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См. также в других словарях:

  • Serbo-Croat — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)boʊ kro͟ʊæt[/t]] N UNCOUNT Serbo Croat is one of the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia …   English dictionary

  • Serbo-Croat — 1. noun Serbo Croatian 2. adjective Serbo Croatian …   Wiktionary

  • serbo croat — n. Slavic language of the Serbs and Croats, serbo croatian …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Serbo-Croat — [ˌsə:bəʊ krəʊat] (also Serbo Croatian krəʊ eɪʃ(ə)n) noun the Southern Slavic language spoken in Serbia, Croatia, and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia …   English new terms dictionary

  • Serbo-Croat — n. & adj. (also Serbo Croatian) n. the main official language of Yugoslavia, combining Serbian and Croatian dialects. adj. of or relating to this language …   Useful english dictionary

  • Serbo-Croatian grammar — Serbo Croatian is a South Slavic language with moderately complex verbal and nominal systems. This article deals exclusively with the Neo Shtokavian dialect, the basis for the official standard of Yugoslavia and its present day forms of Bosnian,… …   Wikipedia

  • Serbo-Croatian phonology — Serbo Croatian is a South Slavic language with four very similar national standards. This article deals exclusively with the Eastern Herzegovinian Neo Shtokavian dialect, the basis for the official standard of Yugoslavia and its present day forms …   Wikipedia

  • serbo croatian — serbo croat, Slavic language of the Serbs and Croats …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Serbo-Croatian — srpskohrvatski, hrvatskosrpski српскохрватски, хрватскосрпски Spoken in …   Wikipedia

  • Serbo-Croatian language — Infobox Language name=Serbo Croatian nativename=Српскохрватски језик Srpskohrvatski jezik states=Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro (under different names) region= Southeastern Europe or the Balkans speakers= approx. 21 million… …   Wikipedia

  • Serbo-kroatisch — Serbokroatisch (srpskohrvatski jezik) Gesprochen in Serbien, Montenegro, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, andere Nachfolgestaaten des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens Sprecher Es gibt keine Zahlen darüber, wie viele sich tatsächlich als Sprecher des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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