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См. также в других словарях:

  • Rabal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rabal Bandera …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rabal — ist der der Familienname folgender Personen: Francisco Rabal (1926–2001), spanischer Schauspieler Teresa Rabal (* 1952), spanische Sängerin Rabal heißt der Ort Rabal (Bragança) in Portigal Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rabal — may refer to:* Rabal (Portugal), a Portuguese parish in the district of Bragança * Dr. Rabal, a fictitious character in the Star Trek series …   Wikipedia

  • rabal — (Del ár. clás. rabaḍ). m. Barrio exterior o extremo de una ciudad, arrabal …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Rabal — ► sustantivo masculino Arrabal, barrio periférico de una ciudad. * * * rabal (del ár. and. «arrabáḍ») m. Arrabal. * * * rabal. (Del ár. clás. rabaḍ). m. Barrio exterior o extremo de una ciudad, arrabal. * * * Rabal, Francisco …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • rabal — {{#}}{{LM R45309}}{{〓}} {{[}}rabal{{]}} ‹ra·bal› {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} → {{↑}}arrabal{{↓}} …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • Rabal (Portugal) — Rabal is a Portuguese parish in the district of Bragança. The population in 2001 is 196, its density is 9.4/km² and the area is 20.94 km² …   Wikipedia

  • Rabal, Francisco — (1926 2001)    Like so many actors of his generation, Francisco Rabal had to become a star in a series of popular films before he could follow a more personal career in international film, one that grew in depth and versatility during the post… …   Guide to cinema

  • Rabal, Francisco — (1926 2001)    Like so many actors of his generation, Francisco Rabal had to become a star in a series of popular films before he could follow a more personal career in international film, one that grew in depth and versatility during the post… …   Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema

  • Rabal, Francisco Paco — (Francisco Rabal Valera) (1926 2001)    one of the outstanding Spanish actors of the last 50 years, Rabal made his screen debut in small parts in the 1940s, but by the 1950s was a leading man who worked not only in Spain, but also in Italy,… …   Biographical Dictionary of Mexican Film Performers

  • Rabal Valera, Francisco — ▪ 2002 “Paco”        Spanish actor (b. March 8, 1925, Aguilas, Spain d. Aug. 29, 2001, Bordeaux, France), during his nearly 60 year stage and screen career, evolved from a handsome leading man into an impressive character actor, notably in films… …   Universalium

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