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Scripture text/ru

См. также в других словарях:

  • Scripture — • Sacred Scripture is one of the several names denoting the inspired writings which make up the Old and New Testament Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Scripture     Scripture    …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Scripture for Humane Kings — or Sutra for Humane KingsChinese title: Renwang jing . The Scripture for Humane Kings is one of the more influential of the East Asian Buddhist apocryphal scriptures mdash;texts that although purported by their unknown authors to be translations… …   Wikipedia

  • Scripture — Scrip ture (?; 135), n. [L. scriptura, fr. scribere, scriptum, to write: cf. OF. escripture, escriture, F. [ e]criture. See {Scribe}.] 1. Anything written; a writing; a document; an inscription. [1913 Webster] I have put it in scripture and in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Text — (t[e^]kst), n. [F. texte, L. textus, texture, structure, context, fr. texere, textum, to weave, construct, compose; cf. Gr. te ktwn carpenter, Skr. taksh to cut, carve, make. Cf. {Context}, {Mantle}, n., {Pretext}, {Tissue}, {Toil} a snare.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Text blindness — Text Text (t[e^]kst), n. [F. texte, L. textus, texture, structure, context, fr. texere, textum, to weave, construct, compose; cf. Gr. te ktwn carpenter, Skr. taksh to cut, carve, make. Cf. {Context}, {Mantle}, n., {Pretext}, {Tissue}, {Toil} a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Text letter — Text Text (t[e^]kst), n. [F. texte, L. textus, texture, structure, context, fr. texere, textum, to weave, construct, compose; cf. Gr. te ktwn carpenter, Skr. taksh to cut, carve, make. Cf. {Context}, {Mantle}, n., {Pretext}, {Tissue}, {Toil} a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Text pen — Text Text (t[e^]kst), n. [F. texte, L. textus, texture, structure, context, fr. texere, textum, to weave, construct, compose; cf. Gr. te ktwn carpenter, Skr. taksh to cut, carve, make. Cf. {Context}, {Mantle}, n., {Pretext}, {Tissue}, {Toil} a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • text´less — text «tehkst», noun. 1. the main body of reading matter in a book, as distinct from the notes, supplements, and indices: »This history book contains 300 pages of text and about 50 pages of maps, pictures, notes, explanations, and questions for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scripture (disambiguation) — Scripture or scripture can mean: *Religious texts *A British word for religious education in schools *A solo project music album by French Canadian composer Jean Pierre Isaac …   Wikipedia

  • Scripture Union — Infobox Non profit Non profit name = Scripture Union Non profit Non profit type = Charitable founded date = 1867 founder = Josiah Spiers location = Melbourne origins = UK key people = area served = Global Over 130 countries product =Bible reading …   Wikipedia

  • text — textless, adj. /tekst/, n. 1. the main body of matter in a manuscript, book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished from notes, appendixes, headings, illustrations, etc. 2. the original words of an author or speaker, as opposed to a translation,… …   Universalium

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