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  • Frieze — Frieze, n. [F. frise, perh. originally a woolen cloth or stuff from Friesland (F. Frise); cf. LL. frisii panni and frissatus pannus, a shaggy woolen cloth, F. friser to friz, curl. Cf. {Friz}.] A kind of coarse woolen cloth or stuff with a shaggy …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frise Du Parthénon — Monuments de l acropole d Athènes 1 Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Procession de jeunes filles, plaque VIII (fig. 57 61) de la frise Sud du Parthénon, British Museum …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Frise du Parthenon — Frise du Parthénon Monuments de l acropole d Athènes 1 Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Procession de jeunes filles, plaque VIII (fig. 57 61) de la frise Sud du Parthénon, British Museum …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Frise du parthénon — Monuments de l acropole d Athènes 1 Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO Procession de jeunes filles, plaque VIII (fig. 57 61) de la frise Sud du Parthénon, British Museum …   Wikipédia en Français

  • frieze — frieze1 [frēz] n. [Fr frise < ML frisium < ? Frank * frisi, a curl, akin to OE fris, crisped, curled; ? confused in folk etym. by assoc. with ML frigium < L Phrygium, Phrygian: Phrygia was noted for embroidery in gold] 1. a decoration or …   English World dictionary

  • frieze — [fri:z] n [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: frise, perhaps from Latin Phrygia, ancient country in Asia whose people were famous for their skill in making things] a decoration that goes along the top of the walls of a room or a building …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • frieze — sculptured horizontal band in architecture, 1560s, from M.Fr. frise, originally a ruff, from M.L. frisium embroidered border, variant of frigium, probably from L. Phrygium Phrygian, Phrygian work, from Phrygia, the ancient country in Asia Minor… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Frieze-Teppich — Muster eines Frieze Teppichs Frieze Teppich ist eine Teppichart, die aus stark gekräuselten Garnen hergestellt ist. Häufig findet man auch die englischen Bezeichnung California cable oder Short shag für diese Art von Teppich. Der Frieze Teppich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frieze (textile) — In the history of textiles, frieze (French: frisé ) is a Middle English term for a coarse woollen, plain weave cloth with a nap on one side. The nap was raised by scrubbing it to raise curls of fibre, [ [http://www.british… …   Wikipedia

  • frieze — frieze1 /freez/, n. 1. Archit. a. the part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief. See diag. under column. b. any decorative band on an outside wall, broader than a… …   Universalium

  • frieze — I. noun Etymology: Middle English frise, from Anglo French, from Middle Dutch vriese Date: 15th century 1. a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface 2. a pile surface of uncut loops or of patterned cut and uncut loops II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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