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  • 1 marked

    • ilmeinen
    • jyrkkäpiirteinen
    • tuntuva
    • huomattava
    • silminnähtävä
    • merkitty
    • selvä
    • selväpiirteinen
    * * *
    adjective (obvious or easily noticeable: There has been a marked improvement in her work.) merkittävä

    English-Finnish dictionary > marked

  • 2 marked block

    automatic data processing
    • merkitty lohko

    English-Finnish dictionary > marked block

  • 3 marked end

    • magneettineulan pohjoiskärki(N)

    English-Finnish dictionary > marked end

  • 4 be marked

    • korostua

    English-Finnish dictionary > be marked

  • 5 become marked

    • leimautua

    English-Finnish dictionary > become marked

  • 6 pock-marked

    • rokonarpinen

    English-Finnish dictionary > pock-marked

  • 7 trade-marked goods

    • merkkitavara

    English-Finnish dictionary > trade-marked goods

  • 8 with marked features

    • tarkkapiirteinen

    English-Finnish dictionary > with marked features

  • 9 mark

    • olla merkkinä
    • panna merkille
    • painanne
    • painaa leima
    • todistus jostakin
    • nimikoida
    • numero
    • jättää jälki
    • jälki
    • tunnuskuva
    • tunnusmerkki
    • tuntomerkki
    • tunnus
    • huomata
    • hinnoitella
    • viivata
    • viivaus
    • viitoittaa
    • virhemerkki
    • enne
    • signaali
    • arpi
    • arvostella
    • arvosana
    • uurros
    • puumerkki
    • tavoite
    • tehdä merkintä
    • koenumero
    • leima
    • lipuke
    • leimata
    • mitta
    • merkata
    automatic data processing
    • merkitä (atk)
    • merkintä
    • merkki
    • merkitä
    • markus
    • maali
    • maalitaulu
    • markka
    • symboli
    • laji
    • piirto
    • pinna
    • piiru
    • pilkka
    • piste
    • korjata
    • lähtöviiva
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) ((also Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.) markka
    2) (a point given as a reward for good work etc: She got good marks in the exam.)
    3) (a stain: That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.) merkki
    4) (a sign used as a guide to position etc: There's a mark on the map showing where the church is.) arvosana
    5) (a cross or other sign used instead of a signature: He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.) tahra
    6) (an indication or sign of a particular thing: a mark of respect.) merkki
    2. verb
    1) (to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained: Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily.) merkitä, tahrata
    2) (to give marks to (a piece of work): I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight.) korjata
    3) (to show; to be a sign of: X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.) osoittaa
    4) (to note: Mark it down in your notebook.) merkitä muistiin
    5) ((in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball: Your job is to mark the centre-forward.) vartioida
    - markedly
    - marker
    - marksman
    - marksmanship
    - leave/make one's mark
    - mark out
    - mark time

    English-Finnish dictionary > mark

  • 10 contrast

    • jyrkästi erota
    • vastakohta
    • vastakkaisuus
    • verrata
    • vertailla
    • ero
    • asettaa vastakkain
    • muodostaa vastakohta
    • sävykkyys
    • poiketa
    • kontrasti
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to show marked difference from: His words contrast with his actions.) olla ristiriidassa
    2) (to compare so as to show differences: Contrast fresh and frozen vegetables and you'll find the fresh ones taste better.) verrata
    2. noun
    1) (difference(s) in things or people that are compared: The contrast between their attitudes is very marked.) vastakohtaisuus
    2) (a thing or person that shows a marked difference (to another): She's a complete contrast to her sister.) vastakohta

    English-Finnish dictionary > contrast

  • 11 mark out

    • osoittaa joukosta
    • viitoittaa
    • valita
    • piirtää
    * * *
    1) (to mark the boundary of (eg a football pitch) by making lines etc: The pitch was marked out with white lines.) rajata
    2) (to select or choose for some particular purpose etc in the future: He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood.) valita

    English-Finnish dictionary > mark out

  • 12 bold

    • röyhkeä
    • rohkea
    • topakka
    • julkea
    • hullunrohkea
    • voimakas
    • arkailematon
    • arastelematon
    • urhoollinen
    • uskalias
    • uhkarohkea
    • karski
    printing (graphic) industry
    • lihavointi
    • miehuullinen
    • peloton
    • selväpiirteinen
    • suorasukainen
    • ylevä
    • kunnianhimoinen
    * * *
    1) (daring or fearless: a bold plan of attack.) rohkea
    2) (striking and well-marked: a dress with bold stripes.) selvä
    3) ((of type) thick and clear, like this.) lihava
    - boldness
    - bold as brass

    English-Finnish dictionary > bold

  • 13 court

    • oikeusistuin
    • oikeus
    • tuomioistuin
    • hovi
    • esikartano
    • seurustella
    • tavoitella
    • kenttä
    • liehitellä
    • pelikenttä
    • käräjät
    • käräjäoikeus
    • piha
    • kosiskella
    * * *
    ko:t 1. noun
    1) (a place where legal cases are heard: a magistrates' court; the High Court.) tuomioistuin
    2) (the judges and officials of a legal court: The accused is to appear before the court on Friday.) oikeus
    3) (a marked-out space for certain games: a tennis-court; a squash court.) kenttä
    4) (the officials, councillors etc of a king or queen: the court of King James.) hovi
    5) (the palace of a king or queen: Hampton Court.) palatsi
    6) (an open space surrounded by houses or by the parts of one house.) piha
    2. verb
    1) (to try to win the love of; to woo.) kosiskella
    2) (to try to gain (admiration etc).) tavoitella
    3) (to seem to be deliberately risking (disaster etc).) kerjätä
    - courtly
    - courtliness
    - courtship
    - courthouse
    - court-martial
    - courtyard

    English-Finnish dictionary > court

  • 14 domino

    • domino
    * * *
    plural - dominoes; noun
    (an oblong piece of wood etc marked with spots with which the game of dominoes is played.) dominolaatta, domino

    English-Finnish dictionary > domino

  • 15 dot

    • panna pilkku
    • täplä(näytöllä,paperilla)
    • täplittää
    • täplä
    • sirotella
    • merkitä pisteillä
    • tahra
    • laikku
    • piste
    • pisteittää
    • pilkku
    • pilkuttaa
    • läiskä
    • läikkä
    * * *
    (a small, round mark: She marked the paper with a dot.) pilkku, piste

    English-Finnish dictionary > dot

  • 16 epoch

    • jakso
    • tärkeä ajankohta
    • epookki
    • aikakausi
    • aikajakso
    • ajanjakso
    • aika
    • vaihe
    • kausi
    • merkittävä ajanjakso
    • käännekohta
    * * *
    'i:pok, ]( American) 'epək
    ((the start of) a particular period of history, development etc: The invention of printing marked an epoch in the history of education.) aikakausi

    English-Finnish dictionary > epoch

  • 17 era

    • jakso
    • epookki
    • aikajakso
    • ajanlasku
    • ajanjakso
    • aikaväli
    • aika
    • aikakausi
    • uuden alku
    • uuden jakson alku
    • vaihe
    • vaihekausi
    • kausi
    • periodi
    • maailmankausi
    • kronologia
    * * *
    1) (a number of years counting from an important point in history: the Victorian era.) aika, aikakausi
    2) (a period of time marked by an important event or events: an era of social reform.) aikakausi

    English-Finnish dictionary > era

  • 18 flecked

    • täpläinen
    • täplikäs
    • kirjava
    • läikikäs
    * * *
    adjective (marked with spots: a flecked pattern.) täplikäs

    English-Finnish dictionary > flecked

  • 19 graduation

    • asteitus
    • astejako
    • asteikko
    • valmistuminen
    • yliopistollisen oppiarvon suorittaminen
    • koulun päättäminen
    • loppututkinto
    * * *
    1) (the act or ceremony of graduating from a college, university etc: The graduation will be held in the large hall; ( also adjective) a graduation ceremony.) valmistuminen
    2) (a marked division: the graduations on a thermometer.) asteikko

    English-Finnish dictionary > graduation

  • 20 hack

    • runnella
    • työjuhta
    • hevoskaakki
    automatic data processing
    • avata hakkeroimalla
    • vuokrahevonen
    • kaakki
    • hakata
    • taksi
    • yskiä
    • leikata
    • köhiä
    • koni
    * * *
    hæk 1. verb
    1) (to cut or chop up roughly: The butcher hacked the beef into large pieces.) hakata palasiksi
    2) (to cut (a path etc) roughly: He hacked his way through the jungle; He hacked (out) a path through the jungle.) raivata
    2. noun
    1) (a rough cut made in something: He marked the tree by making a few hacks on the trunk.) viillos
    2) (a horse, or in the United States, a car, for hire.) vuokrahevonen, taksi
    - hacking
    - hacksaw

    English-Finnish dictionary > hack

См. также в других словарях:

  • Marked Woman — theatrical poster Directed by Lloyd Bacon Michael Curtiz (uncredited) …   Wikipedia

  • Marked (novel) — Marked   The First edition cover of Marked …   Wikipedia

  • Marked Tree (Arkansas) — Marked Tree Ciudad de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Marked for Death — Theatrical release poster Directed by Dwight H. Little Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • marked for identification — Documents or objects presented during a trial before testimony confirms their authenticity or relevancy. Each item is given an exhibit identification letter or number, and can then be physically marked and referred to by that letter or number.… …   Law dictionary

  • Marked Men (1919 film) — Marked Men Theatrical poster to Marked Men (1919) Directed by John Ford Produce …   Wikipedia

  • Marked — (m[aum]rkt), a. Designated or distinguished by, or as by, a mark; hence; noticeable; conspicuous; as, a marked card; a marked coin; a marked instance. {Mark ed*ly}, adv. J. S. Mill. [1913 Webster] {A marked man}, a man who is noted by a community …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Marked Tree, Arkansas —   City   Flag …   Wikipedia

  • marked — UK US /mɑːkt/ adjective ► very obvious: more/less marked »In the US, the fall has been even more marked, from 10.1 per cent in September to 6.6 per cent. a marked slowdown/increase/change »There has been a marked slowdown in revenue growth. ►… …   Financial and business terms

  • marked — [ markt ] adjective ** clear and noticeable: a marked difference/change/improvement/increase in someone/something: I noticed a marked difference in Sam s behavior. in marked contrast (=in a completely different way): It s warm and sunny now, in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Marked Men — can refer to: Marked Men (1919 film), a 1919 Western film directed by John Ford Marked Men (1940 film), a 1940 crime film The Marked Men, a band The Marked Men (album), an album by the above band This disambiguation page lists articles associated …   Wikipedia

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