1 East Timor
Восточный Тимор (вост. часть о. Тимор, Малые Зондские о-ва. С 2002 г. территория независима от Индонезии. Полное название Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, краткое: East Timor)* * *прежн. Portuguese Timor, Timor Timur -
2 East Timor
География: Восточный Тимор (вост. часть о. Тимор, Малые Зондские о-ва. С 2002 г. территория независима от Индонезии. Полное название Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, краткое: East Timor) -
3 East Timor
общ. Восточный Тимор (республика (до 1999 г. находился под контролем Индонезии, с 2002 г. полностью независим); столица — Дили; государственные языки тетум и португальский; национальная валюта — доллар США)Syn:See: -
4 East Timor
[ˌiːst'tiːmɔː]сущ.; геогр.; = Timor 2) -
5 East Timor
( Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) Демократи́ческая Респу́блика Восто́чный Тимо́р (Тимо́р-Ле́шти) -
6 East Timor
Восточный ТиморАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > East Timor
7 East Timor
8 East Timor
9 The United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > The United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor
10 United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
11 the East Timor
География: Восточный Тимор -
12 the East Timor
Восточный Тимор (польз.) -
13 Timor
['tiːmɔː]сущ.; геогр.1) Тимор (остров в Индийском океане, Малайский архипелаг)2) ( East Timor) (Восточный) Тимор ( государство) -
14 Timor-Leste
общ. = East Timor -
15 Timor Timur
см. East Timor -
16 Timor Leste
см East Timor -
17 the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
геогр.; буквенный код TLS; = Democratic Republic of East Timor Народно-Демократическая Республика Тимор-Лесте / Восточный Тимор (островное государство; столица - Дили)Syn:Англо-русский современный словарь > the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
18 Portuguese Timor
см. East Timor -
19 TP
1) Общая лексика: inspection test plan, like TCP)2) Компьютерная техника: Thermal Printer, Touch Panel, Transactional Process, Turbo Pascal, Turing Processor3) Биология: testosteron propionate4) Медицина: Trusted Pharmacist, общий белок (total protein), тестостерона пропионат5) Американизм: Termination Power, Trade Policy, Twin Priorities6) Ботаника: Tender Perennial, Thermo Plankton7) Спорт: Technique Points, Teen Players, Tell Position, Tournament Pack, Tournament Play, Troll Persistantly, Trout Production, True Players8) Военный термин: Tactical Points, Telephone, Temporary Pass, Tentative Preference, Toilet Paper, Total Package, Total Penetration, Transition Plan, Turn Port, tank-piercing, target package, target point, target practice, technical pamphlet, technical paper, technical performance, technical problem, technical proposal, technical publication, technology parameter, telemetry processor, terminal point, test panel, test pilot, test plan, test procedure, time and percussion, top priority, tracking program, training period, training pipeline, training projectile, transfer point, transition period, transport pack, transport pilot, transportation priority, troop program, true position, turning point9) Техника: Textile Paper, Thermal Pajamas, Thread Pool, tape, tape puncher, telephone pickup, teleprinter, teleprocessing, temporary procedure, test port, test position, testosterone propionate, timing point, total pressure, transfer on positive, triple pole switch, tube plug, tube pressure, tuned plate, переходной патрубок, transition piece10) Сельское хозяйство: total porosity12) Химия: Transition Point, Triple Point13) Математика: Transforming Principle, True Positive, Tuple Production, полная положительность (total positivity), транспортная задача (transportation problem)14) Религия: Total Praise, Total Prayer15) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company16) Юридический термин: The Pedophile, Theft Protection, Traffic Police, True Parents17) Автомобильный термин: throttle position, Theft Protection Защита от угона18) Биржевой термин: Target Price, Trade Pending, Trade Police19) Ветеринария: Top Parrot20) Грубое выражение: Tits And P, Trading Partners21) Политика: Sao Tome and Principe22) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Pole, Transaction Program, Typical Provider, Transport Protocol (ISO)23) Сокращение: East Timor, Tactical Plot, Timor Portuguese, Traffic Post, Training Practice, tie plate, top, torpedo part of beam, transportation problem, true profile, Transport Protocol (ISO/CCITT Transport Services (TP0-TP4); like TCP), total protein, Technical Project24) Университет: Teaching Practice, Technology Prodigies25) Физика: Time Polygon, Toroidal Poloidal, Transmission Projection26) Физиология: Triple Penetration27) Электроника: Timing Pulse, Top Plate, Tuning Pulser28) Вычислительная техника: Transport Protocol, terminal processor, test program, Turbo Pascal (Borland), Transport Protocol (ISO/CCITT Transport Services (TP0-TP4), Twisted Pair (cable, LAN)29) Нефть: tool pusher, triple pole, буровой мастер (tool pusher), техническая статья (technical paper), давление в насосно-компрессорных трубах (tubing pressure), Tubing Puncher30) Связь: terminal portability31) Транспорт: Telecommunications Processor, Tire Pressure, Total Particulate Matter, Tour Preferred, Tour Proven, Traffic Programme, Trailer Point, Travel Permit32) Пищевая промышленность: Toss Pot, Tough Pigs33) Фирменный знак: Towne Pharmacy, Trading Post34) Экология: Timber Preserved, Tropical Park35) СМИ: Tattler Plus, The Poet, Tiny Plot, Trade Paperback, Translation Process, Two Part36) Деловая лексика: Technology Preview, Tee Productions, Typical Price37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Third Parties38) Образование: Teacher Pronounced, Tried And Proven39) Сетевые технологии: Team Portal, Termination Point, Transaction Processor, Transfer Protocol, Transit Portal, transaction processing, twisted pair, витая пара, обработка транзакций, транспортный протокол40) Полимеры: test pressure, thermoplastic, tubing pressure41) Ядерная физика: Terphenyl42) Контроль качества: test point43) Пластмассы: Tube Plastic44) Сахалин Р: Technical Passport, Technical Permit, Topping Plant45) Химическое оружие: technical provision46) Безопасность: Tamper Proof47) Расширение файла: Turbo Pascal Configuration file, Turbo Profiler Session-state file, Turbo Pascal cfg file (Borland Pascal)48) Энергосистемы: transmission provider, компания-провайдер электропередачи49) Нефть и газ: technical design, trunk pipeline, МН, магистральный нефтепровод50) МИД: theoretical performance (of a single "CE")51) Электротехника: timing pulses, tin plate52) Фантастика Tiger Princess, Tongan Princess53) Имена и фамилии: Thomas Paine, Tom Petty54) Должность: Teaching Professional, The Pretender, Tidy And Punctual, Transpersonal Psychology55) Чат: Tested Positive, Top Posting56) Правительство: Terrace Park57) НАСА: Tracker Processor58) Программное обеспечение: Third Party59) Хобби: Tin Penny60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Tampa Field Office61) Международная торговля: Trading Partner -
20 Tp
1) Общая лексика: inspection test plan, like TCP)2) Компьютерная техника: Thermal Printer, Touch Panel, Transactional Process, Turbo Pascal, Turing Processor3) Биология: testosteron propionate4) Медицина: Trusted Pharmacist, общий белок (total protein), тестостерона пропионат5) Американизм: Termination Power, Trade Policy, Twin Priorities6) Ботаника: Tender Perennial, Thermo Plankton7) Спорт: Technique Points, Teen Players, Tell Position, Tournament Pack, Tournament Play, Troll Persistantly, Trout Production, True Players8) Военный термин: Tactical Points, Telephone, Temporary Pass, Tentative Preference, Toilet Paper, Total Package, Total Penetration, Transition Plan, Turn Port, tank-piercing, target package, target point, target practice, technical pamphlet, technical paper, technical performance, technical problem, technical proposal, technical publication, technology parameter, telemetry processor, terminal point, test panel, test pilot, test plan, test procedure, time and percussion, top priority, tracking program, training period, training pipeline, training projectile, transfer point, transition period, transport pack, transport pilot, transportation priority, troop program, true position, turning point9) Техника: Textile Paper, Thermal Pajamas, Thread Pool, tape, tape puncher, telephone pickup, teleprinter, teleprocessing, temporary procedure, test port, test position, testosterone propionate, timing point, total pressure, transfer on positive, triple pole switch, tube plug, tube pressure, tuned plate, переходной патрубок, transition piece10) Сельское хозяйство: total porosity12) Химия: Transition Point, Triple Point13) Математика: Transforming Principle, True Positive, Tuple Production, полная положительность (total positivity), транспортная задача (transportation problem)14) Религия: Total Praise, Total Prayer15) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company16) Юридический термин: The Pedophile, Theft Protection, Traffic Police, True Parents17) Автомобильный термин: throttle position, Theft Protection Защита от угона18) Биржевой термин: Target Price, Trade Pending, Trade Police19) Ветеринария: Top Parrot20) Грубое выражение: Tits And P, Trading Partners21) Политика: Sao Tome and Principe22) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Pole, Transaction Program, Typical Provider, Transport Protocol (ISO)23) Сокращение: East Timor, Tactical Plot, Timor Portuguese, Traffic Post, Training Practice, tie plate, top, torpedo part of beam, transportation problem, true profile, Transport Protocol (ISO/CCITT Transport Services (TP0-TP4); like TCP), total protein, Technical Project24) Университет: Teaching Practice, Technology Prodigies25) Физика: Time Polygon, Toroidal Poloidal, Transmission Projection26) Физиология: Triple Penetration27) Электроника: Timing Pulse, Top Plate, Tuning Pulser28) Вычислительная техника: Transport Protocol, terminal processor, test program, Turbo Pascal (Borland), Transport Protocol (ISO/CCITT Transport Services (TP0-TP4), Twisted Pair (cable, LAN)29) Нефть: tool pusher, triple pole, буровой мастер (tool pusher), техническая статья (technical paper), давление в насосно-компрессорных трубах (tubing pressure), Tubing Puncher30) Связь: terminal portability31) Транспорт: Telecommunications Processor, Tire Pressure, Total Particulate Matter, Tour Preferred, Tour Proven, Traffic Programme, Trailer Point, Travel Permit32) Пищевая промышленность: Toss Pot, Tough Pigs33) Фирменный знак: Towne Pharmacy, Trading Post34) Экология: Timber Preserved, Tropical Park35) СМИ: Tattler Plus, The Poet, Tiny Plot, Trade Paperback, Translation Process, Two Part36) Деловая лексика: Technology Preview, Tee Productions, Typical Price37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Third Parties38) Образование: Teacher Pronounced, Tried And Proven39) Сетевые технологии: Team Portal, Termination Point, Transaction Processor, Transfer Protocol, Transit Portal, transaction processing, twisted pair, витая пара, обработка транзакций, транспортный протокол40) Полимеры: test pressure, thermoplastic, tubing pressure41) Ядерная физика: Terphenyl42) Контроль качества: test point43) Пластмассы: Tube Plastic44) Сахалин Р: Technical Passport, Technical Permit, Topping Plant45) Химическое оружие: technical provision46) Безопасность: Tamper Proof47) Расширение файла: Turbo Pascal Configuration file, Turbo Profiler Session-state file, Turbo Pascal cfg file (Borland Pascal)48) Энергосистемы: transmission provider, компания-провайдер электропередачи49) Нефть и газ: technical design, trunk pipeline, МН, магистральный нефтепровод50) МИД: theoretical performance (of a single "CE")51) Электротехника: timing pulses, tin plate52) Фантастика Tiger Princess, Tongan Princess53) Имена и фамилии: Thomas Paine, Tom Petty54) Должность: Teaching Professional, The Pretender, Tidy And Punctual, Transpersonal Psychology55) Чат: Tested Positive, Top Posting56) Правительство: Terrace Park57) НАСА: Tracker Processor58) Программное обеспечение: Third Party59) Хобби: Tin Penny60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Tampa Field Office61) Международная торговля: Trading Partner
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См. также в других словарях:
East Timor — country occupying the E half of the island of Timor, & nearby islands, including an enclave in West Timor: independent since 2002: 5,794 sq mi (15,007 sq km); pop. 953,000; cap. Dili * * * East Timor Introduction East Timor Background: The… … Universalium
East Timor — country occupying the E half of the island of Timor, & nearby islands, including an enclave in West Timor: independent since 2002: 5,794 sq mi (15,007 sq km); pop. 953,000; cap. Dili … English World dictionary
East Timor — a territory in the south east Indian Ocean, formerly a Portuguese colony, but claimed by Indonesia since 1975. In 1999 the East Timorese population voted to become independent. This led to violence between opposing groups, and the ↑united nations … Dictionary of contemporary English
East Timor — Democratic Republic of Timor Leste Repúblika Demokrátika Timór Leste[1] (Tetum) … Wikipedia
East Timor — Repúblika Demokrátika Timór Loro Sa e (Tetum) República Democrática de Timor Leste (port.) Demokratische Republik Timor Leste … Deutsch Wikipedia
East Timor — /ist ˈtimɔ/ (say eest teemaw) noun a republic comprising the eastern part of the island of Timor; formerly a Portuguese colony (by treaties of 1860 and 1914); declared independence in 1975 and was immediately invaded by Indonesia; annexed by… …
East Timor — noun a former Portuguese colony that was annexed by Indonesia in 1976; voted for independence from Indonesia in 1999 and in May 2002 became an independent nation • Instance Hypernyms: ↑country, ↑state, ↑land • Part Holonyms: ↑Southeast Asia,… … Useful english dictionary
East Timor Law Journal — seeks to promote the rule of law and democracy in Timor Leste by disseminating knowledge of the law of East Timor in English, providing a forum for the publication of legal opinions and critiques of law and legal policy in East Timor and… … Wikipedia
East Timor Women Australia — (ETWA) is a grassroots non government organisation established to support women in East Timor. East Timorese Tais A key focus of support is in assisting women s sustainable livelihoods in the handcrafts industry. ETWA partners with local… … Wikipedia
East Timor centavo coins — were introduced in East Timor in 2003 for use alongside US Dollar banknotes and coins, which had been introduced in 2000 to replace the Indonesian rupiah following the commencement of U.N. administration. One centavo is equal to one US cent. The… … Wikipedia
East Timor–United States relations — East Timor United States relations are bilateral relations between East Timor and the United States. Hans G. Klemm is the U.S. Ambassador to East Timor. History Timor Leste maintains an embassy in Washington, DC, as well as a Permanent Mission in … Wikipedia