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См. также в других словарях:

  • Majesty — Majesty  см. Величество. Компьютерные игры Серия компьютерной игры Majesty стратегия непрямого действия в реальном времени: Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, разработанная Cyberlore Studios. Majesty: The Northern Expansion  дополнение к …   Википедия

  • Majesty — (engl. für Majestät) bezeichnet: eine deutsche Metal Band, siehe Majesty (Band), die zwischen 2008 und 2011 als MetalForce bekannt war den Gründungsnamen der US amerikanischen Band Dream Theater den Gründungsnamen der US amerikanischen Band… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Majesty — Maj es*ty, n.; pl. {Majesties}. [OE. magestee, F. majest[ e], L. majestas, fr. an old compar. of magnus great. See {Major}, {Master}.] The dignity and authority of sovereign power; quality or state which inspires awe or reverence; grandeur;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • majesty — ► NOUN (pl. majesties) 1) impressive dignity or beauty. 2) royal power. 3) (His, Your, etc. Majesty) a title given to a sovereign or a sovereign s wife or widow. ORIGIN Latin majestas, from major major …   English terms dictionary

  • majesty — [maj′is tē] n. pl. majesties [ME maiesty < OFr majesté < L majestas < base of major, compar. of magnus, great: see MAGNI ] 1. a) the dignity or power of a sovereign b) sovereign power [the majesty of the law] 2. [M ] a title used in… …   English World dictionary

  • majesty — index eminence, prestige Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • majesty — (n.) c.1300, greatness, glory, from O.Fr. majeste grandeur, nobility (12c.), from L. maiestatem (nom. maiestas) greatness, dignity, elevation, honor, excellence, from stem of maior (neut. maius), comp. of magnus great (see MAGNATE (Cf. magnate)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Majesty — For other uses, see Majesty (disambiguation). Majesty is an English word derived ultimately from the Latin maiestas, meaning greatness . Contents 1 Origin 2 Style of a head of state 2.1 In the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • majesty — [[t]mæ̱ʤɪsti[/t]] majesties 1) N VOC: poss N; PRON: poss PRON (politeness) You use majesty in expressions such as Your Majesty or Her Majesty when you are addressing or referring to a King or Queen. I quite agree, Your Majesty... His Majesty… …   English dictionary

  • majesty — /maj euh stee/, n., pl. majesties. 1. regal, lofty, or stately dignity; imposing character; grandeur: majesty of bearing; the majesty of Chartres. 2. supreme greatness or authority; sovereignty: All paid tribute to the majesty of Rome. 3.… …   Universalium

  • majesty — ma|jes|ty [ˈmædʒısti] n plural majesties [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: majesté, from Latin majestas] 1.) Your/Her/His Majesty used when talking to or about a king or queen →↑Your/Her/His Highness ▪ The Prime Minister is here to see you …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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