of the Temple and the space …, except Keth.13a, a. e. מ׳ עשו ביוחסין where priestly descent is concerned, they put up a higher standard (made the law more stringent). Kidd.70b זו מ׳ יתירה יש ביןוכ׳ this is the distinction of Israelites over converts; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Yoma 44b מ׳ דאוריתא the gradations in sanctity are of Biblical origin (v. Kel. I, 8, sq.). 3) height, on high. Mekh. Mishp. s. 15 עין של מ׳ the eye of the Lord. Tanḥ. Bshall. 23 אש של מ׳ (some ed. שֶׁלְּמַ׳), v. מַטָּה.לְמַעֲלָה a) on high, in heaven. Ḥag.II, 1 (11) מה למ׳ (Ms. M. a. Y. ed. למעלן) what is on high; Gen. R. s. 1; a. fr.Freq. מַעֲלָן, לְמַעֲלָן, שֶׁלְּמַעֲלָן, מִלְּמַ׳, v. מַטָּה.b) upward, behind, beyond. Kidd.IV, 5 מן המזבח ולמ׳, v. בָּדַק; a. fr.c) (of time) further on. Pes.50b, a. fr. מן המנחה ולמ׳ from the minḥah time and onward. Ber.26b; a. fr.d) above, of superior rank. Kel. I, 2, sq. למ׳ מהם of a higher rank (in Levitical law); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מַעֲלָה

  • 5 עלי

    עלי, עָלָה(b. h.) to go up, rise; to come up, arrive. Pes.VIII, 3 מי שיַּעֲלֶה מכםוכ׳ whichever of you shall first arrive at Jerusalem (for the Passover), v. infra. Snh.X, 3 אינה עתידה לַעֲלוֹת shall not rise (from the grave at the time of resurrection). Y.Peah V, end, 19a (ref. to גבול עולם, Prov. 22:28) זו עוֹלֵי מצרים this refers to those who came up from Egypt; Hag. 3b. Ib. עולי בבל those who came back from Babylonia. Ber.20a, a. e. (ref. to Gen. 49:22) א״ת עֲלֵי עין אלא עוֹלֵי עין read not ‘ăle ‘ayin. but ‘ole ‘ayin, those rising above the (evil) eye (whom the evil eye cannot affect). Snh.111a כשע׳ משה למרום when Moses came up to heaven. Keth.61a עוֹלָה עמווכ׳ she rises with him, but does not go down with him, i. e. the wife rises to the husbands social position and can claim its comforts, if it be a higher one than her own, ; a. v. fr.Ḥull.17b עוֹלֶה ויורד בסכין a going up and down in a slaughtering knife, i. e. a curved blade. קרבן עולה ויורד, v. יָרַד. עלה על דעת, v. דַּעַת.Esp. to be put on the altar, be offered. Zeb.IX. 1 אם עָלְתָה לא תרד if it has been offered, it must not be taken down again. Ib. 2. Men.22b מכאן לעוֹלִין שאינן מבטליןוכ׳ this proves that things which are offered up (e. g. blood of several sacrifices that has become mixed up) do not neutralize one another. Ib. 23a חיבורי טלין that which is attached to things which go on the altar; a. fr.Idiomatic uses: a) (sub. לחשבון) to be counted in; to be accounted as. M. Kat. III, 5 שבת עולה ואינהוכ׳ the Sabbath counts as one of the seven days of mourning, and does not discontinue the mourning, i. e. the mourning continues after the Sabbath; רגלים מפסיקין ואינן עולין festivals discontinue (the mourning begun before), but do not count, i. e. if the burial took place on a festive day, the mourning days begin after the festival. Ab. IV, 13 עוֹלָה זדון, v. זָדוֹן. Zeb.I, 3 לא עָלוּ לבעלים משום חובה the owners of the sacrifices are not credited with them as a compliance with their obligation; a. fr.b) to rise in value; to be esteemed. Ab. l. c. וכתר שם טוב עוֹלֶה על גביהן the crown of a good name is worth more than all of them; a. e.c) (to rise on the scale, be outweighed, to be void, be neutralized (cmp. בָּטֵל). Ter. IV, 7 תרומה עולה באחד ומאה Trumah (mixed up in secular matter) is neutralized in one hundred and one (i. e. one against one hundred). Ib. 11 תַּעֲלֶה באחד ומאה is neutralized in ; לא תעלה is not neutralized. Ib. 13; a. fr.d) ע׳ לרגל, or ע׳ to go up (to Jerusalem and the Temple) for the festival. Yoma 21 בשעה שישראל עולין לרגל when the Israelites were in the Temple on the festivals. Ḥag.I, 1. Ib. 4a שאינן ראויין לעלות who are not fit for the pilgrimage. Pes.8b, a. e. עוֹלֵי רגלים pilgrims; a. fr.e) ע׳ בידו to obtain, achieve. Ber.35b עָלְתָה בידן they were successful. Naz.23a מי שנתכוון לעלות בידו בשר חזיר וע׳ בידו בשר טלה he who intended to obtain flesh of the swine, and happened to obtain mutton; a. fr. Pi. עִילָּה. 1) to elevate, exalt, praise. Sabb.33b יהודה שעי׳ יִתְעַלֶּה Judah who elevated (praised the Roman government), shall be elevated (to high office). Y.Snh.X, 29c top שעִילּוּ אותיוכ׳ who exalted me, v. זָבַח. Gen. R. s. 15 (ref. to וישם, Gen. 2:8) עי׳ אותו God raised him (made him a dignitary, by analogy to Deut. 17:15); a. fr. 2) to prize, to acquire at the highest price, bid for. Ib. s. 16 (ref. to ויקח, Gen. 2:15) עי׳ אותו he acquired him (by analogy to Is. 14:2; v. infra Hithpa.); Yalk. ib. 22. Gen. R. s. 40 (ref. to ויעלו, Jer. 38:13) מְעַלִּין אותו (or מַעֲלִין, Hif.) they bade for him. Hif. הֶעֱלָה 1) to raise, bring up. Makhsh. VI, 1 המַעֲלֶה פירותיווכ׳ if one carries his fruits up to the roof, v. כְּנִימָה; Tosef. ib. III, 1. Pesik. R. s. 26 ובקושי הֶעֱלוּהוּ and with hard work they brought him up (out of the pit); a. v. fr.Esp. to offer on the altar. Zeb.XIV, 3 המַעֲלֶה מבשרוכ׳ he who offers parts of the flesh of a sin offering Ib. XIII, 1 שחט בפנים וה׳ בחוץ if he slaughtered a sacrifice within the Temple precincts, and offered it without; a. v. fr. 2) to raise, promote to a higher dignity. Yoma 20b, a. fr. מַעֲלִין בקדש ולא מורידין we may promote (a person or thing) to a higher grade of sanctity, but must not degrade. Tosef.Ned.VI, 5 שמעלה … מטומאתן which raises (relieves) the unclean from their uncleanness; Ned.75b; Y. ib. X, 42a; a. fr. לא מעלה ולא מוריד, v. יָרַד.Idiomatic uses: a) to cause to go up from the readers place (which was low, v. תֵּיבה); to remove, discharge. Ber.29a ולא הָעֱלוּהוּ and they did not remove him. Ib. טעה … מעלין אותו if a reader makes a mistake in the twelfth section of the Tfillah (v. מִין III), he must be removed; a. fr.b) (v. Kal, c) to neutralize. Ter. IV, 8 תאנים שחורות מַעֲלוֹתוכ׳ black figs help to neutralize in conjunction with white ones, i. e. the black and the white secular figs are counted together against the admixture of figs of Trumah whether black or white; a. fr.c) (v. Kal, a) to account, credit or charge. B. Mets.69b אני אעלה לך סלעוכ׳ I will give thee credit for one Sela each month (as a compensation for the use of the cow). Ab. II, 2 מעלה אני עליכםוכ׳ I (the Lord) shall credit you with a large reward, just as if you had accomplished (the good you had intended to do). Ib. III, 7, sq. מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ the Bible text (the Lord) charges him as if he had endangered his life (v. חוּב). Yoma 81b מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ is accounted to his credit, as if he had fasted on the ninth and the tenth; a. fr.d) (v. Kal, e) to succeed, profit. Snh.90b הֶעֱלֵיתֶם בידכם, v. יָעַל.f) ה׳ חן to effect grace; to find favor. Gen. R. s. 9 הלואי תהא מַעֲלַת חן לפני … כשם שהֶעֱלִיתוכ׳ Oh, that thou wouldst find favor before me (please me) at all times, as thou dost now; a. e.g) ה׳ חֵמָה ( to let anger rise, to become angry. Ib. s. 93 בשעה שהיה יהודה מעלה ח׳וכ׳ whenever Judah got angry, the hair ; a. e.h) (with or sub. ארוכה) to heal up. Ḥull.77a, v. אֲרוּכָה II. Shebi. IV, 6 לא שיַעֲלֶה, v. פָּשַׁח; a. fr. Nif. נַעֲלָה to be removed, withdraw. Tosef. Yoma I, 12 בעון … שכינה נַעֲלַת through the sin of bloodshed has the Divine Presence withdrawn (Sifré Num. 161 מסתלקת). Hithpa. הִתְעַלֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַלֶּה 1) to be raised, exalted. Sabb.33b, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be raised in price, to be bargained for at auction. Gen. R. s. 40, end (ref. to וַתֻּקַּח, Gen. 12:15) מִתְעַלָּה והולכת חדוכ׳ higher and higher prices were offered for her; one said, I give ; Esth. R. to II, 16 (ref. to ותלקח, ib.) מתעלה בליקוחין.

    Jewish literature > עלי

  • 6 עלה

    עלי, עָלָה(b. h.) to go up, rise; to come up, arrive. Pes.VIII, 3 מי שיַּעֲלֶה מכםוכ׳ whichever of you shall first arrive at Jerusalem (for the Passover), v. infra. Snh.X, 3 אינה עתידה לַעֲלוֹת shall not rise (from the grave at the time of resurrection). Y.Peah V, end, 19a (ref. to גבול עולם, Prov. 22:28) זו עוֹלֵי מצרים this refers to those who came up from Egypt; Hag. 3b. Ib. עולי בבל those who came back from Babylonia. Ber.20a, a. e. (ref. to Gen. 49:22) א״ת עֲלֵי עין אלא עוֹלֵי עין read not ‘ăle ‘ayin. but ‘ole ‘ayin, those rising above the (evil) eye (whom the evil eye cannot affect). Snh.111a כשע׳ משה למרום when Moses came up to heaven. Keth.61a עוֹלָה עמווכ׳ she rises with him, but does not go down with him, i. e. the wife rises to the husbands social position and can claim its comforts, if it be a higher one than her own, ; a. v. fr.Ḥull.17b עוֹלֶה ויורד בסכין a going up and down in a slaughtering knife, i. e. a curved blade. קרבן עולה ויורד, v. יָרַד. עלה על דעת, v. דַּעַת.Esp. to be put on the altar, be offered. Zeb.IX. 1 אם עָלְתָה לא תרד if it has been offered, it must not be taken down again. Ib. 2. Men.22b מכאן לעוֹלִין שאינן מבטליןוכ׳ this proves that things which are offered up (e. g. blood of several sacrifices that has become mixed up) do not neutralize one another. Ib. 23a חיבורי טלין that which is attached to things which go on the altar; a. fr.Idiomatic uses: a) (sub. לחשבון) to be counted in; to be accounted as. M. Kat. III, 5 שבת עולה ואינהוכ׳ the Sabbath counts as one of the seven days of mourning, and does not discontinue the mourning, i. e. the mourning continues after the Sabbath; רגלים מפסיקין ואינן עולין festivals discontinue (the mourning begun before), but do not count, i. e. if the burial took place on a festive day, the mourning days begin after the festival. Ab. IV, 13 עוֹלָה זדון, v. זָדוֹן. Zeb.I, 3 לא עָלוּ לבעלים משום חובה the owners of the sacrifices are not credited with them as a compliance with their obligation; a. fr.b) to rise in value; to be esteemed. Ab. l. c. וכתר שם טוב עוֹלֶה על גביהן the crown of a good name is worth more than all of them; a. e.c) (to rise on the scale, be outweighed, to be void, be neutralized (cmp. בָּטֵל). Ter. IV, 7 תרומה עולה באחד ומאה Trumah (mixed up in secular matter) is neutralized in one hundred and one (i. e. one against one hundred). Ib. 11 תַּעֲלֶה באחד ומאה is neutralized in ; לא תעלה is not neutralized. Ib. 13; a. fr.d) ע׳ לרגל, or ע׳ to go up (to Jerusalem and the Temple) for the festival. Yoma 21 בשעה שישראל עולין לרגל when the Israelites were in the Temple on the festivals. Ḥag.I, 1. Ib. 4a שאינן ראויין לעלות who are not fit for the pilgrimage. Pes.8b, a. e. עוֹלֵי רגלים pilgrims; a. fr.e) ע׳ בידו to obtain, achieve. Ber.35b עָלְתָה בידן they were successful. Naz.23a מי שנתכוון לעלות בידו בשר חזיר וע׳ בידו בשר טלה he who intended to obtain flesh of the swine, and happened to obtain mutton; a. fr. Pi. עִילָּה. 1) to elevate, exalt, praise. Sabb.33b יהודה שעי׳ יִתְעַלֶּה Judah who elevated (praised the Roman government), shall be elevated (to high office). Y.Snh.X, 29c top שעִילּוּ אותיוכ׳ who exalted me, v. זָבַח. Gen. R. s. 15 (ref. to וישם, Gen. 2:8) עי׳ אותו God raised him (made him a dignitary, by analogy to Deut. 17:15); a. fr. 2) to prize, to acquire at the highest price, bid for. Ib. s. 16 (ref. to ויקח, Gen. 2:15) עי׳ אותו he acquired him (by analogy to Is. 14:2; v. infra Hithpa.); Yalk. ib. 22. Gen. R. s. 40 (ref. to ויעלו, Jer. 38:13) מְעַלִּין אותו (or מַעֲלִין, Hif.) they bade for him. Hif. הֶעֱלָה 1) to raise, bring up. Makhsh. VI, 1 המַעֲלֶה פירותיווכ׳ if one carries his fruits up to the roof, v. כְּנִימָה; Tosef. ib. III, 1. Pesik. R. s. 26 ובקושי הֶעֱלוּהוּ and with hard work they brought him up (out of the pit); a. v. fr.Esp. to offer on the altar. Zeb.XIV, 3 המַעֲלֶה מבשרוכ׳ he who offers parts of the flesh of a sin offering Ib. XIII, 1 שחט בפנים וה׳ בחוץ if he slaughtered a sacrifice within the Temple precincts, and offered it without; a. v. fr. 2) to raise, promote to a higher dignity. Yoma 20b, a. fr. מַעֲלִין בקדש ולא מורידין we may promote (a person or thing) to a higher grade of sanctity, but must not degrade. Tosef.Ned.VI, 5 שמעלה … מטומאתן which raises (relieves) the unclean from their uncleanness; Ned.75b; Y. ib. X, 42a; a. fr. לא מעלה ולא מוריד, v. יָרַד.Idiomatic uses: a) to cause to go up from the readers place (which was low, v. תֵּיבה); to remove, discharge. Ber.29a ולא הָעֱלוּהוּ and they did not remove him. Ib. טעה … מעלין אותו if a reader makes a mistake in the twelfth section of the Tfillah (v. מִין III), he must be removed; a. fr.b) (v. Kal, c) to neutralize. Ter. IV, 8 תאנים שחורות מַעֲלוֹתוכ׳ black figs help to neutralize in conjunction with white ones, i. e. the black and the white secular figs are counted together against the admixture of figs of Trumah whether black or white; a. fr.c) (v. Kal, a) to account, credit or charge. B. Mets.69b אני אעלה לך סלעוכ׳ I will give thee credit for one Sela each month (as a compensation for the use of the cow). Ab. II, 2 מעלה אני עליכםוכ׳ I (the Lord) shall credit you with a large reward, just as if you had accomplished (the good you had intended to do). Ib. III, 7, sq. מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ the Bible text (the Lord) charges him as if he had endangered his life (v. חוּב). Yoma 81b מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ is accounted to his credit, as if he had fasted on the ninth and the tenth; a. fr.d) (v. Kal, e) to succeed, profit. Snh.90b הֶעֱלֵיתֶם בידכם, v. יָעַל.f) ה׳ חן to effect grace; to find favor. Gen. R. s. 9 הלואי תהא מַעֲלַת חן לפני … כשם שהֶעֱלִיתוכ׳ Oh, that thou wouldst find favor before me (please me) at all times, as thou dost now; a. e.g) ה׳ חֵמָה ( to let anger rise, to become angry. Ib. s. 93 בשעה שהיה יהודה מעלה ח׳וכ׳ whenever Judah got angry, the hair ; a. e.h) (with or sub. ארוכה) to heal up. Ḥull.77a, v. אֲרוּכָה II. Shebi. IV, 6 לא שיַעֲלֶה, v. פָּשַׁח; a. fr. Nif. נַעֲלָה to be removed, withdraw. Tosef. Yoma I, 12 בעון … שכינה נַעֲלַת through the sin of bloodshed has the Divine Presence withdrawn (Sifré Num. 161 מסתלקת). Hithpa. הִתְעַלֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַלֶּה 1) to be raised, exalted. Sabb.33b, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be raised in price, to be bargained for at auction. Gen. R. s. 40, end (ref. to וַתֻּקַּח, Gen. 12:15) מִתְעַלָּה והולכת חדוכ׳ higher and higher prices were offered for her; one said, I give ; Esth. R. to II, 16 (ref. to ותלקח, ib.) מתעלה בליקוחין.

    Jewish literature > עלה

  • 7 עָלָה

    עלי, עָלָה(b. h.) to go up, rise; to come up, arrive. Pes.VIII, 3 מי שיַּעֲלֶה מכםוכ׳ whichever of you shall first arrive at Jerusalem (for the Passover), v. infra. Snh.X, 3 אינה עתידה לַעֲלוֹת shall not rise (from the grave at the time of resurrection). Y.Peah V, end, 19a (ref. to גבול עולם, Prov. 22:28) זו עוֹלֵי מצרים this refers to those who came up from Egypt; Hag. 3b. Ib. עולי בבל those who came back from Babylonia. Ber.20a, a. e. (ref. to Gen. 49:22) א״ת עֲלֵי עין אלא עוֹלֵי עין read not ‘ăle ‘ayin. but ‘ole ‘ayin, those rising above the (evil) eye (whom the evil eye cannot affect). Snh.111a כשע׳ משה למרום when Moses came up to heaven. Keth.61a עוֹלָה עמווכ׳ she rises with him, but does not go down with him, i. e. the wife rises to the husbands social position and can claim its comforts, if it be a higher one than her own, ; a. v. fr.Ḥull.17b עוֹלֶה ויורד בסכין a going up and down in a slaughtering knife, i. e. a curved blade. קרבן עולה ויורד, v. יָרַד. עלה על דעת, v. דַּעַת.Esp. to be put on the altar, be offered. Zeb.IX. 1 אם עָלְתָה לא תרד if it has been offered, it must not be taken down again. Ib. 2. Men.22b מכאן לעוֹלִין שאינן מבטליןוכ׳ this proves that things which are offered up (e. g. blood of several sacrifices that has become mixed up) do not neutralize one another. Ib. 23a חיבורי טלין that which is attached to things which go on the altar; a. fr.Idiomatic uses: a) (sub. לחשבון) to be counted in; to be accounted as. M. Kat. III, 5 שבת עולה ואינהוכ׳ the Sabbath counts as one of the seven days of mourning, and does not discontinue the mourning, i. e. the mourning continues after the Sabbath; רגלים מפסיקין ואינן עולין festivals discontinue (the mourning begun before), but do not count, i. e. if the burial took place on a festive day, the mourning days begin after the festival. Ab. IV, 13 עוֹלָה זדון, v. זָדוֹן. Zeb.I, 3 לא עָלוּ לבעלים משום חובה the owners of the sacrifices are not credited with them as a compliance with their obligation; a. fr.b) to rise in value; to be esteemed. Ab. l. c. וכתר שם טוב עוֹלֶה על גביהן the crown of a good name is worth more than all of them; a. e.c) (to rise on the scale, be outweighed, to be void, be neutralized (cmp. בָּטֵל). Ter. IV, 7 תרומה עולה באחד ומאה Trumah (mixed up in secular matter) is neutralized in one hundred and one (i. e. one against one hundred). Ib. 11 תַּעֲלֶה באחד ומאה is neutralized in ; לא תעלה is not neutralized. Ib. 13; a. fr.d) ע׳ לרגל, or ע׳ to go up (to Jerusalem and the Temple) for the festival. Yoma 21 בשעה שישראל עולין לרגל when the Israelites were in the Temple on the festivals. Ḥag.I, 1. Ib. 4a שאינן ראויין לעלות who are not fit for the pilgrimage. Pes.8b, a. e. עוֹלֵי רגלים pilgrims; a. fr.e) ע׳ בידו to obtain, achieve. Ber.35b עָלְתָה בידן they were successful. Naz.23a מי שנתכוון לעלות בידו בשר חזיר וע׳ בידו בשר טלה he who intended to obtain flesh of the swine, and happened to obtain mutton; a. fr. Pi. עִילָּה. 1) to elevate, exalt, praise. Sabb.33b יהודה שעי׳ יִתְעַלֶּה Judah who elevated (praised the Roman government), shall be elevated (to high office). Y.Snh.X, 29c top שעִילּוּ אותיוכ׳ who exalted me, v. זָבַח. Gen. R. s. 15 (ref. to וישם, Gen. 2:8) עי׳ אותו God raised him (made him a dignitary, by analogy to Deut. 17:15); a. fr. 2) to prize, to acquire at the highest price, bid for. Ib. s. 16 (ref. to ויקח, Gen. 2:15) עי׳ אותו he acquired him (by analogy to Is. 14:2; v. infra Hithpa.); Yalk. ib. 22. Gen. R. s. 40 (ref. to ויעלו, Jer. 38:13) מְעַלִּין אותו (or מַעֲלִין, Hif.) they bade for him. Hif. הֶעֱלָה 1) to raise, bring up. Makhsh. VI, 1 המַעֲלֶה פירותיווכ׳ if one carries his fruits up to the roof, v. כְּנִימָה; Tosef. ib. III, 1. Pesik. R. s. 26 ובקושי הֶעֱלוּהוּ and with hard work they brought him up (out of the pit); a. v. fr.Esp. to offer on the altar. Zeb.XIV, 3 המַעֲלֶה מבשרוכ׳ he who offers parts of the flesh of a sin offering Ib. XIII, 1 שחט בפנים וה׳ בחוץ if he slaughtered a sacrifice within the Temple precincts, and offered it without; a. v. fr. 2) to raise, promote to a higher dignity. Yoma 20b, a. fr. מַעֲלִין בקדש ולא מורידין we may promote (a person or thing) to a higher grade of sanctity, but must not degrade. Tosef.Ned.VI, 5 שמעלה … מטומאתן which raises (relieves) the unclean from their uncleanness; Ned.75b; Y. ib. X, 42a; a. fr. לא מעלה ולא מוריד, v. יָרַד.Idiomatic uses: a) to cause to go up from the readers place (which was low, v. תֵּיבה); to remove, discharge. Ber.29a ולא הָעֱלוּהוּ and they did not remove him. Ib. טעה … מעלין אותו if a reader makes a mistake in the twelfth section of the Tfillah (v. מִין III), he must be removed; a. fr.b) (v. Kal, c) to neutralize. Ter. IV, 8 תאנים שחורות מַעֲלוֹתוכ׳ black figs help to neutralize in conjunction with white ones, i. e. the black and the white secular figs are counted together against the admixture of figs of Trumah whether black or white; a. fr.c) (v. Kal, a) to account, credit or charge. B. Mets.69b אני אעלה לך סלעוכ׳ I will give thee credit for one Sela each month (as a compensation for the use of the cow). Ab. II, 2 מעלה אני עליכםוכ׳ I (the Lord) shall credit you with a large reward, just as if you had accomplished (the good you had intended to do). Ib. III, 7, sq. מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ the Bible text (the Lord) charges him as if he had endangered his life (v. חוּב). Yoma 81b מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילווכ׳ is accounted to his credit, as if he had fasted on the ninth and the tenth; a. fr.d) (v. Kal, e) to succeed, profit. Snh.90b הֶעֱלֵיתֶם בידכם, v. יָעַל.f) ה׳ חן to effect grace; to find favor. Gen. R. s. 9 הלואי תהא מַעֲלַת חן לפני … כשם שהֶעֱלִיתוכ׳ Oh, that thou wouldst find favor before me (please me) at all times, as thou dost now; a. e.g) ה׳ חֵמָה ( to let anger rise, to become angry. Ib. s. 93 בשעה שהיה יהודה מעלה ח׳וכ׳ whenever Judah got angry, the hair ; a. e.h) (with or sub. ארוכה) to heal up. Ḥull.77a, v. אֲרוּכָה II. Shebi. IV, 6 לא שיַעֲלֶה, v. פָּשַׁח; a. fr. Nif. נַעֲלָה to be removed, withdraw. Tosef. Yoma I, 12 בעון … שכינה נַעֲלַת through the sin of bloodshed has the Divine Presence withdrawn (Sifré Num. 161 מסתלקת). Hithpa. הִתְעַלֶּה, Nithpa. נִתְעַלֶּה 1) to be raised, exalted. Sabb.33b, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be raised in price, to be bargained for at auction. Gen. R. s. 40, end (ref. to וַתֻּקַּח, Gen. 12:15) מִתְעַלָּה והולכת חדוכ׳ higher and higher prices were offered for her; one said, I give ; Esth. R. to II, 16 (ref. to ותלקח, ib.) מתעלה בליקוחין.

    Jewish literature > עָלָה

  • 8 זרח

    זָרַח(b. h.; cmp. next w.) ( to spread, to shine, sparkle, rise (cmp. הָנֵץ). Ḥull.91b וכי שמש … זָרְחָה did the sun rise for him (Jacob) alone? Y.Snh.VIII, end, 26c … וכי החמה זֹורַחַת does the sun shine on him (the thief) alone? a. fr.Tanḥ. Tsav 13, a. fr. צרעת זרחהוכ׳ leprosy broke out on Hif. הִזְרִיחַ 1) to make shine. Gen. R. s. 22 ה׳ לו הצרעת the Lord made leprosy glisten on his face. Ib. ה׳ … חמה he caused the globe of the sun to shine bright for him (a sign of pardon). Lev. R. s. 28, beg. דיין שהקב״ה מַזְרִיחַוכ׳ it is reward enough for them that the Lord lets the sun rise Macc.10a (ref. to מזרחה, Deut. 4:41) הַזְרֵחַ שמשוכ׳ let the sun shine on unwilling manslayers (give them safety), Ib. הִזְרַחְתָּוכ׳ thou (Moses) hast 2) (neut. verb) to glisten. Shebi. IV, 7 משיַזְרִיחוּ (Ms. M. משהִזְ׳) when the young figs begin to glisten. 3) (denom. of מִזְרָח) to go east. Gen. R. s. 61, end (ref. to Gen. 25:6) כל מה … להַזְרִיחַ תַּזְרִיחוּ go as far east as you can.

    Jewish literature > זרח

  • 9 זָרַח

    זָרַח(b. h.; cmp. next w.) ( to spread, to shine, sparkle, rise (cmp. הָנֵץ). Ḥull.91b וכי שמש … זָרְחָה did the sun rise for him (Jacob) alone? Y.Snh.VIII, end, 26c … וכי החמה זֹורַחַת does the sun shine on him (the thief) alone? a. fr.Tanḥ. Tsav 13, a. fr. צרעת זרחהוכ׳ leprosy broke out on Hif. הִזְרִיחַ 1) to make shine. Gen. R. s. 22 ה׳ לו הצרעת the Lord made leprosy glisten on his face. Ib. ה׳ … חמה he caused the globe of the sun to shine bright for him (a sign of pardon). Lev. R. s. 28, beg. דיין שהקב״ה מַזְרִיחַוכ׳ it is reward enough for them that the Lord lets the sun rise Macc.10a (ref. to מזרחה, Deut. 4:41) הַזְרֵחַ שמשוכ׳ let the sun shine on unwilling manslayers (give them safety), Ib. הִזְרַחְתָּוכ׳ thou (Moses) hast 2) (neut. verb) to glisten. Shebi. IV, 7 משיַזְרִיחוּ (Ms. M. משהִזְ׳) when the young figs begin to glisten. 3) (denom. of מִזְרָח) to go east. Gen. R. s. 61, end (ref. to Gen. 25:6) כל מה … להַזְרִיחַ תַּזְרִיחוּ go as far east as you can.

    Jewish literature > זָרַח

  • 10 סלק

    סְלֵק, סְלֵיק,ch. same, (corresp. to h. עָלָה) 1) to rise, go up; to go away. Targ. Gen. 19:28 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Ib. 32:27 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Targ. Ex. 13:18; a. fr.Bets.38a, a. fr. כי ס׳ר׳וכ׳ when R. A. went up (from Babylonia to Palestine); ib. כי ס׳ להתם Ms. M. when he arrived there; a. fr. 2) to occur. Taan.21a כל מילתא דהוה סַלְקָא ליה הוה אמרוכ׳ (Ms. M. כל דהוה ס׳ ביה) whatever happened to him, he said, this, too, is for good; Snh.108b bot.; a. fr. 3) (interch. with Pa.) to stop, hush, keep silence. Targ. Jud. 3:19; Targ. Am. 6:10; 8:3 (h. text הס). 4) to turn out, result, (with אליבא) to agree with. Targ. 1 Chr. 11:11.B. Kam.92a bot. לא הוה סלקא ליה שמעתאוכ׳ Ms. H. (ed. סליק, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30) whatever tradition he reported turned out not to be in agreement with the halakha. 5) with על ליבא, דעתא (= h. עלה על לב) to occur to the mind; to desire; to entertain an opinion. Targ. 2 Chr. 7:11.In Talm. סלקא דעתא = סלק אד׳, v. דַּעְתָּא.Ḥull.64b, a. fr. לאס״ד that cannot rise in your mind, no idea of it. 6) (cmp. עלתה ארוכה העלה ארוכה, v. אֲרוּכָה II) to grow, heal up. Sabb.134b, a. e., v. הַיָיא. Pa. סַלֵּיק 1) to remove. Targ. Ez. 45:9 (not סְלִי׳). Targ. Job 34:29 (not ויסלף). Targ. Ps. 102:25; a. fr.Nidd.51b בתר דסַלִּיקוּוכ׳ after they have taken off their phylacteries. Gitt.52b ואֵיסַלְּקִינֵיה and I shall remove him (from office). Ib. מְסַלְּקִינָן ליה we (the court) must discharge him; a. fr. 2) (with or without בזוזא) to dismiss with payment; to settle, satisfy. B. Mets.68a מצי מְסַלֵּק ליה he has a right to settle with him (satisfy the mortgage). Ib. 67a, v. מַשְׁכַּנְתָּא; a. fr. Ithpa. אִסְתַּלֵּיק, Ithpe. אִסְתְּלֵיק, אִיסְּלֵיק 1) to remove ones self, rise, go away; to be removed, taken away; to die. Targ. Gen. 12:8. Targ. 1 Chr. 5:1 (ed. Lag. a. oth. אשתקלת); a. fr.Targ. Y. Ex. 12:43 דא׳ who deserted the Jewish faith (O. ed. Berl. דאשתמד; oth. ed. דאסתלק; h. text בן נכר).Keth.106a כיון דעבד הכי א׳ after he had done this, he (Elijah) stayed away (ceased to appear to him); a. fr. 2) to be accounted. R. Hash. 27a תִּיסְּלֵק לה בתרתי let it be accounted as two notes.Ber.56b אסתליק Ms. M., v. צְלַק.

    Jewish literature > סלק

  • 11 סליק

    סְלֵק, סְלֵיק,ch. same, (corresp. to h. עָלָה) 1) to rise, go up; to go away. Targ. Gen. 19:28 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Ib. 32:27 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Targ. Ex. 13:18; a. fr.Bets.38a, a. fr. כי ס׳ר׳וכ׳ when R. A. went up (from Babylonia to Palestine); ib. כי ס׳ להתם Ms. M. when he arrived there; a. fr. 2) to occur. Taan.21a כל מילתא דהוה סַלְקָא ליה הוה אמרוכ׳ (Ms. M. כל דהוה ס׳ ביה) whatever happened to him, he said, this, too, is for good; Snh.108b bot.; a. fr. 3) (interch. with Pa.) to stop, hush, keep silence. Targ. Jud. 3:19; Targ. Am. 6:10; 8:3 (h. text הס). 4) to turn out, result, (with אליבא) to agree with. Targ. 1 Chr. 11:11.B. Kam.92a bot. לא הוה סלקא ליה שמעתאוכ׳ Ms. H. (ed. סליק, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30) whatever tradition he reported turned out not to be in agreement with the halakha. 5) with על ליבא, דעתא (= h. עלה על לב) to occur to the mind; to desire; to entertain an opinion. Targ. 2 Chr. 7:11.In Talm. סלקא דעתא = סלק אד׳, v. דַּעְתָּא.Ḥull.64b, a. fr. לאס״ד that cannot rise in your mind, no idea of it. 6) (cmp. עלתה ארוכה העלה ארוכה, v. אֲרוּכָה II) to grow, heal up. Sabb.134b, a. e., v. הַיָיא. Pa. סַלֵּיק 1) to remove. Targ. Ez. 45:9 (not סְלִי׳). Targ. Job 34:29 (not ויסלף). Targ. Ps. 102:25; a. fr.Nidd.51b בתר דסַלִּיקוּוכ׳ after they have taken off their phylacteries. Gitt.52b ואֵיסַלְּקִינֵיה and I shall remove him (from office). Ib. מְסַלְּקִינָן ליה we (the court) must discharge him; a. fr. 2) (with or without בזוזא) to dismiss with payment; to settle, satisfy. B. Mets.68a מצי מְסַלֵּק ליה he has a right to settle with him (satisfy the mortgage). Ib. 67a, v. מַשְׁכַּנְתָּא; a. fr. Ithpa. אִסְתַּלֵּיק, Ithpe. אִסְתְּלֵיק, אִיסְּלֵיק 1) to remove ones self, rise, go away; to be removed, taken away; to die. Targ. Gen. 12:8. Targ. 1 Chr. 5:1 (ed. Lag. a. oth. אשתקלת); a. fr.Targ. Y. Ex. 12:43 דא׳ who deserted the Jewish faith (O. ed. Berl. דאשתמד; oth. ed. דאסתלק; h. text בן נכר).Keth.106a כיון דעבד הכי א׳ after he had done this, he (Elijah) stayed away (ceased to appear to him); a. fr. 2) to be accounted. R. Hash. 27a תִּיסְּלֵק לה בתרתי let it be accounted as two notes.Ber.56b אסתליק Ms. M., v. צְלַק.

    Jewish literature > סליק

  • 12 סְלֵק

    סְלֵק, סְלֵיק,ch. same, (corresp. to h. עָלָה) 1) to rise, go up; to go away. Targ. Gen. 19:28 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Ib. 32:27 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Targ. Ex. 13:18; a. fr.Bets.38a, a. fr. כי ס׳ר׳וכ׳ when R. A. went up (from Babylonia to Palestine); ib. כי ס׳ להתם Ms. M. when he arrived there; a. fr. 2) to occur. Taan.21a כל מילתא דהוה סַלְקָא ליה הוה אמרוכ׳ (Ms. M. כל דהוה ס׳ ביה) whatever happened to him, he said, this, too, is for good; Snh.108b bot.; a. fr. 3) (interch. with Pa.) to stop, hush, keep silence. Targ. Jud. 3:19; Targ. Am. 6:10; 8:3 (h. text הס). 4) to turn out, result, (with אליבא) to agree with. Targ. 1 Chr. 11:11.B. Kam.92a bot. לא הוה סלקא ליה שמעתאוכ׳ Ms. H. (ed. סליק, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30) whatever tradition he reported turned out not to be in agreement with the halakha. 5) with על ליבא, דעתא (= h. עלה על לב) to occur to the mind; to desire; to entertain an opinion. Targ. 2 Chr. 7:11.In Talm. סלקא דעתא = סלק אד׳, v. דַּעְתָּא.Ḥull.64b, a. fr. לאס״ד that cannot rise in your mind, no idea of it. 6) (cmp. עלתה ארוכה העלה ארוכה, v. אֲרוּכָה II) to grow, heal up. Sabb.134b, a. e., v. הַיָיא. Pa. סַלֵּיק 1) to remove. Targ. Ez. 45:9 (not סְלִי׳). Targ. Job 34:29 (not ויסלף). Targ. Ps. 102:25; a. fr.Nidd.51b בתר דסַלִּיקוּוכ׳ after they have taken off their phylacteries. Gitt.52b ואֵיסַלְּקִינֵיה and I shall remove him (from office). Ib. מְסַלְּקִינָן ליה we (the court) must discharge him; a. fr. 2) (with or without בזוזא) to dismiss with payment; to settle, satisfy. B. Mets.68a מצי מְסַלֵּק ליה he has a right to settle with him (satisfy the mortgage). Ib. 67a, v. מַשְׁכַּנְתָּא; a. fr. Ithpa. אִסְתַּלֵּיק, Ithpe. אִסְתְּלֵיק, אִיסְּלֵיק 1) to remove ones self, rise, go away; to be removed, taken away; to die. Targ. Gen. 12:8. Targ. 1 Chr. 5:1 (ed. Lag. a. oth. אשתקלת); a. fr.Targ. Y. Ex. 12:43 דא׳ who deserted the Jewish faith (O. ed. Berl. דאשתמד; oth. ed. דאסתלק; h. text בן נכר).Keth.106a כיון דעבד הכי א׳ after he had done this, he (Elijah) stayed away (ceased to appear to him); a. fr. 2) to be accounted. R. Hash. 27a תִּיסְּלֵק לה בתרתי let it be accounted as two notes.Ber.56b אסתליק Ms. M., v. צְלַק.

    Jewish literature > סְלֵק

  • 13 סְלֵיק

    סְלֵק, סְלֵיק,ch. same, (corresp. to h. עָלָה) 1) to rise, go up; to go away. Targ. Gen. 19:28 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Ib. 32:27 (Y. ed. Amst. סַלִּיק). Targ. Ex. 13:18; a. fr.Bets.38a, a. fr. כי ס׳ר׳וכ׳ when R. A. went up (from Babylonia to Palestine); ib. כי ס׳ להתם Ms. M. when he arrived there; a. fr. 2) to occur. Taan.21a כל מילתא דהוה סַלְקָא ליה הוה אמרוכ׳ (Ms. M. כל דהוה ס׳ ביה) whatever happened to him, he said, this, too, is for good; Snh.108b bot.; a. fr. 3) (interch. with Pa.) to stop, hush, keep silence. Targ. Jud. 3:19; Targ. Am. 6:10; 8:3 (h. text הס). 4) to turn out, result, (with אליבא) to agree with. Targ. 1 Chr. 11:11.B. Kam.92a bot. לא הוה סלקא ליה שמעתאוכ׳ Ms. H. (ed. סליק, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30) whatever tradition he reported turned out not to be in agreement with the halakha. 5) with על ליבא, דעתא (= h. עלה על לב) to occur to the mind; to desire; to entertain an opinion. Targ. 2 Chr. 7:11.In Talm. סלקא דעתא = סלק אד׳, v. דַּעְתָּא.Ḥull.64b, a. fr. לאס״ד that cannot rise in your mind, no idea of it. 6) (cmp. עלתה ארוכה העלה ארוכה, v. אֲרוּכָה II) to grow, heal up. Sabb.134b, a. e., v. הַיָיא. Pa. סַלֵּיק 1) to remove. Targ. Ez. 45:9 (not סְלִי׳). Targ. Job 34:29 (not ויסלף). Targ. Ps. 102:25; a. fr.Nidd.51b בתר דסַלִּיקוּוכ׳ after they have taken off their phylacteries. Gitt.52b ואֵיסַלְּקִינֵיה and I shall remove him (from office). Ib. מְסַלְּקִינָן ליה we (the court) must discharge him; a. fr. 2) (with or without בזוזא) to dismiss with payment; to settle, satisfy. B. Mets.68a מצי מְסַלֵּק ליה he has a right to settle with him (satisfy the mortgage). Ib. 67a, v. מַשְׁכַּנְתָּא; a. fr. Ithpa. אִסְתַּלֵּיק, Ithpe. אִסְתְּלֵיק, אִיסְּלֵיק 1) to remove ones self, rise, go away; to be removed, taken away; to die. Targ. Gen. 12:8. Targ. 1 Chr. 5:1 (ed. Lag. a. oth. אשתקלת); a. fr.Targ. Y. Ex. 12:43 דא׳ who deserted the Jewish faith (O. ed. Berl. דאשתמד; oth. ed. דאסתלק; h. text בן נכר).Keth.106a כיון דעבד הכי א׳ after he had done this, he (Elijah) stayed away (ceased to appear to him); a. fr. 2) to be accounted. R. Hash. 27a תִּיסְּלֵק לה בתרתי let it be accounted as two notes.Ber.56b אסתליק Ms. M., v. צְלַק.

    Jewish literature > סְלֵיק

  • 14 עמך II

    עָמַךII (b. h.) 1) to stand, stand up, rise; to remain, endure; to be ready. Ber.V, 1 אין עוֹמְדִין להתפללוכ׳ you must not stand up (make ready) for prayer,, v. כּוֹבֶד. Ib. I, 2 שכן דרך … לַעֲמוֹדוכ׳ for princes generally rise at three hours. Ib. 3 (expl. ובקומך, Deut. 6:7) בשעה שבני אדם עוֹמְדִים at the time when people get up (in the morning). Kidd.71a עוֹמֵד בחצי ימיו a middle-aged man. Y.Snh.VIII, 26b ע׳ בדין stood before court. B. Mets.47b מי שאינו עוֹמד בדיבורו who does not stand by (keep) his promise. Kil. IV, 4 העומד that part of the fence which is unimpaired, opp. פרוץ. Neg. I, 3, sq. העומד the leprous spot which remained in its place (Lev. 13:28). B. Bath.60b יכולין לעמוד בה, v. גְּזֵרָה. Ex. R. s. 2 בקש משה שיַעַמְדּוּ וכו׳ Moses prayed that from him should rise priests and kings; a. v. fr.Esp. uses: ע׳ על a) to understand. Y.Shek.I, 45d, v. אוֹפִי; a. e.b) to insist upon. Meg.28a לא עָמַדְתִּי על מדותי, v. מִדָּה. Kidd. l. c. מְעַמֵּד על מדותיו Pi. (Rashi מַעֲמִיד Hif.)c) to be reduced to. Y.Ber.II, 5c ע׳ על חמשים it came down to fifty; a. fr. 2) (of liquids) to settle, become consistent. Ab. Zar.35b חלב טהור עומד milk of a clean animal curdles (can be made into cheese or butter). 3) (of blades) to become dull (without being notched). Bets.28b סכין שעָמְדָה מותרוכ׳ a slaughtering knife which has become dull may be sharpened on the Holy Day.)עוֹמֵד ל־ standing ready, designated for. Pes.13b, a. fr. כל העומד לזרוקוכ׳ whatever is ready to be sprinkled, is considered as if it had been sprinkled. Keth.51a top; a. fr. 5) ע׳ ב־ to resist. Cant. R. to VII, 8 כל … לעמוד בזנות he who can resister the temptation of lust; כאילו עומד בשתיהן as if he resisted both; a. e. Hif. הֶעֱמִיד to cause to stand, to place; to restore, preserve; to beget, produce. Y.R. Hash. I, 57b top הַעֲמִידוּ בימה put the dais up (to hold court). Tam.V, 6 היה מַעֲמִידוכ׳ made the unclean priests stand in the eastern gate. Yeb.62b הם הם הֶעֱמִידוּ תורהוכ׳ it was they who preserved the law (tradition) in those days. Ab. I, 1 הַעֲמִידוּ תלמידים הרבה rear many scholars. Num. R. s. 14 ה׳ בנים begot children. Koh. R. to I, 4 מה היא עומדת מַעֲמֶדֶת what does ʿomadeth (ib.) mean? She (the earth) preserves, v. תַּפְקִיד. Gen. R. s. 90 שכל ארץ וארץ מעמדת פירותיה each ground preserves its own fruits (when put into the ground), Ib. דברים שהן מַעֲמִידִין substances which conserve, v. קִטְמִית; a. fr. 2) to change the standing of; to enlarge; to reduce. Meg.15b שתי אמות היה והֶעֱמִידוֹ עלוכ׳ it was two cubits long, and he extended it to twelve. Macc.24a (of the 613 laws of the Torah) בא דוד והֶעֱמִידָן עלוכ׳ David came and brought them down to eleven (Ps. 15); בא עמוס והעמידן על אחת Amos came and reduced them to one (Am. 5:4). 3) ה׳ (על) עצמו to contain, check ones self. Snh.72a אין אדם מעמיד עצמו על ממונו no one will restrain himself from defending his property. Ib. 93b מַעֲמִידִין על עצמם בשעהוכ׳ they restrained themselves when they had a human need. 4) (of liquids) to make consistent, curdle. Ab. Zar. II, 5 מעמידין אותן בקיבת נבלה they make the cheese by putting into the milk rennet from an animal not ritually slaughtered. Orl. I, 7 המעמיד בשרף הערלה if one curdles milk by means of a resinous substance (an acid) from an ‘uncircumcised tree (v. עָרְלָה); a. e. 5) ה׳ על חזקתו to let a thing stand on the basis of its presumptive condition, to assume that the ordinary condition has not changed. Nidd.2a הַעֲמֵד אשה על חזקתה assume that the woman has not changed her presumptive condition (of cleanness); העמד דבר על חזקתו assume everything to remain unchanged (until a change is proven). Keth.75b; a. fr. 6) ה׳ על מדותיו (sub. עצמו), v. supra. Pi. עִמֵּד 1) (sub. עצמו) to insist. Kidd.71a, v. supra. 2) to place; part. pass. מְעוּמָּד, q. v.

    Jewish literature > עמך II

  • 15 עָמַך

    עָמַךII (b. h.) 1) to stand, stand up, rise; to remain, endure; to be ready. Ber.V, 1 אין עוֹמְדִין להתפללוכ׳ you must not stand up (make ready) for prayer,, v. כּוֹבֶד. Ib. I, 2 שכן דרך … לַעֲמוֹדוכ׳ for princes generally rise at three hours. Ib. 3 (expl. ובקומך, Deut. 6:7) בשעה שבני אדם עוֹמְדִים at the time when people get up (in the morning). Kidd.71a עוֹמֵד בחצי ימיו a middle-aged man. Y.Snh.VIII, 26b ע׳ בדין stood before court. B. Mets.47b מי שאינו עוֹמד בדיבורו who does not stand by (keep) his promise. Kil. IV, 4 העומד that part of the fence which is unimpaired, opp. פרוץ. Neg. I, 3, sq. העומד the leprous spot which remained in its place (Lev. 13:28). B. Bath.60b יכולין לעמוד בה, v. גְּזֵרָה. Ex. R. s. 2 בקש משה שיַעַמְדּוּ וכו׳ Moses prayed that from him should rise priests and kings; a. v. fr.Esp. uses: ע׳ על a) to understand. Y.Shek.I, 45d, v. אוֹפִי; a. e.b) to insist upon. Meg.28a לא עָמַדְתִּי על מדותי, v. מִדָּה. Kidd. l. c. מְעַמֵּד על מדותיו Pi. (Rashi מַעֲמִיד Hif.)c) to be reduced to. Y.Ber.II, 5c ע׳ על חמשים it came down to fifty; a. fr. 2) (of liquids) to settle, become consistent. Ab. Zar.35b חלב טהור עומד milk of a clean animal curdles (can be made into cheese or butter). 3) (of blades) to become dull (without being notched). Bets.28b סכין שעָמְדָה מותרוכ׳ a slaughtering knife which has become dull may be sharpened on the Holy Day.)עוֹמֵד ל־ standing ready, designated for. Pes.13b, a. fr. כל העומד לזרוקוכ׳ whatever is ready to be sprinkled, is considered as if it had been sprinkled. Keth.51a top; a. fr. 5) ע׳ ב־ to resist. Cant. R. to VII, 8 כל … לעמוד בזנות he who can resister the temptation of lust; כאילו עומד בשתיהן as if he resisted both; a. e. Hif. הֶעֱמִיד to cause to stand, to place; to restore, preserve; to beget, produce. Y.R. Hash. I, 57b top הַעֲמִידוּ בימה put the dais up (to hold court). Tam.V, 6 היה מַעֲמִידוכ׳ made the unclean priests stand in the eastern gate. Yeb.62b הם הם הֶעֱמִידוּ תורהוכ׳ it was they who preserved the law (tradition) in those days. Ab. I, 1 הַעֲמִידוּ תלמידים הרבה rear many scholars. Num. R. s. 14 ה׳ בנים begot children. Koh. R. to I, 4 מה היא עומדת מַעֲמֶדֶת what does ʿomadeth (ib.) mean? She (the earth) preserves, v. תַּפְקִיד. Gen. R. s. 90 שכל ארץ וארץ מעמדת פירותיה each ground preserves its own fruits (when put into the ground), Ib. דברים שהן מַעֲמִידִין substances which conserve, v. קִטְמִית; a. fr. 2) to change the standing of; to enlarge; to reduce. Meg.15b שתי אמות היה והֶעֱמִידוֹ עלוכ׳ it was two cubits long, and he extended it to twelve. Macc.24a (of the 613 laws of the Torah) בא דוד והֶעֱמִידָן עלוכ׳ David came and brought them down to eleven (Ps. 15); בא עמוס והעמידן על אחת Amos came and reduced them to one (Am. 5:4). 3) ה׳ (על) עצמו to contain, check ones self. Snh.72a אין אדם מעמיד עצמו על ממונו no one will restrain himself from defending his property. Ib. 93b מַעֲמִידִין על עצמם בשעהוכ׳ they restrained themselves when they had a human need. 4) (of liquids) to make consistent, curdle. Ab. Zar. II, 5 מעמידין אותן בקיבת נבלה they make the cheese by putting into the milk rennet from an animal not ritually slaughtered. Orl. I, 7 המעמיד בשרף הערלה if one curdles milk by means of a resinous substance (an acid) from an ‘uncircumcised tree (v. עָרְלָה); a. e. 5) ה׳ על חזקתו to let a thing stand on the basis of its presumptive condition, to assume that the ordinary condition has not changed. Nidd.2a הַעֲמֵד אשה על חזקתה assume that the woman has not changed her presumptive condition (of cleanness); העמד דבר על חזקתו assume everything to remain unchanged (until a change is proven). Keth.75b; a. fr. 6) ה׳ על מדותיו (sub. עצמו), v. supra. Pi. עִמֵּד 1) (sub. עצמו) to insist. Kidd.71a, v. supra. 2) to place; part. pass. מְעוּמָּד, q. v.

    Jewish literature > עָמַך

  • 16 ערום

    עָרוֹםm. (b. h.; v. preced.; cmp. עָרָה) stripped, naked, bare. Dem. I, 4 מפרישין אותו ע׳ וביןוכ׳ Y. ed. a. Ms. M. (ed. בין, incorr.) you may separate the priests gift there from without being dressed (because it requires no benediction), and at twilight (on the eve of the Sabbath); Sabb.23a. Ib. 14a האוחזס״ת ע׳ נקבר ע׳ he who handles a naked scroll of the Law (tonches it directly with his bare hand), will he buried naked, expl. ע׳ בלא אותה מצוה bare of the merit of that act (of studying or of rolling and dressing it). Tosef.Keth.VI, 7 פסק … שיעמד ע׳ וילבישנה (not וילבשנו) if he agreed with his son-in-law that he will go naked (deprive himself, if necessary) and dress her, אין אומ׳ יעמד ע׳ וילבישנהוכ׳ (not וילבישנו) we do not say, let him become destitute, and he must dress her (make the outfit for her), but he (her father) must cover her as is proper for her; Y. ib. VI, 30d. Sot.21b (play on ערמה, Prov. 8:12) אין … אלא במי שמעמיד עצמו ע׳ עליהן the words of the Law remain only with him who makes himself destitute for their sake (who sacrifices comforts for them); (Var. quot. in Rashi: שמשים עצמו עָרוּם עליה who makes himself cunning about it, i. e. goes to work deliberately, studies systematically); a. fr.Pl. עֲרוּמִּים, עֲרוּמִּין. Snh.90b כשהן עומדין עומדין ע׳וכ׳ when they (the dead) rise, will they rise naked or dressed? Yeb.63b אנשי … שמהלכין ע׳ בשוק those of Barbaria … who walk naked in the street; Sifré Deut. 320; a. fr. Fem. עֲרוּמָּה. Keth.111b; Snh. l. c. ומה היטה שנקברה ע׳וכ׳ if the wheat-grain, which is buried naked, comes forth wrapped in many dresses, how much more will the righteous dead rise Ib. VI, 3 אין האשה נסקלת ע׳ a woman convict must not be stoned (executed) undressed. Meg.12b ובלבד שתהא ע׳ provided she (Vashti) will appear undressed. Snh.75a ימות ולא תעמוד לפניו ע׳ let him (the love-sick man) die, but she must not stand undressed before him. Keth.VI, 5 פסק להכניסה ע׳ if the father made an agreement that he (the bridegroom) will take her to his house without the customary outfit; a. fr.Pl. עֲרוּמּוֹת. Meg. l. c. מפשיטתן ע׳ (not מפשיטן) she forced them to appear undressed; a. e.

    Jewish literature > ערום

  • 17 עָרוֹם

    עָרוֹםm. (b. h.; v. preced.; cmp. עָרָה) stripped, naked, bare. Dem. I, 4 מפרישין אותו ע׳ וביןוכ׳ Y. ed. a. Ms. M. (ed. בין, incorr.) you may separate the priests gift there from without being dressed (because it requires no benediction), and at twilight (on the eve of the Sabbath); Sabb.23a. Ib. 14a האוחזס״ת ע׳ נקבר ע׳ he who handles a naked scroll of the Law (tonches it directly with his bare hand), will he buried naked, expl. ע׳ בלא אותה מצוה bare of the merit of that act (of studying or of rolling and dressing it). Tosef.Keth.VI, 7 פסק … שיעמד ע׳ וילבישנה (not וילבשנו) if he agreed with his son-in-law that he will go naked (deprive himself, if necessary) and dress her, אין אומ׳ יעמד ע׳ וילבישנהוכ׳ (not וילבישנו) we do not say, let him become destitute, and he must dress her (make the outfit for her), but he (her father) must cover her as is proper for her; Y. ib. VI, 30d. Sot.21b (play on ערמה, Prov. 8:12) אין … אלא במי שמעמיד עצמו ע׳ עליהן the words of the Law remain only with him who makes himself destitute for their sake (who sacrifices comforts for them); (Var. quot. in Rashi: שמשים עצמו עָרוּם עליה who makes himself cunning about it, i. e. goes to work deliberately, studies systematically); a. fr.Pl. עֲרוּמִּים, עֲרוּמִּין. Snh.90b כשהן עומדין עומדין ע׳וכ׳ when they (the dead) rise, will they rise naked or dressed? Yeb.63b אנשי … שמהלכין ע׳ בשוק those of Barbaria … who walk naked in the street; Sifré Deut. 320; a. fr. Fem. עֲרוּמָּה. Keth.111b; Snh. l. c. ומה היטה שנקברה ע׳וכ׳ if the wheat-grain, which is buried naked, comes forth wrapped in many dresses, how much more will the righteous dead rise Ib. VI, 3 אין האשה נסקלת ע׳ a woman convict must not be stoned (executed) undressed. Meg.12b ובלבד שתהא ע׳ provided she (Vashti) will appear undressed. Snh.75a ימות ולא תעמוד לפניו ע׳ let him (the love-sick man) die, but she must not stand undressed before him. Keth.VI, 5 פסק להכניסה ע׳ if the father made an agreement that he (the bridegroom) will take her to his house without the customary outfit; a. fr.Pl. עֲרוּמּוֹת. Meg. l. c. מפשיטתן ע׳ (not מפשיטן) she forced them to appear undressed; a. e.

    Jewish literature > עָרוֹם

  • 18 קטר I

    קָטַרI (b. h.; cmp. כתר a. עטר) ( to circle, to rise in circles, to smoke. Ker.6b דבר שקוֹטֵר ועולה וריחווכ׳ (not שקיטר) something which circles and rises, and whose savor spreads. Ib. מה לשון קטרת דבר שקוטר ועולה ḳṭoreth means something which circles Pl. קִיטֵּר to offer incense (mostly with ref. to idolatrous rites). Tosef.Snh.X, 2 אחד העובד … ואחד המְקַטֵּרוכ׳ whether one worships (an idol), or sacrifices, or offers incense ; Ker.3b. Ib. מקטר לשדוכ׳ who makes incense rise to a demon in order to exorcise him; Snh.65a. Ber.53a, v. כֶּשֶׁף. Lev. R. s. 7, v. infra; a. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּטָּר; f. מְקוּטֶּרֶת perfumed. Pirké dR. El. ch. XXX (play on קטורה) שהיתה מק׳ מכלוכ׳ she was (through her good deeds) more savory than all kinds of spices; Gen. R. s. 61 שמק׳ מצותוכ׳ she was perfumed with godly deeds and good works (v. קָטַר II). Hif. הִקְטִיר same (mostly with ref. to the Lord). Tosef.Snh.X, 3 והמקטיר, prob. to be read: והמְקַטֵּיר. Men.110a (ref. to Mal. 1:11) אלו … כאילו מַקְטִירִיןוכ׳ this refers to the students engaged in the Law; wherever it be, I account it to them as if they were offering incense and bringing sacrifices to my Name. Lev. R. s. 7 (ref. to מקטר קטרת, Ex. 30:1) מִתְקַטֵּר בקטרת אין כתיב כאן אלא מְקַטֵּר … המזבח היה מַקְטִירוכ׳ it says not ‘being perfumed with incense, but ‘perfuming with incense, the altar gave forth incense of itself. Ber.7a פעם … לְהַקְטִיר קטרתוכ׳ once I entered to let incense rise in the Holy of Holies; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַטֵּר to be perfumed, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > קטר I

  • 19 קָטַר

    קָטַרI (b. h.; cmp. כתר a. עטר) ( to circle, to rise in circles, to smoke. Ker.6b דבר שקוֹטֵר ועולה וריחווכ׳ (not שקיטר) something which circles and rises, and whose savor spreads. Ib. מה לשון קטרת דבר שקוטר ועולה ḳṭoreth means something which circles Pl. קִיטֵּר to offer incense (mostly with ref. to idolatrous rites). Tosef.Snh.X, 2 אחד העובד … ואחד המְקַטֵּרוכ׳ whether one worships (an idol), or sacrifices, or offers incense ; Ker.3b. Ib. מקטר לשדוכ׳ who makes incense rise to a demon in order to exorcise him; Snh.65a. Ber.53a, v. כֶּשֶׁף. Lev. R. s. 7, v. infra; a. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּטָּר; f. מְקוּטֶּרֶת perfumed. Pirké dR. El. ch. XXX (play on קטורה) שהיתה מק׳ מכלוכ׳ she was (through her good deeds) more savory than all kinds of spices; Gen. R. s. 61 שמק׳ מצותוכ׳ she was perfumed with godly deeds and good works (v. קָטַר II). Hif. הִקְטִיר same (mostly with ref. to the Lord). Tosef.Snh.X, 3 והמקטיר, prob. to be read: והמְקַטֵּיר. Men.110a (ref. to Mal. 1:11) אלו … כאילו מַקְטִירִיןוכ׳ this refers to the students engaged in the Law; wherever it be, I account it to them as if they were offering incense and bringing sacrifices to my Name. Lev. R. s. 7 (ref. to מקטר קטרת, Ex. 30:1) מִתְקַטֵּר בקטרת אין כתיב כאן אלא מְקַטֵּר … המזבח היה מַקְטִירוכ׳ it says not ‘being perfumed with incense, but ‘perfuming with incense, the altar gave forth incense of itself. Ber.7a פעם … לְהַקְטִיר קטרתוכ׳ once I entered to let incense rise in the Holy of Holies; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְקַטֵּר to be perfumed, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > קָטַר

  • 20 רום

    רוּם, רִים(b. h.) ( to swing, to be high, lifted up; to rise. Ab. Zar.24b רוֹמִי רומי השיטה Ar. (ed. רוני) rise, rise, acacia (holy ark)!; Gen. R. s. 54 רומי השטה. Hif. הרִים 1) to lift up, raise. Cant. R. to III, 4 (ref. to Ps. 75:8) ישפיל … ויָרִים לכרשוכ׳ he shall lower Belshazzar, and lift up Cyrus and Darius; Yalk. Ps. 812 אני הוא משפיל ומֵרִים lower and raise; מלכות … מרימ he lays low one empire and raises another empire ; a. e. 2) to take off, remove. Ruth R. to I, 17 (ref. to Ez. 21:31) הסר … והָרִים העטרהוכ׳ remove the bonnet from our teachers, and take the crown off the nations; a. e. Hof. הוּרָם to be taken off, esp. to be separated as an offering, priests share ; to be consecrated. Ḥall. II, 8 שלא הוּרְמָה חלתה (not הורם), v. חַלָּה. Sifré Num. 110 (ref. to Num. 4:20) את שמוּרָם קודשוכ׳ that which is separated is to be sacred, and the remainder secular, but (no Ḥallah is to be taken,) when both would be sacred. Zeb.V, 6 המורם מהםוכ׳ the same rules apply to what is taken off them for the priest; a. fr. Polel רוֹמֵם to lift up, elevate. Tanḥ. Matt. 6; Num. R. s. 22, end (ref. to Num. 31:9 and 32:1) הא שהשפיל … ור׳וכ׳ here you see that the Lord lowered the Midianites, and raised the Israelites. Ib. (ref. to 1 Sam. 2:7) אף … מְרוֹמֵם את זה in the anger which he brings to bear on one, he raises the other. Pesik. R. s. 10 (ref. to Ps. 75:8) משפיל לכל … ומרומםוכ׳ he lowered every one that had part in the worship of the golden calf, and elevated every one that had no part Ib. ועכשיו … אף כך רוֹמֵם ראשם and now that thou hast lifted up my head, lift thou up their head likewise; לךר׳ ראשם go and lift up their heads (announce to them the divine pardon). Ib. (ref. to Ex. 30:12) כל מה שאתה יכול לרוֹמֵם … רוֹמְמָהּ שבאילו לי אתה מְרוֹמֵם (not רומם) in whatever way thou canst elevate that nation elevate it, for by this thou elevatest me. Ex. R. s. 25 ורִימְּמָןהקב״הוכ׳ (fr. רָמַם) and the Lord raised them above all; a. fr. Hithpol. הִתְרוֹמֵם, Nithpol. נִתְרוֹמֵם to be lifted up; to pride ones self. Y.Ber.IX, 14a top יתגדל … ויתברך ויִתְרוֹמַם שמךוכ׳ thy Name be magnified … and blessed and lifted up (praised) for ; Y.Taan.I, 64a top; Gen. R. s. 13. Meg.17b כיון … מִתְרוֹמֶמֶת קרןוכ׳ when the transgressors cease to exist, the horn of the righteous will be uplifted. Num. R. s. 22; Tanḥ. Matt. 6, a. e. אין אדם מִתְרוֹמֵם, v. רוֹמֵמוּת. Tanḥ. Mick. 3 ונִתְרוֹמְמוּ and they were raised (to power); a. e.(Yalk. Gen. 79 מתרוממות, read: מְתַמְּרִין, v. תָּמַר.

    Jewish literature > רום

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