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См. также в других словарях:

  • Sinologist — Si*nol o*gist, n. A student of China and the Chinese; one versed in the Chinese language, literature, history, politics and culture. Same as {sinologue}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sinologist — [sī′nə lôg΄, sin′əlôg΄sī näl′ə jist, sinäl′ə jist] n. a specialist in Sinology: also Sinologue [sī′nə lôg΄, sin′əlôg΄] …   English World dictionary

  • sinologist — sinology ► NOUN ▪ the study of Chinese language, history, and culture. DERIVATIVES sinologist noun …   English terms dictionary

  • sinologist — noun see sinology …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Sinologist — /suy nol euh jist, si /, n. a person who specializes in Sinology. Also, Sinologue /suyn l awg , og , sin /. [1830 40; Sinologue (see SINO , LOGUE) + IST] * * * …   Universalium

  • sinologist — noun A student, or expert in Sinology …   Wiktionary

  • Sinologist — n. expert on China and Chinese culture …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sinologist — si·nol·o·gist …   English syllables

  • Sinologist — Si•nol•o•gist [[t]saɪˈnɒl ə dʒɪst, sɪ [/t]] also Si•no•logue [[t]ˈsaɪn lˌɔg, ˌɒg, ˈsɪn [/t]] n. a specialist in Sinology • Etymology: 1830–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • Sinologist — /saɪˈnɒlədʒəst/ (say suy noluhjuhst), /sə / (say suh ) noun someone who studies or is knowledgeable about Sinology. Also, Sinologue /ˈsaɪnəlɒg/ (say suynuhlog), /ˈsɪnə / (say sinuh ) …  

  • Sinologist — noun a student of Chinese history and language and culture • Derivationally related forms: ↑Sinology • Hypernyms: ↑scholar, ↑scholarly person, ↑bookman, ↑student …   Useful english dictionary

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