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  • 1 Z30

    рус Наблюдение за применением противозачаточных средств
    eng Contraceptive management

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30

  • 2 Z30.0

    рус Общие советы и консультации по контрацепции
    eng General counselling and advice on contraception. Family planning advice NOS. Initial prescription of contraceptives

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.0

  • 3 Z30.1

    рус Введение (внутриматочного) противозачаточного средства
    eng Insertion of (intrauterine) contraceptive device

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.1

  • 4 Z30.2

    рус Стерилизация
    eng Sterilization. Admission for interruption of fallopian tubes or vasa deferentia

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.2

  • 5 Z30.3

    рус Вызывание менструаций
    eng Menstrual extraction. Interception of pregnancy. Menstrual regulation

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.3

  • 6 Z30.4

    рус Наблюдение за применением противозачаточных лекарственных средств
    eng Surveillance of contraceptive drugs. Repeat prescription for contraceptive pill or other contraceptive drugs. Routine examination for contraceptive maintenance

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.4

  • 7 Z30.5

    рус Наблюдение за применением (внутриматочного) противозачаточного средства
    eng Surveillance of (intrauterine) contraceptive device. Checking, reinsertion or removal of (intrauterine) contraceptive device

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.5

  • 8 Z30.8

    рус Другой вид наблюдения за применением контрацепции
    eng Other contraceptive management. Postvasectomy sperm count

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.8

  • 9 Z30.9

    рус Наблюдение за применением контрацепции неуточненное
    eng Contraceptive management, unspecified

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z30.9

  • 10 -Z30

    что у меня, монетный двор? (в ответ на просьбу дать денег).

    Frasario italiano-russo > -Z30

  • 11 Z01.4

    рус Гинекологическое обследование (общее) (рутинное)
    eng Gynaecological examination (general)(routine). Papanicolaou smear of cervix. Pelvic examination (annual)(periodic). (Excludes: ) pregnancy examination or test ( Z32.-), routine examination for contraceptive maintenance ( Z30.4-Z30.5)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z01.4

  • 12 Z09

    рус Последующее обследование после лечения состояний, не относящихся к злокачественным новообразованиям
    eng Follow-up examination after treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasms. (Includes: ) medical surveillance following treatment. (Excludes: ) follow-up medical care and convalescence ( Z42-Z51, Z54.-), medical surveillance following treatment for malignant neoplasms ( Z08.-), surveillance of: contraception ( Z30.4-Z30.5), prosthetic and other medical devices ( Z44-Z46)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z09

  • 13 Z97.5

    рус Наличие (внутриматочного) контрацептивного средства
    eng Presence of (intrauterine) contraceptive device. (Excludes: ) checking, reinsertion or removal of contraceptive device ( Z30.5), insertion of contraceptive device ( Z30.1)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z97.5


    A.\AHHUAYOHUA ahhuayôhua > ahhuayôhua-.
    *\AHHUAYOHUA v.inanimé, produire des épines (en parlant d'une plante).
    Angl., it form thorns, it produces thorns ; it forms thorns. R.Joe Campbell 1997 (ahuayohua).
    " ahhuayôhua ", elle produit des épines - it produces thorns.
    Décrit la fleur nopalxôchitl. Sah11,213. Mais peut-être faut-il lire ahhuayôhuah.
    " xôchyôhuani, moxôchyôtiâni, cuepônini, ahhuayôhua, moxôchyôtia, cuepôni ", elle a beaucoup de fleurs, elle fleurit, elle s'épanouit, elle produit des épines, elle fleurit, elle s'épanouit - a flowerer, a bloomer, a blossomerer. It produces thorns; it blooms, it blossoms.
    Décrit la plante necuametl. Sah11,218.
    B.\AHHUAYOHUA ahhuayohua > ahhuayohua-.
    *\AHHUAYOHUA v.i., avoir une démangeaison.
    Angl., to have an itch (K).
    Esp. tiene comezon (Z30, 140).
    F.Karttunen tient la 3ème voyelle pour brève.
    Form: sur ahhua-tl.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > AHHUAYOHUA


    Angl., itch (K)
    Esp., comezon, picazon (Z30,140).
    F.Karttunen tient la 3ème voyelle pour brève.
    Form: nom d'action sur ahhuayohua.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > AHHUAYOHUALIZTLI


    Angl., mattress (K).
    Esp., colchon (Z30,146).
    Form: sur petlatl, morph.incorp. coch-.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > COCHPETLATL


    cuauhpampiloa > cuauhpampiloh.
    *\CUAUHPAMPILOA v.t. tla-., pendre, suspendre quelque chose dans un arbre.
    Esp., cuelga en un arbol (Z30 et 187).
    Angl., to hang something in a tree (K).
    Form: sur piloa, morph.incorp. cuahu-(i)-tl.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > CUAUHPAMPILOA


    huêhuentôn, diminutif de huêhueh.
    1.\HUEHUENTON petit vieux.
    Esp., vejezuelo (M).
    Angl., little old man (K s huêhuentôn).
    little old man. R.Andrews Introd 438.
    the little old man. Sah3,18.
    pluralisé, " huêhuentotôn ", de petits vieux. Dans une liste de vieillards méprisables. Sah4,131.
    2.\HUEHUENTON personnage comique dans une danse traditionnelle dite 'danse des vieillards'.
    Esp., comico, payaso (Z30, 95 et 154).
    Angl., character in a comical traditional 'old men's dance' (K s huêhuêntôn).

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > HUEHUENTON

  • 19 Z31.4

    рус Исследования и пробы по восстановлению детородной функции
    eng Procreative investigation and testing. Fallopian insufflation. Sperm count. (Excludes: ) postvasectomy sperm count ( Z30.8)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z31.4

  • 20 Z70

    рус Консультации, касающиеся сексуальных отношений, поведения и ориентации
    eng Counselling related to sexual attitude, behaviour and orientation. (Excludes: ) contraceptive or procreative counselling ( Z30-Z31)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > Z70

См. также в других словарях:

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